I keep hearing the same thing over and over from friends and others: that test cyp caused them excessive water retention and "bacne" , and when they switched to the same dose on test e, no more of either. I have a hard time figuring out why a simple change of just the ester would make any difference since the testosterone, the active substance, is identical in both.

So, I did some research:
"Enanthate is suspended in sesame oil; cypionate is suspended in cottonseed oil. Enanthate has a 7-carbon ester chain while cypionate has an 8-carbon ester chain. The more carbons the ester group has, the more soluble in oil and the less soluble in water it becomes. As a result, cypionate has a slightly slower release and longer active life. Due to being one atom lighter, enanthate has more testosterone per mg. The difference is insignificant though, perhaps a few milligrams amount of steroid more."
"Testosterone is testosterone. They have the same ingredient Testosterone. The only difference is the esther which makes the testosterone short acting or long acting. If you keep your blood concentration levels the same by injecting the short acting more frequently and the long acting less frequently than theoretically the results should be the same.

What really makes the difference are the different brands that use different solvents and solvent concentrations. The chemical structure from enanthate is C7H12O2 from cypionate C8H12O2 only 1 carbon thus the effect is almost simular.

Now as the enanthate ester has one carbon atom less than cyp, therefore making it slightly faster to release.

Cypionate is more common in the US and Enanthate in Europe. Fact is that some bb-ers prefer cyp over enanth and strongly believe they become less bloat or injection pain, it maybe, or maybe not, be only imagination!!

Now If you look at the raw powders you'll notice a big difference. Enanthate smells strong, is more yellow and very hydrophobic. It almost melts at room temperature and turns bad very quick. And is very aggressive.

Chemically beauty is both estrifications don't crystallise between each other. Beside that the enanthate will melt with 0.9% BA and no BB or co-solvent and if mixed with Cypionate with 2% BA and 15% BB you can make (very) high concentrations. This difference between the estrifications is THE secret of high concentration Test.

Other interesting point is that Injection of Enanthate is more painful and harsher on the system than cyp."
"However, even with an AI water retention will occur in those who eat more carbohydrates than they need; this is mentioned simply because many blame testosterone on their water retention when bulking when the truth is they are simply overeating."
"Myth: Testosterone-Cypionate will cause serious bloat and should not be used when cutting/dieting.
Truth: All testosterone forms can cause water retention, even Testosterone-Propionate, known by many to be a little easier regarding water. Testosterone, regardless of the form you use can convert to estrogen through aromatase and lead to estrogenic related side-effects, one of which is water retention. However, if we use a good aromatase inhibitor we can greatly alleviate this problem, although your individual sensitivity will vary from person to person. Here’s the kicker, all testosterones can lead to water retention; however, testosterone is the best steroid we can ever use for any cycle. The problem is most guys will use Testosterone-Cypionate when “bulking” eat more carbohydrates than they have any business eating, bloat and blame it on the Testosterone-Cypionate. Then when it’s time to diet they’ll use Testosterone-Propionate, eat far less carbohydrates, not bloat and start labeling these two testosterones inappropriately. Yes, you can absolutely use Testosterone-Cypionate while dieting and end up ripped to the bone, in-fact, if your diet is on point we guarantee this will happen."

Has anyone experienced bloat on test cyp and then switched to test e?
Theoretically, taking more frequent small shots may help with this because it reduces the peak blood levels. But the pharmaco-dynamics and kinetics of the oil-based esters is a little different than most drugs.

Consider, smaller dosage shots also reduce the size of the oil "depot" which is a factor in the "time-release". The reason I quoted those terms, is they are important in understanding the time-release qualities of using esters suspended in oil. Too often when referring to these oil-based esters, the term "half-life" is misused. The half-life of testosterone in the blood is very short, but what determines the time-release is the rate at which the ester leaches from the oil. Theoretically also, the higher the concentration, the faster the release (more testosterone / less oil). Theoretically, the placement of the shot i.e. subcutaneous vs. I/M may also change the time release absorption characteristics.

I know for me, the "lump" from a subcutaneous shot, seems to disappear within a matter of hours. Which would make me think most of my testosterone is getting bound up. And why I am experiencing the roller coaster nonetheless. But no bloating compared to my history. Whatever I am getting from my current compounder seems to be acting differently than what I had from other sources. I need to invest in blood work to get a handle on this - however, imagine the investment required to see what a shot is doing in your body over time. What is needed, I believe is research showing and comparing the daily blood levels that result from a single subcutaneous shot vs. an I/M shot say over at least a weeks time. Of course its important first and foremost, that what is being injected is what is labeled. The degree of price competition and cutthroat business environment makes me wonder if always going to the lowest cost provider is the best idea. Unfortunately I know people who have switched from compounded "generics" back to big pharma testosterone esters and gotten better results. Makes one wonder.

But I don't think the ester makes much difference, compared to the concentration and size (in ml) of the shot. Perhaps, its possible some people could have sensitivities to solvents, too.

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