Im bringing back my dead thread just for an update.
For ME enanthate is definitely better as far as anxiety. Ive been running the same doses as cypiante and feeling pretty good. It got me to thinking am I leaving anything on the table so since I know the enanthate works ok ( no longer have crippling anxiety) I decided to try the cream.
OMG the cream is insane for libido! Does it wear off at some point? The cream makes me feel like the way I imagined trt would be 10 years ago. My energy is great, my sugar cravings are almost nothing, and my poor poor wife. It just seems to like an anti depressant. Is it the DHT? Feel like my body was starving for it or something.
Do the effects of the cream wear off? I really like the the once day application , I love the up and down I get from it. I never really get to low. I haven't had the enanthate in about 2 weeks so I know I have low dose in the system still. Should I try to inject a baby dose of enathate weekly and keep the cream daily? I really want to ride this wave as long as I can. When I do blood work what is the best time to test on the cream? How many hours after application? Anyway I just wanted to say if you're struggling, there is hope. I wish I would have switched compounds before.