Ressurrecting an older thread I started over a year ago.
Like my original post says I was on TRT for nearly 4 years and had all sorts of problems. The details are laid out in the previously posts and links.
I went off TRT in November 2019, so it has been almost 2 years.
My BP, HCT, HR all returned to normal, and my sleep improved significantly. I became normal again. What is interesting is that when I retested my Test levels they were quite a bit higher than the levels I had before going on TRT.
For reference, in Sept 2020 my Total T was 505 (250-1100 ng/dl) and my Free T was 91.9 (35.0-155.0 pg/mL)
I am now almost 58 years old. In The past 6 months I've noticed that my exercise recovery is taking longer, and I am more prone to injury from my workouts. If I take a week off from lifting and jump back in, I can no longer resume at close to the same regimen I was doing before I took the break. I am also more sluggish. On the sex front my libido is lower although I have no problems in the erection department.
Basically, I'm showing the normal signs of aging. But if I can do something to turn back the clock, I'd love to try it. You guys think it is worth giving TRT another shot given the issues I had before. My initial plan is to get bloodwork done in the next month to see where my levels stand and go from there.
Any thoughts?