You’re an idiot. Unless you’ve switched to enanthate, taken the same dose you’re on now, injecting SubQ, injecting at the same frequency, and then had labs done after 5-6 weeks to compare how your labs look vs your labs on your current cyp protocol, just keep your mouth shut on the matter. Your input in this thread isn’t needed, and neither is it on this forum. How the moderators haven’t booted you yet is beyond me.
Really.....because you have a hard time being corrected/called out by another member.
Trying to flip things around now are we?
You blatantly stated.....
"If so, it’s not advised to do subQ with enanthate. Only cypionate".....did you not?
Never heard of such have no clue what your talking about half the time on here.....babbling on about this that and the other.
Guess you must have missed the trials/studies on Xyosted!
Here let me post up some of my previous threads so you can take the time to look over the studies regarding testosterone enanthate injected strictly sub-q.
Get back to me on how many of the subjects achieved healthy T levels.....and again YES that is with testosterone enanthate.....uh and once weekly injections.
Safety of a New Subcutaneous Testosterone Enanthate Auto-Injector: Results of a 26-Week Study
In this phase III, 26-week study,
133 men 18-75 years of age with symptomatic TD self-administered SCTE-AI 75 mg once weekly for 6 weeks from July 2015 to June 2016. Dosing was adjusted when indicated to 50 mg or 100 mg to maintain T trough levels between 350 and 650 ng/dL (12.1-22.5 nmol/L). PK data were collected from a subgroup of patients receiving 75 mg SCTE-AI through week 12. Safety, including ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), lipid levels, and adverse drug reactions, and PK were assessed
Who knew and these are TROUGH levels using average doses of T enanthate injected ONCE weekly!
*T trough levels ranged from 300-650 ng/dL (10.4-22.5 nmol/L) in 82.4% and 83.2% of patients at weeks 12 and 26, respectively.
Xyosted Prefilled Autoinjector for Subcutaneous Testosterone Administration
"just keep your mouth shut on the matter. Your input in this thread isn’t needed, and neither is it on this forum. How the moderators haven’t booted you yet is beyond me"
@ real street talk.....str8 from the mouth of the man child.
Told you before bring your A game lil' man.
You want to get deep on here make sure you man up when you are confronted.
Getting sick of some of the misinformation you spew on here. Do your home work son.
Make sure you read through that pdf!