My advise is not to stop cold turkey, although doctors in our country dont prescribe ”pct” anymore as you know. I have stopped trt temporaly about 3-times ”cold turkey” and tapering off, everytime i felt so so bad, couldnt even function, very hard to even go up from bed. And one time i got pct from doctor clomid tapering over 3-months period, i didnt got any ”withrawal” symptoms. My advise is to use clomid atleast 6-8 weeks depends how long you have been on trt. Even ugl clomid is better than nothing.I've decided to try getting off completely.
Reasons are:
-Anxiety, chest pain and palpitations coming back while being on trt.
-I've noticed trt makes me emotionally unavailable
-I'm just sick of injecting myself.
-the fact that I found out my free testosterone was whopping 1125 (155–800) before I ever touched anabolics or trt. Goddamn I was stupid for messing with my hormones in the first place.
I just hope there hasn't been any permanent damage.