Anyone has experience taking Anavar with TRT?
I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm attaching my details blood results to the post.
I would like to add 25mg of Anavar/ day for 6 weeks or so to recover from a injury & gain strength. I know once I start Anavar my own test levels will shut so I may have to up my TRT dose while I run Anavar.
Also, it will be nice to have my test levels in the upper range of the normal so close to 29 nmol/ L so in both cases I need to up my test cyp dose. I am thinking to do 200 mg/ week of test cyp by injecting twice a week and then also adding Anavar at 25 mg/ day.
Another question is how long can I run Anavar for? And can I simply stop taking it at the end and just continue with my normal TRT regime?
I'd appreciate any help from anyone who's had experience with TRT and Anavar.
If you started trt 5 weeks ago then your hpta would be shut-down by now (2-6 weeks) as higher doses will result in quicker suppression.
When starting trt not only will you be experiencing shut-down of the hpta/endogenous testosterone -iTT (intra-testicular testosterone) but T levels will be increasing and in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) as you are injecting exogenous esterified T.
Blood work is done at 6 weeks and we test at the true trough to see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) has our TT/FT/e2 levels let alone other blood health markers such as RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.
If you are injecting 125 mg T once weekly then blood work should be done 7 days later just before your next weekly injection which would be the true trough (lowest point) in the week.
Testing at such time will let you know where TT/FT/e2 levels sit at the lowest point of your once-weekly injection protocol as we want to make sure that levels are not too low which would result in a lack of relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and also make sure that levels are not too high as this can result in side-effects/worsening of symptoms.
The goal of trt is to replace physiological levels of testosterone through the use of exogenous testosterone in order to achieve a healthy TT/FT level which will result in the relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time minimizing/avoiding any potential side-effects (cosmetic/overall health) while keeping blood markers healthy long-term.
Keep in mind that when injection once weekly using higher doses of T that your TT/FT levels will be much higher at peak (8-12 hrs) post-injection/during the first few days only to be followed by lower and in some cases much lower come weeks end (true trough).
Let alone estradiol will be much higher (peak--->trough).
This can have a negative impact on one's energy/mood/libido/erectile function/recovery.
Although some men do well/prefer once-weekly injections many may do much better injecting more frequently as in twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD, or daily and one's SHBG level will play a role.
More frequent injections using lower doses of T will not only clip the peak--->trough but result in more stable blood levels throughout the week.
How many days after your injection was blood work done?
Even then it would be hard to believe that you are only hitting a TT 340.3 ng/dL (11.3 nmol/L) on 125 mg/week of T.
Top it off that your LH/FSH is still in range when you should be shut-down.
No need to test LH/FSH unless it is pre-trt blood work.
Are you using doctor prescribed T (big pharma/compounded) or treating yourself using UGL?
As these labs would look to be pre-trt labs or you are injecting bunk UGL testosterone seeing as your TT/FT levels are low and LH/FSH is not shut-down
Regarding your labs do understand that although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.
Although your TT is very low which would result in a sub-par FT level we have no idea where it truly sits as you did not have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best).
Most make the mistake of testing FT using inaccurate assays (direct immunoassays) or flawed calculated methods which can under/overestimated.
Your FT was done using the calculated method let alone FAI (free androgen index) was used which has no value!
Either way, your TT is low which would mean your FT is sub-par.
Forget jumping on the oxandrolone let alone increasing your weekly T dose as of now until you figure out what is going on let alone see how your body reacts to your T-only protocol!
Going from 125 mg T--->200 mg T/week is an absurd increase in dose let alone we have no idea what is truly going on in your situation yet.