Anavar (Oxandrolone)

So with 1iu am and 1iu pm ur carpal tunnel issues went completely away? Do I use anything to boost igf-1 currently?
Yes, the symptoms went away. I think also the body with time adjust to a dose. Most are getting away from the high doses and going to the same dose spread out over the day. No, I have gotten away from most everthing except testosterone. I have not tested my GH or IGF-1 levels. I would probably cry if I knew that they were.
You can't even bother to click a link. Lazy.

Not surprised as your first posts come off whiny. You don't want to put in any work.

No one brought up SARMs. You have been tipped twice on a clinic now and a pharmacy. Hint: see the link. You even got a detailed breakdown of pricing. Hint: see the link.

Here let me share it again:

There is also this cool feature called search. Check it out.
You didn't have to be mean but I did click on your link and it didn't work. You could have been more adult about it and just asked if I checked out the link instead of just accusing me of being lazy. But that's also my fault, I should have said to you that it didn't work. So with that being said the second time you posted it it did work, it was good information so thank you, I appreciate it.
Not surprised as your first posts come off whiny. You don't want to put in any work.
Sorry but this a very rude and ignorant comment. People that make comments like that to other people clearly never been through a very serious medical condition and have no clue what some people are going through. Most of my summer was gone and wasted because I spent 27 days in the hospital and could have died! I was just looking for a little advice about getting some extra help for my condition.
You didn't have to be mean but I did click on your link and it didn't work. You could have been more adult about it and just asked if I checked out the link instead of just accusing me of being lazy. But that's also my fault, I should have said to you that it didn't work. So with that being said the second time you posted it it did work, it was good information so thank you, I appreciate it.
Each instance of the link works. Glad it was useful.
I wanted to pass this post on from Professional Muscle, it is from SWALE. Most of that have been around know Dr. Crisler posted under that name. This posting is dated 2010. This guy was a master and loved helping people with his participation in these boards.

RIP :(
Absolutely no experience with this outfit but perhaps a more "streamlined" experience based on feedback from another member here.


There you go, 3 clinic options, 3 specific providers and 2 pharmacies plus prices.

Carefully vet hormonesforme. I have no experience there.

Perhaps @FunkOdyssey can share some insight into the process.

The other options are standard office visit plus medication pricing.
Last edited by a moderator:
I wanted to pass this post on from Professional Muscle, it is from SWALE. Most of that have been around know Dr. Crisler posted under that name. This posting is dated 2010. This guy was a master and loved helping people with his participation in these boards.

Man, so unfortunate to see people have such negative responses in the comments to a guy clearly expressing to them that he altruistically just wanted to help people and is willing to put himself at risk to do so. That was back in 2002. So it’s even sadder to me to see that 20 years later @Chewy55 can make a thread clearly talking about simply wanting to use Oxandrolone for healing purposes after surgery, and not to do a steroid cycle, and we still have close minded people misunderstanding him, judging him, and making him feel bad for just wanting more information on how to obtain legal Oxandrolone. It’s sad to me that people would still rather spend there time judging than helping, and how people can lack the ability to simply just understand where a person is coming from. Same with ur other post about ur son @BigTex. It blows my mind that people would give u and ur wife crap for doing what u guys did for u step son. What u guys did for him is absolutely amazing. It makes me extremely happy to see people like u and ur wife willing to do whatever it takes to stop ur step son from hurting and struggling and being willing to do whatever it takes to at least give him the opportunity to have a decent life, and step in before it’s too late and prevent him from possibly doing something stupid and taking his own life. My best friend overdosed and died 5 years ago, and there’s not a day that goes by that I didn’t wish I would have stepped in and done something to prevent it. But hindsight is obv 20/20. So I can’t commend u and ur wife more for stepping in when u did and doing something “out of the box” to prevent something like that from happening to ur step son, and then having to live the rest of ur lives in regret. It’s always better to take a risk and do something out of the norm instead of having to live with regret ur whole life. It’s just insane to me how much flack u got for ur post and how much u had to defend urself. Just sad that people can lack the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes so much, and misunderstand people to this degree, and would rather use their time to judge people and make them feel bad. But anyways, thanks for posting this. John Crisler was and will always be a pioneer and legend in the HRT space. Beyond sad to lose someone that contributed and risked so much to help people and to progress this field. He’ll forever be missed
Yes, the symptoms went away. I think also the body with time adjust to a dose. Most are getting away from the high doses and going to the same dose spread out over the day. No, I have gotten away from most everthing except testosterone. I have not tested my GH or IGF-1 levels. I would probably cry if I knew that they were.
Haha well look on the bright side, the lower ur igf-1 levels the more u increase longevity. Pros and cons to everything lol. Getting used to a dose unfortunately wasn’t the case for me. I was using HGH for a long time and just couldn’t get rid of the carpal tunnel issues. Was so bummed about it. Was really looking forward to keeping my igf-1 levels between 300-400 indefinitely. But I’m just trying to take my own advice and focusing on the fact that I’m increasing my lifespan by letting my IGF-1 level continue to decline as I get older. Might eventually see someone about it and see if I would benefit from carpal tunnel surgery. I feel like my grip still isn’t as good as it could be, and the fact that I got such bad carpal tunnel symptoms off of relatively lowish doses tells me that I probably had tissue in my wrists starting to compress against my nerves, and the HGH was just the final straw to make the symptoms pretty unbearable
With all the testing I have seen with peptides, getting the IGF-1 into the 300 - 400 range is not going to happen. But they will certainly put it into a abover aevrage range.

I believe some of the hGH carpal tunnel issues can be prevented.

Hoffman DM, Crampton L, Sernia C, et al. Short-term growth hormone (GH) treatment of GH-deficient adults increases body sodium and extracellular water, but not blood pressure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab1996;81:1123–8.

"We conclude that 1) sodium retention is a physiological effect of GH, but does not cause an acute rise in blood pressure; and 2) the mechanism of sodium and fluid retention is not primarily due to enhanced aldosterone secretion or inhibition of ANP release, but more likely to a direct renal tubular effect."

So GH causes an increase in water absorption by the gut and sodium retention leading to extracellular fluid accumulation, carpal tunnel syndrome but apparently not hypertension.

J. Moller, N. Moller, E. Frandsen, T. Wolthers, J. O. Jorgensen, J. S. Christiansen. Blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system prevents growth hormone-induced fluid retention in humans. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism Published 1 May 1997 Vol. 272 no. 5, E803-E808.

I found I could use Angiotensin II receptor antagonists to lower the fluid retention while taking hGH.
With all the testing I have seen with peptides, getting the IGF-1 into the 300 - 400 range is not going to happen. But they will certainly put it into a abover aevrage range.

I believe some of the hGH carpal tunnel issues can be prevented.

Hoffman DM, Crampton L, Sernia C, et al. Short-term growth hormone (GH) treatment of GH-deficient adults increases body sodium and extracellular water, but not blood pressure. J Clin Endocrinol Metab1996;81:1123–8.

"We conclude that 1) sodium retention is a physiological effect of GH, but does not cause an acute rise in blood pressure; and 2) the mechanism of sodium and fluid retention is not primarily due to enhanced aldosterone secretion or inhibition of ANP release, but more likely to a direct renal tubular effect."

So GH causes an increase in water absorption by the gut and sodium retention leading to extracellular fluid accumulation, carpal tunnel syndrome but apparently not hypertension.

J. Moller, N. Moller, E. Frandsen, T. Wolthers, J. O. Jorgensen, J. S. Christiansen. Blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system prevents growth hormone-induced fluid retention in humans. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism Published 1 May 1997 Vol. 272 no. 5, E803-E808.

I found I could use Angiotensin II receptor antagonists to lower the fluid retention while taking hGH.
I tried using Telmisartan while on it without any noticeable improvements.

Interesting about HGH increasing sodium retention. I tried increasing my potassium quite a bit, without any improvements, but never tried lowering my salt intake

And it really depends on the peptides used and ur individual response. I would assume the younger u are the better response ur gonna have. But it’s definitely not impossible to get into the 300-400 range for igf-1 using peptides, as I have a blood test showing my igf-1 at 350 while on the ghrp-2/ghrp-6 combo. Here’s my labs while on it. Looks like I was doing HCG mono at the time

HCG - 2000iu’s/ week (APS HCG)
Total T - 348 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 64.5 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 127.0 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL) SHBG 58 (10-50)
E2 NOT Sensitive - 24
FSH - 0.7
LH - 0.2
IGF 1 - 350 (53-331) Was using GHRP-2/ GHRP-6 combo
DHEA-S - 869 (106-464)
Albumin - 5.0 (3.6-5.1)

For reference, my baseline igf-1 around that time would run in the low to mid 200’s. Last time I checked it before these labs was 11-18-16, and was on nothing to boost igf-1 levels, and my igf-1 was 254
Man, so unfortunate to see people have such negative responses in the comments to a guy clearly expressing to them that he altruistically just wanted to help people and is willing to put himself at risk to do so. That was back in 2002. So it’s even sadder to me to see that 20 years later @Chewy55 can make a thread clearly talking about simply wanting to use Oxandrolone for healing purposes after surgery, and not to do a steroid cycle, and we still have close minded people misunderstanding him, judging him, and making him feel bad for just wanting more information on how to obtain legal Oxandrolone. It’s sad to me that people would still rather spend there time judging than helping, and how people can lack the ability to simply just understand where a person is coming from. Same with ur other post about ur son @BigTex. It blows my mind that people would give u and ur wife crap for doing what u guys did for u step son. What u guys did for him is absolutely amazing. It makes me extremely happy to see people like u and ur wife willing to do whatever it takes to stop ur step son from hurting and struggling and being willing to do whatever it takes to at least give him the opportunity to have a decent life, and step in before it’s too late and prevent him from possibly doing something stupid and taking his own life. My best friend overdosed and died 5 years ago, and there’s not a day that goes by that I didn’t wish I would have stepped in and done something to prevent it. But hindsight is obv 20/20. So I can’t commend u and ur wife more for stepping in when u did and doing something “out of the box” to prevent something like that from happening to ur step son, and then having to live the rest of ur lives in regret. It’s always better to take a risk and do something out of the norm instead of having to live with regret ur whole life. It’s just insane to me how much flack u got for ur post and how much u had to defend urself. Just sad that people can lack the ability to put themselves in someone else’s shoes so much, and misunderstand people to this degree, and would rather use their time to judge people and make them feel bad. But anyways, thanks for posting this. John Crisler was and will always be a pioneer and legend in the HRT space. Beyond sad to lose someone that contributed and risked so much to help people and to progress this field. He’ll forever be missed

Thank you for your kind words @Gman86. Yea, drug overdoses are hard to deal with. I have know quite a few who went out that way. You want to help but you become th enemy. All you can do is watch the dealth spiral and hope sooner or later they want help to get out.

Yes, John Crisler learned a lot of what he knew being involved in bodybuilding boards. Sharing his knowledge and getting feed back from those who has many years of using anabolic steroids. He always had an open mind and listened to others and never though he knew it all, the learning process. He was a very smart man and those who listened to him benefited. We all shared a lot of information back then, but mosts all of us are gone to other places.
I tried using Telmisartan while on it without any noticeable improvements.

Interesting about HGH increasing sodium retention. I tried increasing my potassium quite a bit, without any improvements, but never tried lowering my salt intake

And it really depends on the peptides used and ur individual response. I would assume the younger u are the better response ur gonna have. But it’s definitely not impossible to get into the 300-400 range for igf-1 using peptides, as I have a blood test showing my igf-1 at 350 while on the ghrp-2/ghrp-6 combo. Here’s my labs while on it. Looks like I was doing HCG mono at the time

HCG - 2000iu’s/ week (APS HCG)
Total T - 348 (250-1100 ng/dL)
Free T - 64.5 (46.0-224.0)
Bio T - 127.0 (110.0-575.0 ng/dL) SHBG 58 (10-50)
E2 NOT Sensitive - 24
FSH - 0.7
LH - 0.2
IGF 1 - 350 (53-331) Was using GHRP-2/ GHRP-6 combo
DHEA-S - 869 (106-464)
Albumin - 5.0 (3.6-5.1)

For reference, my baseline igf-1 around that time would run in the low to mid 200’s. Last time I checked it before these labs was 11-18-16, and was on nothing to boost igf-1 levels, and my igf-1 was 254

AWSOME! One for the record books. You kind of blew the norms right out of the water. I should know bettrrer than to ever use the word "impossible."

You can't even bother to click a link. Lazy.

Not surprised as your first posts come off whiny. You don't want to put in any work.

No one brought up SARMs. You have been tipped twice on a clinic now and a pharmacy. Hint: see the link. You even got a detailed breakdown of pricing. Hint: see the link.

Here let me share it again:

There is also this cool feature called search. Check it out.
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Just to let you know, @readalot is really a great guy. He is one of the many here that consistantly provides some very good information. Hopefully the informtaion that has been proded will help you out some.
Yeah he seems like a good guy. There was just a little misunderstanding about me not reading the link. It didn't work at first but then it did and it was helpful. So thank you to him and to you to BigTex and everyone else that posted information.
AWSOME! One for the record books. You kind of blew the norms right out of the water. I should know bettrrer than to ever use the word "impossible."

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Nice table! Thank you.



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