Oxandrolone (Anavar) with TRT


New Member
Anyone has experience taking Anavar with TRT?
I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm attaching my details blood results to the post.
I would like to add 25mg of Anavar/ day for 6 weeks or so to recover from a injury & gain strength. I know once I start Anavar my own test levels will shut so I may have to up my TRT dose while I run Anavar.
Also, it will be nice to have my test levels in the upper range of the normal so close to 29 nmol/ L so in both cases I need to up my test cyp dose. I am thinking to do 200 mg/ week of test cyp by injecting twice a week and then also adding Anavar at 25 mg/ day.
Another question is how long can I run Anavar for? And can I simply stop taking it at the end and just continue with my normal TRT regime?

I'd appreciate any help from anyone who's had experience with TRT and Anavar.


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Anyone has experience taking Anavar with TRT?
I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm attaching my details blood results to the post.
I would like to add 25mg of Anavar/ day for 6 weeks or so to recover from a injury & gain strength. I know once I start Anavar my own test levels will shut so I may have to up my TRT dose while I run Anavar.
Also, it will be nice to have my test levels in the upper range of the normal so close to 29 nmol/ L so in both cases I need to up my test cyp dose. I am thinking to do 200 mg/ week of test cyp by injecting twice a week and then also adding Anavar at 25 mg/ day.
Another question is how long can I run Anavar for? And can I simply stop taking it at the end and just continue with my normal TRT regime?

I'd appreciate any help from anyone who's had experience with TRT and Anavar.

If you started trt 5 weeks ago then your hpta would be shut-down by now (2-6 weeks) as higher doses will result in quicker suppression.

When starting trt not only will you be experiencing shut-down of the hpta/endogenous testosterone -iTT (intra-testicular testosterone) but T levels will be increasing and in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels stabilize (4-6 weeks) as you are injecting exogenous esterified T.

Blood work is done at 6 weeks and we test at the true trough to see where said protocol (dose T/injection frequency) has our TT/FT/e2 levels let alone other blood health markers such as RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit.

If you are injecting 125 mg T once weekly then blood work should be done 7 days later just before your next weekly injection which would be the true trough (lowest point) in the week.

Testing at such time will let you know where TT/FT/e2 levels sit at the lowest point of your once-weekly injection protocol as we want to make sure that levels are not too low which would result in a lack of relief/improvement of low-t symptoms and also make sure that levels are not too high as this can result in side-effects/worsening of symptoms.

The goal of trt is to replace physiological levels of testosterone through the use of exogenous testosterone in order to achieve a healthy TT/FT level which will result in the relief/improvement of low-t symptoms while at the same time minimizing/avoiding any potential side-effects (cosmetic/overall health) while keeping blood markers healthy long-term.

Keep in mind that when injection once weekly using higher doses of T that your TT/FT levels will be much higher at peak (8-12 hrs) post-injection/during the first few days only to be followed by lower and in some cases much lower come weeks end (true trough).

Let alone estradiol will be much higher (peak--->trough).

This can have a negative impact on one's energy/mood/libido/erectile function/recovery.

Although some men do well/prefer once-weekly injections many may do much better injecting more frequently as in twice-weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD, or daily and one's SHBG level will play a role.

More frequent injections using lower doses of T will not only clip the peak--->trough but result in more stable blood levels throughout the week.

How many days after your injection was blood work done?

Even then it would be hard to believe that you are only hitting a TT 340.3 ng/dL (11.3 nmol/L) on 125 mg/week of T.

Top it off that your LH/FSH is still in range when you should be shut-down.

No need to test LH/FSH unless it is pre-trt blood work.

Are you using doctor prescribed T (big pharma/compounded) or treating yourself using UGL?

As these labs would look to be pre-trt labs or you are injecting bunk UGL testosterone seeing as your TT/FT levels are low and LH/FSH is not shut-down

Regarding your labs do understand that although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

Although your TT is very low which would result in a sub-par FT level we have no idea where it truly sits as you did not have it tested using the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best).

Most make the mistake of testing FT using inaccurate assays (direct immunoassays) or flawed calculated methods which can under/overestimated.

Your FT was done using the calculated method let alone FAI (free androgen index) was used which has no value!

Either way, your TT is low which would mean your FT is sub-par.

Forget jumping on the oxandrolone let alone increasing your weekly T dose as of now until you figure out what is going on let alone see how your body reacts to your T-only protocol!

Going from 125 mg T--->200 mg T/week is an absurd increase in dose let alone we have no idea what is truly going on in your situation yet.
Anyone has experience taking Anavar with TRT?
I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm attaching my details blood results to the post.
I would like to add 25mg of Anavar/ day for 6 weeks or so to recover from a injury & gain strength. I know once I start Anavar my own test levels will shut so I may have to up my TRT dose while I run Anavar.
Also, it will be nice to have my test levels in the upper range of the normal so close to 29 nmol/ L so in both cases I need to up my test cyp dose. I am thinking to do 200 mg/ week of test cyp by injecting twice a week and then also adding Anavar at 25 mg/ day.
Another question is how long can I run Anavar for? And can I simply stop taking it at the end and just continue with my normal TRT regime?

I'd appreciate any help from anyone who's had experience with TRT and Anavar.

The lab values for TT you posted above look similar to your previous labs (not on trt) TT from 2017?

Your thread (2017)

I am a 37 year old male recovering from a fracture on my leg.
I had my testosterone levels checked which came out at the lower border of the normal range. My blood tests show the following: Test 11nmol/L, SHBG 42nmol, free Test 0.21 nmol/L, Ostradiol 28 pmol /L.
Could I benefit from TRT for health as well as for bone healing purposes? Can any medication on the TRT regment like AI, HCG or levels of Estrogen slow down or be harmful for my fracture healing?
How many days after your injection was blood work done?
I inject once every Friday, blood sample taken on Thursday morning ie. about 6 days after injection, so sample can reach lab before weekend.
Even then it would be hard to believe that you are only hitting a TT 340.3 ng/dL (11.3 nmol/L) on 125 mg/week of T.

Top it off that your LH/FSH is still in range when you should be shut-down.
I thought so too as not much testicular atrophy experienced.
Are you using doctor prescribed T (big pharma/compounded) or treating yourself using UGL?
I'm treating myself using a trusted UGL source.
As these labs would look to be pre-trt labs or you are injecting bunk UGL testosterone seeing as your TT/FT levels are low and LH/FSH is not shut-down
The blood test results are 5 weeks after I started TRT.
Going from 125 mg T--->200 mg T/week is an absurd increase in dose let alone we have no idea what is truly going on in your situation yet.
Think I need to work on improving my TT/FT by increasing by dose slightly and injecting more often in a week before look into doing anything else, thanks
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I inject once every Friday, blood sample taken on Thursday morning ie. about 6 days after injection, so sample can reach lab before weekend.

I'm treating myself using a trusted UGL source.

Think I need to work on improving my TT/FT by increasing by dose slightly and injecting more often in a week before look into doing anything else, thanks

If you are treating yourself using UGL source then it is as clear as day that you are using bunk gear as your LH/FSH would be shut down!

I am a 41 year old male started TRT 5 weeks ago. A TRT dose of 125 mg / week of Test Cyp. , injecting once per week, without the need of any AI. The blood results show that my test levels are still mediocre at 11.8 nmol/ L (Range: 8.64 -29) . I'm attaching my details blood results to the post.
Screenshot (3247).png

Let alone it is highly doubtful you would be hitting a very low TT 340.3 ng/dL (11.3 nmol/L) 6 days after an injection of 125 mg T (if it was legit testosterone).
The lab values for TT you posted above look similar to your previous labs (not on trt) TT from 2017?

Your thread (2017)

I am a 37 year old male recovering from a fracture on my leg.
I had my testosterone levels checked which came out at the lower border of the normal range. My blood tests show the following: Test 11nmol/L, SHBG 42nmol, free Test 0.21 nmol/L, Ostradiol 28 pmol /L.
Could I benefit from TRT for health as well as for bone healing purposes? Can any medication on the TRT regment like AI, HCG or levels of Estrogen slow down or be harmful for my fracture healing?
That's true, my TT values without TRT in 2017 are similar to me being on TRT now in 2021, which surprises me too as to how low my TT would be to begin with? or if the test vial I'm using has gone bad or something ..

To rule this out, I will use a vial from a new batch / source and do lab test in another 5 or 6 weeks?
That's true, my TT values without TRT in 2017 are similar to me being on TRT now in 2021, which surprises me too as to how low my TT would be to begin with? or if the test vial I'm using has gone bad or something ..

To rule this out, I will use a vial from a new batch / source and do lab test in another 5 or 6 weeks?
It's bunk gear!

Look into finding a doctor who specializes in trt.

There are a few in the UK that are highly recommended:

That's true, my TT values without TRT in 2017 are similar to me being on TRT now in 2021, which surprises me too as to how low my TT would be to begin with? or if the test vial I'm using has gone bad or something ..

To rule this out, I will use a vial from a new batch / source and do lab test in another 5 or 6 weeks?

If you choose to stick with this route then look into starting off on 100 mg/week split into twice-weekly injections (50 mg every 3.5 days).

More sensible to start low and go slow!

Most men on trt are injecting anywhere from 100-200 mg/week and even then most can easily achieve a healthy TT/FT level on 100-150 mg/week.

Although some may need the higher end dose (200 mg/week) to achieve a healthy TT/FT level it is rare and far from common.

Believe it or not, some men can get away with injecting <100 mg/week and still achieve a healthy TT/FT level.

Where your SHBG sits will have a big impact on where your FT settles on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Most men will do well with FT 20-30 ng/dL range and some may run slightly higher levels but it comes down to the individual.
Keep in mind that when on trt it is critical to get lab work done which not only includes TT/FT/e2 but also RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit among others.

Starting off on too high a dose will not only drive up your TT/FT/e2 levels but will increase your RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit let alone testosterone has a tonic effect on the CNS and can make one feel to amped up which can lead to other issues.

Again although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

Just as one can have too low an FT level there is also such a thing as too high an FT level which can easily cause side-effects let alone cause many to struggle on a protocol chasing their tales endlessly!
Man, reading this thread makes me concerned. Self prescribed TRT with unknown quality of source. Unknown bloodwork state. 6 weeks is hardly enough time to ensure you have a stable enough regimen and physiological response to said regimen to add oxandrolone to it.

I'd highly caution against this plan.
This forum is here as an educational and harm reduction resource. But I am going to tell you right now that it is not going to be open Q&A for something that you clearly do not understand at all so that you can continue to derail your health taking the parts that you like.

Read the sticky posts and discussions and educate yourself before injecting god knows what (it obviously is not T) into your bloodstream again. That is step 1. TRT is not simply sticking a needle in your arm or ass every week and getting a lab test here and there while using so called trusted sources that obviously sold you garbage.
This forum is here as an educational and harm reduction resource. But I am going to tell you right now that it is not going to be open Q&A for something that you clearly do not understand at all so that you can continue to derail your health taking the parts that you like.

Read the sticky posts and discussions and educate yourself before injecting god knows what (it obviously is not T) into your bloodstream again. That is step 1. TRT is not simply sticking a needle in your arm or ass every week and getting a lab test here and there while using so called trusted sources that obviously sold you garbage.
Now you sound like a person trying to help people on here & obviously very cool minded my friend. I get your point, thanks !
If you choose to stick with this route then look into starting off on 100 mg/week split into twice-weekly injections (50 mg every 3.5 days).

More sensible to start low and go slow!

Most men on trt are injecting anywhere from 100-200 mg/week and even then most can easily achieve a healthy TT/FT level on 100-150 mg/week.

Although some may need the higher end dose (200 mg/week) to achieve a healthy TT/FT level it is rare and far from common.

Believe it or not, some men can get away with injecting <100 mg/week and still achieve a healthy TT/FT level.

Where your SHBG sits will have a big impact on where your FT settles on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Most men will do well with FT 20-30 ng/dL range and some may run slightly higher levels but it comes down to the individual.
Thanks so I took your advise for the TRT regime and as I cannot afford to go to a TRT clinic at the moment I opted to change my source for testosterone cpy and now starting at 100 mg/ week, injecting twice a week Sunday evening & Thursday morning this way I know I inject every 3.5 days. I am hoping to take another blood test atleast 6 weeks from now.
My reason for adding another substance in the first place was I still had low TRT symptoms like low energy & not knowing the fact that my test vial was bunk I had already started taking oxandrolone for 5 - 6 days at a dose of 25mg / day thinking it would give me the needed boost but when I got a reply here & found my test vial would have been bad I stopped immediately.
By the time I stopped I felt my joints are cracking which I think is a sign of low E2?
Now reading through the forum I found other people had made the same mistake & this killed their E2. Damn! I wish I wasnt so desperate to start adding another substance in the first place :-( and asked for help earlier.
My question now is will my E2 bounce back in a short period of time or do I need to take any steps in order to reverse the damage? @Nelson Vergel @madman @Jason Sypolt
You will be ok. Glad to hear that you are on the right track. Oxandrolone and Nandrolone will lower your Estradiol as you may have found, but taking Oxandrolone for only a handful of days honestly won’t do much harm (or good).

if you are going to self-medicate for now, I strongly encourage you to at least have proper labs done. Save your money for that. More frequently as you start: every 3-4 months to give changes time to work and for your body to adjust, and then space them out more as you become more comfortable, feel better, and learn what to expect. Making changes by going off of symptoms and only by how you feel is going to be a recipe for frustration and disaster. I can’t tell you how many times guys (and even myself) thought something was at a certain level only to find the complete opposite was true after having labs done. Our minds sometimes really do play crazy tricks on us.

If your energy is low, then consider looking at your thyroid. It would be more labs, but one thing that almost everyone starting out learns the hard way is not to focus on only testosterone for our health. There is never only 1 variable. Labs would be: Free T3, Free T4, and TSH. I always add Reverse T3 which is a little more expensive, but that is important to know for both fatigue and weight gain. RT3 literally puts the brakes on your metabolism and energy when it pools. And learn how to interpret the results because the normal ranges for some of those tests are not normal at all (like TSH and RT3). Whatever you do, do not buy liquid T3 or any liquid thyroid medication. What they do is mix liothyronine as a powder with a liquid or even just crush Cytomel up. There is no way to dose it accurately suspended in a liquid and that can seriously harm you or even be fatal.
Sheesh. Slow the breaks. Enjoy the new trt muscle first. I put on 10# of solid muscle when I started trt and hit the weights. Find you new normal. Your new calorie requirements. The decide of your going to add extra
Sheesh. Slow the breaks. Enjoy the new trt muscle first. I put on 10# of solid muscle when I started trt and hit the weights. Find you new normal. Your new calorie requirements. The decide of your going to add extra
I started TRT after dropping weight to 145 lbs on a 5'8" frame and then spending years in gym struggling to figure out why I couldn't make improvements like my gym buddies. My primary care physician at the time shrugged the low T idea off but was willing to order a test.

Turns out I had extremely low T levels. Got on about 150mg test-c / week with a local TRT doc. Best decision ever. Spent years training and gaining mass before ever considering any major changes to the protocol. My changes and reasons for them are documented in other threads.

Patience! Don't go crazy!

Edit: oxandrolone is far riskier than simple TRT. It kind of wrecks a lot more blood work. Lipids and liver enzymes are completely different on it. You really need everything dialed in first before adding it.
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I started TRT after dropping weight to 145 lbs on a 5'8" frame and then spending years in gym struggling to figure out why I couldn't make improvements like my gym buddies. My primary care physician at the time shrugged the low T idea off but was willing to order a test.

Turns out I had extremely low T levels. Got on about 150mg test-c / week with a local TRT doc. Best decision ever. Spent years training and gaining mass before ever considering any major changes to the protocol. My changes and reasons for them are documented in other threads.

Patience! Don't go crazy!

Edit: oxandrolone is far riskier than simple TRT. It kind of wrecks a lot more blood work. Lipids and liver enzymes are completely different on it. You really need everything dialed in first before adding it.

Body composition changes.....sure if following a proper diet/training protocol.

Packing on a significant amount of pure muscle tissue (actin/myosin) on trt doses let alone 150 mg/week not going to happen!

Put money on it that most are gaining 5-10 lbs of just water weight on trt and that would be intracellular (inside the muscle cell) which would be considered lean mass and extra-cellular (between the muscle/skin) as in bloat.

Many claiming to pack on any significant amount of mass on trt are holding a lot of water.
Body composition changes.....sure if following a proper diet/training protocol.

Packing on a significant amount of pure muscle tissue (actin/myosin) on trt doses let alone 150 mg/week not going to happen!

Put money on it that most are gaining 5-10 lbs of just water weight on trt and that would be intracellular (inside the muscle cell) which would be considered lean mass and extra-cellular (between the muscle/skin) as in bloat.

Many claiming to pack on any significant amount of mass on trt are holding a lot of water.
Like I said. Spent *years* training and eating right both before and after getting on TRT. As disclosed in other threads I had significant muscle atrophy / neurology issues and other problems in addition to low T.

Can attest that after *years* of training before and after TRT that I did have significant muscular gains when only at middle to upper range on testosterone lab work.

Key here is *years*...

I won't claim the 50 lbs added since TRT is entirely lean body mass. No way. But yes, you can definitely add serious size and lean mass with proper diet and exercise when you've been extremely deficient of T and suffering muscle wasting diseases like myself.
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I won't claim the 50 lbs added since TRT is entirely lean body mass. No way. But yes, you can definitely add serious size and lean mass with proper diet and exercise when you've been extremely deficient of T and suffering muscle wasti
Dude absolutely! If you gave it 100% for let's says 3-5 yrs. Test was 1000-1100ng/dl, you could absolutely look huge. Especially sub 10% BF and if your muscle "tie-ins" are close to genetically gifted, round muscle bellies and such. You could add tons of mass. Throw in some doctor prescribed Nandrolone and Oxandrolone and you could polish the body to look like you just walked out of a magazine.

The amount of gear the kids on the other forums run tells me that most stuff is fake and under-dosed. Pharm grade doc prescribed stuff, you don't need as much as most people think.

I hope everyone realizes they are primed for growth on HRT, you just have to log your food and lift those weights!

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