I'm injecting Test-C E3.5D with the first shot on Sunday morning and the second on Wednesday night. I administered the first shot (.3ml) with a 29g 1/2 .5ml insulin syringe in my outer quad. Though I was very nervous the shot was completely pain free, a few hours after the shot I had symptoms of the test flu, headache, achy all over, tired. The next morning I also had PIP, felt like I got hit with a bat in my quad and at this point I was rethinking my plan and unsure about my upcoming shot on Wed. By Tuesday the test flu was gone, and so was most of the pain in my leg.
Wednesday came around and I proceed as planned with shot 2 in my other leg, this time I had no test flu, but experienced the same PIP about 12hrs later.
Is this a normal experience, or am I doing something wrong?
Wednesday came around and I proceed as planned with shot 2 in my other leg, this time I had no test flu, but experienced the same PIP about 12hrs later.
Is this a normal experience, or am I doing something wrong?