My first experience with hcg was heaven. Problem i can't replicate first experience

Is 100iu/day where you get the amazing sweet spot you're talking about? Are you able to maintain that sweet spot indefinitely as long as you stay at that dosage?

Is 100iu/day also your sweet spot for hCG?
I am currently using 200 IU eod and am doing well with it. I don’t particularly like daily dosing of HCG.
My first time using hcg the intimate experience two days later was nothing like i can ever remember. Sensitivity and hardness was unmatched since my early twenties and i don't even remember it being that good back then. However it was a one time experience and it never happened again. On hcg twice a week and daily test 16 mg. Having problems with sensitivity and ed issues. Anyone have a similar experience and know how to replicate it? Should i stop it for two weeks and then try again? Thanks in advance
I'm in the same boat but for a diferrnt reason...I have a RP (prostatectomy) and I'm back on TRT but ED still there. Libido is up to a great level.
Have you tried Trimix?
My first time using hcg the intimate experience two days later was nothing like i can ever remember. Sensitivity and hardness was unmatched since my early twenties and i don't even remember it being that good back then. However it was a one time experience and it never happened again. On hcg twice a week and daily test 16 mg. Having problems with sensitivity and ed issues. Anyone have a similar experience and know how to replicate it? Should i stop it for two weeks and then try again? Thanks in advance
Have you tried Trimix?
Interesting, that would support Dr. Saya's conclusions.

You don't get negative side effects at 200iu EoD?
It contributes to increased estrogen, but I take DIM and CDG to help metabolize estrogen. All in all, I feel better on this protocol as opposed to not taking HCG.
It contributes to increased estrogen, but I take DIM and CDG to help metabolize estrogen. All in all, I feel better on this protocol as opposed to not taking HCG.
I get side effects from hcg as well. Tried taking dim. The first day had better erections but second day i was depressed. So stopped the dim. Should i try the cdg ?
It contributes to increased estrogen, but I take DIM and CDG to help metabolize estrogen. All in all, I feel better on this protocol as opposed to not taking HCG.

So far I've been on 60iu/day hCG for almost 3 weeks and overall feel much better than without it. However I feel like I go through the same cycle every day of not feeling great when I wake up (completely normal for me), taking my shot and after a few hours starting to get more energy and feeling better. Early afternoon I get a huge surge of energy, and early evening until I go to sleep I feel this amazing calm focus which might come from Allopregnanolone.
Then I sleep like shit and wake up tired and not feeling refreshed whatsoever.

That makes me think I'm basically peaking and crashing every 24 hour period, so I was thinking of trying even 2 injections per day, one AM one PM. I know it sounds crazy but anecdotally I seem to do very poorly with hormone fluctuations, I think partly because my baseline brain chemistry is extremely deficient, so that when the exogenous hormones drop there's nothing behind as a buffer.

Another option would be to inject once daily a higher dose, and I could also inject less frequently, but that hasn't been very successful for me. When I did that with Test (E3.5D injections), my BP spiked like never before in my life and I was bloated like a corpse dumped at the bottom of a lake with 24/7 headaches.

And given the respective half-lives, E3.5D on Test Cyp is relatively more frequent than daily hCG, which would be equivalent to E5D or so Test Cyp
What you describe with your daily cycle sounds like it could be a spike and crash in the same day given the low dose. I believe the half-life of HCG is 36 hours, but the low dose may affect that and effectively shorten it.

How long did you run the higher daily dosing of HCG? The bloat and blood pressure may be a passing thing that would settle after your body adjusts.
I get side effects from hcg as well. Tried taking dim. The first day had better erections but second day i was depressed. So stopped the dim. Should i try the cdg ?
Both work well together. DIM helps to metabolize estrogen more effectively, and CDG helps to eliminate (excrete) estrogen. They work effectively together, but not as well by themselves.

The combination has helped me tremendously in managing estrogen related side effects.
If you are older, you could use the HCG for about 6 weeks annually to offset testicular shrinkage and innate inactivity. In the meantime you need regular testosterone replacement. I use cream scrotally daily- 100mg. My levels run about 800 which is great for me. I am 79 this month and have been on T for 6 years.
What dosage do you recommend for six weeks? I stopped last year after two years. Now my orgasms are dull with less semen?
What you describe with your daily cycle sounds like it could be a spike and crash in the same day given the low dose. I believe the half-life of HCG is 36 hours, but the low dose may affect that and effectively shorten it.

How long did you run the higher daily dosing of HCG? The bloat and blood pressure may be a passing thing that would settle after your body adjusts.

The bloat and BP spike were from Test Cyp E3.5D, my only experience with hCG has been 60iu/day for 3 weeks and now 100iu/day for the last 3 days.

I agree I think I might be shortening the already short half-life of hCG even more by injecting ED.

I'm going to give 100iu/day a chance for a few weeks and if things don't stabilize and I keep going through that 24 hour cycle of peaking and crashing I'll try 200-250iu EoD
The bloat and BP spike were from Test Cyp E3.5D, my only experience with hCG has been 60iu/day for 3 weeks and now 100iu/day for the last 3 days.

I agree I think I might be shortening the already short half-life of hCG even more by injecting ED.

I'm going to give 100iu/day a chance for a few weeks and if things don't stabilize and I keep going through that 24 hour cycle of peaking and crashing I'll try 200-250iu EoD
Good plan.

I’ve personally responded much better to daily dosing of testosterone as compared to less frequent protocols. You may find that you are the same.
Good plan.

I’ve personally responded much better to daily dosing of testosterone as compared to less frequent protocols. You may find that you are the same.
I also moved on to daily injections of Test along with the hCG, doing 22mg/day Test C and right now still 100iu/day hCG.

I'm feeling much, much better. Libido is significantly up but more importantly even than that for me is that the hCG at least for now seems to have aleviated symptoms of executive dysfunction.
For my entire life it was basically impossible for me to not procrastinate to the extreme. And when I say extreme I mean I would procrastinate renewing my car registration until it would get towed, and that's far from the worst, believe me.

Now somehow I'm able to get up in the morning and start working immediately. My understanding and perception of time going by has completely changed also. I'm wondering whether hCG is potentiating the Dopamine increasing properties of Test by restarting upstream hormone production. I know from labs that my DHEA-S, Prog and Preg were crashed after starting TRT, so this would make sense at least superficially.

I have labs planned in a few weeks, I'm very interested to see the impact of 100iu/day pharma hCG on my neursteroid levels.
Either way I feel much better even in some ways than I did when I was young because of the qualitative increase in executive functioning. No chance it's a placebo with this kind of difference, also because that's what I was expecting from taking Test alone, so I would've had that placebo experience at some point in my 3 years on Test solo instead of complete anhedonia.

I'm also very curious to test exogenous neurosteroid supplementation now that I'm on hCG. LH it seems is necessary for the conversion of Preg into Allopreg and maybe other metabolites of those neurosteroids; anecdotally there are a few posters I've spoken to who've stated they felt a difference in the efficacy of that kind of supplementation on vs off hCG, so we'll see.
I also moved on to daily injections of Test along with the hCG, doing 22mg/day Test C and right now still 100iu/day hCG.

I'm feeling much, much better. Libido is significantly up but more importantly even than that for me is that the hCG at least for now seems to have aleviated symptoms of executive dysfunction.

I'm interested in strategies to maintain cognition on TRT and this post caught my attention. Is hCG continuing to improve your executive function relative to TRT alone? What brand of hCG are you seeing these results with?

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