My Experience w/ First Week of Injections. Questions


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I'm injecting Test-C E3.5D with the first shot on Sunday morning and the second on Wednesday night. I administered the first shot (.3ml) with a 29g 1/2 .5ml insulin syringe in my outer quad. Though I was very nervous the shot was completely pain free, a few hours after the shot I had symptoms of the test flu, headache, achy all over, tired. The next morning I also had PIP, felt like I got hit with a bat in my quad and at this point I was rethinking my plan and unsure about my upcoming shot on Wed. By Tuesday the test flu was gone, and so was most of the pain in my leg.

Wednesday came around and I proceed as planned with shot 2 in my other leg, this time I had no test flu, but experienced the same PIP about 12hrs later.

Is this a normal experience, or am I doing something wrong?
Do yourself a favor and put it in the delt. Every injection I have had in the thigh with a 1/2" needle causes the same pain. Never have any pain in the delts....
Do you think it's related to injection depth? Could the oil be leaking out of the muscle?

It may be. Usually though, if it doesn't make it into the muscle that oil is going to pool somewhere and cause an inflammatory reaction. I had that experience last week. Upper thigh injection, with dramatic pain above my knee.
I'm injecting Test-C E3.5D with the first shot on Sunday morning and the second on Wednesday night. I administered the first shot (.3ml) with a 29g 1/2 .5ml insulin syringe in my outer quad. Though I was very nervous the shot was completely pain free, a few hours after the shot I had symptoms of the test flu, headache, achy all over, tired. The next morning I also had PIP, felt like I got hit with a bat in my quad and at this point I was rethinking my plan and unsure about my upcoming shot on Wed. By Tuesday the test flu was gone, and so was most of the pain in my leg.
Try sub-q into abdominal fat with insulin syringe, I use 28 gauge-1/2 inch and have been doing sub-q for 20 weeks,75mg enanthate twice weekly ( 3.5 days ) completely pain free and never had a lump/bruising, look forward to my pinning! Last bloods I hit a 1200 ng/dL Total Testosterone level on strictly sub-q.

Try sub-q into abdominal fat with insulin syringe, I use 28 gauge-1/2 inch and have been doing sub-q for 20 weeks,75mg enanthate twice weekly ( 3.5 days ) completely pain free and never had a lump/bruising, look forward to my pinning! Last bloods I hit a 1200 ng/dL Total Testosterone level on strictly sub-q.

Sub-q does sound appealing I think I may try that next. That's very promising to hear that you've hit 1200 on 150mg a week! When doing 2x week shots, when is the best day to test, the day before your shot? Also, can you describe your injection technique, do you pinch or just pin straight in?

Sub-q does sound appealing I think I may try that next. That's very promising to hear that you've hit 1200 on 150mg a week! When doing 2x week shots, when is the best day to test, the day before your shot? Also, can you describe your injection technique, do you pinch or just pin straight in?

I injected on Tuesday at 6:00am and had my trough tested on Friday at 5:00pm an hour before my next shot Friday at 6:00pm! I pinch the skin up and jab straight in then let the skin loose and inject slowly and once I see the plunger nearing the end of the barrel back of finger pressure a bit and let plunger stop without force otherwise you will get some suction from the plunger if you push too hard at the end and when you pull out needle it will cause a mild vacuum and you will bleed a little more so when you ease up on the plunger at the end of the barrel when injecting, let needle sit in for 10-20s,pull out slow usually a spec of blood or most times nothing and always have a piece of toilet paper folded up few times in my other hand so as I am pulling out needle slow to avoid a vacuum effect I hold the paper over injection site for 3-5min until seals. Key to sub-q with smaller gauge needles is to inject slow to avoid any inflammation/lumps and ofcourse a lower injection volume always helps.
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SubQ into your upper thighs. Works very good for me. No pain at all, no problems. Just lift up the skin and inject at 45 degree angle.
once I see the plunger nearing the end of the barrel back of finger pressure a bit and let plunger stop without force otherwise you will get some suction from the plunger if you push too hard at the end and when you pull out needle it will cause a mild vacuum and you will bleed a little more so when you ease up on the plunger at the end of the barrel when injecting, let needle sit in for 10-20s,pull out slow usually a spec of blood or most times nothing

interesting, I will try that next time. I always push way hard at the end because I thought it best to get every last bit out. I often get a lot of blood.
interesting, I will try that next time. I always push way hard at the end because I thought it best to get every last bit out. I often get a lot of blood.

Yes majority of the time after injecting you will always get a spec of oil dribble from the tip of the needle if you hold it too good lighting and watch as you press hard on the plunger but the amount is minimal that is in the needle tip especially with an insulin syringe which are low dead space and realistically your true injection volume is measured from the line at the starting point of the barrel to what dosage line your injection volume is. When you are loading your syringe that little bit of test that will always be in the needle tip regardless of pushing or pulling is not accounted for in your true dose and is considered waste and their is much less waste with a low dead space syringe. Only way to avoid loosing that little extra drop is like you said by pushing EXTRA HARD on the plunger at the end but at the expense of usually causing suction and a mild vacuum effect making your chances of bleeding greater.

Trust me it took a little while to catch on as I used to always push hard on the plunger and would notice more blood so one day I held up my syringe too the light and watched what effect it had on the plunger by pushing hard and pushing slow easing up on plunger and applying the lightest pressure to let it just glide slowly to the end of barrel and to my amazement voila no suction/vacuum effect hence no blood after injection or a small tiny spec.

After your next injection pull out your syringe and hold it up to good lighting and watch the plunger as you push hard hitting the barrel end and keep pushing in and out and you will see the suction/vacuum effect it causes. Than try it again pull back then push slow and as you reach the barrel end ease up very slowly and let the plunger glide and come to a smooth stop without applying pressure and as soon as you feel it stop you will notice their is no push back or suction with the plunger. Takes some practice to get the feel when you are injecting the oil as oppose to an empty syringe but makes a huge difference!
So this week I decided to try sub-q. I injected .35cc into my stomach fat using the pinch and release method as described by "madman". I injected very slowly and experienced zero pain after. Throughout the day I did notice a slight lump and very minor discomfort at the injection site, but this was completely gone the next day. I think I will continue with this method for a while and see how it goes. Thanks for all of the replies and advice!
It's three days later, and I'm due for my next injection this evening. I have however noticed that I now have a small lump in my stomach fat where I injectected on Sunday. It's not painful, but is slightly uncomfortable. Is this normal with subq and should I expect this each time?
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Just means you need to find another spot. I think .35cc is too much oil to shoot in to your fat like that. Try it without pinching skin (if you did). I used to have all sorts of problems with that much oil in the belly area. Once I went to upper/outer thigh without pinching and using a 29g I almost never ever have injection site blood, no lumps, no itch, no leakage. It's great in that area.

For my experience you can definitely make this too hard/complicated.
It's three days later, and I'm due for my next injection this evening. I have however noticed that I know have a small lump in my stomach fat where I injectected on Sunday. It's not painful, but is slightly uncomfortable. Is this normal with subq and should I expect this each time?

Everyone reacts differently, when I first started trt sub-q I was using Depo-Test (cypionate) and was only injecting 100mg once weekly so I was injecting a full 1ml sub-q and never experience any lumps/pain hard to believe at that volume, was on that regimen for the first 6 weeks and than switched to Delatestryl (enanthate) 200mg/ml and started injecting .75ml split every 3.5 days and I am 20 weeks in now and still never experienced any lumps/pain/bruising. Like VC stated you may need to try a different area.
I decided to go with the delt last night, and so far best site for me. The injection was painless (29g 1/2) and only became slightly sore for about 2hrs. This morning zero discomfort.

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