I also moved on to daily injections of Test along with the hCG, doing 22mg/day Test C and right now still 100iu/day hCG.
I'm feeling much, much better. Libido is significantly up but more importantly even than that for me is that the hCG at least for now seems to have aleviated symptoms of executive dysfunction.
For my entire life it was basically impossible for me to not procrastinate to the extreme. And when I say extreme I mean I would procrastinate renewing my car registration until it would get towed, and that's far from the worst, believe me.
Now somehow I'm able to get up in the morning and start working immediately. My understanding and perception of time going by has completely changed also. I'm wondering whether hCG is potentiating the Dopamine increasing properties of Test by restarting upstream hormone production. I know from labs that my DHEA-S, Prog and Preg were crashed after starting TRT, so this would make sense at least superficially.
I have labs planned in a few weeks, I'm very interested to see the impact of 100iu/day pharma hCG on my neursteroid levels.
Either way I feel much better even in some ways than I did when I was young because of the qualitative increase in executive functioning. No chance it's a placebo with this kind of difference, also because that's what I was expecting from taking Test alone, so I would've had that placebo experience at some point in my 3 years on Test solo instead of complete anhedonia.
I'm also very curious to test exogenous neurosteroid supplementation now that I'm on hCG. LH it seems is necessary for the conversion of Preg into Allopreg and maybe other metabolites of those neurosteroids; anecdotally there are a few posters I've spoken to who've stated they felt a difference in the efficacy of that kind of supplementation on vs off hCG, so we'll see.