In a mild panic, did I just OD on anastrazole?


So, funny story. (For those that aren’t me lol)
I keep my Arimidex on the left, viagra on the right.
Evidently during cleaning my wife swapped them not knowing.

I took 3 and thought man, I’m getting low. (I wasn’t but hindsight - wrong bottle)

so I’m aware the dosage for full blown cancer patients is only 1mg a day, I’m in a bit of a panic wondering if I should be jamming my fingers down my throat.

what say you gentlemen? How is this gonna go? Not going to die or go into any kinda frothing? I imagine my estrogen is going to go straight to 0, do not pass go?

is a quick drop to zero going to have ramifications as far as well being? Should I cease all Arimidex for like a month? Should I take another shot of testosterone tomorrow in an attempt to convert more? Am I safe to train tomorrow? Should I begin drinking a ton more water to offset what I understand to be a difficulty holding water with low e2?

yea, apart from some gnarly night sweats last night - and a bit of a morose feeling/lethargy today, so far so good.

of course its my understanding that it takes the brain some time to register changes in E2 so time will tell.

im still alive though! so theres that :P
So, funny story. (For those that aren’t me lol)
I keep my Arimidex on the left, viagra on the right.
Evidently during cleaning my wife swapped them not knowing.

I took 3 and thought man, I’m getting low. (I wasn’t but hindsight - wrong bottle)

so I’m aware the dosage for full blown cancer patients is only 1mg a day, I’m in a bit of a panic wondering if I should be jamming my fingers down my throat.

what say you gentlemen? How is this gonna go? Not going to die or go into any kinda frothing? I imagine my estrogen is going to go straight to 0, do not pass go?

is a quick drop to zero going to have ramifications as far as well being? Should I cease all Arimidex for like a month? Should I take another shot of testosterone tomorrow in an attempt to convert more? Am I safe to train tomorrow? Should I begin drinking a ton more water to offset what I understand to be a difficulty holding water with low e2?

What was the total dose you ingested?
one time I took a bit high dose of arimidix (nothing serious but it was high) man I had all kind of strange thoughts I went crazy for two days, I guess I crashed my estrogen. I don’t want to be there again.
Honestly, I"m not recommending it BUT if it were me, I'd just take some extra HCG and a larger dose of testosterone and lay off anastrozole for a couple weeks. It'll bounce back.

no hcg unfortunately. baby testicles, but its all good. Im done w/ kids, married, and really wish i didnt have to take anything foreign so the less the better.

I did consider taking a fat dose of testosterone to convert more though lol.

im still doing -okay- but its early on i guess.
Crisler had me take 1mg arimidex every other day for a month and I didn’t even notice anything. This was before the era of internet panic.
Crisler had me take 1mg arimidex every other day for a month and I didn’t even notice anything. This was before the era of internet panic.

i think that could be a lot of things. partially what your saying about e-influence for sure. But also dependent on where you were when you started, what your protocol if any was like prior, and most importantly of all, personal affinity/biology.

I know all yesterday I was thinking positively. "boy seems im not even gonna feel much of anything" and was gonna let it be a funny story.

last night i passed out 2 hours earlier than I have in years. I'm really stringent on when I go to sleep. Its like clockwork. The last time I literally shut off the tv at 9pm was.. well had to be years after my kidney surgery or something.

Anyways, I was up all night, and have now been up at 3am making a double pot of coffee. Feel blah as all heck, eyes are dry and im lethargic enough to be grateful today is my off day at the gym as I'd definitely be skipping it otherwise (and feel a bit more guilty lol).

But tbh, i probably wont get much of what i usually get done on my "off" days done today, so i'll probably take tomorrow off too as I expect things to be unchanged. Perhaps ill be pleasantly surprised. Otherwise tomorrow is a shot day (with no ai) so should at least begin what can be interpreted as "the healing process" lol.

Of course this could all be coincidence, i could be coming down with the flu - or it could be psychosomatic. I'll never know I guess.

for now, feel like solid dog-shite.
one time I took a bit high dose of arimidix (nothing serious but it was high) man I had all kind of strange thoughts I went crazy for two days, I guess I crashed my estrogen. I don’t want to be there again.
I bet it was compounded. I had the same thing happen on .08 dose of ai. I thought I was an over reactor...It was only the 4th time I took an ai. I now believe the person who compounded that pill was probably distracted or lost focus for a minute and put 8 or some other level. As two years later, I know that .125 of an aI drops my e 40 points. There is no way .08 had that effect on me without a dosing error.
I bet it was compounded. I had the same thing happen on .08 dose of ai. I thought I was an over reactor...It was only the 4th time I took an ai. I now believe the person who compounded that pill was probably distracted or lost focus for a minute and put 8 or some other level. As two years later, I know that .125 of an aI drops my e 40 points. There is no way .08 had that effect on me without a dosing error.
Actually it wasn’t, normal tablet. AI is not a problem for me anymore I lowered my dose And accepting estrogen and now belong to the group which says YES for estrogen and AI only if symptoms is causing serious side affect.
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