Interesting, at least in rats an AI made their HDL go up a little while decreasing tot Chol, though they didn't find the increase significant.
Treatment Chol, mg/dl HDL-Chol, mg/dl Triglycerides, mg/dl
TI 1,448 ± 46 98 ± 6 297 ± 34
TI + A 1,276 ± 37 117 ± 6 267 ± 22
Orch + P 1,677 ± 125 64 ± 4* 250 ± 26
Orch + T 1,290 ± 54** 64 ± 10* 247 ± 19
Orch + T + A 1,405 ± 85** 81 ± 11 300 ± 33
Orch + E2 1,188 ± 152** 89 ± 10**,*** 122 ± 16*,**,***
"In TI mice given the aromatase inhibitor, HDL levels were similar to those in TI animals given vehicle, despite greater lesion formation in the animals receiving the aromatase inhibitor (Table
(Table2).2) "
Also interesting, in castrated rats with no T, giving them E2 caused them to have no extra aortic lesions. Implying it's only the lack of E2 that causes a problem and not the Arimidex itself, only the effect of lowering E2.
"The aromatase inhibitor did not accentuate atherogenesis itself as in oophorectomized female LDLR−/−mice, E2 supplementation, when given alone or in combination with the aromatase inhibitor, inhibited atherogenesis to the same extent (L.N., unpublished observations). "
This seems to support AI as being non-toxic while lowering E2 too much is the problem.
Thanks for the study!