I hope everyone takes this issue seriously. My HCT and hemoglobin were both running high, HCT 55-56% and hemoglobin 17.6-17.7 and I decreased the dosing of T cream by 20% which lowered total to about 900. Still up there, and I still get the benefits. However, with lower dosing and blood donations every two months, it got the initial HCT and Hemoglobin down to high normal ranges while being able to back off the blood donations to every 12 weeks or less often. I was getting low iron markers on CBC, which was a concern by my docs. I felt fine, however. So add in iron supplements in a multi vitamin, and my CBC shows improvement in those markers as well. What was of most concern for me, as I donated blood, my BP would come down to low 120's systolic 68-70 diastolic. As my HCT and hemoglobin increased BP went up to as high as 145 systolic and 88 diastolic, prior to giving blood again. NOT GOOD. I am of the belief based on the data, that increased BP because it's everyday all day, over the longer term, is more risk and potentially more damaging than the risk of a clot, unless you have additional risk of clotting like abnormal high platelets counts. Even without the risk of a clot, long standing hypertension causes so many bad things. Heart failure often being the worst, because it leads directly to so many other problems, like increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, ED and more. When the data is discussed for increased risk of stroke, and clots with high HCT and Hemoglobin, it is rare to see a study that controls for the risk of high BP. So, we don't know, it seems if part the risk assigned to those markers is all high HCT and hemoglobin or contributed to significantly by high BP. And nearly all who have higher HCT and hemoglobin from T therapy will have high BP because your heart has to work harder to push thickened blood and increased blood volume thru the same amount of "piping" (your blood vessels) in your body.