Man, it’s so frustrating to see guys still battling the whole high HCT/ HGB and low iron thing. I’m not trying to come down on u specifically. Ur one of very many that are still caught up in this ridiculousness, and struggle with an issue that literally could not be easier to fix. Hct and HGB are just measurements of ur hydration status basically. They obv measure how many RBC’s and oxygen carrying proteins that u have in ur blood compared to the total volume of blood, but being properly hydrated can lower both measurements drastically. Not many people are actually properly hydrated. You could drink 2 gallons of water per day and still be dehydrated. All someone in ur situation has to do is learn how to properly hydrate ur cells, which will lower ur HCT and HGB levels into a healthy range, as well as lower ur BP into a healthy range. And then stop donating blood and let ur iron levels come back up. It’s honest to god that simple. I’ll link the best vid on how to properly hydrate urself that I’ve ever come across, and I’ll also link a vid talking about how slightly higher BP levels than we’re used to are most likely still very healthy. And this info is coming from a doctor
so there’s ur solution, and the solution almost every guy out there on HRT that struggles with the whole high HGB/ HCT levels, and low iron levels due to donating blood too often can implement. Now what will u, and most guys in ur situation actually do? Not watch either vid, and continue to not fully understand how to properly hydrate their cells and their body, and continue to be in a constant state of whether they should lower their dose, donate blood, and/ or take an iron supplement, or even get off of HRT all together possibly. But hopefully there’s at least a few guys here that are smart enough to implement this extremely easy and effective solution. It’s just really tough seeing guys struggle with this issue, when it’s honestly one of the easiest issues to remedy. Another thing I highly recommend for BP is magnesium. Everyone should be taking it, but definitely anyone with BP issues should take it. There’s many other easy ways to lower BP, but taking magnesium, properly hydrating urself, and using the correct forms of salt can do the trick for most people