You wrote "S
erious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation."
Probably absolutely correct IF HIGH CONCENTRATIONS , thats the key, couldnt agree more but nobody should inhale high concentrations, Max use is 3% down to 0.5% food grade, note the word food. Brownsteins info is good and many other docs used it to cure/prevent Covid, Doc Levy Daniel Levy (him of vitmain C) did a good book on it and he does 3% HP daily. its quite a big subject but HP is already in our bodies and in white cells. I dont have time to write all I read but there is plenty out there inc books. Re Mercola, well everyone is entitled to their opinion. His products wont cure cancer but they are good quality vits and he emphasis diet , exercise and supplement etc, I think a lot of what he writes on that subject is good. Unfortunately since the government and FDA set out to get rid of him he has become too political and I stopt reading his site. And not to get into FDA and politics etc but the drug companies etc will do anything to shut down any low cost natural products that prevent them selling drugs and vaccines. My personal view is the HP and Ivermectin etc (used properly)are mush safer that some drugs and likely the Covid vaccines. I am not anti vax in any way (had 3) but I know plenty people who are pretty sick after taking them and plently people who have had 6 vaccines and still getting Covid 3 times. Some may say that should be listed on QUACK WATCH
I am pretty much with you 100% on the issues. I am not anti-vax and have had plenty in my life but I would not take the covid vax for any reason. But let's look at the available research in the use of vitamins to help the symptoms of covid 19: I did a rather extensive search on the subject and here are the results:
Vitamin A for COVID-19 - 12 studies involving 22,260 patients in 6 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for recovery and viral clearance.
Vitamin C for COVID-19 - 61 studies involving 63,059 patients in 20 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ICU, hospitalization, and recovery.
Vitamin D for COVID-19 - 111 treatment studies involving 183,150 treatment patients in 32 countries 179 sufficiency studies with 232,225 patients in 43 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 60%, 46%, 31% improvement for early, late, and prophylactic treatment
So was it really using nebulized H2O2 or perhaps was it his patients were Vitamin A, C or D deficient? There is research backing the use of all three most especially vitamin D3. D3, is also the only one that might have prophylactic properties. Most Americans are very deficient in vitamin D3 and we don't' get enough sunlight to help. What about these ozone injections in the ass? What the heck is that about?
Ozone therapy is an alternative treatment with the potential to heal wounds and treat diseases. But the risks to your heart and lungs outweigh the health benefits. Here’s why.
As for this taking a risk using Ivermectin or HCQ, here is the available research on those two medications in regards to treating covid 19. At least there is something here to read and make a decision on.
Ivermectin for COVID-19 - 98 studies involving 135,958 patients in 27 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ventilation, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 85%, 62%, 41% improvement for prophylaxis, early, and late treatment
HCQ for COVID-19 - 400 studies involving 522,361 patients in 58 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 62%, 21% improvement for early and late treatment
I am unable to find but 1 study on nebulizing H202 and absolutely nothing on ozone therapy. I did find this warning in a medical science web page:
Ozone therapy is a controversial alternative medicine practice that uses ozone gas to fight disease. Currently, there is not enough evidence to conclude that it is effective or safe for medical use.
So the problem I am having is how any medical doctor could suggest anyone try these "controversial alternative medicine practices" at home with no research back this practice up? Then they criticize mRNA vaccines for being pushed without completing clinical trials? What happened to their medical ethics.
How ozone therapy is administered
There are several ways to administer ozone gas, but it shouldn’t be inhaled. This can cause severe irritation and fluid buildup in your lungs. Safer methods for delivering ozone therapy include:
- Applying it to your skin by exposing a section of your body to ozone gas under a protective covering (also called ozone sauna) or by applying an ozone solution to your skin (often for wound healing).
- Blowing gas into your body, typically through your ears, rectum or vagina.
- Mixing it with your blood. Ozone gas can be dissolved in a sample of your blood and then reintroduced back into your body through an IV through a process called autohemotherapy.
- Ingesting it by consuming small amounts of ozone gas dissolved in oil or water.
- Injecting it into one of your muscles through a shot containing a mixture of oxygen and ozone.
By blowing Ozone gas up you ass? Really?