Hematocrit and TRT. How to have balance.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide? Whoa. I am as pro natural COVID19 immunity as you can get but that is some crazy shit right there.

I am in the wrong business. $$$$. Unfortunately I seem to be limited by ethical standards darn it.
My partner and I have been nebulizing low dose Hydrogen peroxide since 3 years as anti Covid, we still do , it may be coincidence but havnt had Covid or a cold or anything else for 3 years. Researched it to death, even Mercola is in to it and does it daily.
Having and actually blood disorder is obv very different than just being on TRT and having higher RBC levels than a person not on TRT would have. All I know is that when I really started focusing on how to hydrate myself the best that I can, My HCT/ HGB levels were consistently lower, and my BP has consistently been in a healthy range. Despite being on protocols where I’m using pretty significantly higher dosages of AAS than most guys that struggle with high HCT/ HGB and low iron. And I also use test and nandrolone together, which seems to be notorious for increasing BP, and / or increasing HCT/ HGB levels. If this worked for me, I just assume it can work for others. I would tell guys just to try it out, and see if they see positive differences in their labs and vital signs as well. They have nothing to lose by simply trying to hydrate themselves better
I suspect you benefited from hydration if you were a bit dehydrated in the first place. Sure us with Primary are at higher risk but the hydration/hct principles are the same.
A expert haematologist will likely agree that it not wise to be dehydrated for Hct but having seen many of them its not been mentioned to me but what they ALL mention and emphasise is if Hct is over range venisect, none ever said if Hct is high drink more water.
Researched hydrogen peroxide nebulization to death? The only study that has been published, in a medicine law journal, was done by Dr. Brownstein. Can you post some of this research you found? I would definitely be interested in reading it. Hell I tried hydroxychloroquine when the media told us it was going to kill us and it worked. But then all of my friends in Vietnam had already taken it.

I have tried some pretty crazy things in my life but this warning would make me think twice....Serious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation.1

  1. Pritchett S, Green D, Rossos P. Accidental ingestion of 35% hydrogen peroxide. Can J Gastroenterol. 2007;21(10):665-667. doi:10.1155/2007/423217

I will pass this on to you about Mercola. I use to do some work with Dr. Stephen Barrett back in the early 90s and he has a web site called QUACK WATCH. Low and behold, Joseph Mercola, D.O made the web site back in 2021. I find it absolutely despicable that any kind of medical professional would take advantage of desperate people with serious health problem by scamming them with worthless products. IMHO, there is a special place in hell reserved for these people. That being said, read it for yourself. This is not Mercola's first rodeo. Caveat emptor.....be careful following the pied piper.
Researched hydrogen peroxide nebulization to death? The only study that has been published, in a medicine law journal, was done by Dr. Brownstein. Can you post some of this research you found? I would definitely be interested in reading it. Hell I tried hydroxychloroquine when the media told us it was going to kill us and it worked. But then all of my friends in Vietnam had already taken it.

I have tried some pretty crazy things in my life but this warning would make me think twice....Serious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation.1

  1. Pritchett S, Green D, Rossos P. Accidental ingestion of 35% hydrogen peroxide. Can J Gastroenterol. 2007;21(10):665-667. doi:10.1155/2007/423217

I will pass this on to you about Mercola. I use to do some work with Dr. Stephen Barrett back in the early 90s and he has a web site called QUACK WATCH. Low and behold, Joseph Mercola, D.O made the web site back in 2021. I find it absolutely despicable that any kind of medical professional would take advantage of desperate people with serious health problem by scamming them with worthless products. IMHO, there is a special place in hell reserved for these people. That being said, read it for yourself. This is not Mercola's first rodeo. Caveat emptor.....be careful following the pied piper.
You wrote "Serious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation."
Probably absolutely correct IF HIGH CONCENTRATIONS , thats the key, couldnt agree more but nobody should inhale high concentrations, Max use is 3% down to 0.5% food grade, note the word food. Brownsteins info is good and many other docs used it to cure/prevent Covid, Doc Levy Daniel Levy (him of vitmain C) did a good book on it and he does 3% HP daily. its quite a big subject but HP is already in our bodies and in white cells. I dont have time to write all I read but there is plenty out there inc books. Re Mercola, well everyone is entitled to their opinion. His products wont cure cancer but they are good quality vits and he emphasis diet , exercise and supplement etc, I think a lot of what he writes on that subject is good. Unfortunately since the government and FDA set out to get rid of him he has become too political and I stopt reading his site. And not to get into FDA and politics etc but the drug companies etc will do anything to shut down any low cost natural products that prevent them selling drugs and vaccines. My personal view is the HP and Ivermectin etc (used properly)are mush safer that some drugs and likely the Covid vaccines. I am not anti vax in any way (had 3) but I know plenty people who are pretty sick after taking them and plently people who have had 6 vaccines and still getting Covid 3 times. Some may say that should be listed on QUACK WATCH :)
What? Why didn't he at least suggest Ivermectin.
probably because they are not allowed to say anything good about Ivermectin , apparently you can not type the word on ******** , its banned, big pharma sorted that, because no money to be made from it, been around for decades , one of the most used drugs in the world but not allowed to mention it in relation to covid, allegidly docs are not allowed to prescribe it for Covid or they get banned. My partner also took it during Covid years , no covid so far, could be co-incidence of course,
There are quite a few very good doctors who have suggested the use of Ivermectin on the internet and in public. During the covid period my wife did get a script from a local doctor for Ivermectin and had no trouble getting it filled at CVS. My point is, at least there is quite a lot of research showing Ivermectin to be effective. But yes, search engines have done a great job of making sure you won't find them easily. Trust me, I am right there with you on this politicization of science and medicine. But, I have only seen 1 published paper on nebulizing low dose Hydrogen peroxide. On the hierarchy of validity, that study is right down at the bottom. Doesn't mean it absolutely won't work, I would just have to see more work done on it before I would even think about trying it. The lungs are a bad thing to mess up. Right or wrong, I have never held doctors very highly who write a bunch of books that are honestly way out of their field of expertise (usually nutrition) or make Youtube videos. Never been a big fan of holistic medicine either. There is plenty of money to be made running a medical practice.

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You wrote "Serious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation."
Probably absolutely correct IF HIGH CONCENTRATIONS , thats the key, couldnt agree more but nobody should inhale high concentrations, Max use is 3% down to 0.5% food grade, note the word food. Brownsteins info is good and many other docs used it to cure/prevent Covid, Doc Levy Daniel Levy (him of vitmain C) did a good book on it and he does 3% HP daily. its quite a big subject but HP is already in our bodies and in white cells. I dont have time to write all I read but there is plenty out there inc books. Re Mercola, well everyone is entitled to their opinion. His products wont cure cancer but they are good quality vits and he emphasis diet , exercise and supplement etc, I think a lot of what he writes on that subject is good. Unfortunately since the government and FDA set out to get rid of him he has become too political and I stopt reading his site. And not to get into FDA and politics etc but the drug companies etc will do anything to shut down any low cost natural products that prevent them selling drugs and vaccines. My personal view is the HP and Ivermectin etc (used properly)are mush safer that some drugs and likely the Covid vaccines. I am not anti vax in any way (had 3) but I know plenty people who are pretty sick after taking them and plently people who have had 6 vaccines and still getting Covid 3 times. Some may say that should be listed on QUACK WATCH :)
I am pretty much with you 100% on the issues. I am not anti-vax and have had plenty in my life but I would not take the covid vax for any reason. But let's look at the available research in the use of vitamins to help the symptoms of covid 19: I did a rather extensive search on the subject and here are the results:

Vitamin A for COVID-19 - 12 studies involving 22,260 patients in 6 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for recovery and viral clearance.

Vitamin C for COVID-19 - 61 studies involving 63,059 patients in 20 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ICU, hospitalization, and recovery.

Vitamin D for COVID-19 - 111 treatment studies involving 183,150 treatment patients in 32 countries 179 sufficiency studies with 232,225 patients in 43 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 60%, 46%, 31% improvement for early, late, and prophylactic treatment

So was it really using nebulized H2O2 or perhaps was it his patients were Vitamin A, C or D deficient? There is research backing the use of all three most especially vitamin D3. D3, is also the only one that might have prophylactic properties. Most Americans are very deficient in vitamin D3 and we don't' get enough sunlight to help. What about these ozone injections in the ass? What the heck is that about?

As for this taking a risk using Ivermectin or HCQ, here is the available research on those two medications in regards to treating covid 19. At least there is something here to read and make a decision on.

Ivermectin for COVID-19 - 98 studies involving 135,958 patients in 27 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, ventilation, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 85%, 62%, 41% improvement for prophylaxis, early, and late treatment

HCQ for COVID-19 - 400 studies involving 522,361 patients in 58 countries
Results - Statistically significant improvement for mortality, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance. 62%, 21% improvement for early and late treatment

I am unable to find but 1 study on nebulizing H202 and absolutely nothing on ozone therapy. I did find this warning in a medical science web page:
Ozone therapy is a controversial alternative medicine practice that uses ozone gas to fight disease. Currently, there is not enough evidence to conclude that it is effective or safe for medical use.

So the problem I am having is how any medical doctor could suggest anyone try these "controversial alternative medicine practices" at home with no research back this practice up? Then they criticize mRNA vaccines for being pushed without completing clinical trials? What happened to their medical ethics.

How ozone therapy is administered

There are several ways to administer ozone gas, but it shouldn’t be inhaled. This can cause severe irritation and fluid buildup in your lungs. Safer methods for delivering ozone therapy include:
  • Applying it to your skin by exposing a section of your body to ozone gas under a protective covering (also called ozone sauna) or by applying an ozone solution to your skin (often for wound healing).
  • Blowing gas into your body, typically through your ears, rectum or vagina.
  • Mixing it with your blood. Ozone gas can be dissolved in a sample of your blood and then reintroduced back into your body through an IV through a process called autohemotherapy.
  • Ingesting it by consuming small amounts of ozone gas dissolved in oil or water.
  • Injecting it into one of your muscles through a shot containing a mixture of oxygen and ozone.
By blowing Ozone gas up you ass? Really?
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There are quite a few very good doctors who have suggested the use of Ivermectin on the internet and in public. During the covid period my wife did get a script from a local doctor for Ivermectin and had no trouble getting it filled at CVS. My point is, at least there is quite a lot of research showing Ivermectin to be effective. But yes, search engines have done a great job of making sure you won't find them easily. Trust me, I am right there with you on this politicization of science and medicine. But, I have only seen 1 published paper on nebulizing low dose Hydrogen peroxide. On the hierarchy of validity, that study is right down at the bottom. Doesn't mean it absolutely won't work, I would just have to see more work done on it before I would even think about trying it. The lungs are a bad thing to mess up. Right or wrong, I have never held doctors very highly who write a bunch of books that are honestly way out of their field of expertise (usually nutrition) or make Youtube videos. Never been a big fan of holistic medicine either. There is plenty of money to be made running a medical practice.

People are quite right to be cautious about nebulizing H Peroxide , I was , I am really in to health and have to be having Primary Polycythaemia. I was happy at the end of my research that it was the best option for me as I am allegidly immune suppressed on meds I take for my Polycythaemia (Ruxolitinib) and during Covid we were advised to become recluses etc. So I decided the risk is less than the benefit. In fact I am at time of writing not sure there is any risk if done properly. For those who are interested many people drink diluted versions and some docs give it intraveniously. I havnt done those two but I suspect some of the stuff people take on here mainly steriods and some drugs the FDA etc love probably do more harm. Hydrogen peroxide is in food, mouthwash 1.5%, teeth whitening to mention a few, the also use it to disinfect hospitals. The letter to Brownstein is not unusual. I wonder if all the legal approved conventional docs who got half the world addicted to opiates and antidepressants and tranquilsers to name a few got similar letters. I wonder who did more harm, I know who made the most money. The FDA and drug companies hate anything like Ivermectin or Hydrogen peroxide, iodine and also vitamins because they can make people healthier , but then who is going to buy the drugs. Lets get back to discussing testosterone etc , its more fun. :-)
My partner and I have been nebulizing low dose Hydrogen peroxide since 3 years as anti Covid, we still do , it may be coincidence but havnt had Covid or a cold or anything else for 3 years. Researched it to death, even Mercola is in to it and does it daily.

What quantity and concentration do you nebulize and how many times per day?
People are quite right to be cautious about nebulizing H Peroxide , I was , I am really in to health and have to be having Primary Polycythaemia. I was happy at the end of my research that it was the best option for me as I am allegidly immune suppressed on meds I take for my Polycythaemia (Ruxolitinib) and during Covid we were advised to become recluses etc. So I decided the risk is less than the benefit. In fact I am at time of writing not sure there is any risk if done properly. For those who are interested many people drink diluted versions and some docs give it intraveniously. I havnt done those two but I suspect some of the stuff people take on here mainly steriods and some drugs the FDA etc love probably do more harm. Hydrogen peroxide is in food, mouthwash 1.5%, teeth whitening to mention a few, the also use it to disinfect hospitals. The letter to Brownstein is not unusual. I wonder if all the legal approved conventional docs who got half the world addicted to opiates and antidepressants and tranquilsers to name a few got similar letters. I wonder who did more harm, I know who made the most money. The FDA and drug companies hate anything like Ivermectin or Hydrogen peroxide, iodine and also vitamins because they can make people healthier , but then who is going to buy the drugs. Lets get back to discussing testosterone etc , its more fun. :)
Again @Keepfit1,. it may be that this stuff works great, how ever there is just no reseach available show that it is safe or effective. Not knowing how much to nebulize could set you up for a huge lung injury. Injecting......holy crap, there is no way I would do that. I trained with a guy who I thought was crazy that injected DMSO. Not going to go that far. Bleach is also a disinfectant but I am not going to nebulize or inject bleach.

No, FDA cease and desist letters are very common now days. What usually happens is the company stops doing what they were doing, but in the mean time that have made millions out of people who failed for their lies. Then they open up under a new name and do it again. Until the get caught again. You can't claim a product cures any disease unless there is research backing that claim. That fortunately is a law.

Opiates.....people need to be hung over that. But the problem is, those that abused opiates knew what they were getting into. My brother was a product of all that and he worked very hard to scam doctors out of prescriptions. He willing took the pills and willing drank the alcohol that lead to his death. No one tried to help. Same with heroin, cocaine, and meth. I have a whole lot of pain and will not touch any of those drugs to relieve any amount of pain. I have had doctors tell me tramadol is good and not addictive. NO WAY, I can read a PDR and the PDR has been around a long time.

The problem with vitamins is most American are terribly deficient in several vitamins and minerals because of the crap foods we choose to eat. It could be easily solved by eating the same foods and taking a multi vitamin.

Vitamin D3, most Americans are horribly deficient, plus we are also told to stay out of the sun because we are told that will kill you. D3 deficiencies lead to quite a few health issues, including depress and obesity. Then I find this.......A more recent large prospective study demonstrated that avoiding sun exposure is a risk factor for allcause mortality. In this study, the mortality rate amongst avoiders of sun exposure was approximately twofold higher compared with the highest sun exposure group.

Lindqvist PG, Epstein E, Landin-Olsson M et al. Avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for allcause mortality: results form the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort. Journal of Internal Medicine 2014; 276:77-86.

And then this.......Apart from UV radiation stimulating vitamin D synthesis, red and near-infrared (NIR) radiation have a profound effect on human physiology, notably acting as a mitochondrial stimulant and increasing ATP production.

Hamblin MR. Mechanisms and application of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophys 2017; 4:337-61.

But then who makes money selling Vitamins? Certainly not Big Pharma. Heck if we could just get people to go back in the sun again. By the way, I just got through taking 36mg of Ivermectine and 200mg of HCQ.
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People are quite right to be cautious about nebulizing H Peroxide , I was , I am really in to health and have to be having Primary Polycythaemia. I was happy at the end of my research that it was the best option for me as I am allegidly immune suppressed on meds I take for my Polycythaemia (Ruxolitinib) and during Covid we were advised to become recluses etc. So I decided the risk is less than the benefit. In fact I am at time of writing not sure there is any risk if done properly. For those who are interested many people drink diluted versions and some docs give it intraveniously. I havnt done those two but I suspect some of the stuff people take on here mainly steriods and some drugs the FDA etc love probably do more harm. Hydrogen peroxide is in food, mouthwash 1.5%, teeth whitening to mention a few, the also use it to disinfect hospitals. The letter to Brownstein is not unusual. I wonder if all the legal approved conventional docs who got half the world addicted to opiates and antidepressants and tranquilsers to name a few got similar letters. I wonder who did more harm, I know who made the most money. The FDA and drug companies hate anything like Ivermectin or Hydrogen peroxide, iodine and also vitamins because they can make people healthier , but then who is going to buy the drugs. Lets get back to discussing testosterone etc , its more fun. :)
Ur spot on. If people fully understood how the medical system works they would be mortified. Most people don’t have a clue unfortunately. Listening to a podcast now where a doctor talks about not having a clue either for the longest time. He was talking about how when running a clinical trial they’re allowed to remove any subjects that experience any negative effects, during the pre clinical trial phase. He was talking about how the biggest statin clinical trial removed something crazy like 34 thousands people in the pre clinical trial phase, because they experienced side effects. I could have that number incorrect, but I’ll link the podcast below so people can check it out for themselves. Sorry if you don’t have Spotify. I’ll also link a few podcasts that are extremely eye opening in regards to the medical system and how it works and operates. There’s many many reasons and incentives to suppress solutions to problems that are more natural/ generic that can’t be patented. Again, if people knew half of the reasons they’d be sick to their stomach that people can be so greedy and short sighted, and knowingly put people’s health at risk in order to make more profits

#1979 - Dr. Aseem Malhotra (Joe Rogan episode #1979 Dr. Aseem Malhotra)
-doctor that talks about how corrupt the clinical trials for statins are

#1999 - Robert Kennedy, Jr. (Joe rogan episode #1999 Robert Kennedy Jr)
-Talks mostly about vaccines and the risks associated with them

#1873 - Brigham Buhler
(Joe Rogan episode #1873 Brigham Buhler)
-Used to be drug rep for Pfizer. Gives the inside scoop on how things are actually run behind the scenes with drugs and doctors
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I searched if Hydrogen Peroxide can be virucidal or can inactivate viruses and the research is mildly put sketchy.

One study of 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide disinfectant shows it deactivated lots of viruses but the formulation contained acids (pH 3.0) and cannot be applied in lungs. Acids can be virucidal so the effect cannot be attributed solely to Hydrogen Peroxide, based on this study alone:

Another study also showed viral deactivation but used vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide heated to 120 Celsius (248 F) so clearly that will not work in the lungs either:
Evaluating the virucidal efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour

Regarding the concentration, Dr. David Brownstein nebulized 0.04% Hydrogen Peroxide in regular saline, with a "drop of 5% Lugol's solution iodine" in the nebulizer, for treating COVID patients. He himself is not sure if the effect is from the Hydrogen Peroxide or the iodine - iodine has a sound research that it can inactivate viruses, Hydrogen Peroxide hasn't.

Dr. Thomas Levy nebulizes 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in saline but that concentration is probably irritable to the lungs - this is Dr. Mercola's experience, shared in his interview of Dr. Levy, in which they got in an argument. In the same interview, the "explanation" by Dr. Levy how Hydrogen Peroxide inactivates viruses is a pseudo-medical gibberish.

I personally have dropped 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide in the nose and it was extremely burning, so I am with Mercola on the concentration. The same concentration of 0.5% was used as a nasal wash in a Brazilian study - it failed to reduce symptoms of COVID infected patients and failed to prove it reduced transmission to uninfected family members:

But obv nobody is drinking distilled water lol
See my post above yours.

What quantity and concentration do you nebulize and how many times per day?
We use between 0.5% and 3% , during worst Covid period and after flights or similar environments its 3% since nearly 3 years almost daily. If I am hibernating then I dont use it. It must be food grade and I dilute it with saline. Its best you do your own research though and satisfy yourself first.
I searched if Hydrogen Peroxide can be virucidal or can inactivate viruses and the research is mildly put sketchy.

One study of 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide disinfectant shows it deactivated lots of viruses but the formulation contained acids (pH 3.0) and cannot be applied in lungs. Acids can be virucidal so the effect cannot be attributed solely to Hydrogen Peroxide, based on this study alone:

Another study also showed viral deactivation but used vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide heated to 120 Celsius (248 F) so clearly that will not work in the lungs either:
Evaluating the virucidal efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour

Regarding the concentration, Dr. David Brownstein nebulized 0.04% Hydrogen Peroxide in regular saline, with a "drop of 5% Lugol's solution iodine" in the nebulizer, for treating COVID patients. He himself is not sure if the effect is from the Hydrogen Peroxide or the iodine - iodine has a sound research that it can inactivate viruses, Hydrogen Peroxide hasn't.

Dr. Thomas Levy nebulizes 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in saline but that concentration is probably irritable to the lungs - this is Dr. Mercola's experience, shared in his interview of Dr. Levy, in which they got in an argument. In the same interview, the "explanation" by Dr. Levy how Hydrogen Peroxide inactivates viruses is a pseudo-medical gibberish.

I personally have dropped 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide in the nose and it was extremely burning, so I am with Mercola on the concentration. The same concentration of 0.5% was used as a nasal wash in a Brazilian study - it failed to reduce symptoms of COVID infected patients and failed to prove it reduced transmission to uninfected family members:

3% can give you a bit of a tickle sometimes but many on the COPD sites use it daily, no probs it seems. Mercola is now using 0.5% daily the last time I looked. He is a bit eccentric but I suspect he knows his health stuff, he is extremely careful about diet and avoiding toxins etc to the point of extreme, he claims his T and Ifg-1 are up near max naturally due to his regime. I doubt he would be nebulising Hydrogen Peroxide daily if it was bad for him, he seems to recommend it. Everyone to their own though.
I searched if Hydrogen Peroxide can be virucidal or can inactivate viruses and the research is mildly put sketchy.

One study of 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide disinfectant shows it deactivated lots of viruses but the formulation contained acids (pH 3.0) and cannot be applied in lungs. Acids can be virucidal so the effect cannot be attributed solely to Hydrogen Peroxide, based on this study alone:

Another study also showed viral deactivation but used vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide heated to 120 Celsius (248 F) so clearly that will not work in the lungs either:
Evaluating the virucidal efficacy of hydrogen peroxide vapour

Regarding the concentration, Dr. David Brownstein nebulized 0.04% Hydrogen Peroxide in regular saline, with a "drop of 5% Lugol's solution iodine" in the nebulizer, for treating COVID patients. He himself is not sure if the effect is from the Hydrogen Peroxide or the iodine - iodine has a sound research that it can inactivate viruses, Hydrogen Peroxide hasn't.

Dr. Thomas Levy nebulizes 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in saline but that concentration is probably irritable to the lungs - this is Dr. Mercola's experience, shared in his interview of Dr. Levy, in which they got in an argument. In the same interview, the "explanation" by Dr. Levy how Hydrogen Peroxide inactivates viruses is a pseudo-medical gibberish.

I personally have dropped 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide in the nose and it was extremely burning, so I am with Mercola on the concentration. The same concentration of 0.5% was used as a nasal wash in a Brazilian study - it failed to reduce symptoms of COVID infected patients and failed to prove it reduced transmission to uninfected family members:

I would be careful dropping it on your nose, although dentists use/used it as some kind of nose wash on patients during Covid to as it were de virus the channels before doing dentist work.
We use between 0.5% and 3% , during worst Covid period and after flights or similar environments its 3% since nearly 3 years almost daily. If I am hibernating then I dont use it. It must be food grade and I dilute it with saline. Its best you do your own research though and satisfy yourself first.
Here is something that at least has research to back up its use that can be done easily.....
"Recent evidence has confirmed that 0.5% povidone iodine (PVP-I) mouthrinse/gargle for 30 s can reduce SARS-CoV-2 virus infectivity to below detectable levels."

Let's just make this even simpler

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