Heart palpitations

I recently started this. Read the dosage instructions carefully. I am taking larger and larger doses to resolve my deficiency and will probably back off when I have a blood test in August. Amazon can save you $1-2 on delivery, 8 or 16 oz. I have a dropper I use. I measured how many droppers for a 1/2 teaspoon.

This is great stuff, imo.

Never heard of mag water before, thanks Vince.

From the Mag Water link: "If rapid restoration of magnesium is desired, e.g., chronic migraine headaches or atrial fibrillation, I’ve had patients drink 8 ounces twice per day to provide 360 mg elemental magnesium per day. Just be aware that even this great preparation has potential to cause loose stools."
Mag Water: 16oz = 360mg elemental mag = potential loose stools.

ReMag: 1 1/2 teaspoons = 450mg elemental mag = no loose stools.

I am increasing 1/4 every 2 days and will "top out" at about 2 tspn or 600mg of elemental mag to overcome a deficiency. I will test around August.

ReMag is absorbed before it reaches the large intestine so it will not cause diarrhea.

Btw, I also take Asparcam, a 175mg potassium aspartate and 175mg magnesium aspartate tablet 3 xpd for a total of 525mg each.
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This is my first post on this forum so hopefully it's a helpful one.

Taurine and l-arginine has been found to help with palpitations (PVCs and PACs)
Elimination of cardiac arrhythmias using oral taurine with l-arginine with case histories: Hypothesis for nitric oxide stabilization of the sinus n... - PubMed - NCBI

I have suffered from palpitations for as long as I can remember, a while ago I saw this article and added Taurine.
So far I have been almost completely palpitation free (knock on wood), and that's with only using taurine. The study states you need the l-arginine as well.

I'm gonna add the l-arginine to the mix and see if it helps me be totally free from palpitations. Hope this will help you too.

Here is the full article of above.
I use a mixture of Beetroot powder, Taurine, L-Arginine and L-Citruline(2:1) with a magnesium spray(30min before sleep) if I experience BP spikes which often happen around dinner time. It is also great as a pre/post (NO)workout drink with BCAA´s.

Rock - What are your daily dosages for the above NO mixture?
I am glad I found this post on the forum. I started TRT injections of 100 mg Test Cypionate on Oct 30, 2020. Starting on Oct 2, 2020, my Total Test was 510 ng/dl and Free Test was 8.6 ng/dl. At 6 weeks, my blood was tested again and Total Test was 1,022 ng/dl and Free Test was 24.5 ng/dl. At 8 weeks in, I started having heart palpitations. They were annoying at first, but then they started waking me up at night. I normally inject subcutaneously every Friday, but I skipped this past Friday to see if I can get this under control. I already take l-arginine, but I will order some l-taurine. I have more energy on TRT with a better mood. The downside is increased hair loss, no libido and heart palpitations.
I am glad I found this post on the forum. I started TRT injections of 100 mg Test Cypionate on Oct 30, 2020. Starting on Oct 2, 2020, my Total Test was 510 ng/dl and Free Test was 8.6 ng/dl. At 6 weeks, my blood was tested again and Total Test was 1,022 ng/dl and Free Test was 24.5 ng/dl. At 8 weeks in, I started having heart palpitations. They were annoying at first, but then they started waking me up at night. I normally inject subcutaneously every Friday, but I skipped this past Friday to see if I can get this under control. I already take l-arginine, but I will order some l-taurine. I have more energy on TRT with a better mood. The downside is increased hair loss, no libido and heart palpitations.

Post full labs (reference ranges/assays used) and if they were done at the true trough (7 days post-injection) just before your next injection then if you are hitting a TT 1000s with FT 24.5 ng/dL your peak TT/FT levels (8-12 hr) post-injection/during the first few days would be absurdly high let alone elevated e2.

What is your SHBG?

What testing method was used for FT?

Although some men do well injecting higher doses once weekly the main downfall is that T levels will be absurdly high at peak/during the first few days only to be followed by much lower levels come weeks end which can have a negative impact on energy, mood, libido, erections, recovery as hormone levels will not be as stable throughout the week.

You would most likely fare better splitting up your weekly dose (100 mg) and injecting twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days).
I am glad I found this post on the forum. I started TRT injections of 100 mg Test Cypionate on Oct 30, 2020. Starting on Oct 2, 2020, my Total Test was 510 ng/dl and Free Test was 8.6 ng/dl. At 6 weeks, my blood was tested again and Total Test was 1,022 ng/dl and Free Test was 24.5 ng/dl. At 8 weeks in, I started having heart palpitations. They were annoying at first, but then they started waking me up at night. I normally inject subcutaneously every Friday, but I skipped this past Friday to see if I can get this under control. I already take l-arginine, but I will order some l-taurine. I have more energy on TRT with a better mood. The downside is increased hair loss, no libido and heart palpitations.

Bad move there seeing as you are only injecting once weekly.

T levels will continue dropping and will be sub-par well before you hit the 2-week mark for your next injection.

Huge rollercoaster effect waiting 2 weeks!
Post full labs (reference ranges/assays used) and if they were done at the true trough (7 days post-injection) just before your next injection then if you are hitting a TT 1000s with FT 24.5 ng/dL your peak TT/FT levels (8-12 hr) post-injection/during the first few days would be absurdly high let alone elevated e2.

What is your SHBG?

What testing method was used for FT?

Although some men do well injecting higher doses once weekly the main downfall is that T levels will be absurdly high at peak/during the first few days only to be followed by much lower levels come weeks end which can have a negative impact on energy, mood, libido, erections, recovery as hormone levels will not be as stable throughout the week.

You would most likely fare better splitting up your weekly dose (100 mg) and injecting twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days).
Hi, MadMan;

Thanks so much for responding to my post. I learn so much from you guys!

I do injections weekly, not every two weeks, but I probably left that out of my initial post. First, I attached an image of the blood test taken before starting TRT injections, and it is called PM Before.jpg and I also attached the 6 week blood test, called PM After.jpg. This blood test was done in the morning of my injection day, BEFORE my injection, so these high values were Trough Values. You also asked about SBGH and E2, but my doc has never tried to test those parameters. I started on Clomid 2 years ago, and I used Nelson's service to get my own lab work done after 6 months on Clomid, and I had posted those 2 years ago here (let me know if this link doesn't work);

I hope the images I attached provide the reference ranges you were asking about. I wanted my Total Testosterone to be about 800, so 1 week ago, I started subcutaneous injections every 3.5 days at 40 mg (for a total of 80 mg, instead of the 100 mg I was initially doing). I have only given myself 2 of those smaller doses so far, and they are not reflected in the recent labwork. My doctor said the values looked good and he would retest for T levels and Hemocrit in 90 days.

So, how high do you think my T levels are on injection day with the trough being 1,022? Since I am doing subcutaneous injections into the fat around my abdomen, I thought the T would be absorbed very slowly, and that T levels would remain level throughout the week. But it sounds like you would still expect to see a peak/trough? My energy and mood are great, but my libido is completely gone.

Appreciate the feedback!


  • PM After.webp
    PM After.webp
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  • PM Before.webp
    PM Before.webp
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Hi, MadMan;

Thanks so much for responding to my post. I learn so much from you guys!

I do injections weekly, not every two weeks, but I probably left that out of my initial post. First, I attached an image of the blood test taken before starting TRT injections, and it is called PM Before.jpg and I also attached the 6 week blood test, called PM After.jpg. This blood test was done in the morning of my injection day, BEFORE my injection, so these high values were Trough Values. You also asked about SBGH and E2, but my doc has never tried to test those parameters. I started on Clomid 2 years ago, and I used Nelson's service to get my own lab work done after 6 months on Clomid, and I had posted those 2 years ago here (let me know if this link doesn't work);

I hope the images I attached provide the reference ranges you were asking about. I wanted my Total Testosterone to be about 800, so 1 week ago, I started subcutaneous injections every 3.5 days at 40 mg (for a total of 80 mg, instead of the 100 mg I was initially doing). I have only given myself 2 of those smaller doses so far, and they are not reflected in the recent labwork. My doctor said the values looked good and he would retest for T levels and Hemocrit in 90 days.

So, how high do you think my T levels are on injection day with the trough being 1,022? Since I am doing subcutaneous injections into the fat around my abdomen, I thought the T would be absorbed very slowly, and that T levels would remain level throughout the week. But it sounds like you would still expect to see a peak/trough? My energy and mood are great, but my libido is completely gone.

Appreciate the feedback!

I understand that you started off on once-weekly injections but you stated that....At 8 weeks in, I started having heart palpitations. They were annoying at first, but then they started waking me up at night. I normally inject subcutaneously every Friday, but I skipped this past Friday to see if I can get this under control..

That is why I said it was a bad move seeing as you skipped your injection which means you would not be injecting again until the next Friday (2 weeks later) which would surely have your T levels hypogonadal before the 2-week mark.

You need to know where your SHBG level sits which is critical as it will not only have a significant impact on where your FT level sits but will also dictate what injection frequency may suit you best!

Hard to believe your doctor would not test SHBG let alone e2 pre/post trt but then again not surprising as many fail when it comes to thorough testing let alone using accurate assays.

TT, FT, e2, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, LH/FSH, DHEA, Vit D, PSA, Lipids, CMP, CBC (which will include hemoglobin/hematocrit), cortisol(4 points), and a full thyroid panel should be tested pre-trt.

Follow up (6-12 weeks) and twice-yearly should include TT, FT, e2, DHT, PSA, Lipids, CMP, CBC.

Other tests can be added if need be.

Regarding your FT I have no idea what testing method was used from the labs you posted as it only shows the reference range.

What lab was used?

Again seeing as the TT/FT levels posted are your true trough levels (7 days) post-injection than regardless of whether you were injecting exogenous esterified T subcutaneously or intramuscularly your TT/FT levels are going to be much higher at peak (8-12 hrs) post-injection and during the first few days.

The best piece of advice would be to split your weekly dose T (100 mg) and inject twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days) which will not only clip your peak--->trough but will result in more stable levels.

Looks like you have already made the change as you just recently started the new
protocol using a lower weekly dose T (80 mg).

Mind you we have no idea what your SHBG is.

You will now need to wait 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize than have blood work done at the true trough to see where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit on such dose.

As I have stated numerous times on the forum that although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

When it comes to testing FT it is critical that you use the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best) to know where your FT level truly sits on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Use Nelsons discountedlabs as either one of these will suffice!

1 Testosterone, Total and Free (NO Upper Limit) plus Hematocrit
2 Testosterone, Total, LC/MS and Free (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration)
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I understand that you started off on once-weekly injections but you stated that....At 8 weeks in, I started having heart palpitations. They were annoying at first, but then they started waking me up at night. I normally inject subcutaneously every Friday, but I skipped this past Friday to see if I can get this under control..

That is why I said it was a bad move seeing as you skipped your injection which means you would not be injecting again until the next Friday (2 weeks later) which would surely have your T levels hypogonadal before the 2-week mark.

You need to know where your SHBG level sits which is critical as it will not only have a significant impact on where your FT level sits but will also dictate what injection frequency may suit you best!

Hard to believe your doctor would not test SHBG let alone e2 pre/post trt but then again not surprising as many fail when it comes to thorough testing let alone using accurate assays.

TT, FT, e2, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, LH/FSH, DHEA, Vit D, PSA, Lipids, CMP, CBC (which will include hemoglobin/hematocrit), cortisol(4 points), and a full thyroid panel should be tested pre-trt.

Follow up (6-12 weeks) and twice-yearly should include TT, FT, e2, DHT, PSA, Lipids, CMP, CBC.

Other tests can be added if need be.

Regarding your FT I have no idea what testing method was used from the labs you posted as it only shows the reference range.

What lab was used?

Again seeing as the TT/FT levels posted are your true trough levels (7 days) post-injection than regardless of whether you were injecting exogenous esterified T subcutaneously or intramuscularly your TT/FT levels are going to be much higher at peak (8-12 hrs) post-injection and during the first few days.

The best piece of advice would be to split your weekly dose T (100 mg) and inject twice weekly (50 mg every 3.5 days) which will not only clip your peak--->trough but will result in more stable levels.

Looks like you have already made the change as you just recently started the new
protocol using a lower weekly dose T (80 mg).

Mind you we have no idea what your SHBG is.

You will now need to wait 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize than have blood work done at the true trough to see where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit on such dose.

As I have stated numerous times on the forum that although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

When it comes to testing FT it is critical that you use the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration (next best) to know where your FT level truly sits on such protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

Use Nelsons discountedlabs as either one of these will suffice!

1 Testosterone, Total and Free (NO Upper Limit) plus Hematocrit
2 Testosterone, Total, LC/MS and Free (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration)
Thanks, MadMan;
The top of the lab results page says;
Labtech Diagnostics / Wyomed Labratory Inc. But there isn't anything else on the page that would let me know anything about the measurements they are showing. I suspect my doctor is not a good one, LOL. But we don't have many local ones to choose from. At some point I might get a doctor who does the telemed option. Appreciate your input!
Thanks, MadMan;
The top of the lab results page says;
Labtech Diagnostics / Wyomed Labratory Inc. But there isn't anything else on the page that would let me know anything about the measurements they are showing. I suspect my doctor is not a good one, LOL. But we don't have many local ones to choose from. At some point I might get a doctor who does the telemed option. Appreciate your input!
Doubting that your TT was done using LC/MS-MS let alone FT using Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration.

At least they have the estradiol (LC/MS-MS) available!

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