Estrogen still too high on IM


New Member
old protocol:
56mg text cyp e3.5 days subq
250iu hcg e3.5 days subq
was on arimidex .25 for last 3 weeks on this protocol

new protocol:
50mg test cyp IM e3.5 days
250iu hcg day before test injection
no arimidex

So I've posted before about how I felt like I was riding an estrogen rollercoaster while on sub w and then when I added arimidex. Doctor had me lower dose and switch to IM injections to hopefully bring down my estrogen. At first I felt nothing when I switched, almost like I wasn't on any type of TRT at all. Then in the second week I started feeling great, mood was very even and stable, energy was actually slightly improved, but libido was down. I even posted about all of this when asking how to test trough. I figured things would only continue to get better. Fast forward to today and my estrogen is definitely too high. I get bloodwork tomorrow morning, and I'm obviously not gonna change a thing before I do that. However I've got finals that I'm prepping for over the next two weeks. High estrogen makes me super sleepy, really scatterbrained(makes organic chemistry and physics extra difficult to do), and also gives me an overall sense of anxiety.

Is it sensible to lower my dose to 40mg on Monday after my bloodwork? I would rather have a little lower levels of test to bring down estro as opposed to starting AI again. It seems I'm super sensitive to changes in estrogen and really didn't like arimidex the first time. If I get results back and test is too high from 50mg then 40mg would be the strategy anyways. If test is normal and estro is high then I imagine the last thing I could try is switching to ED injections. Thanks for any input.
Yes I fully understand that. I don't have that option though. I'm asking if dropping to 40mg is drastic or somewhat sensible. I can't afford to wait ten days for labs to act because of my finals coming up. Too much ****ing studying to get done.
You didn't disclose your AI use frequency previously, you list .25mg, but how often? You can't do this the way you are, this is a demonstrable case of you can't operate this way with any success.
.25mg e3.5 days when I injected testosterone. I was on the 56mg protocol for months with no changes made except adding AI in the last few weeks and that only made it worse. So doc decided to drop me down in dosage and get rid of the AI since I felt so bad on it. I am now getting my one month bloods done since changing protocol. I have a life situation in the way and I simply cannot continue to have my estrogen sky high for the next two weeks.

What way is that exactly? I am not changing a thing before blood work, so it will be valid. I just am in a situation where the consequences affect my future significantly and cannot afford to be a scatterbrained over emotional fool for the time being. I know it is not ideal, and in a perfect world I would change absolutely nothing until blood work is back. I am not arguing that point. I simply don't know what else I could do? I already changed my schedule of classes next quarter to things that aren't as intense so that if I run into a similar situation I will be able to ride it out and wait on blood work. This quarter I simply can't.
old protocol:
56mg text cyp e3.5 days subq
250iu hcg e3.5 days subq
was on arimidex .25 for last 3 weeks on this protocol

new protocol:
50mg test cyp IM e3.5 days
250iu hcg day before test injection
no arimidex

So I've posted before about how I felt like I was riding an estrogen rollercoaster while on sub w and then when I added arimidex. Doctor had me lower dose and switch to IM injections to hopefully bring down my estrogen. At first I felt nothing when I switched, almost like I wasn't on any type of TRT at all. Then in the second week I started feeling great, mood was very even and stable, energy was actually slightly improved, but libido was down. I even posted about all of this when asking how to test trough. I figured things would only continue to get better. Fast forward to today and my estrogen is definitely too high. I get bloodwork tomorrow morning, and I'm obviously not gonna change a thing before I do that. However I've got finals that I'm prepping for over the next two weeks. High estrogen makes me super sleepy, really scatterbrained(makes organic chemistry and physics extra difficult to do), and also gives me an overall sense of anxiety.

Is it sensible to lower my dose to 40mg on Monday after my bloodwork? I would rather have a little lower levels of test to bring down estro as opposed to starting AI again. It seems I'm super sensitive to changes in estrogen and really didn't like arimidex the first time. If I get results back and test is too high from 50mg then 40mg would be the strategy anyways. If test is normal and estro is high then I imagine the last thing I could try is switching to ED injections. Thanks for any input.

Like vince carter said, you will never achieve success this way. You are making too many simultaneous changes. If your E2 is lower, how will you know what did it? IM? Lower dose? Or changing hCG frequency?

You're also going to lower your testosterone dose, to increase performance for a self diagnosed high E2 level? I know you know what high E2 is like, but feelings are often wrong.

Is it possible that during the two weeks where you didn't feel anything, that was due to stress or worry? You sound incredibly stressed, and I am myself as well. I can tell you I've lost a few of the benefits due to the changes I've made in my life recently. That is normal though, and I am not worried about it because I know what it is from.
Hcg freq, lower dose, and switching to IM were done at the same time, and yes it's three changes at once, no going back now. I don't care if it's the lower dose, different day with hcg, or IM as long as my e2 comes down. Yes I do have some stress, but I can assure you my estrogen is too high. I can literally feel when my test peaks because it coincides with my estrogen. I can cry at the drop of a ****ing hat, basically bawling like a pregnant woman if I see something sad on tv. My acne flared back up just like when e2 was too high on my last protocol. I want to sleep all day, and I have intense brain fog where I feel like I'm wading through muck to make sense of things that are usually easy for me. Now this is still much more preferable than the hell that was low e2/lowish test before I started TRT, and if my academic life wasn't in it's current state I would simply stay the path and wait on blood work. However I can't do that. I'm not asking if dropping my dose without blood work is smart, I know it's not the greatest idea, but simply waiting for blood work is not an option. I've got two weeks to prep for two finals that are back to back and I need my brain working at least at 85%. Like I stated I changed my schedule next quarter so I will not run into this problem again and can be more systematic in my approach to getting dialed in.

Honestly all I'm looking for is any anecdotes of guys being on something as low as 80mg a week and it working for them. Then again typing these replies I've realized that I have already made my mind up lol so I'm gonna follow my instinct. I'll report back as soon as my blood work is in and we can see if I was completely wrong or not. Thanks for all the help.
Hcg freq, lower dose, and switching to IM were done at the same time, and yes it's three changes at once, no going back now. I don't care if it's the lower dose, different day with hcg, or IM as long as my e2 comes down. Yes I do have some stress, but I can assure you my estrogen is too high. I can literally feel when my test peaks because it coincides with my estrogen. I can cry at the drop of a ****ing hat, basically bawling like a pregnant woman if I see something sad on tv. My acne flared back up just like when e2 was too high on my last protocol. I want to sleep all day, and I have intense brain fog where I feel like I'm wading through muck to make sense of things that are usually easy for me. Now this is still much more preferable than the hell that was low e2/lowish test before I started TRT, and if my academic life wasn't in it's current state I would simply stay the path and wait on blood work. However I can't do that. I'm not asking if dropping my dose without blood work is smart, I know it's not the greatest idea, but simply waiting for blood work is not an option. I've got two weeks to prep for two finals that are back to back and I need my brain working at least at 85%. Like I stated I changed my schedule next quarter so I will not run into this problem again and can be more systematic in my approach to getting dialed in.

Honestly all I'm looking for is any anecdotes of guys being on something as low as 80mg a week and it working for them. Then again typing these replies I've realized that I have already made my mind up lol so I'm gonna follow my instinct. I'll report back as soon as my blood work is in and we can see if I was completely wrong or not. Thanks for all the help.'re doing it all backwards, this doesn't work the way that you're trying force it to.
Just my opinion, if you aren't over weight. I would drop the HCG and inject 60mg of testosterone cyp every 3 1/2 days. The only thing you need a doctor and labs.
This thread is a perfect example of what happens when people make assumptions not based on any blood work but on symptoms that may or may not have anything to do with estradiol.
I haven't argued that point one time? I acknowledged the fact that it isn't ideal a few times. I'm just not in a position to go the ideal route at the moment. I may very well be wrong and lowering my dose may not be a good plan, however I don't have another choice. After reading everything I decided maybe a 20mg drop was too big so I went with 44mg instead. I will post bloodwork as soon as it is back and you all can tell me how irrationally I acted. I don't mean to be argumentative. I understand TRT and I know you simply cannot jump around changing things, but in my life at this exact moment I did not have a choice. I acknowledged that I changed my schedule so this wouldn't happen again, but it seems everybody glossed over that part, or thinks it doesn't matter that much idk. Guess we will see.

Almost forgot, and maybe I haven't made it clear enough, but every decision up until this one has been based off of blood work results.
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I haven't argued that point one time? I acknowledged the fact that it isn't ideal a few times. I'm just not in a position to go the ideal route at the moment. I may very well be wrong and lowering my dose may not be a good plan, however I don't have another choice. After reading everything I decided maybe a 20mg drop was too big so I went with 44mg instead. I will post bloodwork as soon as it is back and you all can tell me how irrationally I acted. I don't mean to be argumentative. I understand TRT and I know you simply cannot jump around changing things, but in my life at this exact moment I did not have a choice. I acknowledged that I changed my schedule so this wouldn't happen again, but it seems everybody glossed over that part, or thinks it doesn't matter that much idk. Guess we will see.

Almost forgot, and maybe I haven't made it clear enough, but every decision up until this one has been based off of blood work results.

Right but the thing is, that jumping around got you into this mess, and your previous protocol change is an example of that.
I lowered my dose so that I could basically start fresh and titrate up. I switched to IM because of anecdotal experiences, and changed hcg frequency at request of my doctor. All of this was based on blood work. The only thing I did wrong was not starting here instead of at 150mg, which was wayyy too high, and also maybe taking two of my hardest pre req classes in the same quarter. The point is moot. Nothing left to argue, as the decision has been made. I'll post blood work when it arrives.
I lowered my dose so that I could basically start fresh and titrate up. I switched to IM because of anecdotal experiences, and changed hcg frequency at request of my doctor. All of this was based on blood work. The only thing I did wrong was not starting here instead of at 150mg, which was wayyy too high, and also maybe taking two of my hardest pre req classes in the same quarter. The point is moot. Nothing left to argue, as the decision has been made. I'll post blood work when it arrives.

If you want to have productive discussions, post labs. All you're doing is talk talk talk and non of that is relevant or helpful or generates any meaningful discussion. You might like allthingsmale, peakT forum, or TNation where they just don't care and shoot from the hip on everything.
Total test- 878 (348-1197)
Free test - 22.4 (9.3-26.5)
Sensitive e2- 43.4 (8-35)

Looks like my instincts were correct, and my estradiol was too high. My testosterone wasn't super high though. My high estro symptoms have gone away since I dropped to 44mg on Monday, but I just feel meh overall. Definitely preferable for studying, but not ideal. I will continue on this protocol for another 4 weeks and redo blood work then. Now that you have labs is there any input you would like to give?

Also have there been cases where guys aromatize a lot from hcg? I take 250iu twice a week, but what's the minimum effective dose? Could I possibly lower my hcg instead of test cyp?
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Total test- 878 (348-1197)
Free test - 22.4 (9.3-26.5)
Sensitive e2- 43.4 (8-35)

Looks like my instincts were correct, and my estradiol was too high. My testosterone wasn't super high though. My high estro symptoms have gone away since I dropped to 44mg on Monday, but I just feel meh overall. Definitely preferable for studying, but not ideal. I will continue on this protocol for another 4 weeks and redo blood work then. Now that you have labs is there any input you would like to give?

Also have there been cases where guys aromatize a lot from hcg? I take 250iu twice a week, but what's the minimum effective dose? Could I possibly lower my hcg instead of test cyp?

How long have you been on this protocol for before getting labs?
Total test- 878 (348-1197)
Free test - 22.4 (9.3-26.5)
Sensitive e2- 43.4 (8-35)

Looks like my instincts were correct, and my estradiol was too high. My testosterone wasn't super high though. My high estro symptoms have gone away since I dropped to 44mg on Monday, but I just feel meh overall. Definitely preferable for studying, but not ideal. I will continue on this protocol for another 4 weeks and redo blood work then. Now that you have labs is there any input you would like to give?

Also have there been cases where guys aromatize a lot from hcg? I take 250iu twice a week, but what's the minimum effective dose? Could I possibly lower my hcg instead of test cyp?

You asked about HCG and estradiol. The former can elevate the latter. Does it increase "a lot" in those men who are sensitive to it? Enough to be a factor. For many men, your level of e2 is not really that high. But if symptoms are driving this, and you have a lab result that does put you out of range, I would not respond to it by lowering my HCG dose.
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I responded the same way with HCG and even did the whole AI. Which just made things worse. I then went to daily HCG injections of only 50iu a day and it has been working well

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