DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

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Every single video is like some brand new life changing epithony I can smell through his bullshit marketing
He has some good Info but comes across too dude bro for me
He also needs to put a t shirt on for god sake mans in his 40s
Charging $100 for some source list is a joke too.
Yes, what I said initially, every week an eureka. He is the online lab rat. It's about marketing, sharing what's all possible but you gotta pay up to get a personal solution. That's the deal, everywhere, also with your MDs

Why did I post it? Be aware of the possible difference of topical application sites, do not just aim for max absorption.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
My reactions to this video:

Why is he always talking about the androgen receptor content of application sites? What does that matter? Why does he think that is relevant to absorption or metabolism? This is one of those moments where I feel like he reveals himself as being less than an expert.

I agree with the overall premise of the video: there are different outcomes that can be realized with different application sites, and we should not all be following the rouzier/nichols dogma that scrotal application is the only viable approach. Maybe the ratios of metabolites will differ for different people at different sites, and we all need to run individual experiments to discover how different parts of our bodies perform.

I'm surprised Cortex didn't mention skin thickness in that video, as it seems like a very important differentiator between sites. Instead he's talking about AR density. Maybe in practice, there is not a direct relationship between thickness and absorption? Only one way to find out.
He's right about androgen receptors though, it matters a LOT. So yes different application sites can make a significant difference in outcome.
I am taking a weeklong break. I could feel it affecting my prostate after prolonged use. It wasn't unpleasant or serious, but I was peeing a lot, and the urgency was intense. Also, I could just sense that it felt different. After 3 days off, it has cleared up. Of note, I am 67, so I may be more susceptible to those types of sides.

I had my PSA tested while using the cream and it was normal, unchanged from the last test, so I have no worries about that aspect.

I will add that I also have sensed a change in mood and overall attitude since stopping. It's a bit of a letdown. I plan on starting again this weekend, but maybe cycle it a little better. That was my initial intention, but damn... those perks are addictive!
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Has anyone of you (daily DHT users) lab values of free hormones (T,E2,DHT) while using DHT vs not using DHT?
I'll test only Total T, E2 and DHT. If this solved my libido issues then I'd do a full blood panel to see where I stand overall.

His main popularity came from being basically the only youtuber promoting Test P during the time it gained new popularity among people that don't do well on longer esters. Even then in his Test P video the "benefits" were overblown. That's also the time I found him and found him a bit over the top, but it was good that someone was talking about some new trends regarding TRT.

Cortex is just a typical youtuber with mostly clickbaity titles trying to get views and shilling his product. Now he has positioned himself as a libido "expert", because he noticed that many people have issues with libido on TRT and that there is money to be made. His prices for consultations as well as selling the "source list" are completely absurd. His "experimentation" is largely worthless as he's never on the protocol long enough, so it's hard to what the exact results are due to him over-blowing things. In the beginning of September he mentioned how he's on 700mg/week of Test P, yet one month later he is suddenly on 140mg/week of Test E? Also he experimented with DHT in between? He also mentioned taking DHT orally? In just one month so many things changed that it's impossible to know what was really happening. It seems like each video he has a different protocol.

Overall many of his videos are contradictory and all "promise" a solution to the libido problems. In one video the solution is microdosing Arimidex, next one is Aromasin, then it's using DHT gel, etc. All of it worthless.
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