Seeker of Wisdom
I started a previous thread to unravel the mystery of why hCG improves libido in some men, which generated some good discussion but didn't reach any firm conclusions:
Now comes a youtube video from Cortex Labs that claims hCG improves libido by stimulating 5-AR activity and increasing DHT production:
This actually sounds plausible to me for a few reasons:
I think this guy may be onto something and he has inspired me to start taking hCG seriously as worthy of experimentation. He expresses some controversial ideas around absolute levels of estradiol being more important than the T:E2 ratio and the need to control E2 (particularly to gain the best results from hCG) that I think are worth discussing also.
Libido: hCG vs higher T / E2
When people say that hCG improves libido, it seems like a huge confounding factor to me that it also substantially increases your testosterone level and especially your E2, while reducing the T/E2 ratio. Has anyone achieved the same or very similar levels of T and E2 both on and off hCG to...

Now comes a youtube video from Cortex Labs that claims hCG improves libido by stimulating 5-AR activity and increasing DHT production:
This actually sounds plausible to me for a few reasons:
- My ratio of Free T to DHT increased on testosterone injections compared to my natural baseline. In one case, I tested a below baseline DHT with a free T that was almost double baseline.
- There seems to be a theme with the endocrine system where hormones that stimulate the secretion of downstream hormones also stimulate the metabolism of those downstream hormones into more active versions. For example, TSH increases the conversion of T4 into T3, so people on T4 only therapy with suppressed TSH may have below baseline production of T3. This is hypothesized to cause poor outcomes and continued hypothyroid symptoms.
- My libido on injections is pretty garbage except for a short while after dose increases.
- My libido on cream with the high DHT levels was much better.
- People that are suffering long-term sexual dysfunction from the use of 5-AR inhibitors, SSRIs, accutane, etc seem to report more success with hCG than TRT.
I think this guy may be onto something and he has inspired me to start taking hCG seriously as worthy of experimentation. He expresses some controversial ideas around absolute levels of estradiol being more important than the T:E2 ratio and the need to control E2 (particularly to gain the best results from hCG) that I think are worth discussing also.