A little background. I had a hardcore raging libido when I was younger, up to my early 20s. Quickly my erectile function deteriorated, followed by libido a few months later. I went for a blood test and my T was 300. I wanted TRT but my doc wouldn't prescribe it. So I turned to a friend at the gym who gave me testosterone. I cycled a few times, felt good while on, terrible when off. The one thing I noticed is that test really helped my libido at high doses with an AI, but I never once had erection or libido issues when using masteron, which is a DHT based steroid. It made me feel amazing.
Finally, I learned about telemedicine clinics, and wanted to do TRT the right way instead of damaging my health and flying blind. It's worked well for some things, but I never, ever felt that energy and sex drive or good erectile function like when I used something that boosted my DHT. It seems that no matter the dose, my body will not bring my DHT above 60. Now I know this is plenty for some guys, but I believe everyone has individual sensitivity, and that for me, this isn't enough to give me that boost I need.
I tried scrotal cream briefly, and I felt amazing for about a week, then estrogen symptoms skyrocketed and I had to stop. That was 25mg Scrotal per day with 120mg of test for the week.
What else can I do? Proviron isn't available as a prescription here, and I don't want to turn to buying masteron from some shady site to add to my TRT. I want to do this legally and avoid the headache. But I'm afraid that I'll never feel good again if I don't.