can testosterone cause chest pain and effect eyesight?


New Member
*I am not sure if you can render any guidance to me or not but I am extremely hopeful that you can. My ufologist has had me try androgel, and other trt prescriptions to include cholmid. Chlomid worked great but unfortunately I am a rare annomally that it actually effectedy vision so I had to get off of it. I have been take 50mg of testosterone cypianate per week. I have noticed that every time I get the injection it causes a tightness near my esophagus and chest area. It also causes my blood pressure to go up slightly and increases my heart rate. This seems to last for about 36-48 hours after the injection and than it subsides. I have told my urologist about it and he doesn't seem to worried about it because he says my blood levels look ok. I have gone to a cardiologist and an allergy doctor and my heart is checking out ok. Do you have any idea as to why my body reacts this way to the injection? It would do the same with the gels but unfortunately then I would feel the tightness all the time. I know the easy fix is to simply stop taking trt but my dilemma there is that my personal life goes downhill. Without trt my testosterone is about 134. Any advice you might be able to offer to help me reduce the effects of the injection would be greatly appreciated. Obviously my biggest concern is, if in continue to use it with these reactions will it cause long term damage to my body?
Your testosterone dose, 50mg per week, is on the low side in respect to raising your testosterone levels (which at 134 is very low). How long have you been on TRT and when did you begin to notice the chest pain?
50 mg per week is probably making you more hypogonadal than baseline. However, you may have extra sensitivity to testosterone, so I would proceed cautiously with increasing dose. Do you have blood work to post?
Thank you for your responses. My urologist has not been concerned with my chest pressure and or increase in blood pressure and heart rate on the day of the injection and 48 hours to follow after the fact. Again, my dilemma is I either stop taking Testosterone and than I have negative effects in my personal life. I have been on the TRT for about 6 months now. As for bloodwork, when I am taking the injections, my Testosterone is about 600 which is great for me, when I dont take it, it drops back down to 134 level. My urologist did advise me that I am on the upward level of Estrogen but still within limits, so he does not want to give me any estrogen blockers. My body obvioulsy has an extra sensitivity to testosterone, so if anyone else has ever experienced this and found a way to overcome the negative effects I have been experiencing, please advise. Nelson, any chance you can elaborate why you say by taking 50mg, it may make me more hypogonadal than baseline, I am not sure I am tracking what you are saying? Thanks.
Hi I'm a newbie here and almost two weeks ago I started taking my 1cc/ml shots of testosterone. Like you my blood pressure has jumped up mainly in the evening time. I take B/P meds daily but would really like to know if its going to go away and if you were able to get it under control? I'm going to speak to my doc but I found this forum and read your post and said wow...that's exactly what I'm going through now. I noticed you said your blood pressure gets back to normal after 36-48 hours but mine just started about four days ago. Actually after the first week my pressure started spiking here in there. Is it normal and will it go away? Any info would be great man thanks.
I wish I had better news for you but I just met with my endocrinologist who works at the medical center in houston, I say that because he is on the top of the scale when it comes to testosterone knowledge. Anyway, he told me that I really don't have any other options. So long story short, my situation never got better. I am considering trying a natural product called Biote, but I am still looking into it. Good luck with your situation. For someone who has low testosterone and has anaphylactic reactions when he takes synthetic testosterone it sucks.
I started TRT on Dec 4th 2014 through defy medical at 70mg twice a week along with 500iu of HCG and within minutes of my first injection I felt like I was getting the flu. The next day I was sick but every day I got a little better. I was told my hormones were adjusting. Also almost immediately my brain fog went away, my libido became very strong and my workouts became easier.
I am glad your body adapted to it. I wish mine did. I have been trying to get my body to adapt for the last year but it just never did. Like you mentioned, I too was amazed at the lifting of brain fog, better workouts and increase in libido. It was pretty amazing. Part if me is tempted to keep using testosterone but I'm just concerned based on my negative physical reactions
I started testosterone cyp a week ago 80mgs twice a week and my my heart rate has sky rocketed compared to where it was now i will see it at 90 beats per minute resting my blood pressure has been high once but i to have been getting a pain slightly off to the left from center chest and some left are weird feelings and a tight throat scares me but normally my test levels are so low 243 total and 6.3free that i do not feel good when not on it but to be completely honest its only been 2 weeks but havnt really felt much diffrent ethier
My test levels untreated are in the 100’s. And it’s been that way for several years which I believe contributed to a perfect storm which destroyed my health in short order. Long story short, I tried taking low dosages of TRT gel, and it makes my neuropathy worse, my chest have sharp pains, my cheek turns a little red, and lately I’ve had headaches after only 5 days of half of 1 packet of gel. However at the same time I’ve experienced all the pros of TRT. Increased libido and E’s. Killer sleep. Clear headed and interested in conversing again. And returns on just a couple of workouts!

I need to find a doctor or clinic to help me figure this out as the prescribing doc here in Juneau AK has no clue what he’s doing nor does he care.

My life has become so miserable with virtually no natural testosterone, that the prospect of it not working out is completely unacceptable for me.

I just can’t go out like that as it’s so out of character for me.

I’ve been active and athletic all my life, and then it just hit a brick wall about 5 years ago and my life crumpled into a pathetic heap

My test levels untreated are in the 100’s. And it’s been that way for several years which I believe contributed to a perfect storm which destroyed my health in short order. Long story short, I tried taking low dosages of TRT gel, and it makes my neuropathy worse, my chest have sharp pains, my cheek turns a little red, and lately I’ve had headaches after only 5 days of half of 1 packet of gel. However at the same time I’ve experienced all the pros of TRT. Increased libido and E’s. Killer sleep. Clear headed and interested in conversing again. And returns on just a couple of workouts!

I need to find a doctor or clinic to help me figure this out as the prescribing doc here in Juneau AK has no clue what he’s doing nor does he care.

My life has become so miserable with virtually no natural testosterone, that the prospect of it not working out is completely unacceptable for me.

I just can’t go out like that as it’s so out of character for me.

I’ve been active and athletic all my life, and then it just hit a brick wall about 5 years ago and my life crumpled into a pathetic heap

I know the feeling and wish I could render you some guidance but I had to quit taking it due to my chest issues and how it impacted my eyesight. If you end up finding a solution, please share. I went to many different providers and no one could figure it out. Sorry for the bad news.
How much gel, what type , and how frequent ? How long did you use it ? What other meds are you taking ?

I used androgel, and all other gels (literally), to include the nose gel format, I also tried injections (50mg), it all caused the same issues. As for the gel doses, I think it was normal prescription recommendation (I apologize, I don't recall anymore the exact dose, but I know I tried everything). Only other medication I take is a cholesterol pill, atorvastatin, and pantroprozole for heart burn. I was going to say, clomid got my testosterone levels up but caused floaters in my eyes so I had to stop. My testosterone levels are between 130-150, wish I could take something but its not worth it if it impacts my vision and causes chest pain/pressure.
If I was you, I would time my dosing to get the side effect while I get an EKG done. They will at least tell you if it is heart related.
That's a great idea. Believe it or not, I actually wanted to take the testosterone so badly, due to the positive effects it provides, so I had a full blown heart test done, to include nuclear stress test and my heart checked out good. . However they couldn't explain why I get the chest pressure. Really weird anomaly. I even got the blood tests that your contact Dr. Glueck, I believe that was his name. End result is I tried everything and finally resigned to the fact I will have to live without the testosterone, unfortunately. I hope jheausian has better luck
*I am not sure if you can render any guidance to me or not but I am extremely hopeful that you can. My ufologist has had me try androgel, and other trt prescriptions to include cholmid. Chlomid worked great but unfortunately I am a rare annomally that it actually effectedy vision so I had to get off of it. I have been take 50mg of testosterone cypianate per week. I have noticed that every time I get the injection it causes a tightness near my esophagus and chest area. It also causes my blood pressure to go up slightly and increases my heart rate. This seems to last for about 36-48 hours after the injection and than it subsides. I have told my urologist about it and he doesn't seem to worried about it because he says my blood levels look ok. I have gone to a cardiologist and an allergy doctor and my heart is checking out ok. Do you have any idea as to why my body reacts this way to the injection? It would do the same with the gels but unfortunately then I would feel the tightness all the time. I know the easy fix is to simply stop taking trt but my dilemma there is that my personal life goes downhill. Without trt my testosterone is about 134. Any advice you might be able to offer to help me reduce the effects of the injection would be greatly appreciated. Obviously my biggest concern is, if in continue to use it with these reactions will it cause long term damage to my body?
You are not alone I don’t think. I have recently started TRT injections of 100mg once a week. I’ve noticed after my injections I feel a tight chest and what appears to be a heart palpitations for a few hours after. I also get a generalized cold sensation in my feet. Also a day or two before I’m due for another injection I get awful hot flashes, the same type of chest pains and the occasional marked shortness of breath. perhaps normal?
You are not alone I don’t think. I have recently started TRT injections of 100mg once a week. I’ve noticed after my injections I feel a tight chest and what appears to be a heart palpitations for a few hours after. I also get a generalized cold sensation in my feet. Also a day or two before I’m due for another injection I get awful hot flashes, the same type of chest pains and the occasional marked shortness of breath. perhaps normal?
I’ve had similar symptoms after the first week. I have been taking 50 mg twice a week and after the first few days I thought I caught a bad flu and after about a week the flu symptoms were pretty much gone but I felt shortness of breath and sharp chest pains on my inner left chest after injections. I do suffer from bad anxiety and have had these symptoms in the past but I’m trying to figure out if trt is causing this now and weather this will go away or do I need to stop. I have been on trt for two weeks now and do believe I’m starting to get a few of the positive effects, I feel more energetic and feel my libido is starting to go up. If anyone knows anything on this or has found the solution I would really appreciate it.
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