So I was prescribed clomid 12.5 mg a day for my low testosterone. Initially my levels were at 226 ng/dL 348 - 1197 which were taken in late janurary. I started taking clomid on march 5th and after a month of clomid I went in for another test and the results came out to 837 ng/dL 348 - 1197 taken on march 31st.
While there have been some benefits like stronger/more frequent morning wood, increase in one of my lifts, get more sexually excited when hugging certain girls, better focus, slightly more attention from women, I haven't seen the vast and great improvements various bloggers online say TRT gives. Especially given the insane jump in levels.
My voice is still at a similar higher pitch, with little if any difference, most of my lifts have not increased despite lifting 5-6 days a week and eating plenty of healthful steaks/chicken/eggs, my physique isn't all that different (I'll get pictures tomorrow), have trouble creating that spark/chemistry on first dates and my anxiety hasn't calmed down. In fact I out right broke down in tears over external matters, which has never happened in years. Although there was a jump in estrogen levels as well.
I also read a lot on here and other sources about clomid only increasing testosterone on paper.
The last thing I want is to go on TRT only to find out the clomid was working and the effects were just exaggerated.
Do you guys think the benefits of TRT/high testosterone are exaggerated by various bloggers online or does the clomid only increase numbers? Do I just need to give it more time?