i have done 12.5MG ED and then EOD didn't feel much not good not bad, I increased it now to 25mg EOD.Yesterday was 4 weeks of ~12.5mg EOD for me (started right after 2.5 weeks of hcg). I have not felt noticeably bad. I know that is not the most glowing review, but it is great compared to my first experience with clomid, basically felt like a non-sexual entity. I am going to have test measured to check response. Also, sperm test, but that is another story.
MyTEST ON 12.5MG EOD show my normal testosterone level didn't change but very low E !!! like below range !! and SHBG abit lower than my normal level.
I fell it didn't do much eacept maybe restart my system as I just stopped trt ( been 40 days now) lets see how 25mg EOD would be