Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

New to the forum..Just making my way through and gathering valuable information Based on others various experience, expertise, wisdom and history..can't get better than that..I have a question if you don't mind?

If including nandrolone into the TRT mix, does that mean you Would cut the test cyp dose and make it up with the Nandrolone. For example..Say you were taking a weekly dose of 1 ml test cyp, would you then cut the dose in half to say .5 ml test cyp and then add .5 ml of nandrolone for a total of 1 ml a week? Or would you divide the 1 ml of test cyp down to .5 ml every 3.5 days and then add either .5 ml or 1 ml of nandrolone to the therapy once per week? From what I read it sounds like the nandrolone supercharges the test Cyp.

i've read it lubricates joints but does it have any long lasting benefits on repairing joints or assisting them to heal if damaged?

excellent threat!
i take nan and it's not messed w my libido that i know of, yet. i started with a 1:1 ratio, but ended up with off-the-chart (>1500) t numbers so have lowered the t to slightly below the n. new labs coming up ...
I'll give my personal experience trying Nandrolone. Ask the link indicates, I acquired mine using "alternative sources". I used a ratio of close to 2:1 (maybe 2:1.5), so per week test 200MG to 100MG of Nand. I do my test injections twice per week, so I did the same with my Nand. The main driving force was pain in my left bicep tendon area around the fold in my arm. This pain, almost to the point I had to stop working back and biceps. After doing research on what I could do, including stretching, exercise, etc. I came up with HGH and Nandrolone. I did not like the risk profile of HGH and the Nand seemed relatively safe and much cheaper. Here are my summarized results-

- Libido was actually greatly improved
- Strength unchanged
- Weight and body mass unchanged
- Muscles seemed smoother, less cuts. Seemed to retain some water
- Erection quality down a little
- Joint and tendon pain greatly improved after a very slow build up
- Once I stopped, the pain slowly came back at about the same time it took to ramp up

Overall it was a positive experience and I would do it again. I just realize that the pain and improvments only last while you are using the Nand (for me at least). Since my trial, several months of taking it easy have eliminated my issues in regards to my bicep. I could see the Nand helping much more had I taken it easy while using it...
I was prescribed deca until yesterday

I've been on trt for a little over a year. I asked my current doctor about adding nandrolone to my current protocol for joint pain and other benefits. He stated he's not willing to do it as there's no need for it. I've heard other people on the forum talk about getting it prescribed and was wondering if there are any doctors out there that will include it in a trt protocol. I'd like to possibly try it.

I am 42 years old. My test levels were at 191. I was prescribed cyp 200mg/wk. When I asked my doc about something for my joint pain I was prescribed deca. However, I have aklyosing spondylitis(a form of arthrisitis where your lower back fused together. It affects joints below your waist and your Achilles’ tendon. It absolutely sucks) and osteoarthritis severely. I have my right knee scoped 3 times. But out of all of it, my Achilles’ tendon hurt horribly bad.
My doc asked me for my medical papers from my rheumatologist which I provided. I was then prescribed deca 200mg/wk.
Let me start out by saying this. My joints have not felt this good in years, decades actually. My general practitioner tried Celebrex, 500mg naproxen, arithrotec, and day pro before I started trt. None compared to deca.
Now as of yesterday my doc stopped prescribing it and has his legal team working on reinforcing the fact that deca should be prescribed outside of just muscle wasting.
There has been no medicine nowhere near the life saver of deca for me. I take it for 10 weeks on and 10 weeks off. By the 5th off week my joint pain comes screaming back. I literally could not bench press at all before taking deca because of flare ups in my right shoulder also. I’m back to 315 for 8 reps, no pain, and there’s no exercise I can’t do.
I don’t even care as much about the weightlifting benefits, I just want to be able to walk normal and not be in pain. I don’t want to have to take 3 horse pills a day that have cause sever stomach problems or widow maker heart attacks.
Deca has done wonders for me and I’m going to take my case to a doctor that will prescribe it in the meantime if there’s one out there.
Trt is general has had the most amazing impact on my life in general. My quality of life has been the best it’s been in 20 years. My sex life with my wife is literally daily sometimes twice a day. It was once or twice a week. I joust didn’t care about it that much. Now, I can’t keep my hands off my wife ever. I get erections with a strand of précum to the floor. I had an enlarged prostrate which started softening my erections a little. That has not been an issue since I started.
Trt has beeen a God send. If anyone knows a tele doc out there or someone near Pittsburgh that would be willing to help me, I’d greatly appreciate it!
I am 42 years old. My test levels were at 191. I was prescribed cyp 200mg/wk. When I asked my doc about something for my joint pain I was prescribed deca. However, I have aklyosing spondylitis(a form of arthrisitis where your lower back fused together. It affects joints below your waist and your Achilles’ tendon. It absolutely sucks) and osteoarthritis severely. I have my right knee scoped 3 times. But out of all of it, my Achilles’ tendon hurt horribly bad.
My doc asked me for my medical papers from my rheumatologist which I provided. I was then prescribed deca 200mg/wk.
Let me start out by saying this. My joints have not felt this good in years, decades actually. My general practitioner tried Celebrex, 500mg naproxen, arithrotec, and day pro before I started trt. None compared to deca.
Now as of yesterday my doc stopped prescribing it and has his legal team working on reinforcing the fact that deca should be prescribed outside of just muscle wasting.
There has been no medicine nowhere near the life saver of deca for me. I take it for 10 weeks on and 10 weeks off. By the 5th off week my joint pain comes screaming back. I literally could not bench press at all before taking deca because of flare ups in my right shoulder also. I’m back to 315 for 8 reps, no pain, and there’s no exercise I can’t do.
I don’t even care as much about the weightlifting benefits, I just want to be able to walk normal and not be in pain. I don’t want to have to take 3 horse pills a day that have cause sever stomach problems or widow maker heart attacks.
Deca has done wonders for me and I’m going to take my case to a doctor that will prescribe it in the meantime if there’s one out there.
Trt is general has had the most amazing impact on my life in general. My quality of life has been the best it’s been in 20 years. My sex life with my wife is literally daily sometimes twice a day. It was once or twice a week. I joust didn’t care about it that much. Now, I can’t keep my hands off my wife ever. I get erections with a strand of précum to the floor. I had an enlarged prostrate which started softening my erections a little. That has not been an issue since I started.
Trt has beeen a God send. If anyone knows a tele doc out there or someone near Pittsburgh that would be willing to help me, I’d greatly appreciate it!

Defy Medical is a tele doctor, from what I hear Dr Saya is one of the best.
I’m shocked anyone in Pittsburgh prescribed you Deca in first place or even TRT. doctors and medical care in general in Pitt with most primary care doctors is primitive. If you need Deca or NPP or var, just start calling Florida TRT clinics. It’s simple pay to play. They’ll give you any of that and at higher doses than normal. I’m not saying to do it or that I do it, but you can if you want.
You can call DEFY Medical for Nandrolone. If all avenues dry up, there are many other options outside of the traditional. Be sure to take the K spectrum and some grape seed extract imo. Did you use the DECA alone at 200mgs or with Test?
I’m shocked anyone in Pittsburgh prescribed you Deca in first place or even TRT. doctors and medical care in general in Pitt with most primary care doctors is primitive. If you need Deca or NPP or var, just start calling Florida TRT clinics. It’s simple pay to play. They’ll give you any of that and at higher doses than normal. I’m not saying to do it or that I do it, but you can if you want.

For reason being that Defy Medical and myself are listed in this thread, I want to make it clearly known that I/we are NOT in this category of Florida TRT clinics (though there are some out there).
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I'll give my personal experience trying Nandrolone. Ask the link indicates, I acquired mine using "alternative sources". I used a ratio of close to 2:1 (maybe 2:1.5), so per week test 200MG to 100MG of Nand. I do my test injections twice per week, so I did the same with my Nand. The main driving force was pain in my left bicep tendon area around the fold in my arm. This pain, almost to the point I had to stop working back and biceps. After doing research on what I could do, including stretching, exercise, etc. I came up with HGH and Nandrolone. I did not like the risk profile of HGH and the Nand seemed relatively safe and much cheaper. Here are my summarized results-

- Libido was actually greatly improved
- Strength unchanged
- Weight and body mass unchanged
- Muscles seemed smoother, less cuts. Seemed to retain some water
- Erection quality down a little
- Joint and tendon pain greatly improved after a very slow build up
- Once I stopped, the pain slowly came back at about the same time it took to ramp up

Overall it was a positive experience and I would do it again. I just realize that the pain and improvments only last while you are using the Nand (for me at least). Since my trial, several months of taking it easy have eliminated my issues in regards to my bicep. I could see the Nand helping much more had I taken it easy while using it...

As far as research in humans there is limited data on the beneficial effects of nandrolone decanote on tendon/joint health as most of the research has been done using animals.

In humans there is more research in the areas of muscle wasting/HIV in regards to muscle growth and preventing muscle wasting.

Nandrolone has never been proven in human studies to heal tendons or joints but as we know in the real world many who have used deca definitely experience relief from joint pain.

Doses of 100mg/week would be all that is needed regarding joint pain and the relief in joint pain may be due to nandolone pulling more water/increasing lubrication (synovial fluid) around the joint/possible effects on pain receptors.

The main benefit nandrolone has is increased muscle growth and 200mg/week minimum would be needed as 100mg/week would only benefit one who has a muscle wasting disease.

If ones sole purpose is to attain nandrolone for muscle building than 100mg/week will have no benefit in a healthy individual as most at a minimum would need 200mg/week and 400-600mg/week is much more common.
The doctor doesn’t want to be associated with the Florida clinics that hand out Deca and Var. Or clinics that will give higher doses of T than most. That’s all. Clearly it’s a HRT clinic but it my post I was saying there are plenty of pay to play places you can basically do cycles if you wanted “legally”
The doctor doesn’t want to be associated with the Florida clinics that hand out Deca and Var. Or clinics that will give higher doses of T than most. That’s all. Clearly it’s a HRT clinic but it my post I was saying there are plenty of pay to play places you can basically do cycles if you wanted “legally”

Ok got it thanks much. Figured as much!
The doctor doesn’t want to be associated with the Florida clinics that hand out Deca and Var. Or clinics that will give higher doses of T than most. That’s all. Clearly it’s a HRT clinic but it my post I was saying there are plenty of pay to play places you can basically do cycles if you wanted “legally”

Indeed and accurate. We/I are not a TRT or steroid mill, though such establishments do exist (and many do reside in Florida).
Yup. I don’t even look for them but am on some emailing lists. All you do is send current lab in and get whatever you want.

I’m older and don’t care about getting “huge” or “ripped” ha. I’m alresdy a big dude. But for those on these forums who start TRT then all sudden want more and are tempted to juice, then buy black market , those places could be good. I don’t know why an older TRT person would want to risk legal issues or bogus gear. At least any Deca or Var (and NPP too) would be legit made by a compounding pharmacy.

I’ve been tempted to try NPP for joint pain but I already have low libido after nearly a decade on TRT and have done plenty to try to correct it with no results yet. So not gonna throw nandrolone in the mix and risk anything.

Friends have tried their Var Before (they were troche) and it didn’t seem to give any major results They could notice other than a really strong appetite suppressant.

Those places also peddle oxytocin and all sorts of high dose penis pills. Prices are sky high so be forewarned.
I unfortunately suffer from a degenerative disease that has caused both muscular atrophying and skeletal deformation. I have been frustrated for years as my body continues to fall apart with no cure or treatment for the underlying cause.

To make matters worse, I'm rather hypogonadal so I'm on TRT nowadays.

I recently received my first prescription of nandrolone and I'm not even a week into my treatment plan so I'm not sure about how it may help me slow or reverse the muscular atrophying. I legitimately *need* options to keep myself able to stand and walk as my disease advances. I hope it works for me.

I'm not going to name the doctor who prescribes me nandrolone or the pharmacy that provides it. It's too high a risk to get labeled as dishing out Class 3 meds too freely, but I do want to thank the professionals who evaluate patients like myself and are willing to look at how critical trying to maintain mobility is in people like myself.

Thank you to those doctors and pharmacists who are actually trying to help me with my frustrating disease. I've spent years of seeking treatment and trying to get on new clinical drug trials to help slow progression and improve quality of life. Only recently have I had success finding someone willing to try to help and surprisingly it came because I needed TRT!

Thank you again.
(New account just because I wanted to comment here about this)

I was unlucky enough to be born with a degenerative peripheral neuropathy that has severely atrophied many of my peripheral muscles. There is no cure or treatment to fix it. My peripheral nerves and muscles are wasting away. My skeletal structure has actually deformed due to this muscular atrophy. I've attempted to get on any clinical trials that may have medications with potential treatments or cures but have been unsuccessful in doing so. Its not that big of a deal to me because so far no clinical trial has shown any success in treating or preventing progression of the disease. It is very frustrating losing mobility with age.

In the last few years I found out that I had low T issues and began TRT w/HCG and have had great success treating the various low T problems I had. Thank you local (and expensive) clinic! Unfortunately with time many things changed and I had to try to make my TRT more affordable so I changed between doctors till I found an affordable one that I believe is competent and who actually listens to my experience and helps review my bloodwork in detail. I noted with the new Dr that I had this generative disease and I'm doing whatever I can do stay out of a wheelchair for as long as possible and I had heard about studies where oxandrolone showed some signs of improvement in people with my condition. After discussion with my new TRT provider I ended up with a prescription for nandrolone decanoate in very small doses to look for improvements.

As I just barely switched providers, I have yet to see how my personal results will be. I'm hopeful that it helps with my ability to stand, balance, squat, and do daily activities. Its truly an exciting thing for me. Not because its an anabolic steroid and I may end up with much more mass, but because it might be the one thing that keeps me mobile in the coming years. I can't fix my diseases as it progresses, but I certainly can try to prevent (or reverse?) further damage to my motor abilities! Nandrolone might be life changing to my quality of life. I just don't know yet!

Not a single neurologist or primary care physician in the last 15 years has offered me any hope of treatment. The most anyone has ever said is "stretch regularly and try to workout." I do not want to disclose what Dr or pharmacy was involved in the script, but I will answer the original question "Yes, some doctors will prescribe nandrolone with TRT" and I am so so so thankful that this medication is available to me. If that Dr is reading this, I hope he realizes how thankful I am that he considered my disease and read up on it before prescribing me anything.

Strangely becoming hypogonadal may be the one thing that has ultimately opened the door for me to seek treatment for my condition. If I had normal testosterone levels, there is no way I'd ever been have seeking out help for TRT and eventually stumbling on a Dr that was willing to try to help. As everyone who has done their homework knows, you pretty much have to have testosterone injections when using nandrolone. If I had normal T, its unlikely I would even attempt nandrolone because of the costs associated with TRT, frequent blood work, and just having to be on medications regularly. Since I'm already on TRT, the cost is minimal and the upside potential is huge as long as we follow a safe protocol.

Again - I want to thank those providers and pharmacies who do offer nandrolone to patients like me!

For those of you seeking nandrolone for joint pain. I hear you, joint pain sucks! Please understand that there are people in much worse shape than you that are facing immobility and nandrolone might be their only practical option. Please understand that if you are lucky enough to get a script for nandrolone to treat joint pain, then awesome -- great for you but don't go blabbering about how someone gave it to you offlabel when many of us might go to that same clinic or Dr and need it to get by.

Due to the fact that there is little research into my disease and anabolic steroids like nandrolone, I'll try and do a followup in 6 months discussing results. I hope we have some good news then!

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