Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

(New account just because I wanted to comment here about this)

I was unlucky enough to be born with a degenerative peripheral neuropathy that has severely atrophied many of my peripheral muscles. There is no cure or treatment to fix it. My peripheral nerves and muscles are wasting away. My skeletal structure has actually deformed due to this muscular atrophy. I've attempted to get on any clinical trials that may have medications with potential treatments or cures but have been unsuccessful in doing so. Its not that big of a deal to me because so far no clinical trial has shown any success in treating or preventing progression of the disease. It is very frustrating losing mobility with age.

In the last few years I found out that I had low T issues and began TRT w/HCG and have had great success treating the various low T problems I had. Thank you local (and expensive) clinic! Unfortunately with time many things changed and I had to try to make my TRT more affordable so I changed between doctors till I found an affordable one that I believe is competent and who actually listens to my experience and helps review my bloodwork in detail. I noted with the new Dr that I had this generative disease and I'm doing whatever I can do stay out of a wheelchair for as long as possible and I had heard about studies where oxandrolone showed some signs of improvement in people with my condition. After discussion with my new TRT provider I ended up with a prescription for nandrolone decanoate in very small doses to look for improvements.

As I just barely switched providers, I have yet to see how my personal results will be. I'm hopeful that it helps with my ability to stand, balance, squat, and do daily activities. Its truly an exciting thing for me. Not because its an anabolic steroid and I may end up with much more mass, but because it might be the one thing that keeps me mobile in the coming years. I can't fix my diseases as it progresses, but I certainly can try to prevent (or reverse?) further damage to my motor abilities! Nandrolone might be life changing to my quality of life. I just don't know yet!

Not a single neurologist or primary care physician in the last 15 years has offered me any hope of treatment. The most anyone has ever said is "stretch regularly and try to workout." I do not want to disclose what Dr or pharmacy was involved in the script, but I will answer the original question "Yes, some doctors will prescribe nandrolone with TRT" and I am so so so thankful that this medication is available to me. If that Dr is reading this, I hope he realizes how thankful I am that he considered my disease and read up on it before prescribing me anything.

Strangely becoming hypogonadal may be the one thing that has ultimately opened the door for me to seek treatment for my condition. If I had normal testosterone levels, there is no way I'd ever been have seeking out help for TRT and eventually stumbling on a Dr that was willing to try to help. As everyone who has done their homework knows, you pretty much have to have testosterone injections when using nandrolone. If I had normal T, its unlikely I would even attempt nandrolone because of the costs associated with TRT, frequent blood work, and just having to be on medications regularly. Since I'm already on TRT, the cost is minimal and the upside potential is huge as long as we follow a safe protocol.

Again - I want to thank those providers and pharmacies who do offer nandrolone to patients like me!

For those of you seeking nandrolone for joint pain. I hear you, joint pain sucks! Please understand that there are people in much worse shape than you that are facing immobility and nandrolone might be their only practical option. Please understand that if you are lucky enough to get a script for nandrolone to treat joint pain, then awesome -- great for you but don't go blabbering about how someone gave it to you offlabel when many of us might go to that same clinic or Dr and need it to get by.

Due to the fact that there is little research into my disease and anabolic steroids like nandrolone, I'll try and do a followup in 6 months discussing results. I hope we have some good news then!

I have prescribed for a couple cases of CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) with fairly successful you have reason to be optimistic!
Dang LostInPlace wow what a story and first post. I applaud you for taking your health and well being into your own hands to seek relief from your ailment. We as forum members may not be able to help you but know we are hear to talk and offer support. Thanks for joining the forum.

(New account just because I wanted to comment here about this)

I was unlucky enough to be born with a degenerative peripheral neuropathy that has severely atrophied many of my peripheral muscles. There is no cure or treatment to fix it. My peripheral nerves and muscles are wasting away. My skeletal structure has actually deformed due to this muscular atrophy. I've attempted to get on any clinical trials that may have medications with potential treatments or cures but have been unsuccessful in doing so. Its not that big of a deal to me because so far no clinical trial has shown any success in treating or preventing progression of the disease. It is very frustrating losing mobility with age.

In the last few years I found out that I had low T issues and began TRT w/HCG and have had great success treating the various low T problems I had. Thank you local (and expensive) clinic! Unfortunately with time many things changed and I had to try to make my TRT more affordable so I changed between doctors till I found an affordable one that I believe is competent and who actually listens to my experience and helps review my bloodwork in detail. I noted with the new Dr that I had this generative disease and I'm doing whatever I can do stay out of a wheelchair for as long as possible and I had heard about studies where oxandrolone showed some signs of improvement in people with my condition. After discussion with my new TRT provider I ended up with a prescription for nandrolone decanoate in very small doses to look for improvements.

As I just barely switched providers, I have yet to see how my personal results will be. I'm hopeful that it helps with my ability to stand, balance, squat, and do daily activities. Its truly an exciting thing for me. Not because its an anabolic steroid and I may end up with much more mass, but because it might be the one thing that keeps me mobile in the coming years. I can't fix my diseases as it progresses, but I certainly can try to prevent (or reverse?) further damage to my motor abilities! Nandrolone might be life changing to my quality of life. I just don't know yet!

Not a single neurologist or primary care physician in the last 15 years has offered me any hope of treatment. The most anyone has ever said is "stretch regularly and try to workout." I do not want to disclose what Dr or pharmacy was involved in the script, but I will answer the original question "Yes, some doctors will prescribe nandrolone with TRT" and I am so so so thankful that this medication is available to me. If that Dr is reading this, I hope he realizes how thankful I am that he considered my disease and read up on it before prescribing me anything.

Strangely becoming hypogonadal may be the one thing that has ultimately opened the door for me to seek treatment for my condition. If I had normal testosterone levels, there is no way I'd ever been have seeking out help for TRT and eventually stumbling on a Dr that was willing to try to help. As everyone who has done their homework knows, you pretty much have to have testosterone injections when using nandrolone. If I had normal T, its unlikely I would even attempt nandrolone because of the costs associated with TRT, frequent blood work, and just having to be on medications regularly. Since I'm already on TRT, the cost is minimal and the upside potential is huge as long as we follow a safe protocol.

Again - I want to thank those providers and pharmacies who do offer nandrolone to patients like me!

For those of you seeking nandrolone for joint pain. I hear you, joint pain sucks! Please understand that there are people in much worse shape than you that are facing immobility and nandrolone might be their only practical option. Please understand that if you are lucky enough to get a script for nandrolone to treat joint pain, then awesome -- great for you but don't go blabbering about how someone gave it to you offlabel when many of us might go to that same clinic or Dr and need it to get by.

Due to the fact that there is little research into my disease and anabolic steroids like nandrolone, I'll try and do a followup in 6 months discussing results. I hope we have some good news then!
Wow that is a serious and humbling story. I’m glad it seems to be working out for you. And if it’s helpful that you can try oxandrolone too at some point. Whether to add it to nandrolone or be able to rotate it in lieu of nandrolone from time to time.

Depending on where you live if you can find an integrative or functional medicine doctor they might be more willing to be creative and look for unique angles to help your problem.

My prayers are with you.
LostinPlace: what is your exercise protocol?
I hit the gym 5-7 days a week. I'm not very strict about what each daily workout is, instead I listen to my body and how I'm feeling and where I can train without risk of injury.

Most workouts are 1-1.5 hours composed of:
- 15-30 min of cardio (usually stationary bike)
- 30-45 min of weight training might be any mix of leg extensions, curls, squats, bench (incline, decline, and flat), dumbbell presses, cable crunches, lat pulldowns, seated rows, dips, goblet squats, calf raises, etc. Pretty much anything goes. I rotate throughout the week based on if I feel like I can hit the muscles again or not.

As I disclosed in the earlier post, I wasn't prescribed nandrolone for any joint pain and I never disclosed any such pain to my Dr. I have noticed it has helped with one of my problem knees and as a result, I'm thinking about resuming more activities on the treadmill which I stopped doing because of knee pain. My calves, lower legs, and ankles are an area where I've had the most debilitating problems and I'm trying to add in extra exercises to help build strength there.
(New account just because I wanted to comment here about this)

I was unlucky enough to be born with a degenerative peripheral neuropathy that has severely atrophied many of my peripheral muscles. There is no cure or treatment to fix it. My peripheral nerves and muscles are wasting away. My skeletal structure has actually deformed due to this muscular atrophy. I've attempted to get on any clinical trials that may have medications with potential treatments or cures but have been unsuccessful in doing so. Its not that big of a deal to me because so far no clinical trial has shown any success in treating or preventing progression of the disease. It is very frustrating losing mobility with age.

In the last few years I found out that I had low T issues and began TRT w/HCG and have had great success treating the various low T problems I had. Thank you local (and expensive) clinic! Unfortunately with time many things changed and I had to try to make my TRT more affordable so I changed between doctors till I found an affordable one that I believe is competent and who actually listens to my experience and helps review my bloodwork in detail. I noted with the new Dr that I had this generative disease and I'm doing whatever I can do stay out of a wheelchair for as long as possible and I had heard about studies where oxandrolone showed some signs of improvement in people with my condition. After discussion with my new TRT provider I ended up with a prescription for nandrolone decanoate in very small doses to look for improvements.

As I just barely switched providers, I have yet to see how my personal results will be. I'm hopeful that it helps with my ability to stand, balance, squat, and do daily activities. Its truly an exciting thing for me. Not because its an anabolic steroid and I may end up with much more mass, but because it might be the one thing that keeps me mobile in the coming years. I can't fix my diseases as it progresses, but I certainly can try to prevent (or reverse?) further damage to my motor abilities! Nandrolone might be life changing to my quality of life. I just don't know yet!

Not a single neurologist or primary care physician in the last 15 years has offered me any hope of treatment. The most anyone has ever said is "stretch regularly and try to workout." I do not want to disclose what Dr or pharmacy was involved in the script, but I will answer the original question "Yes, some doctors will prescribe nandrolone with TRT" and I am so so so thankful that this medication is available to me. If that Dr is reading this, I hope he realizes how thankful I am that he considered my disease and read up on it before prescribing me anything.

Strangely becoming hypogonadal may be the one thing that has ultimately opened the door for me to seek treatment for my condition. If I had normal testosterone levels, there is no way I'd ever been have seeking out help for TRT and eventually stumbling on a Dr that was willing to try to help. As everyone who has done their homework knows, you pretty much have to have testosterone injections when using nandrolone. If I had normal T, its unlikely I would even attempt nandrolone because of the costs associated with TRT, frequent blood work, and just having to be on medications regularly. Since I'm already on TRT, the cost is minimal and the upside potential is huge as long as we follow a safe protocol.

Again - I want to thank those providers and pharmacies who do offer nandrolone to patients like me!

For those of you seeking nandrolone for joint pain. I hear you, joint pain sucks! Please understand that there are people in much worse shape than you that are facing immobility and nandrolone might be their only practical option. Please understand that if you are lucky enough to get a script for nandrolone to treat joint pain, then awesome -- great for you but don't go blabbering about how someone gave it to you offlabel when many of us might go to that same clinic or Dr and need it to get by.

Due to the fact that there is little research into my disease and anabolic steroids like nandrolone, I'll try and do a followup in 6 months discussing results. I hope we have some good news then!

Here's my follow-up. I weigh the same as I did before adding nandrolone to my TRT protocol. My last bloodwork had serum levels at around 830 ng/dL (264-916 ng/dL) and free testosterone levels were almost 41 pg/mL (8.7-25.1). This is fantastic IMHO. (Free Test results are always higher when on nandrolone)

I had some motor problems and tripped and fell a few times over the last few months. This is due to my degenerative condition and not only are injuries painful (twisted ankle), but sometimes bloody (scratched up knees). I noticed that my ankle injuries have been less severe and less frequent since getting on nandrolone. When I've had bad twists, the pain goes away faster and I seem to be walking better in a day or two time rather than weeks of recovery.

I can't attribute any mass gains to the nandrolone. I just am not getting any bigger even though I'm hitting the gym harder than my peers and eating cleaner. I'm constantly working on leg strength improvements, sometimes hitting legs 3x a week with lower weight, higher set counts. Very minimal visible improvements here. I'm pretty sure the failures at the gym are due to my condition and nothing else.

My blood pressure was stable and perfect normal ranges for a long time. Just this week it has been higher than normal. I'll keep an eye on it. Could be a mix of stress, diet, dehydration, and some recent major events in my life.

No major joint pain, but occasionally some issues in the knees if I stress them too hard. Recovery is 2-3 days.

I'm interested in increasing the nandrolone dose to double what it is now. Wondering if it can help me strengthen my legs and ankles to reduce the chances of injury in falls. If the next bloodwork comes in as beautiful as the previous, I hope the Dr will be onboard. *Fingers crossed on the bloodwork*

In summary: nandrolone has been a godsend for me. Less trips and falls. Much better recovery when they do happen. No major gains in the gym with lifts or size unfortunately.
What clinics in florida and vegas will provide these? Ive been scripted both deca and xandrolone and need to get back on these for muscle wasting etc.... any info or names of clinics?
That’s the price you have to pay (getting raped) to get scripts for anabolic steroids. Even if you do have legit purposes to need them.

I can’t recall who I used in Florida but if I do ill post
The way I see it, if you're taking Nandrolone you're on a low dose cycle rather than on TRT as it's mostly to do with either wanting to put on more muscle or for joint injury due to bodybuilding. It mostly revolves around lifting weights rather than feeling optimal.
I have friends who don’t live near a good TRT doc so use the Florida places. And they can still get the Deca and Anavar add ons no problem, plus HGH and all sorts of other things like viagra or what not. As far as I know you just fax your labs in and a current physical from your primary care, speak to a consultant on the phone and order what you want. In 24-48 hours it arrives by Fed ex. Hey at least it is technically legal and the stuff is likely to be more legit than what the guy at the gym might sell you or one of those over seas websites you could gamble with. And I would consider it a cycle because I think they push the testosterone to 250mg week, so if you add 100mg Deca a week and 50mg Var a day that’s a cycle. Not to mention they allow you to order 6 months worth, so it likely is some cats are doing 500mg week testosterone, 200mg week Deca, and 100mg Var. Which might be one of those standard newbie cycles proposed on all the roid forums.

If you have health issues of any kind or low T, id not suggest diving into anything such as that.
Here's my follow-up. I weigh the same as I did before adding nandrolone to my TRT protocol. My last bloodwork had serum levels at around 830 ng/dL (264-916 ng/dL) and free testosterone levels were almost 41 pg/mL (8.7-25.1). This is fantastic IMHO. (Free Test results are always higher when on nandrolone)

I had some motor problems and tripped and fell a few times over the last few months. This is due to my degenerative condition and not only are injuries painful (twisted ankle), but sometimes bloody (scratched up knees). I noticed that my ankle injuries have been less severe and less frequent since getting on nandrolone. When I've had bad twists, the pain goes away faster and I seem to be walking better in a day or two time rather than weeks of recovery.

I can't attribute any mass gains to the nandrolone. I just am not getting any bigger even though I'm hitting the gym harder than my peers and eating cleaner. I'm constantly working on leg strength improvements, sometimes hitting legs 3x a week with lower weight, higher set counts. Very minimal visible improvements here. I'm pretty sure the failures at the gym are due to my condition and nothing else.

My blood pressure was stable and perfect normal ranges for a long time. Just this week it has been higher than normal. I'll keep an eye on it. Could be a mix of stress, diet, dehydration, and some recent major events in my life.

No major joint pain, but occasionally some issues in the knees if I stress them too hard. Recovery is 2-3 days.

I'm interested in increasing the nandrolone dose to double what it is now. Wondering if it can help me strengthen my legs and ankles to reduce the chances of injury in falls. If the next bloodwork comes in as beautiful as the previous, I hope the Dr will be onboard. *Fingers crossed on the bloodwork*

In summary: nandrolone has been a godsend for me. Less trips and falls. Much better recovery when they do happen. No major gains in the gym with lifts or size unfortunately.

If anything regarding joint pain/tendon damage a majority of the studies done using nandrolone are on animals and if anything a majority of the research related to human studies are for muscle wasting regarding HIV and cancer.

On average most doctors are prescribing 100-200 mg/week and 100 mg/week is more common regarding joint/tendon issues as 200 is not needed and more commonly prescribed in men with HIV and cancer to prevent/improve the muscle wasting related to these conditions.

As far as muscle growth 100 mg/week is too low and will have no effect.....hence one should not expect any muscle/strength gains let alone adding any significant mass.

To experience improvements in muscle/strength gains a minimum of 200 mg/week would be needed and even than 400-600 mg/week is where nandrolone truly shines regarding muscle growth.

Aside from the recent study from Lipschultz (posted by Nelson) regarding nandrolone and joint pain the jury is still out as to whether nandrolone use will improve joint/tendon health in humans as high powered, double-blinded, RCTs do not exist.

Unless one truly has a muscle wasting disease than solely jumping on the nandrolone bandwagon to hopefully improve joint/tendon issues (not enough human studies) or improve muscle mass when on trt (minimum of 200 mg/week would be needed) one has to understand that the main advantage of nandrolone use is for muscle enhancement as oppose to truly improving overall health.
Well. I'm back fellas. Just another update.

This last year with gyms closed for so long really set my health back. Lost a decent amount of strength being out of the gym over 6 months straight but I hit it hard getting back into it and I'm probably about 2 months away from being where I was before covid-19 in strength training.

The low dose nandrolone alongside TRT has been fantastic. I haven't had a single ankle rolling injury in the last 12 months. Remember that I have a degenerative neuropathy which has caused skeletal deformities, atrophied muscles, tight tendons, etc. I did have one ground level fall this last year, but no ankle rolls. This medication along with TRT has been a huge step forward for my health!

One problem I face and nandrolone hasn't been able to help with is that my nerves are still much slower than most people. Balancing on things like a skateboard or hoverboard is impossible for me. Stepping down stairs with larger vertical drops or narrow steps can be difficult too, especially with no railings. This is a mix of slow nerves, tight tendons, weaker leg muscles, etc.

I'm working hard to stretch and exercise my nearly atrophied calves and foot tendons. It's a 3x+ a week event at the gym doing weighted stretching.

I've been working with both my primary care physician and TRT docs to keep experimenting with new treatments. My primary care doctor allowed me to compound an experimental drug that has shown positive results (phase 1/2 studies) in some people with my condition. I tried it for about 6 months with no obvious improvements and ended that experiment due to the cost to get it compounded and lack of major results. One of the components of this drug caused a side effect I didn't enjoy. I'm willing to try it again, but not till after I figure out if my other treatment plan (see below) from my TRT doctor is working. Only want one experiment at a time.

My TRT provider has also evaluated my nandrolone/TRT results and been willing to try a different treatment path that has also shown improvements in small studies for my condition. I'm going to say that I'm very happy with it so far, but I don't want to disclose the details publicly just yet because I don't want people misunderstanding it and believing it's a bodybuilding/steroid cycle thing vs actual medical treatment for a degenerative and debilitating disease. I'd also like to have more bloodwork done to better understand the viability for long term treatment. Anabolic steroids are still relatively unstudied as long term treatment options for the purpose I'm using them for. Hope to update you guys in a few months!

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Anabolic steroids are still relatively unstudied as long term treatment options for the purpose I'm using them for. Hope to update you guys in a few months!
So I'm 6ft 5 420 lbs I am a big guy. Ex athlete. I have hip severe osteoarthritis, I need to lose weight and put on alot of muscle fast only swimming and biking. What is the best cycle to do this and I have diagnosis where in florida do I go to get it.
I would try to get on Semaglutide first.


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