Krill Oil Compared to Fish Oil

Vince, Lovaza is effective as a medication to treat hyperlipidemia at a dose of two or three caps a day, something I can personally attest to. It's not, and shouldn't be compared to, fish oil. Just as fish oil traders should stop quoting studies that used purified concentrates. I plead guilty to making the former analogy. I believe that I've gained off label benefit. I'd like to know more why you think Lovaza is inferior.

Dumping the cost: It's medicine and it works. Each batch is tested for purity because it is a pharma not a supplement. Fish oil doesn't yield the same result for me even if i could stomach the ill effects of taking the enormous doses of fish oil required. I get my fish oil incidental to the protein in fish. What condition the omegas are in is open for debate. Better than what drips out of the globada globada fish-scrap-squishers? dunno.

I agree, along with the insurers, that Lovaza was over-prescribed which is why it's now tough to get a pre-approval.

Before you swallow that krill, hook line and sinker by "assuming a 33% advantage" take a look at the link I've posted to the slide-debunking. It's no accident btw that Mercola invests in a shoal of words to defend sustainability. Which is more sustainable, recycling fish waste that would otherwise be scattered to the sea or trolling around the Antarctic on a krill hunt?

Those who want to take Lovaza but can't get a prescription and/or insurance coverage may wish to consider Viva Naturals Omega 3 Fish Oil, which I use. According to this source, prescription "Lovaza provides 840 mg of EPA and DHA in about one gram of fish oil per capsule, of which approximately 465 mg is EPA and 375 mg is DHA." The packaging of Viva Naturals indicates that it provides provides 940 mg of EPA and DHA in about one gram of fish oil per capsule, of which approximately 700 mg is EPA and 240 mg is DHA. The price of Viva Naturals on Amazon is typically $35-40 a bottle. I don't know the cost of prescription Lovaza with no insurance coverage.
Lovaza, I believe it's a rip-off.
I would wonder about what happens to the Omega 3's when concentrated that much. They have done stengtth and purity tests, but haven't released any clinical results tests. Which leads me to believe they have them and don't like the results. They would certainly like to prove they are better if they could.
Compared to newer FFA free fatty acid formulations, Absorption of the ethyl esters form (Lovaza) was found to be poor when taken in concert with a low fat diet.

Lovaza is a drug made and marketed by Galaxo Smith Kline. The American Plan aka Big Pharma Plan. $373 per bottle. Everyone keeps pulling the same voting levers because they love the American Plan. That's fine with those on Medicare because you happy tax payers are footing the bill. No doubt Medicare would gladly supply lower cost and more effective supplements in place of these drugs if their hands were not bound by your congressmen beholden to guess who.

The product disclosure only lists one clinical trial and that is in conjunction with a statin. People take DHA and EPA for different reasons and in different ratios. The only theoretical concern for consuming a purified compound over an isolate would be if it were shown that the process alters the isomeric properties. That hasn't been suggested with EPA DHA as far as I am aware. Lovaza is now available as a generic some of which contain caps marked "Lovaza". I would like to try pure EPA or at least a higher ratio of EPA to DHA.

Will Brink, your contribution is highly informative, thank you.

Lovaza open clinical trials:

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