Thanks for reply, very nice summarized my story.

You must read everything in my thread, i am pretty impressed.
I will try now to clear everything if possible for better kwnowledge of me for You.
Blood work, medicines i am paying all by my own. Only 2 times when i was in hospital i got several surveys, diagnostics, many blood works etc. all for free.
In hospital they told to me to start with hcg as its a better solution for me. Story with hcg is not 100% clear. First time i got hcg it was 300 ui and i got injected in hospital. I was feeling better and better untill that 300 ui stoped work (maybe 6-7 days it was working for me) which finally did and i was weak once again. About 2 weeks later i was prescribed hcg, 300 ui E3D. First 2-3 days i was feeling better again but not as good as that time in hospital, it was better bot not as good as before. After this 2-3 days i started to crushing, estradiol was close to 100 (checked by myself as doctor would never want me to do blood work for e2 levels) probably prolactin also but i didnt check it then. I stoped hcg then and never came back to it.
Testostrone in gel was just after my hcg therapy. I started to feel better for 5-6 days and then i started to have problems with breath and probably high prolactin (didnt checked).
After this protocol i changed doctor and started clomid therapy. After clomid therapy failed he puted me on trt but hes "vision" of my trt protocol was confusing me. He told me to inject 1 ampoule (100 mg) and after 5 days do blood work, check my T level. If will be low then inject another 100 mg and check T level again after 5 days or week. If will be "ok" then dont inject again and wait some more time for next injecting. That was the time when i sad "stop" and started by myself.
In case of prolactin - I got it in normal range probably for my whole life (as i now know how my body feels when prolactin is starting to kick in) and my whole life i am 99% sure that was having problems with hormones, i almost certain about it because i was always different from other kids, mens in case of thinking, energy levels etc. but i was telling myself that "its just the way i am". I dont know how normal men is working so dont have any comparison.
It looks like my prolectin is getting high when i am trying to help my T levels and get it higher. All my life prolactin was probably in normal range but T levels were very low, lh fsh too. In my opinion trying to put my T levels back to normal is making my prolactin getting higher than i usually got in my life.
Thyroid - was always in normal range when checked. Never checked it when was trying to boost my T levels though.
Adrenal - dont know what exactly need to be checked here. I only got checked cortisol and it was in normal range.
Sleep apnea - dont know anything about it.
In Poland there is testosterone in ampoules and 1 package = 5 ampoules inside so thats not a problem i guess? The problem for me is where to keep it if for example i would like to split 100 mg for 2 injections. Can testosterone after ampoule is broken stay in syringe for few days and not lose it properties?
I was having mri of my head and i dont have any pituitary tumors but i am not sure if that was what you were refering to...