What We Should Be Eating

In the past ten years, low-carbohydrate diets have become twice as popular. Research indicates that adopting a low-carb lifestyle can significantly enhance overall health and may even help manage or reverse type 2 diabetes. However, there are still doubts about the nutritional adequacy of these diets. Critics contend that cutting down on carbohydrates may result in excessive intake of protein or fat, while leading to a lack of essential nutrients.

That misconception has been put to rest with a new study in Frontiers in Nutrition, which demonstrated that well-constructed low-carb eating patterns can meet, and sometimes even safely exceed, people’s nutrient needs.

In the past ten years, low-carbohydrate diets have become twice as popular. Research indicates that adopting a low-carb lifestyle can significantly enhance overall health and may even help manage or reverse type 2 diabetes. However, there are still doubts about the nutritional adequacy of these diets. Critics contend that cutting down on carbohydrates may result in excessive intake of protein or fat, while leading to a lack of essential nutrients.

That misconception has been put to rest with a new study in Frontiers in Nutrition, which demonstrated that well-constructed low-carb eating patterns can meet, and sometimes even safely exceed, people’s nutrient needs.

Thanks for posting this. Kind of a durrr article, but glad to see people coming around lol. Whether or not a carnivore diet covers a person’s nutrient needs isn’t up for debate, at this point. We know that a person can have optimal health/ longevity strictly consuming fatty ruminant animal meat and water. Carbs are not required for optimal health.

People like to say that people need to eat a balanced diet, in order to have optimal health. And this statement is true. The confusion comes from the word “balance”. When it comes to optimal nutrition, balance consists of consuming the right ratio of healthy fats and healthy proteins, for each person as an individual. “Balance”, when it comes to optimal health, does not need to consist of a large variety of different types of foods, like most people think/ have been taught/ have heard people repeat over and over throughout their lives. A person can get all the macronutrients/ micronutrients, that they need for optimal health, by consuming fatty ruminant animal meat.
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Check out the Lifestyle Medicine website. They're main belief - which is backed by research - is on having a plant-based diet to prevent and even reverse some chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes.

Check out the Lifestyle Medicine website. They're main belief - which is backed by research - is on having a plant-based diet to prevent and even reverse some chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes.

First off, a plant based diet is such an ambiguous term. Technically the American standard diet is a plant based diet. Most processed foods are plant based. So if someone were to consume 100% of their calories from processed foods, they would be on a plant based diet.

But if someone were to do say a vegan or vegetarian diet, in the healthiest way possible, yes, there’s absolutely no denying that doing this can reverse type 2 diabetes, and an endless list of other medical conditions. That’s just a fact. The reason this occurs, is because these diets, again, if done in the healthiest way possible, cut out all processed foods, and processed foods/ crap oils/ added sugars, are what’s responsible for most health conditions. If a person went on any diet that was void of processed foods, most likely a lot of their health conditions would either resolve completely, or improve drastically.

Plants are still not smart to eat, however, due to the fact that they’re trying to kill u. It sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s not, it’s botony 101. Plants are simply trying to kill anything that tries to consume/ kill it. So yes, eating a strict vegan diet will be way better for u than say an American standard diet, but it is nowhere even close to a healthy/ optimal diet. For so many reasons. I won’t go into too much detail, but a rough general overview of why they’re not healthy is: they are usually covered in exogenous pesticides, they have tongs of endogenous pesticides, they have plant toxins/ defense chemicals, they have ant-nutrients (Antinutrients are plant compounds that reduce the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients), the high fiber content usually messes with people’s digestion, whether they realize it or not, and the forms of a lot of micronutrients aren’t in forms that are preferable for the human body.

But don’t take my word for it all. The best sources of information, when it comes to consuming plants, imo, are people that tried to be vegan/ vegetarian for decades, but never had much success, and ended up having all sorts of health issues while on these diets, and eventually found carnivore, and all their health conditions resolved, and they learned about what the foods they were consuming all those years were actually doing to them, vs what animal based foods do to them, once consumed. Some of these people are such amazing resources for diet/ nutrition info, because they’re speaking from experience, and are completely unbiased. They have no dog in the game. All they care about is what works, and what doesn’t work, and why certain foods work and don’t work, as far as optimal health goes. I’ve said it before, but there’s an infinite amount of videos on YouTube of vegans/ vegetarians going carnivore, but u’ll never see a video of someone going from carnivore to a vegan/ vegetarian diet. This is for two reasons. 1) once someone goes carnivore, they usually feel the best they’ve ever felt in their life, and they resolve all their health conditions, or whatever conditions they have improve tremendously. It’s usually the former. And 2) people that go on carnivore tend to do a ton of research, and learn about how foods are affecting the body, once consumed, and once u learn ten reasons why animal based foods are so optimal for the human body, and why plants are so harmful, u can’t magically unknow that information. So once u learn why plants are so bad for us, it’s basically impossible to ever consume them again, strictly for health purposes. Once in a while if u enjoy the taste and texture of them, I can see, but even that’s hard to do for a lot of people once they realize plants are genuinely trying to kill u. Anyways, here’s 3 vids that I thought were so good that I felt I should save them somewhere. They’re all vids where a former vegan or vegetarian that is now carnivore is being interviewed. Their stories are pretty amazing and fascinating.

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And here’s an amazing video from Dr Anthony Chaffee about how plants are trying to kill whatever tries to consume/ kill it. The guys is extremely smart and well read/ educated. Very impressive the way he articulates not only his thoughts/ opinions, but the facts, as well. One of the best videos that I’ve come across, to date, about why plants should not be consumed, if optimal health is the goal

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@Gman86 Good to hear your opinion. There’s more info and links to scientific publications on that site if you are interested in learning about an opposing viewpoint. And yes, they advocate for non-processed as well.
@Gman86 Good to hear your opinion. There’s more info and links to scientific publications on that site if you are interested in learning about an opposing viewpoint. And yes, they advocate for non-processed as well.
Man, I cannot tell u how many hours I’ve put into researching every opinion on diet that there is. I’ve been obsessed with researching about diet/ nutrition for about 25 years now. Literal non stop research everyday. And I’ve lost count, at this point, how many vegetarian/ vegan and fruitarian YouTube channels I’ve subscribed to over the years. Trust me, nobody has researched opposing view points to carnivore more than me lol

I have zero dogs in the game, and am completely unbiased with my opinions on an optimal diet. Literally all I care about is what works, and what’s optimal. If eating sticks was the optimal diet for humans, that’s what I would advocate for. All I care about is what works, and doesn’t work, and why, when it comes to diets nutrition and optimal human health
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Man, I cannot tell u how many hours I’ve put into researching every opinion on diet that there is. I’ve been obsessed with researching about diet/ nutrition for about 25 years now. Literal non stop research everyday. And I’ve lost count, at this point, how many vegetarian/ vegan and fruitarian YouTube channels I’ve subscribed to over the years. Trust me, nobody has researched opposing view points to carnivore more than me lol

I have zero dogs in the game, and am completely unbiased with my opinions on an optimal diet. Literally all I care about is what works, and what’s optimal. If eating sticks was the optimal diet for humans, that’s what I would advocate for. All I care about is what works, and doesn’t work, and why, when it comes to diets nutrition and optimal human health
I based my diet off my labs. I get my level check for a course cholesterol but vitamin levels also.
I based my diet off my labs. I get my level check for a course cholesterol but vitamin levels also.
This is obv great, but tells u nothing about what every cell of ur body is made up of, and nothing about how well ur mitochondria are functioning, and nothing about what the myelin sheath around ur nerve cells look like, or how much visceral fat ur carrying, for a few examples. Someone with “good” cholesterol levels, and optimal vitamin levels, could still be at an extremely high risk for all types of chronic/ deadly health conditions. So obv what ur testing is good, but unfortunately tells u very little, in regards to whether ur diet is optimal or not.

Insulin resistance/ metabolic syndrome is one of the main causes of almost all health conditions. So if ur not already, always make sure to check ur fasting insulin level. Along with triglycerides. But almost everyone gets that lab checked when they get a cholesterol panel done. C reactive protein is always a good one to check, due to chronic inflammation being another main cause of most health conditions. And then a hgb A1C is good to check every so often, just to make sure ur average blood sugar levels are around where they should be.
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Technically the American standard diet is a plant based diet. Most processed foods are plant based.
Plant based food are genetically engineered and are devoid of nutrients due to depletion of minerals in the soil. A veggie is only as good as the mineral rich soil from which is grows.

Bodybuilders for decades have been eating steak and eggs.
This is obv great, but tells u nothing about what every cell of ur body is made up of, and nothing about how well ur mitochondria are functioning, and nothing about what the myelin sheath around ur nerve cells look like, or how much visceral fat ur carrying, for a few examples. Someone with “good” cholesterol levels, and optimal vitamin levels, could still be at an extremely high risk for all types of chronic/ deadly health conditions. So obv what ur testing is good, but unfortunately tells u very little, in regards to whether ur diet is optimal or not.

Insulin resistance/ metabolic syndrome is one of the main causes of almost all health conditions. So if ur not already, always make sure to check ur fasting insulin level. Along with triglycerides. But almost everyone gets that lab checked when they get a cholesterol panel done. C reactive protein is always a good one to check, due to chronic inflammation being another main cause of most health conditions. And then a hgb A1C is good to check every so often, just to make sure ur average blood sugar levels are around where they should be.
Of course I get my A1C check My last Labs it was 4.8 it has been running at 5.1 finally, it's getting into a good range. Also, coq 10 levels and omega-3 levels. My lipidologist told me that was the highest Omega-3 levels she ever saw.
Of course I get my A1C check My last Labs it was 4.8 it has been running at 5.1 finally, it's getting into a good range. Also, coq 10 levels and omega-3 levels. My lipidologist told me that was the highest Omega-3 levels she ever s
Of course I get my A1C check My last Labs it was 4.8 it has been running at 5.1 finally, it's getting into a good range. Also, coq 10 levels and omega-3 levels. My lipidologist told me that was the highest Omega-3 levels she ever saw.
What have you been eating lately ?
Thanks for posting this. Kind of a durrr article, but glad to see people coming around lol.

Whether or not a carnivore diet covers a person’s nutrient needs isn’t up for debate, at this point.
Here it seems a daily topic ;)
We know that a person can have optimal health/ longevity strictly consuming fatty ruminant animal meat and water. Carbs are not required for optimal health.
Well, we don't know it by means of a scientific study.
Do we really need fibers or better said, does everybody need fibers.
Strange thing, I 'cured' my Pylori symptoms by eating cereal with milk and whey protein. Everything else what I normally eat (meat based diet) caused bloating. I was surprised too. Maybe it was the fiber. Actually your lectures on 'unhealthy' food let me to experiment with my eating and that's how I figured out that the cereal was the food my stomach/gut tolerated very well under that circumstances.

People like to say that people need to eat a balanced diet, in order to have optimal health. And this statement is true. The confusion comes from the word “balance”. When it comes to optimal nutrition, balance consists of consuming the right ratio of healthy fats and healthy proteins, for each person as an individual. “Balance”, when it comes to optimal health, does not need to consist of a large variety of different types of foods, like most people think/ have been taught/ have heard people repeat over and over throughout their lives. A person can get all the macronutrients/ micronutrients, that they need for optimal health, by consuming fatty ruminant animal meat.
Hey Gman86 and other carnivores here, I really do believe all your personal success with carnivore or carnivore+fruits. I'm maybe just too meticulous when it comes to the phrasing of your statements which seem to generalize your experience to all of us.

Actually I did never try the 'ruminant animal diet, it's simply not affordable for me. In case you ask if I tried it. However I have many years of experience in the animal based non-processed high protein low carb field.

Peace to you dear carnivore proponents. Really needed to get this out for clarification of my standpoint.
Of course I get my A1C check My last Labs it was 4.8 it has been running at 5.1 finally, it's getting into a good range. Also, coq 10 levels and omega-3 levels. My lipidologist told me that was the highest Omega-3 levels she ever saw.
That’s an amazing a1c level Vince! Good job! Not sure if super high omega 3 levels are a good thing, have to do more research on the subject. Pretty sure too many pufas aren’t ideal tho, and omega 3’s are pufas. Just something to consider
That’s an amazing a1c level Vince! Good job! Not sure if super high omega 3 levels are a good thing, have to do more research on the subject. Pretty sure too many pufas aren’t ideal tho, and omega 3’s are pufas. Just something to consider
Most new research shows that high omega-3 levels helps keep the brain healthy.
Most new research shows that high omega-3 levels helps keep the brain healthy.
Hmmm, like I said I’ll have to do more research on the subject. That research u mentioned could absolutely be correct. From what I’ve read and heard, I’m just not sure atm. From my current understanding, pufas are not good to consume in moderate to high amounts
Hmmm, like I said I’ll have to do more research on the subject. That research u mentioned could absolutely be correct. From what I’ve read and heard, I’m just not sure atm. From my current understanding, pufas are not good to consume in moderate to high amounts
AI Overview
Yes, new research suggests that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body may help keep the brain healthy:

  • Studies have found that higher levels of omega-3s are associated with larger hippocampal volumes, which is important for learning and memory. Omega-3s may also help with abstract reasoning and reading scores.
    • Cognitive decline
  • A study of over 260,000 people found that higher levels of omega-3s were associated with a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Another study found that higher levels of omega-3s were associated with better memory and processing speed tests.
    • Depression and anxiety
  • Studies suggest that people who regularly consume omega-3s are less likely to have depression, and that omega-3 supplements may help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Neurotransmission
    Omega-3s may help with neurotransmission by changing membrane fluidity and increasing neurotransmitter release.

  • Brain cell membranes
    Omega-3s help maintain the fluidity of nerve cell membranes.
    • Omega-3s are an essential fat that the body doesn't make, so it's important to eat foods that are high in omega-3s, such as fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.


Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Brain Functions - NCBI
Oct 9, 2022 — Neurotransmission is influenced by two mechanisms: changing membrane fluidity and increasing neurotransmitter release [6]. It also alleviates brain a...

Check out the Lifestyle Medicine website. They're main belief - which is backed by research - is on having a plant-based diet to prevent and even reverse some chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes.

Am I the only one that actually read the study?

The plant-based diet did improve the diabetic parameters (probably due to the exclusion of junk food as already stipulated) but not impressively so: A1C dropped to 6.0%, fasting glucose to 108 mg/dL, triglycerides 112 mg/dL.

That's good enough for the lousy criteria of the American Diabetes Association but I have seem much better improvement with low carb carnivorous diets.
It also kills me that the plant based diet included only "egg whites" and "low fat milk". The same old non-scientific nonsense perpetuated!

Apparently it hasn't occurred to them that eating egg yolks does not increase cholesterol, nor that the fat in milk does not drive diabetes of heart disease.
Am I the only one that actually read the study?

The plant-based diet did improve the diabetic parameters (probably due to the exclusion of junk food as already stipulated) but not impressively so: A1C dropped to 6.0%, fasting glucose to 108 mg/dL, triglycerides 112 mg/dL.

That's good enough for the lousy criteria of the American Diabetes Association but I have seem much better improvement with low carb carnivorous diets.
Can’t say that I did lol. Thanks for doing so and saving the rest of us the time tho

when u’ve done as much research into diet/ nutrition, as I have, u luckily have the luxury of not having to waste ur time anymore on studies and articles that u know aren't going to be worth ur time. In my case, it’s not being close minded, even if it might come off that way, to some people. Like I’ve mentioned before, people would be hard pressed to find anybody, in their real life, or online, that has done more research into vegan/ vegetarianism/ the fruitarian diet, as I have. There’s honestly not much else to research about them, for me. Vegetable and fruit structures/ makeup isn’t going to really change, and the human body isn’t going to drastically change anytime soon. Once u truly understand how the human body reacts to different foods, and what they actually do in the human body, once consumed, there’s really no reason to entertain the idea that foods that clearly insult the body, once consumed, are out of nowhere somehow going to be healthy for us. The key is doing enough research until ur 100% positive, what certain foods are doing to the body, once consumed. That just takes time. But luckily, there’s absolutely amazing people putting out amazing/ high quality information on diet/ nutrition the past few years, that just wasn’t available previously. So imo, it’s much much much easier currently, to learn what foods do, and don’t do, once consumed, than it has been in the past.

I know I come off like a carnivore zealot, but I’m simply just a zealot for what’s optimal for humans to consume. I literally couldn’t care less what those foods ends up being, or what name a certain type of eating falls under. Again, if consuming only pine cones was the healthiest diet for humans, I would 100% be a pine cone zealot, and tell everyone they need to consume as many pine cones as possible lol. I literally have zero skin in this game, and zero ego. I’ve just done enough research, to be 100% confident about certain things, when it comes to diet/ nutrition. But I’m aware that it comes off very cocky or misinformed, to some people, and I try to respect that fact as much as I can. But at the same time, I can’t pretend that the things I speak about, in regards to diet/ nutrition, aren’t true.

Luckily, in the end, all truth comes to light eventually. So I’m not too concerned how I come off, when speaking about diet/ nutrition. I’m confident that years down the road, the things I’m saying currently will hold up very well, and will become common knowledge more and more as time goes on

But just for the record, I respect wherever anyone is on their health journey, and respect whatever people feel is facts, when it comes to optimal health and the human body. Just simply trying to save people the time and trouble of having to do the thousands and thousands of hours that I’ve had to do, in order to understand diet/ nutrition to the level that I do. Again, I know that might sound cocky, but I truly just want to help others, and hopefully I am saving people time by giving them the cliff notes on things, and allowing them to get up to speed, instead of them having to do all the research themselves.

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