Check out the Lifestyle Medicine website. They're main belief - which is backed by research - is on having a plant-based diet to prevent and even reverse some chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes.
Food as medicine emphasizes the therapeutic potential of healthy eating habits and the integration of nutrition within clinical settings.
First off, a plant based diet is such an ambiguous term. Technically the American standard diet is a plant based diet. Most processed foods are plant based. So if someone were to consume 100% of their calories from processed foods, they would be on a plant based diet.
But if someone were to do say a vegan or vegetarian diet, in the healthiest way possible, yes, there’s absolutely no denying that doing this can reverse type 2 diabetes, and an endless list of other medical conditions. That’s just a fact. The reason this occurs, is because these diets, again, if done in the healthiest way possible, cut out all processed foods, and processed foods/ crap oils/ added sugars, are what’s responsible for most health conditions. If a person went on any diet that was void of processed foods, most likely a lot of their health conditions would either resolve completely, or improve drastically.
Plants are still not smart to eat, however, due to the fact that they’re trying to kill u. It sounds like an exaggeration, but it’s not, it’s botony 101. Plants are simply trying to kill anything that tries to consume/ kill it. So yes, eating a strict vegan diet will be way better for u than say an American standard diet, but it is nowhere even close to a healthy/ optimal diet. For so many reasons. I won’t go into too much detail, but a rough general overview of why they’re not healthy is: they are usually covered in exogenous pesticides, they have tongs of endogenous pesticides, they have plant toxins/ defense chemicals, they have ant-nutrients (Antinutrients are plant compounds that reduce the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients), the high fiber content usually messes with people’s digestion, whether they realize it or not, and the forms of a lot of micronutrients aren’t in forms that are preferable for the human body.
But don’t take my word for it all. The best sources of information, when it comes to consuming plants, imo, are people that tried to be vegan/ vegetarian for decades, but never had much success, and ended up having all sorts of health issues while on these diets, and eventually found carnivore, and all their health conditions resolved, and they learned about what the foods they were consuming all those years were actually doing to them, vs what animal based foods do to them, once consumed. Some of these people are such amazing resources for diet/ nutrition info, because they’re speaking from experience, and are completely unbiased. They have no dog in the game. All they care about is what works, and what doesn’t work, and why certain foods work and don’t work, as far as optimal health goes. I’ve said it before, but there’s an infinite amount of videos on YouTube of vegans/ vegetarians going carnivore, but u’ll never see a video of someone going from carnivore to a vegan/ vegetarian diet. This is for two reasons. 1) once someone goes carnivore, they usually feel the best they’ve ever felt in their life, and they resolve all their health conditions, or whatever conditions they have improve tremendously. It’s usually the former. And 2) people that go on carnivore tend to do a ton of research, and learn about how foods are affecting the body, once consumed, and once u learn ten reasons why animal based foods are so optimal for the human body, and why plants are so harmful, u can’t magically unknow that information. So once u learn why plants are so bad for us, it’s basically impossible to ever consume them again, strictly for health purposes. Once in a while if u enjoy the taste and texture of them, I can see, but even that’s hard to do for a lot of people once they realize plants are genuinely trying to kill u. Anyways, here’s 3 vids that I thought were so good that I felt I should save them somewhere. They’re all vids where a former vegan or vegetarian that is now carnivore is being interviewed. Their stories are pretty amazing and fascinating.