300mg Test Enanthate every 4 days


Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site.
Welcome @Jamesz72,

If you’re interested in TRT, as in longevity and something more sustainable, I recommend 70-100 mg split up one or multiple times per week.

If you’re self treating, it would be wise to be under the care of a qualified doctor.
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Thank you, Systemlord… it’s very hard for to get a doctor to treat you with Test (have tried) they’re happier to feed you antidepressants and up and up the dose. I haven’t felt as good as I do now in a long, long while, but I’ll take your advice onboard
Thank you, Systemlord… it’s very hard for to get a doctor to treat you with Test (have tried) they’re happier to feed you antidepressants and up and up the dose. I haven’t felt as good as I do now in a long, long while, but I’ll take your advice onboard
You can find some great telemedicine clinics on this forum that will be happy to work with you.

Definitely your best bet to get it from a doctor. Youll know its legit and straight from a pharmacy. Youll also have access to support medications if you need them.

They’re going to reduce the dosage, but i wouldn’t necessarily look at that as a bad thing.
If my math is correct, ur doing roughly 525mg of test enanthate per week? Ur not experiencing any issues on that high of a dose?
If my math is correct, ur doing roughly 525mg of test enanthate per week? Ur not experiencing any issues on that high of a dose?
Hi Gman. No I feel great, and down to less than half the antidepressants I was on, which didn’t stop the depression or debilitating anxiety I had. I don't recommend or endorse coming off doctor prescribed medication. Just stating the facts as it occurs with myself, as we’re all different. And yes roughly 525mg a week. 1ml containing 300mg of testosterone Enanthate every 4 days.
Readalot, thanks brother. After many google attempts to find someone mentioning taking similar qualities I came up with nothing, so I was half expecting to get an onslaught of worrisome reply’s stating stop or die… been pleasantly surprised thus far, and enlightened. So if I could rewrite my initial post I’d miss that out!
Readalot, thanks brother. After many google attempts to find someone mentioning taking similar qualities I came up with nothing, so I was half expecting to get an onslaught of worrisome reply’s stating stop or die… been pleasantly surprised thus far, and enlightened. So if I could rewrite my initial post I’d miss that out!

My pleasure. I am taking @Gman86 's advice and not coming off as an ahole as much. Starting my new habit. I will be following your thread/log. Take care!

Should be good discussion. Thanks.
My pleasure. I am taking @Gman86 's advice and not coming off as an ahole as much. Starting my new habit. I will be following your thread/log. Take care!

Should be good discussion. Thanks.
WOW, being an a-hole was one of your better qualities @readalot:). Oh well, at least you are back.

525mg of test/wk? Hope you get into the gym and take advantage of that @Jamez72
Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site.

Welcome to Excel!

If your goal was the use/abuse of testosterone for the sole purpose of gaining muscle mass/strength then you are on the right track.

The dose you are on plays no part in TRT/HRT.

Just to be clear this is a men's health/HRT forum.

High doses of T/AAS whether cycling, blasting/cruising has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining long-term health.

As you should very well know diet/training is key let alone your genetics will have the final say!

Although many can make decent gains in muscle/strength on what would be considered the higher-end TRT dose of 200 mg/week the anabolic properties will truly start to shine when you use doses in the 300-600 mg/week range and even than higher-end doses would result in better mass/strength gains.

Most concerned with gaining mass/strength are dipping their feet in at 300 mg/week.

Even then many end up banging 500-600 mg/week.

Keep in mind that 12 weeks at said dose is more than enough time to reap the beneficial effects as eventually gains in muscle/strength will stall and there is always a point where side effects outweigh the benefits.

You need to rethink this one.

Therapeutic doses of 100-200 mg T/week is common practice.

Most men are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD, or even daily.

Even then the majority of men can easily attain a high let alone very high trough FT on 100-150mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

There are some outliers that may need the high-end dose but this is far and few.

Far from common anyone would need what would be considered the higher-end dose of 200 mg T/week.

Unfortunately too many are jacked upon T from the get-go by those run-of-the-mill HRT clinics popping up on every corner.

Too much misinformation is littered on the internet (steroid forums, gootube, private).

Keep in mind a lot of these forums are loaded with Blast n Cruisers.

You get the point
The best piece of advice is to start low and go slow.

The common starting dose is 100 mg T once weekly or better yet 50 mg T every 3.5 days.

Bottomline do what you feel is best for you!
@Jamez72: As another less reticent scold I'm compelled to point out that you're averaging 54 mg of testosterone per day, which should be compared to the normal production range of 3-9 mg. Looked at another way, your dose is eight times what the typical healthy young guy makes naturally. It's a concern that you describe yourself as a "complete novice to all this." It's not clear if you were hypogonadal before this, but even if you were it would not be prudent to start with such an extreme protocol. Nonetheless, if you consider the risks and find that they are offset by the rewards then have at it. Just don't encourage other beginners to follow your lead.
My pleasure. I am taking @Gman86 's advice and not coming off as an ahole as much. Starting my new habit. I will be following your thread/log. Take care!

Should be good discussion. Thanks.
I definitely am working on coming off less judgmental and making sure I never force my opinions on others after our convo, so I’m definitely trying to do better as well lol
Hi Gman. No I feel great, and down to less than half the antidepressants I was on, which didn’t stop the depression or debilitating anxiety I had. I don't recommend or endorse coming off doctor prescribed medication. Just stating the facts as it occurs with myself, as we’re all different. And yes roughly 525mg a week. 1ml containing 300mg of testosterone Enanthate every 4 days.
Man, that is a lot of androgens to be taking, and that’s coming from someone that definitely pushes the limits on what’s considered “HRT” lol. But it’s awesome that ur feeling so much better in multiple areas. I’m sure ur life is considerably more enjoyable now.

If ur planning on being on HRT for life, it would probably be smart to find a doctor/ clinic to treat u, and see if u can lower ur dose a bit, while maintaining all the current benefits that ur experiencing. If I were u, I would definitely be open to experimenting with lower dosages, but if for some reason those lower dosages don’t make u feel as good, I guess u could always jump ur dose back up to what ur currently using. But obv if u could use a dose that was lower, and still maintain most, if not all the benefits ur currently experiencing, it would give u the best of both worlds. Feeling good as well as focusing on health/ longevity.

again, I personally push the limits as far as my HRT protocol goes, but I’m well aware that to a degree I’m sacrificing my health/ longevity to do so. What I’m doing is just a balance that works best for me, and my goals in life. Everyone’s balance is going to look different. Definitely looking forward to following ur journey. Keep us posted
Welcome @Jamesz72,

If you’re interested in TRT, as in longevity and something more sustainable, I recommend 70-100 mg split up one or multiple times per week.

If you’re self treating, it would be wise to be under the care of a qualified doctor.
Found this yesterday…


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If I look hard enough, I can find a study that fits my particular view and then turn around and located another study that takes the opposite position. There are many steroids out there that are known to be unsafe, yet they give you the ability to build insane amounts of muscle.

That doesn’t mean it’s healthy long term, or safe.
Welcome to Excel!

If your goal was the use/abuse of testosterone for the sole purpose of gaining muscle mass/strength then you are on the right track.

The dose you are on plays no part in TRT/HRT.

Just to be clear this is a men's health/HRT forum.

High doses of T/AAS whether cycling, blasting/cruising has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining long-term health.

As you should very well know diet/training is key let alone your genetics will have the final say!

Although many can make decent gains in muscle/strength on what would be considered the higher-end TRT dose of 200 mg/week the anabolic properties will truly start to shine when you use doses in the 300-600 mg/week range and even than higher-end doses would result in better mass/strength gains.

Most concerned with gaining mass/strength are dipping their feet in at 300 mg/week.

Even then many end up banging 500-600 mg/week.

Keep in mind that 12 weeks at said dose is more than enough time to reap the beneficial effects as eventually gains in muscle/strength will stall and there is always a point where side effects outweigh the benefits.

You need to rethink this one.

Therapeutic doses of 100-200 mg T/week is common practice.

Most men are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD, or even daily.

Even then the majority of men can easily attain a high let alone very high trough FT on 100-150mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

There are some outliers that may need the high-end dose but this is far and few.

Far from common anyone would need what would be considered the higher-end dose of 200 mg T/week.

Unfortunately too many are jacked upon T from the get-go by those run-of-the-mill HRT clinics popping up on every corner.

Too much misinformation is littered on the internet (steroid forums, gootube, private).

Keep in mind a lot of these forums are loaded with Blast n Cruisers.

You get the point
The best piece of advice is to start low and go slow.

The common starting dose is 100 mg T once weekly or better yet 50 mg T every 3.5 days.

Bottomline do what you feel is best for you!
I’m not doing any weight training, as this was never a goal, it was solely to do with debilitating anxiety and depression and a general lack of the will to keep going. I was on Antidepressants to their highest dose then other pills added, all making me feel worse for the past 4 years. So abusing test wasn’t my goal either, I was following what I was told to do, to feel good again, which is working. I’m not advocating for people to do this, I joined here for enlightenment. Peace brother madman, cool name

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