300mg Test Enanthate every 4 days

@Jamez72: As another less reticent scold I'm compelled to point out that you're averaging 54 mg of testosterone per day, which should be compared to the normal production range of 3-9 mg. Looked at another way, your dose is eight times what the typical healthy young guy makes naturally. It's a concern that you describe yourself as a "complete novice to all this." It's not clear if you were hypogonadal before this, but even if you were it would not be prudent to start with such an extreme protocol. Nonetheless, if you consider the risks and find that they are offset by the rewards then have at it. Just don't encourage other beginners to follow your lead.

Cataceous, thanks for the input. I was told to take this amount by someone, I thought I could trust, are they trying to hurt me? I’ll be 51 this year, and have never weight trained ever, though I’m doing some loose weights now as in the past week or so. As I’ve said before, I’m here for enlightenment, so thank you.​

Man, that is a lot of androgens to be taking, and that’s coming from someone that definitely pushes the limits on what’s considered “HRT” lol. But it’s awesome that ur feeling so much better in multiple areas. I’m sure ur life is considerably more enjoyable now.

If ur planning on being on HRT for life, it would probably be smart to find a doctor/ clinic to treat u, and see if u can lower ur dose a bit, while maintaining all the current benefits that ur experiencing. If I were u, I would definitely be open to experimenting with lower dosages, but if for some reason those lower dosages don’t make u feel as good, I guess u could always jump ur dose back up to what ur currently using. But obv if u could use a dose that was lower, and still maintain most, if not all the benefits ur currently experiencing, it would give u the best of both worlds. Feeling good as well as focusing on health/ longevity.

again, I personally push the limits as far as my HRT protocol goes, but I’m well aware that to a degree I’m sacrificing my health/ longevity to do so. What I’m doing is just a balance that works best for me, and my goals in life. Everyone’s balance is going to look different. Definitely looking forward to following ur journey. Keep us posted
Thanks for the insight Gman.. I’ll start lowering the amount on my next administration of Test, the consensus seems to be pointing that way, and makes me question the person who’s telling me to use that amount. Peace brother!
I’m not doing any weight training, as this was never a goal, it was solely to do with debilitating anxiety and depression and a general lack of the will to keep going. I was on Antidepressants to their highest dose then other pills added, all making me feel worse for the past 4 years. So abusing test wasn’t my goal either, I was following what I was told to do, to feel good again, which is working. I’m not advocating for people to do this, I joined here for enlightenment. Peace brother madman, cool name

Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started

Hoping you understand that this is piss poor advice from the dude telling you to take an absurd dose of T (500+mg) let alone indefinitely to treat your depression/anxiety.

Even more absurd that he would tell you to hop on testosterone without any previous labs let alone that you had no interest in lifting weights.

Have no clue where your natty T levels sat before you jumped on this nightmare of a protocol.

For all we know you may very well have had low or low-normal FT levels.

Again that dose is used by men for the sole purpose of gaining muscle mass/strength well beyond what one could ever attain naturally even with the best of genetics and a sound diet/training regimen.

Doses of T in the 300-600 mg/week range are used when cycling or blasting/cruising not TRT/HRT which is long-term with the goal of minimizing/preventing any side effects and maintaining long-term health and well-being.

Leave the high-dose testosterone/AAS to the amateur/professional bodybuilders when it comes to staying on indefinitely.

For the average natty Joe looking to gain an edge cycling on/off (sensible doses) would be where it's at and leave the blast n cruising (sensible doses) to the men already on TRT/HRT.

Your long-term health is what matters here and if you truly are suffering from low/low-normal FT levels then getting your levels healthy would be needed.

You need to take a step back and think this through.

Four weeks in and the reason you feel so good is your T levels are through the roof and well beyond where you would ever need to be especially for someone not lifting weights in order to attain the beneficial effects of increased muscle/strength.

Highly doubtful that this feeling will last as your hormones are in flux until you reach a steady state which will be 4-6 weeks when using TC/TE due to the half-life of the ester.

The honeymoon period is a bitch!

Shit can go south quickly over the following months and even if your goal was just gaining muscle mass/strength everything will come to a grinding halt 12 weeks in and this is not a dose you would want to stay on indefinitely.

The majority of men on TRT/HRT will experience this short-lived honeymoon (euphoria/dopamine boost, lighting up of AR, a strong increase in libido/erections, and surge energy) and unfortunately end up chasing their tail indefinitely trying to mimic this.

Numerous guys are started out on what would be considered the high-end dose (200 mg/week) for TRT coming out the gate feeling like Superman only to be let down 2-3 months in struggling with sides especially when it comes to libido/erectile function and mood.

Running too high an FT can be just as bad in the long run as having a low FT in many ways.

What really concerns me is that you suffer from depression/anxiety and you are going to have to come off sooner or later will crash if by chance you followed a PCT protocol although it can soften the blow it will not prevent the crash.

The best piece of advice would be to lower your dose to a therapeutic level and seek out a qualified doctor whether endo/uro who specializes in TRT.

Please stick around here and learn as much as you can there are more than enough members who will help you through this.
Found this yesterday…

The groundbreaking Bhasin study!

The one many blast n cruisers tend to use to justify banging absurd doses of T.

*how many weeks are the 21 men at steady-state?



Cataceous, thanks for the input. I was told to take this amount by someone, I thought I could trust, are they trying to hurt me? I’ll be 51 this year, and have never weight trained ever, though I’m doing some loose weights now as in the past week or so. As I’ve said before, I’m here for enlightenment, so thank you.​

I doubt he's trying to hurt you, but he seems oblivious to the possible risks involved. In addition, you're only a month in, so you may still be in a honeymoon phase. If so then the apparent benefits may lessen over time, while side effects may start to intrude. Did your friend discuss the high likelihood of infertility and testicular shrinkage? Are you planning to monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit to ensure they do not become excessive?

If you weren't hypogonadal to begin with then I think it's a mistake to use testosterone to treat depression and anxiety. There are more targeted approaches that won't disrupt other hormones to the extent that testosterone does. To do this right you would need to stop the testosterone for a few months and then have comprehensive lab work to see where you stand.
Hi, complete novice to all this, but have started using 300mg of test Enanthate every 4 days. Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started. So let the onslaught begin? Ps thanks for access to joining site.

My reply from a previous thread may give you some insight when it comes to using/relying on testosterone to treat depression/anxiety.

*Although TRT can improve mild depression, anxiety, and overall well-being it is highly doubtful that it will have a big impact on treating MDD.

*Keep in mind that even men with healthy testosterone levels can still suffer from mild, moderate, or severe depression.

Started taking due to depression and anxiety while on medication to prevent these without any success. Since starting around a month ago my mood is great I haven't been depressed and my anxiety isn’t debilitating. But I’ve been told to forget cycles and to use every 4 days for life, by the dude I’m getting from. Who says he’s been doing the same from 16 now 30 allthough I’m 50 and just started

Hoping you understand that this is piss poor advice from the dude telling you to take an absurd dose of T (500+mg) let alone indefinitely to treat your depression/anxiety.

Even more absurd that he would tell you to hop on testosterone without any previous labs let alone that you had no interest in lifting weights.

Have no clue where your natty T levels sat before you jumped on this nightmare of a protocol.

For all we know you may very well have had low or low-normal FT levels.

Again that dose is used by men for the sole purpose of gaining muscle mass/strength well beyond what one could ever attain naturally even with the best of genetics and a sound diet/training regimen.

Doses of T in the 300-600 mg/week range are used when cycling or blasting/cruising not TRT/HRT which is long-term with the goal of minimizing/preventing any side effects and maintaining long-term health and well-being.

Leave the high-dose testosterone/AAS to the amateur/professional bodybuilders when it comes to staying on indefinitely.

For the average natty Joe looking to gain an edge cycling on/off (sensible doses) would be where it's at and leave the blast n cruising (sensible doses) to the men already on TRT/HRT.

Your long-term health is what matters here and if you truly are suffering from low/low-normal FT levels then getting your levels healthy would be needed.

You need to take a step back and think this through.

Four weeks in and the reason you feel so good is your T levels are through the roof and well beyond where you would ever need to be especially for someone not lifting weights in order to attain the beneficial effects of increased muscle/strength.

Highly doubtful that this feeling will last as your hormones are in flux until you reach a steady state which will be 4-6 weeks when using TC/TE due to the half-life of the ester.

The honeymoon period is a bitch!

Shit can go south quickly over the following months and even if your goal was just gaining muscle mass/strength everything will come to a grinding halt 12 weeks in and this is not a dose you would want to stay on indefinitely.

The majority of men on TRT/HRT will experience this short-lived honeymoon (euphoria/dopamine boost, lighting up of AR, a strong increase in libido/erections, and surge energy) and unfortunately end up chasing their tail indefinitely trying to mimic this.

Numerous guys are started out on what would be considered the high-end dose (200 mg/week) for TRT coming out the gate feeling like Superman only to be let down 2-3 months in struggling with sides especially when it comes to libido/erectile function and mood.

Running too high an FT can be just as bad in the long run as having a low FT in many ways.

What really concerns me is that you suffer from depression/anxiety and you are going to have to come off sooner or later will crash if by chance you followed a PCT protocol although it can soften the blow it will not prevent the crash.

The best piece of advice would be to lower your dose to a therapeutic level and seek out a qualified doctor whether endo/uro who specializes in TRT.

Please stick around here and learn as much as you can there are more than enough members who will help you through this.
Thank you for that. I’ll drop to 70mg a week I did send away to get my blood tested and they sent me the attachment I sent, but after the first blood test they wanted more money for another blood test, before even seeing a specialist, and I was in no frame of mind to wait or pay any more or longer, which in highnsight would have been prudent. Again, thanks to you and everyone who’s put me right!


  • IMG_1443.webp
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I did send away to get my blood tested and they sent me the attachment I sent, but after the first blood test they wanted more money for another blood test, before even seeing a specialist.
A missing component is your estrogen value, if low enough can cause anxiety and depression. It’s not unheard of to see men with very good T scores and estrogen in the gutter.
If I look hard enough, I can find a study that fits my particular view and then turn around and located another study that takes the opposite position. There are many steroids out there that are known to be unsafe, yet they give you the ability to build insane amounts of muscle.

That doesn’t mean it’s healthy long term, or safe.
Systemlord, just found this yesterday and posted it for your take, I wasn’t saying “See” I’m right! Not in the slightest. In fact I’m doing exactly what you’ve all said. doctor again, get monitored, vastly reduce amount. Its appreciated, thanks!
Thank you for that. I’ll drop to 70mg a week I did send away to get my blood tested and they sent me the attachment I sent, but after the first blood test they wanted more money for another blood test, before even seeing a specialist, and I was in no frame of mind to wait or pay any more or longer, which in highnsight would have been prudent. Again, thanks to you and everyone who’s put me right!

Feel free to PM me anytime!

Were your labs done in the early am in a fasted state?

If these are your peak levels (early am) then your TT 14.3 nmol/L (412 ng/dL) is nothing to brag about and more importantly if we use the linear law-of-mass action cFTV and plug in your TT, SHBG, and albumin then your FT level is far from stellar as you are hitting a TT 412 ng/dL with highish SHBG.

Screenshot (25649).webp

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction responsible for the positive effects.

Keep in mind that your FT level may very well be even lower as cFTV tends to overestimate.

You would need to have your FT tested using what would be considered the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to know where it truly sits

Unfortunately, you never had a thorough set of labs done before you hopped on this train wreck.

Fullset of labs would include TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, VitD, DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

You most likely drove down your SHBG on that absurd dose of T.
Thank you for that. I’ll drop to 70mg a week I did send away to get my blood tested and they sent me the attachment I sent, but after the first blood test they wanted more money for another blood test, before even seeing a specialist, and I was in no frame of mind to wait or pay any more or longer, which in highnsight would have been prudent. Again, thanks to you and everyone who’s put me right!
0.16-0.47nmol/L as the range for cFT? Wow the lower range now 0.16nmol/L...what lab is this blood test from? Looks like OptiMale UK though...
0.16-0.47nmol/L as the range for cFT? Wow the lower range now 0.16nmol/L...what lab is this blood test from? Looks like OptiMale UK though...
Belekas, hello. Yeah that’s Optimale and the first £44 blood test, the next blood test was a hundred odds, then money for specialists. So I thought I’d be clever and jumped ahead a few squares… Allthough I feel great, the feedback I’m getting from people with no clout in the game is eye opening and insightful. I’m greatfull.
Feel free to PM me anytime!

Were your labs done in the early am in a fasted state?

If these are your peak levels (early am) then your TT 14.3 nmol/L (412 ng/dL) is nothing to brag about and more importantly if we use the linear law-of-mass action cFTV and plug in your TT, SHBG, and albumin then your FT level is far from stellar as you are hitting a TT 412 ng/dL with highish SHBG.

View attachment 34087

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction responsible for the positive effects.

Keep in mind that your FT level may very well be even lower as cFTV tends to overestimate.

You would need to have your FT tested using what would be considered the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to know where it truly sits

Unfortunately, you never had a thorough set of labs done before you hopped on this train wreck.

Fullset of labs would include TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, VitD, DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

You most likely drove down your SHBG on that absurd dose of T.
Feel free to PM me anytime!

Were your labs done in the early am in a fasted state?

If these are your peak levels (early am) then your TT 14.3 nmol/L (412 ng/dL) is nothing to brag about and more importantly if we use the linear law-of-mass action cFTV and plug in your TT, SHBG, and albumin then your FT level is far from stellar as you are hitting a TT 412 ng/dL with highish SHBG.

View attachment 34087

Although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction responsible for the positive effects.

Keep in mind that your FT level may very well be even lower as cFTV tends to overestimate.

You would need to have your FT tested using what would be considered the most accurate assays such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration to know where it truly sits

Unfortunately, you never had a thorough set of labs done before you hopped on this train wreck.

Fullset of labs would include TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, VitD, DHEA-S, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel (TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies), salivary cortisol (Four Specimens), lipids, CMP, CBC, and CRP.

You most likely drove down your SHBG on that absurd dose of T.
Madman, thanks again. A whole load of testing needing done rather than cowboying it like I’ve been doing. Still feeling good, mentally, physically, 5 weeks in. When would you say it would all come crashing down, continuing on this path? Not that I am, it just an enquiry?


I can’t help but ask, do you even know what your shooting into your body? Some dude is supplying you with some stuff he could be making in his bathroom. I’d be really concerned about using unknown UGL test. Go to a clinic or a teleDoc, don’t play around with this stuff man. Just sayin.


I can’t help but ask, do you even know what your shooting into your body? Some dude is supplying you with some stuff he could be making in his bathroom. I’d be really concerned about using unknown UGL test. Go to a clinic or a teleDoc, don’t play around with this stuff man. Just sayin.
Hi, SeaDweller. Are you vaccinated? I don’t really think anything or anyone can be trusted 100% in this world we find ourselves in, but I hear you. Thus far I’ve nothing but good results, the major thing being a complete absence of debilitating anxiety that can kill you just as quick as some bad gear. I wish money wasn’t an obstacle for going legit 100% down the correct path, but here we are, but thank you for your input.
Just wanted to add that I know from experience that trying to get a handle on depression and anxiety is like trying to hold on to one of those slippery water snake toys. Things may make us feel better for awhile but our bodies are constantly adjusting so it's always a bit of a roller coaster. If testosterone is responsible for your improved mental state, be aware that it may not be a permanent. I can tell you that I've seen a major improvement in depression, anxiety, and pain by adding 50mg nandrolone 2x per week to my current regimen of testosterone of 80mg 2x per week.
Belekas, hello. Yeah that’s Optimale and the first £44 blood test, the next blood test was a hundred odds, then money for specialists. So I thought I’d be clever and jumped ahead a few squares… Allthough I feel great, the feedback I’m getting from people with no clout in the game is eye opening and insightful. I’m greatfull.
When was this test done? Well we always learn new things and it's great that you feel better. You will find answers to most of your questions here if you spend time researching and reading. And if not we have some seriously smart men who are willing to help a brother out. Welcome to the darkside ; )
When was this test done? Well we always learn new things and it's great that you feel better. You will find answers to most of your questions here if you spend time researching and reading. And if not we have some seriously smart men who are willing to help a brother out. Welcome to the darkside ; )
Belekas, hello again. The test was about 6 weeks ago, that set in motion the path I’m on now. Oh! my father said I’d went to the darkside after starting to support Rangers fc as a kid in a family of mad Celtic Fc supporters. So feels kind of familiar ;) but ultimately we’re all life long students and I’m always welcoming of enlightenment from smarter men than I
Belekas, hello again. The test was about 6 weeks ago, that set in motion the path I’m on now. Oh! my father said I’d went to the darkside after starting to support Rangers fc as a kid in a family of mad Celtic Fc supporters. So feels kind of familiar ;) but ultimately we’re all life long students and I’m always welcoming of enlightenment from smarter men than I
Hehe fair enough! Smart man learns from his mistakes and wise man learns from the mistakes of others ; ) When I've done blood test through OptiMale last year August I believe the range for the cFT was 0.2-0.62nmol/L so they lowered it as now the range is 0.16-0.47nmol/L as per your chart. Also they lowered TT range from 8.64-29nmol/L to 6.68-25.7nmol/L. Thats wild! The ranges are going tighter and tighter each year SMH

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