sml increase is TRT dose i tried = massive anxiety for 4 days


New Member
Hi guys,

Am 40 and been on TRT for just over a yr now and have fine tuned everything beautifully on my own Had high estrogen levels and bloated like a puffer fish for months after starting trt so DR gave me arimidex but even a 1/4 tablet 2x a wk made me feel crap so I researched and now do e2d injections of 0.1ml test enthanate which over the course of the week gives me very close to 100mg test every 8 days. Before I was on 50mg x2 a week and my estrogen was 174 five months ago ( upper range in Australia is 150 ) I am now at 135 simply by having every other day injections ..everything else is in check hormonally and haemocratit wise and my testosterone is 26.1 ( range is 6-28 here )

I have been training for 20 yrs and have always had a good build and strength and have packed on 20kgs naturally but needed to go on trt after a vasectomy 2 yrs ago that brought my T levels crashing to 10 ! and never recovering ( apparently some men get an auto immune response and the body attacks the testes as mine began to atrophy a few months post surgery sadly )

Now for my question ......last Wed 3 days ago I decided to take a little more test to see how I would feel and to take my training and physique to the next level ...I planned to go to 150mg test enthanate a week from the 100mg I have been on for a yr now so I drew up 0.15mls (37.5mgs as opposed to my normal 25 mgs test) that over my 3 e2d shots would give me the new dose. At first I felt great and squatted 180kgs for 6 reps and benched 140kgs for 5 reps as I wanted to train lower and upper body for something new ( I'm 85kgs btw ) came home happy then as the hours went on I started to sweat like crazy and feel hot then 24 hours later and up until today I have had anxiety and such a tight chest I thought Id end up in ER but used Valium to help me though it at a minimal dose every 8 hrs but still felt bad as wasn't taking a lot to completely remove the symptoms as I don't like taking benzos anyway ( worst few days of my life ! ) Now I have finally figured out the obvious today that the slight increase in test on Wed set this off but I am not quite sure what I can do to run the 150mg dose for a 10 wk cycle then return to the 100mgs ? Was it a spike in E2 that made me sweat and have raging chest crushing anxiety for 4 days and had I used a sml amount of aromisin I could have avoided this hellish experience ? Should I just give up trying to use the 50mgs a wk more and accept what I can do at 100 mgs ?

Btw I plan to miss tomorrow's dose in order to get my levels back to normal asap and resume with my trusted and tried 0.1ml on Tuesday and hope its all been leveled out and back to where I was physically and mentally before this little experiment .

Sorry for the length of the post but I didn't want to miss anything ..all input much appreciated !
Whenever you make big jumps in doses like that it sets you back to a period where all your hormones are in flux and take 4-6 weeks to stabilize and then possibly months to feel the effects, you can't expect a quick fix as these are hormones were talking about here. Taking test isn't like the instant relief you get after popping a benzo down the hatch, things take time to stabilize. I understand the desire for instant results but TRT doesn't work that, make small incremental changes so you know what works and what doesn't.

Where are your labs? I hope you running labs 4-6 weeks after making protocol changes otherwise you'll never find a balance and know what works.
i certainly wasnt expecting quick results mate and I have made excellent progress with a yr of good test again so Im very pleased and what I did was a sml jump ! its not like I doubled my 100mg per week or went on 400mg test in one shot lol ...I took 12.5 more mgs of test in ONE shot ! and it stuffed me right up so my biggest question was it a spike in E2 as I did get the sweats badly that afternoon and night and terrible anxiety for 4 days.....all my labs are good and I have them done every 3-4 months but like I said ive been stable for ages until this little experiment. Everything is in perfect range blood wise apart from elevated cholesterol which Ive always had and of course my LH is 0 as ive been on test for 13 odd months. I just wanted to know what made me feel so bad after a sml increase in the dose ?
Hi guys,

Am 40 and been on TRT for just over a yr now and have fine tuned everything beautifully on my own Had high estrogen levels and bloated like a puffer fish for months after starting trt so DR gave me arimidex but even a 1/4 tablet 2x a wk made me feel crap so I researched and now do e2d injections of 0.1ml test enthanate which over the course of the week gives me very close to 100mg test every 8 days. Before I was on 50mg x2 a week and my estrogen was 174 five months ago ( upper range in Australia is 150 ) I am now at 135 simply by having every other day injections ..everything else is in check hormonally and haemocratit wise and my testosterone is 26.1 ( range is 6-28 here )

I have been training for 20 yrs and have always had a good build and strength and have packed on 20kgs naturally but needed to go on trt after a vasectomy 2 yrs ago that brought my T levels crashing to 10 ! and never recovering ( apparently some men get an auto immune response and the body attacks the testes as mine began to atrophy a few months post surgery sadly )

Now for my question ......last Wed 3 days ago I decided to take a little more test to see how I would feel and to take my training and physique to the next level ...I planned to go to 150mg test enthanate a week from the 100mg I have been on for a yr now so I drew up 0.15mls (37.5mgs as opposed to my normal 25 mgs test) that over my 3 e2d shots would give me the new dose. At first I felt great and squatted 180kgs for 6 reps and benched 140kgs for 5 reps as I wanted to train lower and upper body for something new ( I'm 85kgs btw ) came home happy then as the hours went on I started to sweat like crazy and feel hot then 24 hours later and up until today I have had anxiety and such a tight chest I thought Id end up in ER but used Valium to help me though it at a minimal dose every 8 hrs but still felt bad as wasn't taking a lot to completely remove the symptoms as I don't like taking benzos anyway ( worst few days of my life ! ) Now I have finally figured out the obvious today that the slight increase in test on Wed set this off but I am not quite sure what I can do to run the 150mg dose for a 10 wk cycle then return to the 100mgs ? Was it a spike in E2 that made me sweat and have raging chest crushing anxiety for 4 days and had I used a sml amount of aromisin I could have avoided this hellish experience ? Should I just give up trying to use the 50mgs a wk more and accept what I can do at 100 mgs ?

Btw I plan to miss tomorrow's dose in order to get my levels back to normal asap and resume with my trusted and tried 0.1ml on Tuesday and hope its all been leveled out and back to where I was physically and mentally before this little experiment .

Sorry for the length of the post but I didn't want to miss anything ..all input much appreciated !

An increase of 50mg is by no means a small increase in trt dose. What were your total t/free t numbers on 100mg/week? You also have to understand that 100mg/week is usually a commonly prescribed starting trt dose and some can attain testosterone levels in the upper end (high/normal) of the physiological range but many may only get their levels to the mid/normal range and need a slightly higher dose between 100-150mg to reach the upper end of the physiological range and even than body composition changes increase muscle tissue(actin/myosin)/ increased strength/fat loss will not be drastic. One would need to reach supra-physiological levels to really achieve larger gains in muscle mass/strength and would usually need a minimum of 200mg/week. Regardless trt is about relieving symptoms of low t/ seeing improvements in overall well being and for some achieving mid/normal testosterone levels with a healthy free t range is all that is needed where as many others need to have their levels in the upper end (high/normal) of the physiological range to experience relief from low t symptoms. If your testosterone levels were fairly low on 100mg/week than you would more than likely notice improvements in body composition to a certain degree on 150mg/week as it would more than likely result in your levels hitting the upper end of the physiological range but you stated you have been on 100mg/week for a year and overall feel good (so your total/free t levels) are more than likely descent but it would be helpful if you posted labs on 100mg/week protocol. If your only goal is to increase muscle/strength than you would not be using a trt dose and this forum is not the place to ask about cycling or blasting/cruising.
yes man increase in T can definitely cause anxiety because T affects many other hormones and body can react with anxiety and general feeling unwell until everything stabilizes which will take time.. I would stay on 100mg thats a good dose. listen to your doc don't get yourself in trouble, hormones are not things to experiment with it can have bad consequences
thanks for the input fellas, no Im not on TRT by choice anyways...I always had great healthy levels until my vasectomy and I never used anabolics prior to TRT which brought my levels from 10 to 26. I am on trt for medical reasons but wanted to see how my body would feel on a little more ...I did feel great for a few hrs after the extra dose but then it all went south fast! My FREE T is 825 ( range 200-600 ) so I know Im doing well ...Im looking at further reducing some bloatedness I carry and my diet is pretty clean and trainings on point as I used to compete :) I was just shocked at how bad I felt after 1 incremental test dose! was just very curious what made me feel this bad , estrogen spike id assume ..
if your normal protocol is 0.1ml (25mg) e2d thats 87.5mg per week, interested to know what your test levels are on that.
well its actually 100 mgs exactly every 8 days as 0.1ml is 25mgs test e2d ....i should have said every 8 days more clearly....test is good ! 26.1 last months bloods ( range here is 8-28 ) free test 200 points over normal range too :)

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