@Simon7 - you state "is not preventing it". You realize that it is an aromataze inhibitor. The simple act of inhibiting something means that it is preventing it. In this case, it is preventing a portion of it from occurring. I also asked for evidence as to how this 20-30 range we were all taught is actual fact but I haven't seen any of that either so far. Also, again, what level of E2 is considered 'high' for men? If I'm, say, currently at 50 (I'm guessing here), and symptom free, what does that mean?
I do believe people vary in how many receptors for hormones they have, making them more or less sensitive to T, E2, all other hormones, etc,etc.
So maybe for you 50 is a good level. It's high, but not IMO weirdly high.
I have had as high as 56 pg/ml, I gain water weight and higher blood pressure. IMO I am sensitive to E2 and naturally don't produce a lot of it. Most of the time I am between 15-26.
Never taken an AI, actually for 5 years on Nebido TRT only blood test I did was for total T/FT/PSA and that was after 2 years on TRT, and to make matters even "worse" from a traditional doctors or posters POV, only blood test I did before starting TRT was for PSA level.
I "assume" my total T before starting Nebido in 2009 was around 370 pg/ml because I did a blood test 14 years before starting TRT.

No reason for it to have gotten better.
But with Nebido you inject once every 10-12 weeks and don't jack your Total T / E2 up or down by increasing or decreasing anything. (amounts injected or timing). There was nothing for me to fine tune / dial in and I wasn't under a clinic / doctor's care so no one to tell me what blood tests they wanted to see.
It's only recently in the last 3 years that I have gotten more frequent blood tests. Partly I have to and partly it's cheaper and easier to do. But I am inclined in the future (maybe 6 months from now) to only test once a year unless it's something a local doctor wants me to test and it's covered by medicare.
Of course, if I have a problem, I will get blood tests, even see a doctor. But otherwise, once a year suits me.
However, if you are going to post about hormones, what's healthy or not and protocols, IMO you should get blood tests to back up what you are posting about, but ....
I am really pretty laissez faire about what people want to do.