Herniated Disk and Thinking About Testosterone plus Nandrolone (Deca)

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hi. im a 27 year old man who has been batteling doctors for 6 years. my testosterone is 5 nmol after steroid use and never went up

i finally after a few visitts to the doctor who is a expert in testosterone and male health, he has 40 years in his field and is a doctor who is pro at this. he really know his stuff

i finally got trt from him after he tried to restart my system several times with clomid.

he has given me a prescribtion of NEBIDO UNDECONATE , he says this is the safest way to take trt and that enanthate and cypionate only will give peaks and valleys and to high testosterone

he told me that i have to experimate to find the best dosing cause everyone is diffrent....he mentioned 1 ml per 2 weeks...or 2 ml per 4 week or 4 ml every 8 weeks and try whatever feels best

now. everyone i have talked about says nebido is shit. i also read nelson vergels trt book and also over 40 and fit jay campell book a long with talking to bodybuilders on trt and several movie stars.....they all say 125-200 mg testosterone a week of enanthate

now i bought some teastosterone enanthate and will use 180 mg a week...90 mg monday and 90 mg thursday....and hope that this does not increase estrogen to much, if it does i wll go down to 150 a week

but here is the problem:

i also have a herniated disc which has made me not beeing able to work. i have now been home for 5 months and its not been healing

can i add 100 2mg deca every week or is this to much

like this

monday 90 mg testosterone enanthate



thursday 90 mg testosterone E


saturday 100 mg deca


is this to much ? i was planning to do this 6 months while i train with my chiropractor and after 6 monts quit 100 mg deca and only do 180 mg test

or should i do 150 deca and 150 test a week ? nebido is too expensive i have a really good source for deca and test E

plz help nelson vergel....if this is not good plz post a better trt dose with deca and TEST E

im not using hcg because my doctor said that i dont need to , he has a special solution for every man who has used steroids to get fertile again, he said it didnt matter how much u taken or what u taken. And that all the bodybuilders he has ever treated ( even pro bodybuilders) gets fertile again with his protocol
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I'm not so sure test U is a bad option. Seems reasonable. Could take a very long time to dial in though.

If you you don't have access to an anti-estrogen you will likely have some e2 issues at over 150/wk test as well as adding nandrolone.

The nandrolone may give you you some relief in the joints, but I do not believe it actually heals tissue.
im only going to use deca for 6 months and at the same time work out my core and slowly build my lower back, then im going to stop deca and go back to 180 mg test a week
isnt deca bad for erections? there is a common thing that deca puts your penis to 6' o'clock
and possible prolactin problems (high prolactin = low dopamine and vice versa)
i don't know about nelson and 100mg of deca but I used deca in the past and felt unmotivated, sleepy and lack of erectile strenght on it.. but i used 500mg weekly
500 a week without testosterone ? well thats for bodybuilding purposes and not trt purposes....no wonder ur penis didnt work, you take 5x times the amount i want to use
with testosterone ofcourse but anyway i agree there is a difference in 500mg and 100mg but the stuff i used very well could be severly underdosed so.
have your doctor approved your plan to run deca? I am having joint issues for long time I am curious if thats enough to justify a little deca implemented with testosterone protocol but probably not many doctors other than sport medicine doctors can prescribe it
100 mg deca cant cause erectile dysfunciton....didnt nelson vergel write that he used 150 test and 150 deca for 10 years ?

I personally don't think it's s terrible idea, but you need anastrozole and regular lab work. You will likely have some ups and downs trying to dial in estrogen. With no ai you will just feel shitty and have to lower doses and wait it out. Ai will kick in pretty quick. Of course overdoing the ai is the worst. No free lunch.
no i didnt ask about deca. but do you feel better in the back after deca ? i just want some pain relief so i can work out my core and back
Since many, many men have achieved success with cypionate and enanthate, read this Forum, you'll find them, your doctor's assertion that the use of these two forms of testosterone "only will give peaks and valleys and to high testosterone" is an absurd statement. It suggests he's not really working at the cutting edge of male androgen replacement.

As for "experimenting" with your dosage - where does your SHBG sit? That's the key test that helps confirm a protocol. You're taking an awful lot of testosterone in multiple injections; is your SHBG at the upper end of the range? What about estradiol? I gather you're outside the US, that means the sensitive e2 test may not be available to you (though it's now found in the UK and Canada), but what does it look like now?

A lot of questions about the road you're starting down.
I don't think that 100mg of deca will help if you have some legit back problems like herniated disk but it might ease your pain a bit since it puts water everywhere as far as I understand. I would wait with deca until I would get T dose right and get the numbers on labwork to optimal levels
actually he is a bichemist, expert on testosterone, endocrinolgist and expert on male health. so he is way better then you, all in this forum and nelson vergel, but he is used to having old bodybuilders coming in and wanting high testosterone, he wants ut to have mid range levels
hi. im a 27 year old man who has been batteling doctors for 6 years. my testosterone is 5 nmol after steroid use and never went up

i finally after a few visitts to the doctor who is a expert in testosterone and male health, he has 40 years in his field and is a doctor who is pro at this. he really know his stuff

i finally got trt from him after he tried to restart my system several times with clomid.

he has given me a prescribtion of NEBIDO UNDECONATE , he says this is the safest way to take trt and that enanthate and cypionate only will give peaks and valleys and to high testosterone

he told me that i have to experimate to find the best dosing cause everyone is diffrent....he mentioned 1 ml per 2 weeks...or 2 ml per 4 week or 4 ml every 8 weeks and try whatever feels best

now. everyone i have talked about says nebido is shit. i also read nelson vergels trt book and also over 40 and fit jay campell book a long with talking to bodybuilders on trt and several movie stars.....they all say 125-200 mg testosterone a week of enanthate

now i bought some teastosterone enanthate and will use 180 mg a week...90 mg monday and 90 mg thursday....and hope that this does not increase estrogen to much, if it does i wll go down to 150 a week

but here is the problem:

i also have a herniated disc which has made me not beeing able to work. i have now been home for 5 months and its not been healing

can i add 100 2mg deca every week or is this to much

like this

monday 90 mg testosterone enanthate



thursday 90 mg testosterone E


saturday 100 mg deca


is this to much ? i was planning to do this 6 months while i train with my chiropractor and after 6 monts quit 100 mg deca and only do 180 mg test

or should i do 150 deca and 150 test a week ? nebido is too expensive i have a really good source for deca and test E

plz help nelson vergel....if this is not good plz post a better trt dose with deca and TEST E

im not using hcg because my doctor said that i dont need to , he has a special solution for every man who has used steroids to get fertile again, he said it didnt matter how much u taken or what u taken. And that all the bodybuilders he has ever treated ( even pro bodybuilders) gets fertile again with his protocol

I would not waste your time using nebido (testosterone decanoate) as managing blood levels would be very difficult due to the extremely long acting ester and if you ran into any negative issue with your protocol it would be hard to dial in.

Your doctors statement that enanthate or cypionate will only give you peaks and valleys and high testosterone levels is misleading. Sure if one where to inject those esters in higher doses once every 2 weeks (god forbid) or even once weekly than yes it would result in very high supra-physiological peaks only to be followed by much lower levels before the next injection.

Coastwatcher makes a great point you need to know your shbg which will dictate your protocol injection frequency.

You state everyone says doses of 125-200 mg/week of testosterone..........again it depends on many factors and when starting trt it is always best to start low and go slow as one does not know how their system will respond to the hormone.

The goal of trt is to relieve/improve ones symptoms of low t and improve the patients overall well being whether that requires one to achieve mid-normal or high/normal physiological testosterone levels along with a healthy free t, e2 and of course managing other health markers to minimize side effects and keep the patient healthy.

A common starting trt dose is 100 mg/week and splitting dose (50 mg every 3.5 days) would result in achieving steadier testosterone levels and minimizing the peaks/valleys.

If you did not have lab work pre-trt than jumping on 180 mg/week (90mg every 3.5 days) may very well result in very high total t/free t and of course e2 let alone what effect it may have on elevating your hemoglobin/hematocrit.
i will try 150 first then 180......i will take blodtest first and see what my estrogen lvl is....do anyone know what level estrogen should be ?
actually he is a bichemist, expert on testosterone, endocrinolgist and expert on male health. so he is way better then you, all in this forum and nelson vergel, but he is used to having old bodybuilders coming in and wanting high testosterone, he wants ut to have mid range levels

Now that was completely ignorant saying " he is way better than you, all in this forum and Nelson Vergel " my god do you have any sense? :mad:

Your so called expert doctor recommended Nebido!

I just replied to your 1st post before seeing this forget what I said as I should delete it.

why should my thread be closed just because this man has moore experience than all of you ? he is a DOCTOR ...are you ? he specializes in testosterone, is a biochemist and has 40 years experience with treating men with testosterone, he definetly knows way moore then you guys. I think he wanted me to go nebido cause of all the bodybuilders in the city wantet to get steroids from him. He also showed my a graph of nebidos peaks and valleys compared to enanthate and cypionate and nebido was great if i could find the best injection protocol but that i had to find this out myself because everyone is diffrent
actually he is a bichemist, expert on testosterone, endocrinolgist and expert on male health. so he is way better then you, all in this forum and nelson vergel, but he is used to having old bodybuilders coming in and wanting high testosterone, he wants ut to have mid range levels

You've allowed this doctor to charm you because you sound like you've already drank the kool aid. An expert would know to move injections closer together if one feels the highs and lows between injections, this eliminates the lows and keeps levels super stable to where they are no highs and low felt. You're own research shows Nebido is garbage based on those who have use it and still you insist your doctor is an expert.

I don't know about you but I'll take the word of those who have taken Nebido over the word of some expert who has never injected Nebido and has made some troubling short sighted comments that border on the absurd. This so called expert has made some comments that we typically hear from those less experienced in male hormone replacement, these red flag comments.

He may indeed be an expert as a biochemist, but he has not elevated his clinical experience that rises to the level of expert.

If your doctor is such an expect in testosterone and way more knowledgeable than any of us fools, why are you here asking for our help?

I don't see this level of ignorance often.
because i have to drive 7 hours to meet him and its also very expensive....20 minutes is 200 dollars. He showed me graphs of the peaks and valleys and showed me on paper why nebido was considered the best right now to treat hypogonadism, he explained into molecular level. He is not american and not interested in giving high doses of testosterone like most guys want, they want to have steroid doses. He told me nebido is far better option today with steadier levels and it give me mid lvl levels and not high
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