Test results for 8mg daily blend (Enan + Prop)


Well-Known Member
Inspired by @Cataceous, I have been tinkering with Enan/Prop blends for the past year. The idea behind the daily blend is to re-introduce daily T fluctuation. Inject first thing in morning to peak early in day and let levels come down overnight.

For example, Cat’s personal data based on 4:3 blend ratio showed trough at about 62% of peak. In theory, you could peak at TT 700-800 by midday followed by overnight/early morning trough of TT 400-500.

In my experience so far, the main benefits are two-fold: less water weight due to addition of Prop and more importantly, better sleep due to overnight trough.

I've been playing with the blend variables trying to find the right balance. Too much Prop and I get hyped up in the AM, a bit scatterbrained. Too much Enan negatively impacts my sleep due to elevated trough levels overnight.

I have tried several blend ratios ranging from Enan-heavy 4:1 to Prop-heavy 1:1. My sweet spot seems to range from 2-3mg Prop + 4-5mg Enan with total around 7-8mg daily. It is surprising how much of a difference only +1mg makes on a daily basis, especially with Prop!

I eventually settled on 3:1 blend of 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop) for total of 56mg per week. Taking into account the ester weights, this results in actual T of 6mg per day (which is consistent with average natural T production of 6-7 mg daily). Note this blend formulation is heavier on Enan than Cat’s blend of 4:3, meaning less daily fluctuation.

No HCG, AI or any supplements except for occasional creatine and Vit D for deficiency

All injections are subq belly in the AM.

Tested 3 hours post-injection (near peak of Propionate):

TT 633 (264 - 916)
FT (Piss Poor Direct) 9.1 (7.2 – 24)
FT (Vermeulen) 11.6 (1.83%) / Bioavailable 302 (47.8%)
FT (Tru T) 18.8
Estradiol (sensitive) 17.4 (8 – 35)

SHBG 40.3 (19 – 76)
Hematocrit 50 (37 – 51)
Albumin 4.8
DHT 35 (30 - 85)
DHEA 186 (71 – 375)
TSH 1.57 (.45 – 4.5)

What’s cool is that I’ve been on TRT long enough to accurately predict my test results beforehand based solely on feel (I projected mid-600s to 700). Unfortunately, I rarely test because I am a lazy bastard.

Note that I did NOT test the trough level (pre-injection). Cat has projected trough of roughly 75% of peak for the 3:1 blend (versus 62% of peak for his soon-to-be-famous 4:3 blend).

All other results were in range except glucose was low. Hematocrit is creeping up, but I spend a lot of time at altitude this time of year in the mountains.

Does E2 seem on low side in proportion to TT?

I have tried just about everything on TRT. Traditional Cyp dose 2x weekly, straight daily Prop, cream-only and several trials with nasal gels. I have tested at low end of range as well as supra-physiological (1200+). The blend has provided me with the best results so far. @Blackhawk has had similar success with the blend.

That said, my experience was mixed on 3:1 blend @ 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop). I felt good physically, athletically and mentally. However, my libido still sucked. This was not unexpected since TRT has never done anything for me in the libido department (see separate thread on dopamine). Lots of nocturnal activity, but none of that glorious libido desire.

The biggest downside for me was shitty sleep – i.e., waking up too early feeling wired. It just wrecks you after a while. Almost as if the body never takes a break.

My conclusion is that I need a blend with more fluctuation. Peak higher in early part of day to boost Free T while troughing out lower at night for better sleep. Of course, this has led me back to @Cataceous original suggestion of 4:3. (I should have listened to the man!). Sure enough, my sleep improved within days of moving to the 4:3 blend.

Many of you would find such a small dose to be laughably low. But I keep thinking about what @readalot has mentioned several times - that we all have different tolerance levels for exo T depending on what our body was designed to handle. Looking back, I don’t think my T levels were ever that high even when I was younger.

I continue reminding myself that 633 TT is 2.5x my pre-TRT levels!

Mixing Prop with Enan is not the only way to add daily fluctuation. One could also try adding fast-acting Natesto or Empower nasal gel to a steady injection base. Another alternative is to use small amount of daily cream to top-off low-dose injectable base. IMO, this option has great potential, but I am not sure if the cream clears out of the system fast enough for good night's sleep.

Keep on experimenting!!!
Right on. I finally manned up and have been on 7mg daily test c for 4 weeks and feeling better. Still no libido, but strength and muscle are up, sleep is mildly improved (pretty sure low b12 is messing this up), and mood is better. I've been curious about the test prop thing, but doubt my doctor would go for it.
Right on. I finally manned up and have been on 7mg daily test c for 4 weeks and feeling better. Still no libido, but strength and muscle are up, sleep is mildly improved (pretty sure low b12 is messing this up), and mood is better. I've been curious about the test prop thing, but doubt my doctor would go for it.
Not many docs advocate the blended approach, especially since it means you will potentially mix it yourself in sterile vial (although you could inject separately).

That is good point about B12 and is why I try to avoid most supplements these days. It's just one more variable to deal with. And yet I've fallen for supplements over and over again...
Not many docs advocate the blended approach, especially since it means you will potentially mix it yourself in sterile vial (although you could inject separately).

That is good point about B12 and is why I try to avoid most supplements these days. It's just one more variable to deal with. And yet I've fallen for supplements over and over again...
Well, I meant me having low b12 of messing up my sleep or circadian rhythm...
Inspired by @Cataceous, I have been tinkering with Enan/Prop blends for the past year. The idea behind the daily blend is to re-introduce daily T fluctuation. Inject first thing in morning to peak early in day and let levels come down overnight.

For example, Cat’s personal data based on 4:3 blend ratio showed trough at about 62% of peak. In theory, you could peak at TT 700-800 by midday followed by overnight/early morning trough of TT 400-500.

In my experience so far, the main benefits are two-fold: less water weight due to addition of Prop and more importantly, better sleep due to overnight trough.

I've been playing with the blend variables trying to find the right balance. Too much Prop and I get hyped up in the AM, a bit scatterbrained. Too much Enan negatively impacts my sleep due to elevated trough levels overnight.

I have tried several blend ratios ranging from Enan-heavy 4:1 to Prop-heavy 1:1. My sweet spot seems to range from 2-3mg Prop + 4-5mg Enan with total around 7-8mg daily. It is surprising how much of a difference only +1mg makes on a daily basis, especially with Prop!

I eventually settled on 3:1 blend of 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop) for total of 56mg per week. Taking into account the ester weights, this results in actual T of 6mg per day (which is consistent with average natural T production of 6-7 mg daily). Note this blend formulation is heavier on Enan than Cat’s blend of 4:3, meaning less daily fluctuation.

No HCG, AI or any supplements except for occasional creatine and Vit D for deficiency

All injections are subq belly in the AM.

Tested 3 hours post-injection (near peak of Propionate):

TT 633 (264 - 916)
FT (Piss Poor Direct) 9.1 (7.2 – 24)
FT (Vermeulen) 11.6 (1.83%) / Bioavailable 302 (47.8%)
FT (Tru T) 18.8
Estradiol (sensitive) 17.4 (8 – 35)

SHBG 40.3 (19 – 76)
Hematocrit 50 (37 – 51)
Albumin 4.8
DHT 35 (30 - 85)
DHEA 186 (71 – 375)
TSH 1.57 (.45 – 4.5)

What’s cool is that I’ve been on TRT long enough to accurately predict my test results beforehand based solely on feel (I projected mid-600s to 700). Unfortunately, I rarely test because I am a lazy bastard.

Note that I did NOT test the trough level (pre-injection). Cat has projected trough of roughly 75% of peak for the 3:1 blend (versus 62% of peak for his soon-to-be-famous 4:3 blend).

All other results were in range except glucose was low. Hematocrit is creeping up, but I spend a lot of time at altitude this time of year in the mountains.

Does E2 seem on low side in proportion to TT?

I have tried just about everything on TRT. Traditional Cyp dose 2x weekly, straight daily Prop, cream-only and several trials with nasal gels. I have tested at low end of range as well as supra-physiological (1200+). The blend has provided me with the best results so far. @Blackhawk has had similar success with the blend.

That said, my experience was mixed on 3:1 blend @ 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop). I felt good physically, athletically and mentally. However, my libido still sucked. This was not unexpected since TRT has never done anything for me in the libido department (see separate thread on dopamine). Lots of nocturnal activity, but none of that glorious libido desire.

The biggest downside for me was shitty sleep – i.e., waking up too early feeling wired. It just wrecks you after a while. Almost as if the body never takes a break.

My conclusion is that I need a blend with more fluctuation. Peak higher in early part of day to boost Free T while troughing out lower at night for better sleep. Of course, this has led me back to @Cataceous original suggestion of 4:3. (I should have listened to the man!). Sure enough, my sleep improved within days of moving to the 4:3 blend.

Many of you would find such a small dose to be laughably low. But I keep thinking about what @readalot has mentioned several times - that we all have different tolerance levels for exo T depending on what our body was designed to handle. Looking back, I don’t think my T levels were ever that high even when I was younger.

I continue reminding myself that 633 TT is 2.5x my pre-TRT levels!

Mixing Prop with Enan is not the only way to add daily fluctuation. One could also try adding fast-acting Natesto or Empower nasal gel to a steady injection base. Another alternative is to use small amount of daily cream to top-off low-dose injectable base. IMO, this option has great potential, but I am not sure if the cream clears out of the system fast enough for good night's sleep.

Keep on experimenting!!!
Your free t still looks low to me. Am I missing something? DHT also low.
All injections are subq belly in the AM

Tested 3 hours post-injection (near peak of Propionate)

Taking both those statements together, you are making potentially flawed assumptions. 3 hour peak of propionate is for IM. May not apply to subq and will vary greatly amongst individuals based on fat thickness etc in the area being injected. Your subq peak could well be at 12 hours. As I mentioned in another post, we will never know unless you test every hour for 24 hours as to what is truly happening.

Does E2 seem on low side in proportion to TT?

No, it appears to be just right.

waking up too early feeling wired. It just wrecks you after a while. Almost as if the body never takes a break

Yes, yes! Had to very occasionally resort to a benzo, doxylamine or 12mg chlorpheniramine to give my brain a rest. Low dose Seroquel and others are on the way. I do seem to sleep fine for a couple nights after a single night on a sleep med with no medication. I resort to this 2 x a week at max.

Not many docs advocate the blended approach, especially since it means you will potentially mix it yourself in sterile vial (although you could inject separately).

3rd option - draw out both very carefully and slowly into the same syringe, avoiding backflow into the second vial.

Your free t still looks low to me. Am I missing something? DHT also low

It does appear that way to me too, the direct and vermulean. I dont trust Tru T. Double those figures would be great. But see my first comment in this post - the test may not indeed be at peak.
Inspired by @Cataceous, I have been tinkering with Enan/Prop blends for the past year. The idea behind the daily blend is to re-introduce daily T fluctuation. Inject first thing in morning to peak early in day and let levels come down overnight.

For example, Cat’s personal data based on 4:3 blend ratio showed trough at about 62% of peak. In theory, you could peak at TT 700-800 by midday followed by overnight/early morning trough of TT 400-500.

In my experience so far, the main benefits are two-fold: less water weight due to addition of Prop and more importantly, better sleep due to overnight trough.

I've been playing with the blend variables trying to find the right balance. Too much Prop and I get hyped up in the AM, a bit scatterbrained. Too much Enan negatively impacts my sleep due to elevated trough levels overnight.

I have tried several blend ratios ranging from Enan-heavy 4:1 to Prop-heavy 1:1. My sweet spot seems to range from 2-3mg Prop + 4-5mg Enan with total around 7-8mg daily. It is surprising how much of a difference only +1mg makes on a daily basis, especially with Prop!

I eventually settled on 3:1 blend of 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop) for total of 56mg per week. Taking into account the ester weights, this results in actual T of 6mg per day (which is consistent with average natural T production of 6-7 mg daily). Note this blend formulation is heavier on Enan than Cat’s blend of 4:3, meaning less daily fluctuation.

No HCG, AI or any supplements except for occasional creatine and Vit D for deficiency

All injections are subq belly in the AM.

Tested 3 hours post-injection (near peak of Propionate):

TT 633 (264 - 916)
FT (Piss Poor Direct) 9.1 (7.2 – 24)
FT (Vermeulen) 11.6 (1.83%) / Bioavailable 302 (47.8%)
FT (Tru T) 18.8
Estradiol (sensitive) 17.4 (8 – 35)

SHBG 40.3 (19 – 76)
Hematocrit 50 (37 – 51)
Albumin 4.8
DHT 35 (30 - 85)
DHEA 186 (71 – 375)
TSH 1.57 (.45 – 4.5)

What’s cool is that I’ve been on TRT long enough to accurately predict my test results beforehand based solely on feel (I projected mid-600s to 700). Unfortunately, I rarely test because I am a lazy bastard.

Note that I did NOT test the trough level (pre-injection). Cat has projected trough of roughly 75% of peak for the 3:1 blend (versus 62% of peak for his soon-to-be-famous 4:3 blend).

All other results were in range except glucose was low. Hematocrit is creeping up, but I spend a lot of time at altitude this time of year in the mountains.

Does E2 seem on low side in proportion to TT?

I have tried just about everything on TRT. Traditional Cyp dose 2x weekly, straight daily Prop, cream-only and several trials with nasal gels. I have tested at low end of range as well as supra-physiological (1200+). The blend has provided me with the best results so far. @Blackhawk has had similar success with the blend.

That said, my experience was mixed on 3:1 blend @ 8mg daily (6mg Enan / 2mg Prop). I felt good physically, athletically and mentally. However, my libido still sucked. This was not unexpected since TRT has never done anything for me in the libido department (see separate thread on dopamine). Lots of nocturnal activity, but none of that glorious libido desire.

The biggest downside for me was shitty sleep – i.e., waking up too early feeling wired. It just wrecks you after a while. Almost as if the body never takes a break.

My conclusion is that I need a blend with more fluctuation. Peak higher in early part of day to boost Free T while troughing out lower at night for better sleep. Of course, this has led me back to @Cataceous original suggestion of 4:3. (I should have listened to the man!). Sure enough, my sleep improved within days of moving to the 4:3 blend.

Many of you would find such a small dose to be laughably low. But I keep thinking about what @readalot has mentioned several times - that we all have different tolerance levels for exo T depending on what our body was designed to handle. Looking back, I don’t think my T levels were ever that high even when I was younger.

I continue reminding myself that 633 TT is 2.5x my pre-TRT levels!

Mixing Prop with Enan is not the only way to add daily fluctuation. One could also try adding fast-acting Natesto or Empower nasal gel to a steady injection base. Another alternative is to use small amount of daily cream to top-off low-dose injectable base. IMO, this option has great potential, but I am not sure if the cream clears out of the system fast enough for good night's sleep.

Keep on experimenting!!!
Call me crazy, but you could also experiment with am/pm daily subcutaneous Test Prop shots.
Does E2 seem on low side in proportion to TT?
That's 0.28% of total testosterone. I view the normal range as something like 0.3-0.6%. So your number is seemingly on the low side. However, with the fluctuations of propionate in the mix there's at least the possibility that estradiol is lagging testosterone—and is higher later. I'd feel more confident about this if I had a good theoretical explanation. I'm not sure if estradiol's longer half-life in the blood is sufficient...
Your free t still looks low to me. Am I missing something? DHT also low.
I would like to push that Free T up, but that is the dilemma. Increasing dose will inevitably wreck my sleep. That seems to be the key tension in TRT.

Call me crazy, but you could also experiment with am/pm daily subcutaneous Test Prop shots.
I've actually tried that that LOL with low dose Prop. Results were decent, but a PITA injecting 2d daily. It wasn't worth it in my opinion
Taking both those statements together, you are making potentially flawed assumptions. 3 hour peak of propionate is for IM. May not apply to subq and will vary greatly amongst individuals based on fat thickness etc in the area being injected. Your subq peak could well be at 12 hours. As I mentioned in another post, we will never know unless you test every hour for 24 hours as to what is truly happening.
We've had number of discussions on Prop peak and there was no consensus because the subjective experience seemed to differ from the studies which were older.

Agreed that IM peaks faster, but subjectively I am still in camp of about 4 hours even for Subq, especially being a lean guy. I recall @Cataceous saying something similar.

I can barely get myself to test 2x per year let alone multiple times per day.

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