What is the “common” definition of bodyfat?

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I have not done a skin fold caliper reading on my self for a while. I used Jackson/Pollock 3 Caliper Method and just entered the figures in a calculator. I have always had very low body fat and very vascular. Unfortunately due to a long powerlifting career I have a bad case of diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (DRAM) is characterized by thinning and widening of the linea alba, combined with laxity of the ventral abdominal musculature. This causes the midline to “bulge” when intra-abdominal pressure is increased. Looks like I swallowed a football in my case. Ronnie Coleman had to fight with this in his later years of competition. I am very unwilling to do surgery to get this repaired. Anyway, I entered my caliper readings, 1mm on the abdominal, 1mm on the chest and 2mm on the mid thigh. Using this site: Body Fat Calculator

Age 65, weight - 245​

Body Composition

Body Fat %: 4.39
Lbs/Kgs of Body Fat: 10.76
Lean Body Weight: 234.24

I am very interested in comparing the Renpho reading with my skin fold caliper readings. Probably later next month I will do the DEXA. Realistically, my wife agrees I look like the 1-4% BF picture just not quite as muscular anymore.

I do remember reading a technical analysis of BIM this particular unit sends a current up one leg, across the pelvis and down the other leg, so it is not to my knowledge reading the upper body. The one you hold n your hand sends a current from one hand across the shoulders to the other hand and does not read the legs. Could most definitely make a difference for those who hold more fat in the legs and hips or those who hold more abdominal fat.
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I do remember reading a technical analysis of BIM this particular unit sends a current up one leg, across the pelvis and down the other leg, so it is not to my knowledge reading the upper body. The one you hold n your hand sends a current from one hand across the shoulders to the other hand and does not read the legs. Could most definitely make a difference for those who hold more fat in the legs and hips or those who hold more abdominal fat.
That's the idea behind the Inbody machine I shared info on above. Two feet and two hands so you get multicompartment estimates.

Impressive skinfolds @BigTex. You read like a freak of nature. Glad to know there are still genetic elite we can look up to :) .

I bet you cast quite the shadow over your class, especially with today's generation and body composition among the population continuing to worsen.
I don’t give any credence whatsoever in bio impedance body fat measurement. I think it is totally useless. I would use a good skinfolf caliper. That being said, I really don’t think it matters what number any body fat method says. The important thing is looking how you want to look regardless of a number. However, I’d say you look like you’re under 10% to me.
That's the idea behind the Inbody machine I shared info on above. Two feet and two hands so you get multicompartment estimates.

Impressive skinfolds @BigTex. You read like a freak of nature. Glad to know there are still genetic elite we can look up to :) .

I bet you cast quite the shadow over your class, especially with today's generation and body composition among the population continuing to worsen.
But hold on.....even skin fold caliper reading can be deceitful. A three sit reading is not nearly as accurate as a 7 site reading. Unfortunately it is more difficult and takes more time. So I got my wife to do a 7 site reading using the Jackson/Pollock formula and it came out a little different:

Seven Site
Body Composition
Body Fat %:

Lbs/Kgs of Body Fat:
Lean Body Weight:

This seems much more reasonable since I know I carry a little subscapular area. However, the times I have use a BIA device, I get reading like 28% and a BMI of 31. NO WAY. I have very thin skin for the most part even on the legs and very vascular.
You guys that are interested in doing skin fold caliper readings here is a great one for very little money. No need to spend $200-$300 on one.

This web site also has 3, 7 and 9 site calculators where you just plug in the readings. You can do the 3 site on your self pretty easily, the 7 site is more accurate and will require some assistance. There are lots of good videos that shows you how this is done.

Video of 7 site
I would have to diet to go lower and I don't do good without food. At 7.5% I can pretty much eat what I want. I do a carb cycling diet where I go 3 days higher carbs, 2 days medium carbs and 2 day slower carbs. I keep the protein and fat at the same levels all week. I do pretty good at this. The low carb days are on days that I am not in the gym. I am admittedly one of those who is lucky and has a very high metabolism and needs a lot of calories.
I would have to diet to go lower and I don't do good without food. At 7.5% I can pretty much eat what I want.
Have some mercy on those younger guys at the gym @BigTex. Don't trigger their body dysphoria even more. Although I personally always like that mutant in the gym to really make you think and realize how inferior your genes really are. That was the feeling I got when I met James Henderson around 1997. 700 lb bench press with a tank top on. I thought to myself ..."you have the wrong hobby."
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Interestingly enough I knew James Henderson too. He and my training partner Anthony Clark competed against each other and there was a lot of trash talking from James. Anthony wore a bench press shirt and James did not but Anthony benched 800lbs which put him ahead of James. Anthony also used a reverse grip. Since then the bench press has gone out of site. A friend of mine here in Texas officially bench pressed 1125lbs at 50 years old. He lifted in the SHW. James Henderson retired quite a few years back, my friend Anthony Clark died a few year back but Tiny Meeker just keeps going like the ever ready bunny. Being around these guys made me feel very inadequate. It also made me feel small.
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