Considering starting TRT although levels are not "clinically low" Feedback would be appreciated

Thought I would follow up on this thread. I did a little experiment with enclomiphene and a small amount of hcg every week. I used approx 12.5 mg enclomiphene a day and 1 250 iu shot of hcg a week. I did this for 5 weeks. My total test before starting was 470 and my free test (accurate dialysis version) was 81. After the 5 weeks, I took bloods and waited 6 days after the last 250 iu hcg shot to not have that be the main factor and my total test was 869 and free test was a big jump. I think the 1 hcg shot weekly helped with libido since it was quite strong and morning erections were very frequent. Overall I felt well . I gained a little bit of muscle and lost some fat and my weight stayed about the same. No real water retention either. However, my hematocrit rose to 50.6 and hemoglobin was 17.2. In december my hematocrit was only 45.9 and hemoglobin was at 15.7.

This was surprising to me. I wouldn't have thought the enclomiphene would have raised hematocrit so much or the 1 250 iu shot of hcg a week. I hadn't planned on staying on enclomiphene for a long time. I think it's not a good idea for a long term solution. So, I then switched to doing some fast ester shots such as TNE combined with test propionate. So, most days test no ester (oil based)10 mg with 5 mg propionate for 15 mg total. I am trying to have less hpta suppression by using fast esters. Ideally, if I receive it soon, I am going to take a test undecoanate cap twice a day along with a test no ester inject. This short action might be a better version of the Natesto protocol. The rise and fall of these compounds should not be as supressive as steady state long esters. 5 days I do the exogenous test and two days hcg 250 iu..6 mg a week of aromasin. I have been on this for about 3 weeks and also feel well with good libido..although I have woken up a few nights and found it hard to get back to sleep.
I will do some bloods this friday to see where hematocrit is . I have a theory that alternating between the injections for say 5 weeks or so and then the enclomiphene protocol..make prevent me from seeing that phase many seem to go through where their TRT is no longer giving them good libido..etc. I know most believe in the "dialed in" concept..but I am trying to keep hpta and testicular signaling at a somewhat decent level. I will follow up in a few weeks and report my findings.
Just a little update. A few weeks ago, I thought I would try some daily testosterone enanthate injections of about 10-12 mg so maybe have more "steady" levels as opposed to the fast acting blends of testosterone no ester and propionate. After about a week of the enanthate, I noticed testicular shrinkage and zero libido and no morning erections. I was also taking my usual 250 ius of HCG twice a week. So last week I decided to do the testosterone base (no ester)..but this time without the propionate . I did a morning shot of about 6 mg and an afternoon shot of 6- 8 mg. Now, a week later I feel great. Libido is back strong and waking up with strong erections. Getting good pumps in the gym and physique leaning out. Also, testicles seem to be back to normal size. I know this is not a common way to do TRT and very few would want to do two shots a day. I use an insulin syringe and pin delts, pecs or triceps. Not painful. I am also phasing back in a small dose of enclomiphene every other day for added hpta signaling.
... So last week I decided to do the testosterone base (no ester)..but this time without the propionate . I did a morning shot of about 6 mg and an afternoon shot of 6- 8 mg. ... I am also phasing back in a small dose of enclomiphene every other day for added hpta signaling.
It would be interesting to measure your LH and FSH to see the extent of HPTA activation. I'd also be curious about your morning testosterone trough. We have virtually no data on the half-life of TNE. Is this in oil?
It would be interesting to measure your LH and FSH to see the extent of HPTA activation. I'd also be curious about your morning testosterone trough. We have virtually no data on the half-life of TNE. Is this in oil?
Yes, It's in oil. Yes..hard to know the half life or active life exactly . I've heard from 4 hours up to 7 hours. Since the shots are painless, I could see even doing up to three a day if I had to. I also have some Andriol caps (test unedecoanate)..but I don't want to throw those in yet. trying to use these short acting test products to sort of simulate the natesto results..but in a different way.
It would be interesting to measure your LH and FSH to see the extent of HPTA activation. I'd also be curious about your morning testosterone trough. We have virtually no data on the half-life of TNE. Is this in oil?
Here's another thing and obviously one can't go by feel...but I feel fine in the morning when I'm waking up and have strong erections. If my trough was very low in the am, would I feel poorly and would I not have the erections? I don't know that answer. I can always do a morning blood test and find out. Plus it a "bad" thing if my trough were low in the am? Not sure of that either.
Here's another thing and obviously one can't go by feel...but I feel fine in the morning when I'm waking up and have strong erections. If my trough was very low in the am, would I feel poorly and would I not have the erections? I don't know that answer. I can always do a morning blood test and find out. Plus it a "bad" thing if my trough were low in the am? Not sure of that either.
I have the same question: how low is too low? Looking at the data for Natesto I see that a decent fraction of the guys in the trial have trough testosterone in the 200s ng/dL. So it seems like that's still pretty safe as a lower limit, at least subjectively. On the other hand, the magnitude of the daily oscillations is more than what's seen in normal physiology. Could that have any long-term consequences? In any case, my guess is that really low troughs could degrade the subjective results too.
As I mentioned a few posts back, I initially did a 5 week run on enclomiphene (approx 12 mg a day) and 1 250 iu hcg shot a week. Twice a week I also did a 10 to 15 mg preworkout testosterone base/propionate injection. This took me to a 869 total test and 148.6 pg/ml free test from dialysis. This was more than double my normal baseline values. LH was at 4.4 and fsh at 6.8. I felt good and libido was good. If I didn't feel enclomiphene for long term was bad, I may have stayed on this indefinitely. I am now going to cycle the enclomiphene at every other day low dosing along with the TNE in oil.
Do you have any specific worries about enclomiphene for long-term use? I have general concerns about it, mainly because there's not enough information on exactly what its effects are.
I don't really have specific concerns based on any studies. However, I just don't think it's something I want to use continuously. While it seems to have less side effects than Clomid, like you mentioned, it hasn't really had any long term testing for this purpose. I'm not sure how the body likes being fooled into thinking your estrogen receptors in certain areas are blocked for extended periods of time. I don't feel using it for 4 to 6 weeks at a time followed by a month off or so in low doses should be too harmful, but who knows? I do like the idea of stimulating lh while on trt or mimicking it to some degree with hcg. I am definitely on the side of those who feel it is beneficial to having other downstream hormones produced by that. I also feel, although it hasn't been proven, that it may be better to have your own naturally produced testosterone than only endogenous. Does the body on the cellular level respond better to it's own testosterone than synthetically produced T? I believe it does which is why I always want to have some of my own being produced along with the exogenous versions. Also, I feel if for some reason I wanted to stop TRT, it's possible from doing the enclomiphene and hcg..and not allowing any significant testicular atrophy, it might be easier to restart long as I haven't been on for a few years.
Just a little update. A few weeks ago, I thought I would try some daily testosterone enanthate injections of about 10-12 mg so maybe have more "steady" levels as opposed to the fast acting blends of testosterone no ester and propionate. After about a week of the enanthate, I noticed testicular shrinkage and zero libido and no morning erections. I was also taking my usual 250 ius of HCG twice a week. So last week I decided to do the testosterone base (no ester)..but this time without the propionate . I did a morning shot of about 6 mg and an afternoon shot of 6- 8 mg. Now, a week later I feel great. Libido is back strong and waking up with strong erections. Getting good pumps in the gym and physique leaning out. Also, testicles seem to be back to normal size. I know this is not a common way to do TRT and very few would want to do two shots a day. I use an insulin syringe and pin delts, pecs or triceps. Not painful. I am also phasing back in a small dose of enclomiphene every other day for added hpta signaling.
Be very careful with the triceps. You don’t want to hit the radial nerve.
Yes, It's in oil. Yes..hard to know the half life or active life exactly . I've heard from 4 hours up to 7 hours. Since the shots are painless, I could see even doing up to three a day if I had to. I also have some Andriol caps (test unedecoanate)..but I don't want to throw those in yet. trying to use these short acting test products to sort of simulate the natesto results..but in a different way.
Why not just use actual Natesto?
I don't really like the idea of the gel in my nose several times a day. Nelson said he got headaches from it as well. Also, it doesn't appear to put testosterone in the higher levels according to the studies I looked at. They were showing people getting into the 400's on it and I was already over 400 when I started TRT.
... I also feel, although it hasn't been proven, that it may be better to have your own naturally produced testosterone than only endogenous. Does the body on the cellular level respond better to it's own testosterone than synthetically produced T? ...
I'm going for a definite "no" on the second part. Testosterone is testosterone. Now if you want to get into the subtleties of pulsatile delivery and the benefits of the upstream hormones, that's something else entirely.

... Also, it doesn't appear to put testosterone in the higher levels according to the studies I looked at. They were showing people getting into the 400's on it and I was already over 400 when I started TRT.
Seems to be a bit better than that. Looks like peaks are 300-400 ng/dL over baseline. With N=69:



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