Dudes, Ive personally talked a few months
dr Saya about daily injections. He said “Yes, in most people they work best, but many prople dont wanna adhere to such protocol”.
It was a few months ago and I havent yet decided to start TRT, but he approved if im willing to best to start with daily.
About sub-q aromatizing less in most people its half life is longer. If the half life is longer the peak is less and e2 spike is less. For some reason many guys claim cannot do well on sub-q, but dr Nichols says he personally haven't seen any provided he is taking enough.
Guys, Im only citing some of the best doctors in your country. Unfortunately in mine I have none. I wish I had here one like
Dr Saya, Keith Nichols or Rob Kominiarek, but thats life
About enanthate aromatizing less I know it doesnt make sense, but around ten people have reported me that on various forums ON the SAME dose like cypionate and no other changes. Also in my gym the steroid guys reported me the same. You can accept this as complete bro science I have no evidence to back it up. Lucky you, because for pharmaceutical enanthate I need to travel to neighbouring country, and pharmacetical cypionate is no where near around. And im not taking ugl stuff...
I think I made a mistake preferring sustanon only because I can get it here in Bulgaria, but still any test is better than no test...