Low ferritin


Hi all,

I used to be active on the peaktestosterone site but haven’t participated much recently. I’ve been on cypionate injections for many years. For the last 6 months or so I’ve been injecting 50mg (.25 ml) twice a week Subq. I’ve been donating blood frequently also. 4 times this year, 5 times last year, 4 the year before that.

6 months ago, my doctor had me get labs on my iron levels because my MCV was off a little, most likely because of my blood donation. At that time my ferritin was 37 ng/mL which was just below the low range of normal for Quest. Doctor didn’t seem too concerned.

I just had labs done and now my ferritin is 8 ng/mL when normal is above 38. My total iron is 69 mcg/dL which is in range but the lower end (50-180). Iron saturation is low at 15% (range is 20-48). Iron binding capacity is high at 472, range is (250-425 mcg/dL).

My latest hemoglobin is 16.8 and HCT is 50.

Obviously, my blood donation has driven down my ferritin and I’m not catching up in between. These latest labs were drawn right about 8 weeks after my last donation.

My doctor doesn’t want me to take iron supplements and I’m afraid iron would increase my HBG and HCT too much when I need to stop donating for a while.

Seeing a few other threads, maybe I need to make sure I’m getting vitamin c with iron based foods to aid absorption of iron? Are there any other suggestions? As a runner, I’m surprised I’ve been able to run with such low ferritin and iron levels.

I do eat meat, mostly chicken and fish but some steak too.
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Hi all,

I used to be active on the peaktestosterone site but haven’t participated much recently. I’ve been on cypionate injections for many years. For the last 6 months or so I’ve been injecting 50mg (.25 ml) twice a week Subq. I’ve been donating blood frequently also. 4 times this year, 5 times last year, 4 the year before that.

6 months ago, my doctor had me get labs on my iron levels because my MCV was off a little, most likely because of my blood donation. At that time my ferritin was 37 ng/mL which was just below the low range of normal for Quest. Doctor didn’t seem too concerned.

I just had labs done and now my ferritin is 8 ng/mL when normal is above 38. My total iron is 69 mcg/dL which is in range but the lower end (50-180). Iron saturation is low at 15% (range is 20-48). Iron binding capacity is high at 472, range is (250-425 mcg/dL).

My latest hemoglobin is 16.8 and HCT is 50.

Obviously, my blood donation has driven down my ferritin and I’m not catching up in between. These latest labs were drawn right about 8 weeks after my last donation.

My doctor doesn’t want me to take iron supplements and I’m afraid iron would increase my HBG and HCT too much when I need to stop donating for a while.

Seeing a few other threads, maybe I need to make sure I’m getting vitamin c with iron based foods to aid absorption of iron? Are there any other suggestions? As a runner, I’m surprised I’ve been able to run with such low ferritin and iron levels.

I do eat meat, mostly chicken and fish but some steak too.
Your main issue is, as you know, donating blood. I would do everything possible, to control your HCT. For me it was pretty simple, daily injections. It definitely doesn’t work for everyone. But I think if you get your testosterone level down to the lowest levels you need to feel good. It should definitely help. For me it was pretty simple, daily injections. It definitely doesn’t work for everyone.

About two weeks ago, I had my HCT checked. It was only 45, that’s the lowest it’s been since I started TRT. I haven’t donated blood for at least three or more years.
with iron from what I’ve learned (having the opposite problem) nutrient timing is everything. Where you want to increase or ferritin levels, whenever you eat red meat take a 1000mg tablet of vitamin c and plan your meals in such ways that it increases absorbtion.

I believe the phytates in brown rice inhibit iron absorption. Coffee, green tea, strawberries, etc etc dairy and anything with calcium.
Also a point here low ferritin made me unable to sleep I had major issues sleeping,,,,but when I started supplementing iron I slept like a baby.
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