Vince Shares his Daily Testosterone plus DHEA and Pregnenolone Results

When you say 'stabilized' does that mean it was High in the past, and if so how high, and the doctor was not concerned about it and thought it would stabilize?
My first two years of TRT I had to donate blood every 8 weeks to keep my HCT in range. After 2 years I started daily injections and my HCT stabilized. Haven't donated blood for almost five and a half years now.
Just use it as a little backup, okay? Has i any study on dose, effects, etc?
We do have a nice thread on DHEA, I don't know if this will help?

simeoni said:
May I ask how you take the Pregnenolone and DHEA?
Vince said:
I just take a capsule for both. I use Pure encapsulations (brand).
Pregnenolone LINK

Sorry to tell forum members, who might have been thinking of following Vince’s trial of Pregnenolone and DHEA and who live outside of the USA, that Pure Encapsulations have a very strict no export policy.

If you order online and give a commercial forwarding address, they will reverse the transaction even after you have paid.

Their products do look good.
My protocol, same as last labs.

16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of hcg twice weekly and no AI.

Pregnenolone 10 mg and 25 mg of DHEA.

My last injection before labs, about 28 hr.s.

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS, 1035.9 High ng/dL 264.0-916.0

Testosterone, Free 33.77 High ng/dL 5.00-21.00

% Free Testosterone 3.26% 1.50-4.20

DHEA-Sulfate01 499.0 High ug/dL 30.9-295.6 age adjust

Dihydrotestosterone 56 ng/dL

Estradiol, Sensitive 18.7 pg/mL 8.0-35.0

Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum. 41.2 nmol/L 19.3-76.4

Hemoglobin. 16.7 g/dL 13.0-17.7

Hematocrit 47.7 37.5-51.0
Testosterone injected in Subq? Or shallow IM?
We do have a nice thread on DHEA, I don't know if this will help?

Yes. Good topic. I'm going to check it out. Thank you
Sorry to tell forum members, who might have been thinking of following Vince’s trial of Pregnenolone and DHEA and who live outside of the USA, that Pure Encapsulations have a very strict no export policy.

If you order online and give a commercial forwarding address, they will reverse the transaction even after you have paid.

Their products do look good.

Vince, mentioned that he buys Pure DHEA on Amazon.
Hey Rabbit. If you've really got Sleep Apnea for sure? You're gonna feel sooooo much better on your CPAP therapy! Get nasal pillows instead of the mask. Way more comfotable and quieter for anyone in bed with you.
Hey Rabbit. If you've really got Sleep Apnea for sure? You're gonna feel sooooo much better on your CPAP therapy! Get nasal pillows instead of the mask. Way more comfotable and quieter for anyone in bed with you.
I concur. The CPAP machines really help.

The machine will probably take about two weeks to get used to and then you never look back. What they didn’t tell me was that the air pressure can be set to gradually increases (ramp up) over a period of about 15 minutes when you start to use it. Adjusting the ramp up time and minimum to maximum pressure, makes quite a difference when you first start.

The nasal pillow suggestion is also good advice, I use a Resmed AirFit N20 Nasal Mask which is very good.
What’s the minimum and maximum pressure u guys have urs set to?

Does ur cpap have an auto setting that adjusts the pressure based on how ur breathing?

I’ve actually heard that most people prefer the nasal cushion over the pillows or a nasal mask that goes over the bridge of the nose. I feel like picking the right mask is the hardest part about using a cpap

And also, what happens with the nasal masks when u have a stuffy nose?

I’m actually picking a cpap up off of Craigslist later today, so I have a ton of questions about using one lol
Not all CPAP machines have the same settings and options … I own I Resmed Airsence 10 “Auto Set” and I am very well pleased with it. It has the humidifier and heated tube option fitted. but I found I didn’t need the humidifier, so I removed the water tank and just use the machine with the blank fitted. The pressure settings will be very much be down to you and/or your specialist. However if you simply buy a ResMed machine and need the initial settings, PM me and I will let you have them. Re stuffy nose … the machine will simply pump harder, if it has the auto set feature. One thing you need to find out is weather you sleep with your mouth open or closed … a nasal mask won’t work if you sleep with your mouth open, you would need a full mask. Some places rent out CPAP machines, so you could try one before buying it. Don’t scrimp …. You want a well built reliable machine that will last years.
Not all CPAP machines have the same settings and options … I own I Resmed Airsence 10 “Auto Set” and I am very well pleased with it. It has the humidifier and heated tube option fitted. but I found I didn’t need the humidifier, so I removed the water tank and just use the machine with the blank fitted. The pressure settings will be very much be down to you and/or your specialist. However if you simply buy a ResMed machine and need the initial settings, PM me and I will let you have them. Re stuffy nose … the machine will simply pump harder, if it has the auto set feature. One thing you need to find out is weather you sleep with your mouth open or closed … a nasal mask won’t work if you sleep with your mouth open, you would need a full mask. Some places rent out CPAP machines, so you could try one before buying it. Don’t scrimp …. You want a well built reliable machine that will last years.
Picking up a resmed airsense 11 with auto set after work later. I’ll PM u now, thanks
How do you feel overall?

*Estradiol, Sensitive 18.7 pg/mL 8.0-35.0

At least you are testing your TT/FT using the most accurate assays.

I see you are using the one I prefer Labcorps TT (LC/MS-MS) and FT (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration).

Still hitting a high FT on dailies running a TT 1000 ng/dL and your SHBG is in the low 40s.

Everyone and their brother would have you believe that you need to be running an absurdly high TT 1500+ ng/dL to hit a healthy let alone high FT, especially in cases of highish/high SHBG.....LMFAO!
This is one of the great TRT mysteries to me. Especially the interplay between libido, TT, FT. Vince has optimal TT but seemingly low FT. In contrast, I ran my stuff last month and got: TT=531, FT (dialysis)=70.6, DHT(LC/MS)=35, DHEA=101
What to think?

The most noticeable benefit to TRT though is the increase in strength. But is it worth that to decrease sex drive? I don't think Vince has that problem though. Wish I didn't. It's become an unreconciled trade off.
This is one of the great TRT mysteries to me. Especially the interplay between libido, TT, FT. Vince has optimal TT but seemingly low FT. In contrast, I ran my stuff last month and got: TT=531, FT (dialysis)=70.6, DHT(LC/MS)=35, DHEA=101
What to think?

The most noticeable benefit to TRT though is the increase in strength. But is it worth that to decrease sex drive? I don't think Vince has that problem though. Wish I didn't. It's become an unreconciled trade off.

FT 5-10 ng/would be considered low.

FT 16-31 ng/dL (top-end) is healthy.

Most men will do well with FT 20-30 ng/dL.

He is hitting a high FT 33 ng/dL running a TT 1000 ng/dL and that is with highish SHBG.

His FT was tested through Labcorp using one of the most accurate assays Equilibrium Ultrafiltration reference range 5.00-21.00 ng/dL.

His FT is far from being low or so-called seemingly low as you stated!

You most likely had your FT tested through Quest also using what would be considered one of the most accurate assays Equilibrium Dialysis reference range 35-155 pg/mL.

As you can see you are hitting a lower-end FT of 70.6 pg/mL.

You both used the most accurate assays but tested through different labs using different assays (UF/ED) which also have different reference ranges.

As you should very well know when it comes to libido let alone erectile function much more going on than just TT, FT, estradiol, DHT, and prolactin.

Too many get caught up on just the hormones.

I have stated numerous times on the forum:

Unfortunately, when it comes to libido let alone ED they are multifactorial and there is much more involved than just having healthy hormones (TT, FT, estradiol, DHT, prolactin).

*Thyroid/adrenals, neurotransmitters, stress (mental/physical), quality of sleep, diet/insulin sensitivity let alone underlying vascular health can all have a big impact on one's libido/erectile function.

My reply from a previous thread regarding ED/libido:

ED has multiple etiologies including vascular, neurologic, and endocrine disorders.

Underlying vascular health is critical!

Even when using PDE5is although effective for many most men have some degree of vascular/endothelial dysfunction.

Some men are poor responders and will end up needing to use intracavernosal injections to achieve/maintain an erection.

Having healthy testosterone levels is beneficial to one's libido/erectile function but it is far from the only thing that is required to achieve such.

Thyroid/adrenals, neurotransmitters, stress (mental/physical), quality of sleep, diet/insulin sensitivity let alone underlying vascular health can all have a big impact on one's libido/erectile function.

Unfortunately, libido/ED is much more complex than simply having healthy testosterone levels.
This is one of the great TRT mysteries to me. Especially the interplay between libido, TT, FT. Vince has optimal TT but seemingly low FT. In contrast, I ran my stuff last month and got: TT=531, FT (dialysis)=70.6, DHT(LC/MS)=35, DHEA=101
What to think?

The most noticeable benefit to TRT though is the increase in strength. But is it worth that to decrease sex drive? I don't think Vince has that problem though. Wish I didn't. It's become an unreconciled trade off.
I do have a very high sex level. Luckily my wife has one too.
Incredible that your sensitive E2 is so low despite such a high Free T.

Even with Free T lower than yours at 25ng/dL on 18mg/day injections, my E2 was around 60pg/mL.

Out of curiosity, I think I remember your mentioning in older posts that you were with Defy. Have you ever tried using their micronized Preg/DHEA through Empower?

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