Background: I have been on TRT for about 15 years. I've never really struggled with TRT but I was always tweaking my protocol like many do. The past several years I have been really dialed in well and have not messed with my protocol at all. That protocol has been injecting 24mg shallow IM ED with no HCG or AI. Prior to injecting ED I injected weekly, and E3.5D with various amounts of testosterone but could never get my HCT under control. That is what led me to try the ED protocol. So, all has been well under that protocol.
Me: 62 years old, 5'10", 190 lbs naked. Normally run about 10% body fat, sometimes as low as 8% but as high as 12%. I work out regularly but not obsessed with it. I am pretty solid and healthy looking for a 62 year old.
After reading numerous articles and opinions over the last year about the differences and variances in shallow IM verse SubQ it got me thinking maybe I should try the SubQ route. A study from UC showed increased testosterone, lower E2, and lower HCT injecting SubQ as compared to shallow IM. In the study there was no change in PSA.
I have attached a spreadsheet below comparing the lab results from June 7, 2021 on the shallow IM protocol and the lab results from October 20, 2021 using SubQ. I tested the same items in both labs to get a complete picture. You'll notice that my labs under the shallow IM were pretty good so one might ask why I would change if I was so dialed in........I guess curious to see if I could improve the numbers. I figured if the numbers did not impress me I would just go back to the shallow IM which I knew worked for me. A note on the testosterone testing. In June the labs did not use the LC/MS/MS for the Total Testosterone and did not use the Ultra Filtration on the Free T. Therefore, I did not use those assays on this round of testing so the testing would be apples to apples. I have numerous testosterone testing over the years use the most accurate assays but I wanted a good comparison. Plus, regardless of the number, it is about how I feel that is the most important and not a number.
I was on the SubQ protocol for 9 1/2 weeks to ensure there was no question about reaching a steady state. I did not change a thing about my protocol. I injected the same 24mg of testosterone ED and took all the same supplements I was taking previously.
You'll see below there was a nice decrease in HCT and Hb in the October testing on SubQ ......impressive. Total T and Free T dropped significantly on SubQ. Total T dropped 26.8% while Free T fell 47.2%. While the SubQ testosterone numbers are not terrible, they are much lower that the testosterone on shallow IM. There was not a big change on E2 with it going up slightly, 2.7%, on SubQ. Looking at all the other blood markers there wasn't much change at all. My DHT is high and over the range but it has always been that way and I'm not too concerned about it.
How do I feel? I feel pretty good but not as good as I felt on the shallow IM injections. I don't feel like I have quite the energy I had on shallow IM. I've never had an acne problem but I did notice some small acne on my chest and back that I did not have on the shallow IM. I didn't like that.
Element | Range | Measure | 6/7/21 | 10/20/21 |
WBC | 3.4 - 10.8 | x10E3/ul | 6.0 | 4.9 |
RBC | 4.14 - 5.80 | X10E6/ul | 5.42 | 5.66 |
Hemoglobin | 13.0 - 17.7 | g/dl | 15.9 | 14.8 |
Hematocrit | 37.5 - 51.0 | % | 48.5 | 46.1 |
Ttl Cholesterol | 100- 199 | mg/dl | 141 | 148 |
LDL | 0 - 99 | mg/dl | 89 | 92 |
HDL | > 39 | mg/dl | 36 | 37 |
Triglycerides | < 150 | mg/dl | 82 | 92 |
VLDL Cholesterol | 5 - 40 | mg/dl | 20 | 21 |
Ferritin | 30 - 400 | ng/ml | 148 | 121 |
Iron | 38 - 169 | ug/dl | 92 | 57 |
Iron Saturation | 15 - 55 | % | 31 | 28 |
TIBC | 250 - 450 | ug/dl | 280 | 261 |
UIBC | 111 - 343 | ug/dl | 202 | 175 |
Glucose | 65 - 99 | mg/dl | 96.0 | 97.0 |
Hemo A1C | 4.8 - 5.6 | % | 5.2 | 5.3 |
TSH | 0.45 - 4.50 | uiu/ml | 0.390 | 0.371 |
T3 | .79 - 1.49 | ng/dl | 1.1 | 1.0 |
Free T3 | 2.0 - 4.4 | pg/ml | 3.7 | 3.5 |
T4 | 4.5 - 12.0 | ug/dl | 6.8 | 6.9 |
Free T4 | 0.82 - 1.77 | ng/dl | 1.29 | 1.22 |
Reverse T3 | 9.2 - 24.1 | ng/dl | 12.2 | 9.3 |
TgAB Antibody | 0.0 - 0.9 | iu/ml | <1.0 | <1.0 |
TPOab Antibody | 0 - 34 | iu/ml | 10 | 10 |
Vitamin D | 30 - 100 | ng/ml | 69.0 | 57.7 |
Vitamin B12 | > 231 | pg/ml | 962 | 846 |
Testosterone | 264 - 916 | ng/dl | 1055 | 778 |
Free Test | 7.2 - 24.0 | pg/ml | 31.6 | 16.7 |
% Free to Total | 2.0 - 3.0 | % | 2.87% | 2.15% |
Bioavailable T | 250 - 600 | ng/dl | 613 | 423 |
% Bio of Total | 30 - 60 | % | 58.1% | 54.4% |
PSA | 0.0 - 4.0 | ng/ml | 0.7 | 0.9 |
DHT | 30 - 85 | ng/dl | 92 | 96 |
DHT % of Test | 3.5 - 8.5 | % | 8.7% | 12.4% |
Prolactin | 4.0 - 15.2 | ng/ml | 9.6 | 8.9 |
Estradiol, Sens | 8.0 - 35.0 | pg/ml | 30.1 | 30.9 |
Free Estradiol E2 | 0.2 - 1.5 | pg/ml | 1.2 | 1.3 |
% Free E2 to Total | 1.7 - 5.4 | % | 3.98% | 4.21% |
Estradiol (E2) % T | 1.0 - 5.0 | % | 2.85% | 3.97% |
T:E Ratio | 20 - 50 | Ratio | 35.0 | 25.2 |
SHBG | 19.3 - 76.4 | nmol/l | 32.7 | 31.0 |
DHEA-S | 49 - 344 | ug/dl | 331.8 | 287.2 |
Pregnenolone | < 180 | ng/dl | 81 | 70 |
Progesterone | 0.0 - 0.5 | ng/ml | 0.3 | 0.3 |
T Cyp Per Week | 150 - 200 | mg/ml | 168 mg | 168 mg |
Protocol | | Daily | 24 mg Daily | 24 mg Daily |
Peak/Trough | | Peak/Trough | Trough | Trough |
Method | | IM/SubQ | Shallow IM | SubQ |
| | | | |
I was surprised to be honest with you. I wanted the SubQ to come out on top. It did when it comes to HCT and Hb. That's a big deal, but my HCT and Hb on the shallow IM were fine, just not as good as the SubQ. I thought the E2 might decrease like in the study but that didn't happen. It actually went up as a percent of my testosterone. I did not expect the testosterone to drop like it did. I thought it might go up like in the study. Total T drop did not bother me as the Free T drop did.
So considering how I feel with less energy and some acne (minor) I will probably go back to the shallow IM. I probably don't need the 1064 Total Testosterone and Free T of 31.6 that I consistently get with the shallow IM injections of 24 mg a day. I could probably drop that a tad and have great results.
These were my results and yours may vary. I paid careful attention to keep everything exactly the same during the 9 1/2 weeks to eliminate any variable other than the injection type.