@Nelson Vergel @Vince @Cataceous
I've been a member of this forum for over three years and have participated in the forum off and on over this time frame. During that time I have watched
madman belittle, berate, slam dunk, slap in the face, and be completely rude to your forum members. These forum members are not just members, they are your customers.
Just because a moderator doesn't agree with a post doesn't give him the right to treat other members in the manner he does on a regular basis. You've all seen it and I can't see how you could say you don't.
In the post above he refers to a member, "
Long-time member 2.5 years in and still clueless!" Most of us have lives to live and even though we may participate in the forum we do not consider ourselves experts. The member above asks a simple question only to be made fun of. Does it matter that he was been with the forum over 2.5 years or that I have been on the forum over 3 years? No, we are not experts and don't claim to be. We have other lives to live and come to this forum to gain knowledge and share, not be attacked. In this same post he told a member,
"Told you from the get-go.....I see right thru u BRUH!".
Is that how you want your forum to be represented? Without question
madman is an extremely knowledgeable person and to some extent he is valuable to your forum. But on the other hand he does you an extreme disservice. In my case, I started this thread with a study I performed between injecting shallow IM and SubQ. I was clear in how I performed the study. I posted the results and he did not agree with my study. He has every right to voice his opinion. I can respect that. However, he does not have the right to continually bash me in post after post. I turned the cheek once but just once.
I have run businesses with annual revenues of over $500 million and I would never have someone represent a company I ran who treated customers in this manner regardless of their skill level. Most people are afraid to say anything in fear of being banned but I am not afraid to stand up to this nonsense. I would actually delete my account if there was a "Delete" account button but since there is not I have formally requested my account to be deleted. Contrary to what madman states, I am not running and tucking tail or folding because he called me out. I choose from my own will not take his abuse.
Please delete my account. My time is better served where one's participation is appreciated.