Thanks guys, for me it worked really well initially.. but apparently that was after YEARS of having low T without even knowing. then it just stopped. Now it is working sometimes but still on trial-error stage with E2.
Do understand that over time as the body adapts to the new testosterone level overall one should feel good regarding energy/mood/libido and erections/body composition changes (mild increase muscle and strength/loss of adipose) and overall well being as long as thyroid/adrenals are healthy and of course total t/free t and e2 levels are in a healthy range among other markers.
Do not expect miracles as eventually you will just feel like your old self when your levels were healthy and this will become the norm.
It is naive to expect that trt is going to make ones energy insane, mood amazing. have a raging libido with erections of titanium, recovery of Wolverine and the strength/muscle of the incredible Hulk.
Sure you should feel good overall but even when one is so called dialed in you will never feel amazing everyday as aside from having hormones in balance lifestyle plays a key role in how one feels day to day.
Excess stress (mental/physical), lack of sleep, poor diet, being overweight/out of shape, physical inactivity, unhealthy relationships, psychological issues (neuro-transmitter health), excess alcohol/recreational drugs, certain prescribed medications and most of all underlying health issues can and will effects one negatively whether mentally/physically.
Most starting trt or when changing protocol and increasing their testosterone dose will tend to feel amazing in the beginning until testosterone levels stabilize and than everyone eventually reaches a point where they feel good overall if other factors are in balance but seem to always be chasing that initial high when in reality being on trt will never achieve that 24/7 as it is unrealistic and having healthy testosterone levels will not make some one wake up everyday feeling like SUPERMAN!