TRT is not working for me! any suggestions ?

I am sorry I jumped in so late. I have been on vacation.

It is so surprising to me that none of you ask the basic questions that are unrelated to blood work.

Are you sleeping enough?

What is your height, weight, waist and neck size? Any possibility for sleep apnea?

What is your blood pressure?

Are you under a lot of stress and/or possibly having depression symptoms?

What is your hematocrit before and after TRT? Have you measured your iron and ferritin?

Fatigue- When Testosterone Is Not Enough

Nelson, Glad you jumped in man...I'm a big fan of yours sir and I've watched a lot of your youtube Videos.

To answer your questions:

-I try to get 8 hours of sleep which is not always the case but I never ever get less than 7 hours of sleep while on weekend I get around 9 hours.
- I am 28 years old, 6'1 ft, 215 lbs with body fat around 17% .
-I've tested for sleep apnea before jumping on TRT and I scored 7 on the AHI scale, while on the CPAP i scored 3.
Spoke with the doctor and he said it's a mild sleep apnea , it might be contributing to the way I feel but it's not sever to the point I feel so bad. He suggested CPAP but after some discussion he said if I quit smoking and lose some weight I should score less than 5 on the AHI scale and in that case there is no need to treat it least for now. ..Well I haven't smoked a cigarette since then and I am doing all I can to drop as much fat as possible (goal is to reach 12% body fat by the end of this year) I've noticed that my sleep is way better and snoring doesn't occur that often as before.
I will go get retested in couple month to see if it got any better)
-blood pressure is always optimum last time I checked it was 117/75
-I can't say I'm stress free, but nothing mahor
-I did 4 point cortisol saliva test before TRT and I scoreda little high in the morning but within range in for the other 3.
-my CBC is a bit complicated, I have thalassemia minor. so my RBC is always high but hemoglobin and Hematocrit are within range .
hemoglobin 14.2

Hematocrit 43.3


As for iron and Ferritn (results from March 2017)
Iron =101 ug/dL 38 ‐ 169 ug/dL
Ferritin 165 ng/mL 30 ‐ 400 ng/mL

Thanks again for jumping in man!
Thanks a lot for restoring my hope partially and sharing the link. I was aware that most of the noticeable changes would take time and I should keep seeing improvements over the next month. However, it appears that (and this is only based on what I've read online from others who've been on trt) that I should be seeing some positive effect after 4- 6 weeks from starting TRT drive is supposed to come back strong within a month ? at least some improvement in the gym even if it's not dramatic ?

Maybe I am one of the unlucky guys on here as in all honesty it has taken me around 8 months to a year for my sex drive to be what I consider "back to normal" which includes regular morning erections and erections when needed without the aid of Cialis or other drugs. It most certainly never fixed itself in 4 - 6 weeks, but then recovery from a broken back may have had some play in that also.
As for the Gym, I would say for the past year I have been in and out of the gym but full time training from April, I would say now in August I am considerably increasing load on all work-outs but this is not simply by TRT alone, strick diet, good sleep and ensuring you don't over train is essential.
None of the improvements happened over 4 - 6 weeks, they have all taken up to a year for me, although I am older in years (53).

It took about 3 months for the correct application of Testo Gel to be sorted out for me and I am now on 100mg / 10g of gel per day (2 sachets)
My main concerns were PSA and haematocrit for obvious reasons, my PSA initially rose, then fell back to a steady regular reading of 1.1 / 1.2
haematocrit has risen but sits steady at 0.484 (0.40 - 0.52).
Personally speaking, I would give TRT more time to work before starting any other medication along with TRT, when you start other medications you simply do not know which one is working and which one isn't.
Wait the 6 weeks and get advice from your doctor, take things slow and don't rush in, this is a good forum for information but it can also be "overload" and some will think, "what if I try this", "what if I try that"!!!! what works for one person may not work for another, get your TRT sorted out first, correct dose which works for you and gives good blood results.
Your a young guy and a full life ahead of you, I hope all works out.
Personally speaking, I would give TRT more time to work before starting any other medication along with TRT, when you start other medications you simply do not know which one is working and which one isn't.
Wait the 6 weeks and get advice from your doctor, take things slow and don't rush in, this is a good forum for information but it can also be "overload" and some will think, "what if I try this", "what if I try that"!!!! what works for one person may not work for another, get your TRT sorted out first, correct dose which works for you and gives good blood results.
Your a young guy and a full life ahead of you, I hope all works out.

That's exactly what I was thinking, I do not want to through another variables into the equation until I'm all settled with the trt protocol . Glad to know that things are working out for you now :) thx
You need to stick with it.

I saw improvements in libido almost immediately and it continues to this day. My energy comes and goes though. I am still trying to fine tune my protocol because my E2 skyrockets recently. However, one of the main issues I was chasing was ED. I am happy to say that my ED is much improved finally and it's taken almost a YEAR. even 6 months into TRT I could not successfully have intercourse without Tadalafil. I have been OK (not amazing for my standards) the past month and have not taken any E drugs for almost 2 months now. I hope to continue to see improvements as time goes on in other areas like blood sugar and penile sensitivity etc.

Obviously it is having some positive effects on your since your mood and cognitive function is improved. :)

I just can't tolerate Tadafil for some reason! When I am on it( pre TRT), not only It makes me a king in bed but also the gains in the Gym are beyond imagination.It also increase my libido dramatically and help me lean out! But, unfortunately I couldn't tolerate the sides, it messes up with my memory so bad and i get brain fogs until it gets out of my system... not sure why but if i could have stayed on it, i probably wouldn't have thought of TRT for a long long time.

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