Thanks for getting back to me. Def I will be trying that exact patch as well again sometime going forward now that my gut is feeling a lot better and im being able to eat, finally, tfu tfu tfu. Today will try the 10mg different ones we have to see if they work at all or must go into the bin as many folks report different results from trying different patches. Wouldn't be surprised that some of them are even fake or some shit.
Congratulations with the baby mate, happy days! Wish ya'll good health and joy and everything else! Must be a great feeling, I have no idea. Without sleep no hormones and nothing will save your ass. Been there done that. Sleep is ESSENTIAL and CRUCIAL.
Thats interesting re clomid and kisspeptin but thats far out my way and no time nor need to be a lab rat unless you down for it. Feeling like crap eats away your life unless you have everything figured out and can accept that. Nevertheless, very interesting and let us know what you find out if you decide to give it a go.
Well about Methylene Blue I have been hearing stories from various doctors online and they say they like it but fuck knows. It's like with every new fad, if you know what I'm talking about. So no other way to know unless trying out. IMHO it def won't work as good as a nicotine patch of that company that works. Those were amazing fwiw. But hey you can never know, right?
Now I can tell you for sure that once I got off TRT I have 0 brain fog. That shit was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Now I'm sharp from the time I get up till my time to go bed. Now, for this to work there are crucial steps I must take. And the major one is SLEEP. If I go to sleep normal hours and sleep through the night, next day feels fine, but if I say do work or whatever and go sleep 2-3-4 then its all gone and I feel absolutely wrecked once I wake up and pretty much all day. Thats just how it is. I tried to fight it for many years, using 100s of different approaches, drugs, supps, etc and it just won't happen. That is the way we are wired I guess. We gotta sleep throughout the night. End of fucking story. Now would I still have brain fog if I was on TRT and slept throughout the night normally? Fuck knows, but I'm leaning to the opinion that I would, because I had a lot of different sides. But then again for me I was also doing more things that interferre with this shit right here so on this one I can't anwer for sure. Yet.
I'm getting an itch to give low dose TRT + Primo a go to see if controlling E2 would make me feel better. I think I found a legit Primo source with his batches tested at Yanoshik. So will order some for my mate and grab 10ml for myself. I have plenty of Pharma Sustanon left, 20ml of UGL Deca and 10ml UGL Prop, but not sure about these UGL ones(not tested), so they just stay and collect dust.
Brain fog is horrible and I hope you figure it out mate. If I decide to give this one more go I will log off forums, reddits, dont read any research and whatsoever, and just give it a solid go, as reading all this shit makes us nothing just anxious, even though it feels like we are absorbing the information that might or might not be usefull in the long-run, if that makes sense.