"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

regarding the diet talk, if anyone is looking for another rabbit hole to dive in, take a look at mycotoxins in food and feed, there is a lot of data on it, but it is less discussed, it has well been recognized as a problem. The moldy feeds with toxins can lead to animal produce containing mycotoxins as well. If someone was exposed to mold toxins in a living environment, they might be more sensitive to them through eating. The list is too fucking long for things that contain them, but grains, nuts, dried stuff in general for one, also coffee, beer wine.

Why would dried stuff have them? I eat organic dried mango quite often. Could there be a chance it has mycotoxins in it? And if it does, why? TIA
Hey is she still using the nicotine patches?
Yo Gman.

Nah, she finished a few batches IIRC and did a break. We have some different 10mg patches now so will give her to try to see if they work. I tried 2.5mg of this new patch with my mother back home when I was on holiday but we both felt fuck all. Might be a chance that these ones dont work at all as many users report different patches different results. The ones we tried before 100% work so will see what happens and let you know.

How you've been doing mate? Hows your HRT journey, any new discoveries and whatnot?

So its been like 3+ months since my girl started HRT. Doing first blood tests EOM and very eager to see whats happening under the hood.

Helped her with stamina, energy, fatigue, she got stronger and also lifted her brain fog(dont recall if all or partial, will update).

She is on- 10mg of TE per week injected Sub-Q. Also 3 pumps of OestroGel 750mcg per pump. And also cycles her Utrogestan Progesterone days 15-26 as recommended by doctor.

Now the interesting thing- it has done absolutely fuck all for her libido and sex drive. It sucks but IIWII until we get bloods and see whats happening. She never ever had sex drive and libido in her life. Because she had a lot of trauma when growing up, lost both her parents in her 20s, then had a toxic husband for many years. Probably all this is connected and a part of the puzzle.

Also we will test her Iron panel as well to see whats happening there, as she had low ferritin as she is anemic since the birth. We managed to increase her Ferritin into the 125+ level in some months of supplementaion of good, working, Iron products. She is still taking 54mg of Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate daily. So I wonder if thats not too much now and if her Iron stores and transportation is not fully loaded or even overloaded as that is toxic and unhealthy.

She is under huge stress at work as well and also does graveyard shifts which are fucking unhealthy for anyone 40+. But we will change that, step by step. Her diet is really good, water intake on point, salt intake on point, minerals, vitamins, etc also there, but they never made pretty much any effect at all. BP great. Glucose a bit higher then I would like given the fact that she vapes and was a smoker for like 20+ yrs. Her Thyroid is good and everything else more or less was good last time we checked before starting HRT.

So will be really interesting to see how her bloods look going forward and what changed we see from HRT. A bit weird that T hasnt given her any libido/sex drive boost so maybe just maybe she aint responding well to Sub-Q? Will see and I will post the complete tests once we do em EOM.

If anyone have any ideas- please drop a post and just know that I value and appreciate everyone sharing their opinions and experience.

Much love fam. Hope ya'll are killing it!

Chat soon.


Having lived with a wife who (apparently) has 'low libido' now for many years, i'm of the opinion that, unless they say they're distressed by it, and are actively trying to correct the problem - then it's probably not a problem with them. They just have no libido for their partner. Just my opinion, but i've hung around various forums like reddit's 'dead bedrooms' etc long enough to have read multiple stories of this 'low libido' curing itself when the man changes (ie, gets in shape, stops trying too hard with her, or better still, applies a bit of 'dread game', where she thinks her man's getting interest from other women and may stray). And a lot of them just find out she's actually getting it elsewhere. I'm sure this will disgust many people on here, but i just outsource when the opportunity arrises. My view is, i promised to be monogamous when i got married, not celibate, but i know that's not for everyone.
Why would dried stuff have them? I eat organic dried mango quite often. Could there be a chance it has mycotoxins in it? And if it does, why? TIA
Check this out, the worst is, there is no way to know, some of the food is probably tested but not on the regular.

Having lived with a wife who (apparently) has 'low libido' now for many years, i'm of the opinion that, unless they say they're distressed by it, and are actively trying to correct the problem - then it's probably not a problem with them. They just have no libido for their partner. Just my opinion, but i've hung around various forums like reddit's 'dead bedrooms' etc long enough to have read multiple stories of this 'low libido' curing itself when the man changes (ie, gets in shape, stops trying too hard with her, or better still, applies a bit of 'dread game', where she thinks her man's getting interest from other women and may stray). And a lot of them just find out she's actually getting it elsewhere. I'm sure this will disgust many people on here, but i just outsource when the opportunity arrises. My view is, i promised to be monogamous when i got married, not celibate, but i know that's not for everyone.
I understand where you coming from and thank you for your opinion. She never ever had it in her life and shes 48. Her mother got seriously sick when she was 16 and that impacted her very much, I believe. She lost her and then her father when she was just 20 or a bit more. Thats tragic, sad and so unfortunate for her. Then having a toxic husband who was beating the shit out of her for 15 years didnt help also, but she managed to raise 2 beatiful daughters. Who also have serious issues from that prick. There are nasty people in this world. So def her path wasn't paved in roses. Even though she has no libido our sex game is always on point and no issues on that whatsoever. I'm eager to see her blood test results once its done EOM then go from there with adjustments to her HRT. Also minimize her stress by finding new job at normal hours instead doing graveyard shifts.

I also had a girl back in the day who was sexually abused by her step-father for many years. Was a young chick but so fucked up mentally. Her libido was alright but she would never reach O. So I partly believe that was also from the childhood trauma she had but not necesarry as I've read some do get it back once after giving birth. Not sure how true is that but considering we all so different and unique- anything and everything will happen.

Best regards,
My immediate reaction is that stress/nightwork is such a libido killer, likely due to the cortisol/adrenalin/circadian disruption that almost nothing is likely to over-ride that. I have heard of women getting benefit from DHEA and PT-141, in addition to T, however only when there are no major over-riding factors. I am not as negative on nicotine as some people and I have heard of it being a libido booster, but I would guess it also creates a sympathetic nervous system response and could therefore make a stress response worse. Also, I see more and more forward-thinking clinicians coming to the realization that unresolved emotional trauma will stand in the way of healing, and medical interventions are unlikely to fully resolve the issue until the emotional trauma is resolved. There are various views and approaches on this. There is something called the Emotional Freedom Technique, although I prefer a more spiritual approach, but addressing that is some way is likely to be necessary for complete healing. Just some ideas. Good luck with it.
Absolutely agree on all points. Her childhood trauma was large and still haunts her till this day. But we get to relax and enjoy ourselfs and I believe the best is yet to come. I will read about the EFT you mentioned and see what is that about. Nicotine patch helps her tremendously with brain fog, fatigue and calms her down, but doesn't move an inch of libido/sex drive. Her first blood test after starting HRT will be EOM so we will see whats happening there. Maybe we should test DHEA as well and supplement if needed or just give a trial run to see if that improves anything as its pretty easy to get in pill form or topical. Thanks for good luck wish and back at you! Cheers.

I understand where you coming from and thank you for your opinion. She never ever had it in her life and shes 48. Her mother got seriously sick when she was 16 and that impacted her very much, I believe. She lost her and then her father when she was just 20 or a bit more. Thats tragic, sad and so unfortunate for her. Then having a toxic husband who was beating the shit out of her for 15 years didnt help also, but she managed to raise 2 beatiful daughters. Who also have serious issues from that prick. There are nasty people in this world. So def her path wasn't paved in roses. Even though she has no libido our sex game is always on point and no issues on that whatsoever. I'm eager to see her blood test results once its done EOM then go from there with adjustments to her HRT. Also minimize her stress by finding new job at normal hours instead doing graveyard shifts.

I also had a girl back in the day who was sexually abused by her step-father for many years. Was a young chick but so fucked up mentally. Her libido was alright but she would never reach O. So I partly believe that was also from the childhood trauma she had but not necesarry as I've read some do get it back once after giving birth. Not sure how true is that but considering we all so different and unique- anything and everything will happen.

Best regards,

Not sure if this is legal where you are in the world, but the drug GHB can have an amazing affect on libido. I'm in the UK, so it's illegal here now, but it didn't used to be. Back in the late 90's, me and my wife (before we got married and she still had a libido) would nearly always take GHB before sex, and its effect would amplify libido tenfold. It completely disinhibits you if inhibitions are what's holding back libido. It would make a nun want to join an orgy. I liked it so much, i made my own for around 20 years. No fun in the UK now though unfortunately.
Not sure if this is legal where you are in the world, but the drug GHB can have an amazing affect on libido. I'm in the UK, so it's illegal here now, but it didn't used to be. Back in the late 90's, me and my wife (before we got married and she still had a libido) would nearly always take GHB before sex, and its effect would amplify libido tenfold. It completely disinhibits you if inhibitions are what's holding back libido. It would make a nun want to join an orgy. I liked it so much, i made my own for around 20 years. No fun in the UK now though unfortunately.

I know the drug well as my friends have taken lots of it back in the day as well for the same purpose. I'm haven't tried it though. Im in the UK too for the time being.
Absolutely agree on all points. Her childhood trauma was large and still haunts her till this day. But we get to relax and enjoy ourselfs and I believe the best is yet to come. I will read about the EFT you mentioned and see what is that about. Nicotine patch helps her tremendously with brain fog, fatigue and calms her down, but doesn't move an inch of libido/sex drive. Her first blood test after starting HRT will be EOM so we will see whats happening there. Maybe we should test DHEA as well and supplement if needed or just give a trial run to see if that improves anything as its pretty easy to get in pill form or topical. Thanks for good luck wish and back at you! Cheers.

I think the benefits of DHEA largely come from its metabolites, so personally I wouldn't rely on a blood test. It also occurred to me that many women report a libido boost from a low dose (like 3mg) of oxandrolone, but it can also cause crankyness, so that would be another item for a better overall background state.
I think the benefits of DHEA largely come from its metabolites, so personally I wouldn't rely on a blood test. It also occurred to me that many women report a libido boost from a low dose (like 3mg) of oxandrolone, but it can also cause crankyness, so that would be another item for a better overall background state.
I see. What dose would be appropiate for a trial run lets say? Probably makes sense to go as low as possible and see what happens? Might get some Anavar in the future so I'll keep that in mind and will give her some to try. For DHEA we can get pills and cream here in the UK from what I've seen online.
Stress can provoke ulcers but is unavoidable response to financial difficulties. It won't stop until you find a job with more financial security.

Don't forget you can try intestinal anti-inflammatories like Smecta or Pepto-Bismol. The antibiotic Rifaximin that I suggested is unique because it's anti-inflammatory, so it is worth a try to give you break from the intestinal problem. They use it often for SIBO.
Agree as well. Don't get me wrong I have consequtive days without pain and life seems brither going forward. Had a few days eating good meat, rice, buckwheat with loads of different mixed salads that i made freshly with some evoo, some burata cheese and lemon, and that has been absolutely fantastic without any discomform whatsoever. Meditation also helps but still hard for me to do because I'm doing many things starting right when I get up from bed. It's a long routine but if I stay disciplined It's all good. Also will see how not smoking weed will effect me going forward as I had relapsed and smoked for 3 months and thats exactly when pain came through. Plenty of info and data on weed slowing gut motility and gastric emptying and tons of folks suffering pain similar to mine, I just needed to search for this. So all this, plus chronic stress, vitamin and mineral deprived body during these couple years I've been struggling badly def took its toll. So now that I'm clean, not smoking anything or vaping, it will be intereting to see if the gut starts healing or I will have to look after my gut very carefully all my life going forward.
Also will see how not smoking weed will effect me going forward as I had relapsed and smoked for 3 months and thats exactly when pain came through. Plenty of info and data on weed slowing gut motility and gastric emptying and tons of folks suffering pain similar to mine, I just needed to search for this.
This is one of the two big reasons I never touch weed. It slows gut motility dramatically and makes everything worse: constipation, reflux, gastritis, etc. Absolutely needs to go if you struggle with any of those issues.

The other big reason is the depressive rebound after effects. I find all drugs that can elevate your mood leave you below baseline afterwards for extended lengths of time, resulting in net negative effects on mood and well-being. What goes up must come down, and stay down for awhile...
This is one of the two big reasons I never touch weed. It slows gut motility dramatically and makes everything worse: constipation, reflux, gastritis, etc. Absolutely needs to go if you struggle with any of those issues.

The other big reason is the depressive rebound after effects. I find all drugs that can elevate your mood leave you below baseline afterwards for extended lengths of time, resulting in net negative effects on mood and well-being. What goes up must come down, and stay down for awhile...
Oh absolutely theres no question about that. Takes about a good weak or two for me to feel great after stopping. From what I've read if one is a hardcore smoker it takes ±90 days to see noticable effects on gut motility. This is the amount of time docs recommend to go without it if one is suffering from CHS(Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome). I suspect I'm having something like it but glad that I don't throw up. Now the interesting thing is that after I make a break and relapse I have only 2 days of feeling amazing when I smoke. On the 3rd day I'm starting to feel sick and like shit going forward. So def this shit has to go and for a long long time as I had it daily pretty much for the last close to 30 years. Plus all the bud we get around here in UK is not clean looking to me at all and most of it is just expensive shit that does fuck all just gives me side effects. Plugs argue that its because I'm an oldschool smoker, tolerance, this or that but they have no idea that what they are selling is far far away from proper grown skunk we had back in the day. I'm pretty sure if I would be able to go live somewhere like Spain and grow/cultivate my own bud the things would be different as you would know that its clean and whats in it. Everything is fake now and cut with tons of different chemicals thats poison. For example I just now read that they cut cocaine with horse wormer Levamisole that is linked with serious health issues, and yet I see and know peeps that do it on the weekly basis. It's weird how we all are wired differently cuz I gave a test drive on whats suppose to be the best clarlie in my area a year or so ago. Just for fun as my mate gets some. Guess what, from the first pinhead size line I started having nothing but side effects that I won't even talk about, barely survived till next morning lol smh so that's straight rat poison if you'd ask me, but yet they all fucking do it and whats funny they are able to tolerate it. We are all so unique and wired differently its actually amazing :)
Oh absolutely theres no question about that. Takes about a good weak or two for me to feel great after stopping. From what I've read if one is a hardcore smoker it takes ±90 days to see noticable effects on gut motility. This is the amount of time docs recommend to go without it if one is suffering from CHS(Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome). I suspect I'm having something like it but glad that I don't throw up. Now the interesting thing is that after I make a break and relapse I have only 2 days of feeling amazing when I smoke. On the 3rd day I'm starting to feel sick and like shit going forward. So def this shit has to go and for a long long time as I had it daily pretty much for the last close to 30 years. Plus all the bud we get around here in UK is not clean looking to me at all and most of it is just expensive shit that does fuck all just gives me side effects. Plugs argue that its because I'm an oldschool smoker this or that but they have no idea that what they are selling is far far away from proper grown skunk we had back in the day. I'm pretty sure if I would be able to go live somewhere like Spain and grow/cultivate my own bud the things would be different as you would know that its clean and whats in it. Everything is fake now and cut with tons of different chemicals thats poison. For example I just now read that they cut cocaine with horse wormer Levamisole that is linked with serious health issues, and yet I see and know peeps that do it on the weekly basis. It's weird how we all are wired differently cuz I gave a test drive on whats suppose to be the best clarlie in my area a year or so ago. Just for fun as my mate gets some. Guess what, from the first pinhead size line I started having nothing but side effects that I won't even talk about, so that's straight rat poison if you'd ask me, but yet they all fucking do it and whats funny they are able to tolerate it. We are all so unique and wired differently its actually amazing :)
Were you smoking during your trials of TRT? That could have really messed you up. It's estrogenic and makes estrogen management, which I have a newfound appreciation for, much more challenging. Especially when we are talking about high BP and heart rates -- these are symptoms I've seen respond almost immediately to aromatase inhibition.
Were you smoking during your trials of TRT? That could have really messed you up. It's estrogenic and makes estrogen management, which I have a newfound appreciation for, much more challenging. Especially when we are talking about high BP and heart rates -- these are symptoms I've seen respond almost immediately to aromatase inhibition.
Yeah I think I was and that very much could be the issue. I tried AI and it made absolutely no difference to me but even made me feel weirdly worse I believe. I'm not sure but I ain't touching that shit again, thats for sure. Tried 0.25mg, tried 0.5mg - same shit, no profound effect. If I run another TRT trial I will give a small dose of Masteron or Primobolan a go together with it to see if it helps me to feel better.
Yo Gman.

Nah, she finished a few batches IIRC and did a break. We have some different 10mg patches now so will give her to try to see if they work. I tried 2.5mg of this new patch with my mother back home when I was on holiday but we both felt fuck all. Might be a chance that these ones dont work at all as many users report different patches different results. The ones we tried before 100% work so will see what happens and let you know.

How you've been doing mate? Hows your HRT journey, any new discoveries and whatnot?


Ya the patches we both were using before definitely work. So she can always go back to those if she wanted to hop back on the nicotine train

I’ve been doing alright, thanks for asking. Had a baby on February 9th, so haven’t slept well at all since then, which is definitely messing with how I feel, but otherwise I’m doing pretty good. Been on the nandrolone base since 12-5-23. Gonna get labs done in the next couple weeks to see if I should increase or decrease my test dose with it. Currently using 50mg of test per week

No new discoveries/ insights really. I talk with Dixiewrecked frequently, and he’s been doing research into the benefits of using clomid with an hrt protocol, and the stuff he’s found about it seems very intriguing/ promising. Makes me also interested in doing more research into kisspeptin, which also sends a signal to the brain to produce lh and fsh endogenously, as far as I know. There’s obviously benefits to not having lh and fsh shut down completely.

Have u ever looked into Methylene blue by any chance? During my routine 6 month consult with Defy recently, the PA I do them with was telling me how he’s been using it with pretty good success. He said it’s supposed to increase mitochondria or mitochondrial function, or something along those lines. Here’s a Reddit article I was reading earlier today about it. Seems like it helped people with mental clarity/ brain fog, which I could definitely use, so I might order some from empower, via Defy, and try it out

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Ya the patches we both were using before definitely work. So she can always go back to those if she wanted to hop back on the nicotine train

I’ve been doing alright, thanks for asking. Had a baby on February 9th, so haven’t slept well at all since then, which is definitely messing with how I feel, but otherwise I’m doing pretty good. Been on the nandrolone base since 12-5-23. Gonna get labs done in the next couple weeks to see if I should increase or decrease my test dose with it. Currently using 50mg of test per week

No new discoveries/ insights really. I talk with Dixiewrecked frequently, and he’s been doing research into the benefits of using clomid with an hrt protocol, and the stuff he’s found about it seems very intriguing/ promising. Makes me also interested in doing more research into kisspeptin, which also sends a signal to the brain to produce lh and fsh endogenously, as far as I know. There’s obviously benefits to not having lh and fsh shut down completely.

Have u ever looked into Methylene blue by any chance? During my routine 6 month consult with Defy recently, the PA I do them with was telling me how he’s been using it with pretty good success. He said it’s supposed to increase mitochondria or mitochondrial function, or something along those lines. Here’s a Reddit article I was reading earlier today about it. Seems like it helped people with mental clarity/ brain fog, which I could definitely use, so I might order some from empower, via Defy, and try it out

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Thanks for getting back to me. Def I will be trying that exact patch as well again sometime going forward now that my gut is feeling a lot better and im being able to eat, finally, tfu tfu tfu. Today will try the 10mg different ones we have to see if they work at all or must go into the bin as many folks report different results from trying different patches. Wouldn't be surprised that some of them are even fake or some shit.

Congratulations with the baby mate, happy days! Wish ya'll good health and joy and everything else! Must be a great feeling, I have no idea. Without sleep no hormones and nothing will save your ass. Been there done that. Sleep is ESSENTIAL and CRUCIAL.

Thats interesting re clomid and kisspeptin but thats far out my way and no time nor need to be a lab rat unless you down for it. Feeling like crap eats away your life unless you have everything figured out and can accept that. Nevertheless, very interesting and let us know what you find out if you decide to give it a go.

Well about Methylene Blue I have been hearing stories from various doctors online and they say they like it but fuck knows. It's like with every new fad, if you know what I'm talking about. So no other way to know unless trying out. IMHO it def won't work as good as a nicotine patch of that company that works. Those were amazing fwiw. But hey you can never know, right?:)

Now I can tell you for sure that once I got off TRT I have 0 brain fog. That shit was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Now I'm sharp from the time I get up till my time to go bed. Now, for this to work there are crucial steps I must take. And the major one is SLEEP. If I go to sleep normal hours and sleep through the night, next day feels fine, but if I say do work or whatever and go sleep 2-3-4 then its all gone and I feel absolutely wrecked once I wake up and pretty much all day. Thats just how it is. I tried to fight it for many years, using 100s of different approaches, drugs, supps, etc and it just won't happen. That is the way we are wired I guess. We gotta sleep throughout the night. End of fucking story. Now would I still have brain fog if I was on TRT and slept throughout the night normally? Fuck knows, but I'm leaning to the opinion that I would, because I had a lot of different sides. But then again for me I was also doing more things that interferre with this shit right here so on this one I can't anwer for sure. Yet.

I'm getting an itch to give low dose TRT + Primo a go to see if controlling E2 would make me feel better. I think I found a legit Primo source with his batches tested at Yanoshik. So will order some for my mate and grab 10ml for myself. I have plenty of Pharma Sustanon left, 20ml of UGL Deca and 10ml UGL Prop, but not sure about these UGL ones(not tested), so they just stay and collect dust.

Brain fog is horrible and I hope you figure it out mate. If I decide to give this one more go I will log off forums, reddits, dont read any research and whatsoever, and just give it a solid go, as reading all this shit makes us nothing just anxious, even though it feels like we are absorbing the information that might or might not be usefull in the long-run, if that makes sense.

Thanks for getting back to me. Def I will be trying that exact patch as well again sometime going forward now that my gut is feeling a lot better and im being able to eat, finally, tfu tfu tfu. Today will try the 10mg different ones we have to see if they work at all or must go into the bin as many folks report different results from trying different patches. Wouldn't be surprised that some of them are even fake or some shit.

Congratulations with the baby mate, happy days! Wish ya'll good health and joy and everything else! Must be a great feeling, I have no idea. Without sleep no hormones and nothing will save your ass. Been there done that. Sleep is ESSENTIAL and CRUCIAL.

Thats interesting re clomid and kisspeptin but thats far out my way and no time nor need to be a lab rat unless you down for it. Feeling like crap eats away your life unless you have everything figured out and can accept that. Nevertheless, very interesting and let us know what you find out if you decide to give it a go.

Well about Methylene Blue I have been hearing stories from various doctors online and they say they like it but fuck knows. It's like with every new fad, if you know what I'm talking about. So no other way to know unless trying out. IMHO it def won't work as good as a nicotine patch of that company that works. Those were amazing fwiw. But hey you can never know, right?:)

Now I can tell you for sure that once I got off TRT I have 0 brain fog. That shit was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Now I'm sharp from the time I get up till my time to go bed. Now, for this to work there are crucial steps I must take. And the major one is SLEEP. If I go to sleep normal hours and sleep through the night, next day feels fine, but if I say do work or whatever and go sleep 2-3-4 then its all gone and I feel absolutely wrecked once I wake up and pretty much all day. Thats just how it is. I tried to fight it for many years, using 100s of different approaches, drugs, supps, etc and it just won't happen. That is the way we are wired I guess. We gotta sleep throughout the night. End of fucking story. Now would I still have brain fog if I was on TRT and slept throughout the night normally? Fuck knows, but I'm leaning to the opinion that I would, because I had a lot of different sides. But then again for me I was also doing more things that interferre with this shit right here so on this one I can't anwer for sure. Yet.

I'm getting an itch to give low dose TRT + Primo a go to see if controlling E2 would make me feel better. I think I found a legit Primo source with his batches tested at Yanoshik. So will order some for my mate and grab 10ml for myself. I have plenty of Pharma Sustanon left, 20ml of UGL Deca and 10ml UGL Prop, but not sure about these UGL ones(not tested), so they just stay and collect dust.

Brain fog is horrible and I hope you figure it out mate. If I decide to give this one more go I will log off forums, reddits, dont read any research and whatsoever, and just give it a solid go, as reading all this shit makes us nothing just anxious, even though it feels like we are absorbing the information that might or might not be usefull in the long-run, if that makes sense.


Man, thank U for the amazing reply! And thanks for the well wishes, really appreciate it!

But ya sleep is literally everything! I’m fairly confident that if I was sleeping well, the protocol I’m on would have me feeling pretty good overall. I think most of my fatigue and brain fog is from the lack of sleep.

But even when sleeping well, I always have some level of brain fog. It’s extremely interesting that urs goes completely away when off hrt. Must be something with shutting down ur hpta on hrt, right? My guess is that when u go off hrt, ur hpta comes back online, and no downstream hormones are hindered, like I assume they are on hrt. What’s ur theory, in regards to why ur brain fog goes away when off hrt?
Man, thank U for the amazing reply! And thanks for the well wishes, really appreciate it!

But ya sleep is literally everything! I’m fairly confident that if I was sleeping well, the protocol I’m on would have me feeling pretty good overall. I think most of my fatigue and brain fog is from the lack of sleep.

But even when sleeping well, I always have some level of brain fog. It’s extremely interesting that urs goes completely away when off hrt. Must be something with shutting down ur hpta on hrt, right? My guess is that when u go off hrt, ur hpta comes back online, and no downstream hormones are hindered, like I assume they are on hrt. What’s ur theory, in regards to why ur brain fog goes away when off hrt?
Sleep is absolutely one of the major critical and essiantial components of the puzzle. I agree that it must be something with shutting down the hpta or with increased anxiety levels that I get while on. Or a bit of both. But at the same time can be whatever else that we absolutely have no idea about. So it's tough to pinpoint and at best its guessing which holds no empyrical truth, if you know what I mean.

Also I noticed that the pillow matters a lot and funny thing is that during many years I can't find a pillow which works for me lol I have tried dozens of them and they all suck. But this one IME is very crucial because of the neck and head position. That fucks up and get a headache in the morning. But I also have neck issues and now that I been sick with flu or whatever the fuck that was and lost a lot of weight, even more. Its just too many variables to pinpoint exact issue and I won't even stress about it.

I started getting headache in the morning which was gone for like 3 months after quitting TRT but I think that is more from the supplements I started taking in high doses because I was so sick, deprived of vitamins, minerals and shit and 6 days couldn't even eat anything. So lost massive amounts of weight. Seen the fucking scale show #s not seen since I started lifting in 2006. Felt absolute death, so now I'm rebuilding. Eating every 2 hours. Getting in vitamins, minerals, etc. So the headache I want to believe is from something I started taking. Yesterday did Magnesium Bisglycinate before bed and today I fucking have it. So will cut all supps from tomorrow, let the body reach homeostasis and see if they dissapear. I really fucking hope so.

Also I don't eat eggs. They absolutely murder me. So that also has its toll on brain fog I believe. Yet I fucking love them. Anyway they are gone. So now the supps and will see what happens. Will try to go slow and add 1 supp at a time after that. It's a fucking pain in the ass but no other way to know whats giving what. Probably will end up only on food because Im fucking tired of this experimenting shit and feeling broken next day with room looking like a damn laboratory with tons of supps which are no-go lol Hope to restart gym next week if I feel good and not sick.

So yeah thats where I am now in the pursuit of health.

Hope you have a great day mate.

Best regards,
Sleep is absolutely one of the major critical and essiantial components of the puzzle. I agree that it must be something with shutting down the hpta or with increased anxiety levels that I get while on. Or a bit of both. But at the same time can be whatever else that we absolutely have no idea about. So it's tough to pinpoint and at best its guessing which holds no empyrical truth, if you know what I mean.

Also I noticed that the pillow matters a lot and funny thing is that during many years I can't find a pillow which works for me lol I have tried dozens of them and they all suck. But this one IME is very crucial because of the neck and head position. That fucks up and get a headache in the morning. But I also have neck issues and now that I been sick with flu or whatever the fuck that was and lost a lot of weight, even more. Its just too many variables to pinpoint exact issue and I won't even stress about it.

I started getting headache in the morning which was gone for like 3 months after quitting TRT but I think that is more from the supplements I started taking in high doses because I was so sick, deprived of vitamins, minerals and shit and 6 days couldn't even eat anything. So lost massive amounts of weight. Seen the fucking scale show #s not seen since I started lifting in 2006. Felt absolute death, so now I'm rebuilding. Eating every 2 hours. Getting in vitamins, minerals, etc. So the headache I want to believe is from something I started taking. Yesterday did Magnesium Bisglycinate before bed and today I fucking have it. So will cut all supps from tomorrow, let the body reach homeostasis and see if they dissapear. I really fucking hope so.

Also I don't eat eggs. They absolutely murder me. So that also has its toll on brain fog I believe. Yet I fucking love them. Anyway they are gone. So now the supps and will see what happens. Will try to go slow and add 1 supp at a time after that. It's a fucking pain in the ass but no other way to know whats giving what. Probably will end up only on food because Im fucking tired of this experimenting shit and feeling broken next day with room looking like a damn laboratory with tons of supps which are no-go lol Hope to restart gym next week if I feel good and not sick.

So yeah thats where I am now in the pursuit of health.

Hope you have a great day mate.

Best regards,

Man, sounds like ur in a rough place, sorry to hear that ur struggling so much. So eggs make ur brain fog worse huh? I’ve heard this before. But I think I did an experiment and cut them out and didnt notice any difference. I currently swallow 4 pastured egg yolks every morning, and then do 2 more pastured egg yolks in my post workout shake 3x/ week. Rarely ever do the whites. 99% of the time it’s just the yolks

And I’ve been there with all the supps. The further I’ve gotten on my health journey the less and less supps I take. Currently only doing liquid magnesium chloride in my mineral waters every day, and 5kiu’s of vit D per day. Literally don’t take any other supps. Was taking Barrie tan’s annatto vitamin E, but cut that out a couple days ago to see if I feel any better off of it. Just want to try and get as much of my micronutrients from food as possible. Plus if there’s anything I’m doing/ taking that’s actually making me feel worse, it’s easier to know what’s possibly making me feel worse if there’s less variables to trial and error/ consider.

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