"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Man, sounds like ur in a rough place, sorry to hear that ur struggling so much. So eggs make ur brain fog worse huh? I’ve heard this before. But I think I did an experiment and cut them out and didnt notice any difference. I currently swallow 4 pastured egg yolks every morning, and then do 2 more pastured egg yolks in my post workout shake 3x/ week. Rarely ever do the whites. 99% of the time it’s just the yolks

And I’ve been there with all the supps. The further I’ve gotten on my health journey the less and less supps I take. Currently only doing liquid magnesium chloride in my mineral waters every day, and 5kiu’s of vit D per day. Literally don’t take any other supps. Was taking Barrie tan’s annatto vitamin E, but cut that out a couple days ago to see if I feel any better off of it. Just want to try and get as much of my micronutrients from food as possible. Plus if there’s anything I’m doing/ taking that’s actually making me feel worse, it’s easier to know what’s possibly making me feel worse if there’s less variables to trial and error/ consider.

All good mate. I'm used to the struggle as thats just how it goes and the price I have to pay for destroying my gut. Cutting out is not that simple. You must also keep all other variables the same. Now when you cut out your eggs how long that break was? Did you had normal sleep througout the night during that time? Did you change your androgen protocol? Supps, etc, etc. It's a pain in the ass to nail down the exact issue but IIWII. Eggs absolutely murder some people but then again I have been eating tons of them in the last 2-3 decades. And thats far from 5 or 7 per day. Some days up to 20-30 back when I was an animal building putting on slabs of meat on my frame. Ofc you are eating quality eggs, we didn't have those in my country where I'm from but I couldn't care less as that was all the food we had. We eat what we have and whats on your plate.

Vitamin E is crucial. Was your Vitamin E multi spectrum one or just isolated one? It has to be 100% multi spectrum with all 8 or how many vitamins inside. Most of that comes from the seeds, which you and I don't eat. I'm yet to give it a try when I get my hands on the quallity one that TC recommends.

I've cut all supps from this morning and will see what happens with my headache as I approach blood test time on the 22nd that GP has booked. Probably won't be much but will see something. And considering I've been sick af lately they might not be the best looking. We shall see.

Vit-D is also essential and a lot of times 5kIU does fuck all and its a slow process to raise its levels even if you are doing 100K for lets say 3-5 days. Takes about a month +- IIRC. I might give Mag Chloride a go even though I heard its harsh on the gut so who knows. Also I've read that topical oil magnesium is the way to go and very well recommended by experienced doctors in the field. It's all trial and error and we are nothing but lab rats.

All good mate. I'm used to the struggle as thats just how it goes and the price I have to pay for destroying my gut. Cutting out is not that simple. You must also keep all other variables the same. Now when you cut out your eggs how long that break was? Did you had normal sleep througout the night during that time? Did you change your androgen protocol? Supps, etc, etc. It's a pain in the ass to nail down the exact issue but IIWII. Eggs absolutely murder some people but then again I have been eating tons of them in the last 2-3 decades. And thats far from 5 or 7 per day. Some days up to 20-30 back when I was an animal building putting on slabs of meat on my frame. Ofc you are eating quality eggs, we didn't have those in my country where I'm from but I couldn't care less as that was all the food we had. We eat what we have and whats on your plate.

Vitamin E is crucial. Was your Vitamin E multi spectrum one or just isolated one? It has to be 100% multi spectrum with all 8 or how many vitamins inside. Most of that comes from the seeds, which you and I don't eat. I'm yet to give it a try when I get my hands on the quallity one that TC recommends.

I've cut all supps from this morning and will see what happens with my headache as I approach blood test time on the 22nd that GP has booked. Probably won't be much but will see something. And considering I've been sick af lately they might not be the best looking. We shall see.

Vit-D is also essential and a lot of times 5kIU does fuck all and its a slow process to raise its levels even if you are doing 100K for lets say 3-5 days. Takes about a month +- IIRC. I might give Mag Chloride a go even though I heard its harsh on the gut so who knows. Also I've read that topical oil magnesium is the way to go and very well recommended by experienced doctors in the field. It's all trial and error and we are nothing but lab rats.


Ya I’ve heard transdermal mag is the way to go as well. It’s just a PITA. I’ve tried it in the past. It’s very oily and IIRC, makes the skin itch a bit once it dries. I just don’t have a lot of patience for topicals tbh. I only lasted 2 months trialing test cream. And I felt pretty damn good overall on it. Was just way too inconvenient for me. I don’t notice the mag chloride liquid being harsh on my gut. I only put like 1/2 tsp of it in a liter of carbonated mineral water. So don’t really taste it, since it gets so diluted. The mag chloride I use is called remag. It’s supposedly very well absorbed, so a little goes a long way. 1/2 tsp is about 150mg of mag chloride. But again, it’s so well absorbed that 150mg per liter of water I drink is definitely enough. I try to drink two of them a day. Magnesium can lower cortisol, and some guys already deal with cortisol being too low on TRT, so it’s all a balancing act. I try not to take too much of anything. Cuz as u know, taking one thing could imbalance another. Like taking too much vitamin E can deplete vitamin K, and vice versa. So I’m always weary of taking too much of one micronutrient in isolation. Obv in nature we don’t find micronutrients in isolation by themselves.

So in the past, do u remember having brain fog when u were eating a ton of eggs per day? Do u currently experience brain fog when u eat eggs? I know u said u don’t have any brain fog currently. So what if u tried eating some eggs. U think u would experience some brain fog again if u did?

I try to keep notes of everything, and I checked and I apparently didn’t eat any eggs from 7-4-23 to 7-12-23. So like 8 days. Didn’t notice any benefits from not eating them. But maybe that wasn’t enough time. And I know now to only change one variable when experimenting/ trialing and erroring something, so during that time it was the only thing I changed

And here’s the vitamin E supplement I had been taking. It’s only tocotrienols, I believe. Idk if u’ve ever gotten into Barrie Tan’s work on vitamin E, but it’s pretty interesting stuff. Not sure if he’s right or not, but he’s spent his life studying vitamin E. Some consider him the world's leading research scientist and expert on Vitamin E. He has a million interviews on YouTube talking about it that u can check out if u wanted to

Ya I’ve heard transdermal mag is the way to go as well. It’s just a PITA. I’ve tried it in the past. It’s very oily and IIRC, makes the skin itch a bit once it dries. I just don’t have a lot of patience for topicals tbh. I only lasted 2 months trialing test cream. And I felt pretty damn good overall on it. Was just way too inconvenient for me. I don’t notice the mag chloride liquid being harsh on my gut. I only put like 1/2 tsp of it in a liter of carbonated mineral water. So don’t really taste it, since it gets so diluted. The mag chloride I use is called remag. It’s supposedly very well absorbed, so a little goes a long way. 1/2 tsp is about 150mg of mag chloride. But again, it’s so well absorbed that 150mg per liter of water I drink is definitely enough. I try to drink two of them a day. Magnesium can lower cortisol, and some guys already deal with cortisol being too low on TRT, so it’s all a balancing act. I try not to take too much of anything. Cuz as u know, taking one thing could imbalance another. Like taking too much vitamin E can deplete vitamin K, and vice versa. So I’m always weary of taking too much of one micronutrient in isolation. Obv in nature we don’t find micronutrients in isolation by themselves.
Yeah gotta mix Mag Oil with another Oil to make it less itchy from what I've read. I will check ReMag now that you mentioned it. I think you mentioned it in the past but TC put me away from it because of my gut/chest pain issues. I will try Mag Bisglycinate in isolation to see how it goes. Since I didnt take any supps today and had no carbs from grains in the first 2 meals of the day just fruit and vegs, I have no headache today. So won't take any supplement tomorrow as well and won't have carbs first meal or two and see if I don't get one as well. If that sticks I will try reintroducing Mag Bisglycinate powder before sleep and see if that was the issue, or perhaps after having grains I'm getting it. So its a slow process but getting there one step at a time.

I don't talk about normal persons situation with taking supplements, but mine, as you already know, is far from normal situation, as nobody knows whats wrong with me and nobody seen such pains that I'm having from gastritis, unless the fucking doc who did endoscopy back home missed a fucking ulcer somewhere. We will see as I have appoitment with Gastro team down here in the UK so they most likely will want to do one themselfs to see whats up. Slow process as well, but its happening. As I've been deprived of vitamins and minerals for a long time due to h-pylori and not being able to eat properly that is why I'm taking them to see if they help me at least a bit, if that makes sense. Also remember that once we on TRT/HRT or higher dose AAS regiments the requirements for micronutrients are way above the baseline and we must be sure to always have a surplus of them. So fuck knows if my body wasn't able to absorb or was able to during all these years I'm battling this issue. Also agree re folks being low Cortisol once on TRT but then again my case if different, I'm dealing with high cortisol am and mid-day, as I've already posted before. Thats another issue, but I got the tools and information how to handle it(hopefully).

So in the past, do u remember having brain fog when u were eating a ton of eggs per day? Do u currently experience brain fog when u eat eggs? I know u said u don’t have any brain fog currently. So what if u tried eating some eggs. U think u would experience some brain fog again if u did?
Yes I had brainfog for years as I was eating tons of eggs and food in general, but also smoking tons of strongest indica and living a very volatile lifestyle under huge chronic stress. And most of this time I was on test, so you know. I don't remember how things were before I started training, using and eating trucks of food on the daily basis. But to be honest theres nothing to remember as I was intoxicated all day every fucking day since I was 13. I havent eated eggs for some time now and tbh don't even plan to because they destroy me and I get severe pain which crippled me for a day or two. Fuck trying that, I'm sure you wouldnt try as well if you be crippled on the sofa feeling like you about to die? : )
I try to keep notes of everything, and I checked and I apparently didn’t eat any eggs from 7-4-23 to 7-12-23. So like 8 days. Didn’t notice any benefits from not eating them. But maybe that wasn’t enough time. And I know now to only change one variable when experimenting/ trialing and erroring something, so during that time it was the only thing I changed
Who knows. Yup, one variable is the way to go. I can induce brain fog easily by messing with my sleep cycle and next day I'm a fucking zombie, underwater and like i've been drinking all day yesterday. Now that I'm getting the itch to go back on TRT+ I will see how it effects my brain and if I get more brain fog or not. To be fair, I was working nights while I was on TRT so that was a sure recipe to be foggy next day. No doubts about that. Now I keep my fingers crossed that shit works out and Ill be able to enjoy deep sleep during the night and have a normal working day like most of the people do. So will be interesting to see how all this changes or the fog comes back once I jump back on.
And here’s the vitamin E supplement I had been taking. It’s only tocotrienols, I believe. Idk if u’ve ever gotten into Barrie Tan’s work on vitamin E, but it’s pretty interesting stuff. Not sure if he’s right or not, but he’s spent his life studying vitamin E. Some consider him the world's leading research scientist and expert on Vitamin E. He has a million interviews on YouTube talking about it that u can check out if u wanted to
Thanks for the info I will take a look. I def believe one has to take full-spectrum vitamin if the aim is to mimic what we get from food. TC has a good recommendation on Vitamin-E but its expensive and I still haven't got my hands on it. Too many fucking bottles of damn vitamins just collecting dust that I can't use at all smh lol
Yeah gotta mix Mag Oil with another Oil to make it less itchy from what I've read. I will check ReMag now that you mentioned it. I think you mentioned it in the past but TC put me away from it because of my gut/chest pain issues. I will try Mag Bisglycinate in isolation to see how it goes. Since I didnt take any supps today and had no carbs from grains in the first 2 meals of the day just fruit and vegs, I have no headache today. So won't take any supplement tomorrow as well and won't have carbs first meal or two and see if I don't get one as well. If that sticks I will try reintroducing Mag Bisglycinate powder before sleep and see if that was the issue, or perhaps after having grains I'm getting it. So its a slow process but getting there one step at a time.

I don't talk about normal persons situation with taking supplements, but mine, as you already know, is far from normal situation, as nobody knows whats wrong with me and nobody seen such pains that I'm having from gastritis, unless the fucking doc who did endoscopy back home missed a fucking ulcer somewhere. We will see as I have appoitment with Gastro team down here in the UK so they most likely will want to do one themselfs to see whats up. Slow process as well, but its happening. As I've been deprived of vitamins and minerals for a long time due to h-pylori and not being able to eat properly that is why I'm taking them to see if they help me at least a bit, if that makes sense. Also remember that once we on TRT/HRT or higher dose AAS regiments the requirements for micronutrients are way above the baseline and we must be sure to always have a surplus of them. So fuck knows if my body wasn't able to absorb or was able to during all these years I'm battling this issue. Also agree re folks being low Cortisol once on TRT but then again my case if different, I'm dealing with high cortisol am and mid-day, as I've already posted before. Thats another issue, but I got the tools and information how to handle it(hopefully).

Yes I had brainfog for years as I was eating tons of eggs and food in general, but also smoking tons of strongest indica and living a very volatile lifestyle under huge chronic stress. And most of this time I was on test, so you know. I don't remember how things were before I started training, using and eating trucks of food on the daily basis. But to be honest theres nothing to remember as I was intoxicated all day every fucking day since I was 13. I havent eated eggs for some time now and tbh don't even plan to because they destroy me and I get severe pain which crippled me for a day or two. Fuck trying that, I'm sure you wouldnt try as well if you be crippled on the sofa feeling like you about to die? : )

Who knows. Yup, one variable is the way to go. I can induce brain fog easily by messing with my sleep cycle and next day I'm a fucking zombie, underwater and like i've been drinking all day yesterday. Now that I'm getting the itch to go back on TRT+ I will see how it effects my brain and if I get more brain fog or not. To be fair, I was working nights while I was on TRT so that was a sure recipe to be foggy next day. No doubts about that. Now I keep my fingers crossed that shit works out and Ill be able to enjoy deep sleep during the night and have a normal working day like most of the people do. So will be interesting to see how all this changes or the fog comes back once I jump back on.

Thanks for the info I will take a look. I def believe one has to take full-spectrum vitamin if the aim is to mimic what we get from food. TC has a good recommendation on Vitamin-E but its expensive and I still haven't got my hands on it. Too many fucking bottles of damn vitamins just collecting dust that I can't use at all smh lol

Damn, u got me wanting to do another trial with giving up eggs. I hate not taking them tho, simply because the yolks are like little perfect natural multivitamins. So it gives me a good piece of mind knowing they’re covering a decent of my micronutrient needs. But if I can feel better without them, I have zero problem cutting them out and simply trying to get those micronutrients elsewhere

And ya sleep is literally everything. Like legit everything. Nobody can ever stress enough the importance of sleep. However important and vital someone might think it is for overall health/ how we feel/ longevity, multiply that by 100, and that might be somewhat close to how important sleep actually is

And I’m always for getting micronutrients from Whole Foods, or getting them in the forms closest to what we see in nature. So I can see a full spectrum vitamin E supplement being ideal, if that’s how we see it present in foods high in vitamin E
Stress can provoke ulcers but is unavoidable response to financial difficulties. It won't stop until you find a job with more financial security.

Don't forget you can try intestinal anti-inflammatories like Smecta or Pepto-Bismol. The antibiotic Rifaximin that I suggested is unique because it's anti-inflammatory, so it is worth a try to give you break from the intestinal problem. They use it often for SIBO.
I've taken my time to read about Rifaximin and seems it comes from Rifabutin family which Nelson suggested before. Thing is GP can't prescribe it here unless I be at hospital, for some reasons. I'm waiting for a call from Gastro team for a speciality appoitment and so perhaps they will be able. Now I am able to eat and feel a lot better then before. Yesterday had large pizza washed down with lots of coca-cola with sugar(always used diet-zero b4), home made mexican stew (not hot) with white bread on the side and fatty ass ice-cream before bed and had absolutely no problems. I'm using a lot of Kefir and Sauerkraut with my normal meals as I eat healthy most of the time but since I've lost alot of weight I have to eat unimaginable amounts of healthy food to even gain some back which will make me too full and prone to pain. Also a lot of "healthy food" dont work for me. That is why utilizing some cheats here and there strategecally is working great and have been working great in the last 20 years or so. Now I'm also doing another thing for 2 weeks which I will comment about after its all done and dusted. My gut likes cheat meals more then healthy food. Which is bizzare af I know it sounds crazy but it works for me. Everyone is different, always thinking outside the box and exploring. Started training this week as well. So everything is more or less going in the right direction with everything in my life after all the battles (tfu tfu tfu, knock on wood x3). If I will be needing I will order Rifaximin online to be shipped straight from Russia, no problems about that. Should have probably went this way with it or Rifabutin instead taking 100g+ of regular antibiotics, but live and learn.
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Also a lot of "healthy food" dont work for me. That is why utilizing some cheats here and there strategecally is working great and have been working great in the last 20 years or so. Now I'm also doing another thing for 2 weeks which I will comment about after its all done and dusted. My gut likes cheat meals more then healthy food. Which is bizzare af I know it sounds crazy but it works for me.
I don't think it is that unusual. "Healthy food" generally means whole plant foods to most people, which are fibrous, full of enzyme inhibitors, anti-nutrients, and generally quite challenging to digest. What are we really doing when we process food? Besides increasing shelf-life or palatability, we're also making it much easier to digest by removing alot of those noxious components. Of course if it's a carb-rich food, the result is something with a crazy high glycemic index. But it will be easy to digest - those two properties go hand-in-hand.
Rifaximin acts locally in the intestines, very little of it is absorbed. Ritabutin is systemically absorbed with the corresponding harsh side effects and is not a replacement.

If you can get better without antibiotics, best is to not take Rifaximin. It may get you in dysbiosis because it does kill bacteria in the gut.

Try adding a probiotic. This one in Europe has studies it reduces inflammation (the study is sponsored by the manufacturer): Lactibiane Tolerance
Rifaximin acts locally in the intestines, very little of it is absorbed. Ritabutin is systemically absorbed with the corresponding harsh side effects and is not a replacement.

If you can get better without antibiotics, best is to not take Rifaximin. It may get you in dysbiosis because it does kill bacteria in the gut.

Try adding a probiotic. This one in Europe has studies it reduces inflammation (the study is sponsored by the manufacturer): Lactibiane Tolerance
Thanks for the probiotic suggestion I might give it a try. Also I'm done with Antibiotics as the last 3rd round of more then 100g fucked me up real good so im good. I'll just continue and see what the Gastro team comes up with for such severe pain and how they can explain it. Because the doc(with huge experience) I've seen has never seen such good looking endoscopy with such a massive pain. No ulcers, nothing. Although I have zero expectation and don't rely on any doctors. I have a plan to push for colonoscopy. Will push them for maximum testing and will even exaggerate if needed to get other serious tests like MRIs of different parts, which I always wanted to do, but here is pretty much impossible, unless you got "specific" symptoms, that I know what they are, or pay from your own pocket insane amounts of money.
I'll just continue and see what the Gastro team comes up with for such severe pain and how they can explain it. Because the doc(with huge experience) I've seen has never seen such good looking endoscopy with such a massive pain. No ulcers, nothing.
I'm hesitant to suggest it but have you thought about trying something like amitryptyline for this to see if it is more of a hypersensitivity thing rather than a physical problem? There are many positive anecdotes treating functional dyspepsia with amitryptyline. Just an idea that may not have occurred to you or your docs yet.
I don't think it is that unusual. "Healthy food" generally means whole plant foods to most people, which are fibrous, full of enzyme inhibitors, anti-nutrients, and generally quite challenging to digest. What are we really doing when we process food? Besides increasing shelf-life or palatability, we're also making it much easier to digest by removing alot of those noxious components. Of course if it's a carb-rich food, the result is something with a crazy high glycemic index. But it will be easy to digest - those two properties go hand-in-hand.
Yeah I know and agree. Yesterday had tons of carbs, fats, protein, sugar from all the stuff I've eaten, plus a homemade mexican stew with turkey and lots of vegs, with sourdough on the side, then ice-cream and felt the best. Rock fucking solid digestion even though tons of fucking calories and food. When I had a flare up, which was quite often, and felt hopeless, losing weight like mad, I just went to McDonalds, picked what I liked, and boom, pain was gone and felt good to go bed. Couldn't give a fuck about it being unhealthy at that point, as pain, the one I'm experiencing is worse. So I'll take eating junk anytime of the day over being riddled in pain, hopeless and not able to do anything at all.
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I'm hesitant to suggest it but have you thought about trying something like amitryptyline for this to see if it is more of a hypersensitivity thing rather than a physical problem? There are many positive anecdotes treating functional dyspepsia with amitryptyline. Just an idea that may not have occurred to you or your docs yet.
No I didn't but I tried Zoloft even though its different drug. Couldnt eat for 6 days, was dizzy from the morning to the evening, lost tons of weight and muscle and thrown it into the bin. I haven't seen the special Gastro team yet, just normal GPs and they now fuck all. So will see what happens when I see them. Should call me by the 20th this month. I'll read the anecdotes. Thanks mate.

p.s. also I get pain from working out my chest, seems like somekind a wound is there and ulcer, but its not. I get pain, i change position and it goes away. And can pinpoint exactly where da fuck it is. It's wild and fucked up:)
Heavy chronic stress ranks fries adrenals and then the body just don't know how to utilize nutrients and what to do with anything at all. I had a long, great chat, with a very smart women, who has CFS for close to 3 decades and nearly died from it. Thats how bad it was. She visited all best US docs regarding this issue and gave me her protocol. I have the main supplement the docs swear by just need to start. It helped her all these years. My morning and mid-day Cortisol levels are through the roof. Funny thing is 50% of success of treating this is meditation. 3x30min/day. Might sound crazy but all the proper docs agree on this and it works wonders for her. So just need to seriously dedecate time and start with it. So will start in 2 weeks when I finish the other stuff that I'm doing atm, about which I will talk once its done.

It's a multifactorial issue so I agree @FunkOdyssey this is also a psychosomatic pain coupled with gastritis as Rennie always helps me if not then drinking bicarbonate of soda. Worked for ages and still continues to work. So yeah I believe they are both involved in this pain of mine. Hopefully nothing else. Tfu tfu tfu, knock on wood.
Hey guys.

Wanted to ask what BP monitors do ya'll use and which ones you found are the most accurate and the best bang for the buck? Also needs to be bigger cuff obv. So we def want the upper arm ones and not the wrist ones as far as I've talked with different docs and peeps. Year or two ago I bought an expensive Kinetik minotor and it stopped measuring and new, bigger cuff don't work well, as they told me they need to be specifically calibrated to be precise. The nurse I've seen some days ago been using old Omron she bought on Amazon for 16gbp and says it still works good. Any good suggestions?
Hey guys.

Wanted to ask what BP monitors do ya'll use and which ones you found are the most accurate and the best bang for the buck? Also needs to be bigger cuff obv. So we def want the upper arm ones and not the wrist ones as far as I've talked with different docs and peeps. Year or two ago I bought an expensive Kinetik minotor and it stopped measuring and new, bigger cuff don't work well, as they told me they need to be specifically calibrated to be precise. The nurse I've seen some days ago been using old Omron she bought on Amazon for 16gbp and says it still works good. Any good suggestions?
I use the omron model where the control panel and machine is integrated with the cuff. My research suggested that was more accurate and durable than alternatives. The units with the separate box connected to the cuff by a tube often break. It works great for me.

I use the omron model where the control panel and machine is integrated with the cuff. My research suggested that was more accurate and durable than alternatives. The units with the separate box connected to the cuff by a tube often break. It works great for me.

Says 22-42 cm arm. They all cut off at 42cm. WTF. Think it would be accurate on a bigger arm as well? It's close to 100gbp here.
Just today got blood test results GP prescribed which was done about 2 weeks ago. Everything looking ok except the high ass Ferritin of 390 (30-300) and Transferrin Saturation of 53% (20-50). Never ever in my life I had such numbers. In 2023 while on TRT it was 124 fwiw. It was even lower before. I also have high Vitamin B12 but I was taking injections for that so it makes sense. Is this somekind of a rebound effect stopping TRT? I have no idea. What you guys think? Tomorrow or next day will be doing my own complete Iron Panel to see if anything has changed in these 2 weeks time. This is weird. What do you guys think?

Most likely GP will have me tested for Hereditary hemochromatosis. Been reading about it today. Actually never thought about it and funny thing is me and my girl have ordered Complete Iron Panel tests last week and was about to do them tomorrow. GPs blood test results came in today and here we are with something to look into.

Just today got blood test results GP prescribed which was done about 2 weeks ago. Everything looking ok except the high ass Ferritin of 390 (30-300) and Transferrin Saturation of 53% (20-50). Never ever in my life I had such numbers. In 2023 while on TRT it was 124 fwiw. It was even lower before. I also have high Vitamin B12 but I was taking injections for that so it makes sense. Is this somekind of a rebound effect stopping TRT? I have no idea. What you guys think? Tomorrow or next day will be doing my own complete Iron Panel to see if anything has changed in these 2 weeks time. This is weird. What do you guys think?

Wtf? That's crazy high. I think you need to do something to bring it down. I was taking an IP6 supplement at one point and that crashed my ferritin very quickly. You could also donate blood.
Wtf? That's crazy high. I think you need to do something to bring it down. I was taking an IP6 supplement at one point and that crashed my ferritin very quickly. You could also donate blood.
The issue is I can't donate blood, ever. My blood is not acceptable, sadly. That is why I must wait for GP appointment which will only be next month or book a new appoitment with another random one and ask for phlebotomy given these numbers. Maybe this is my fucking issue I'e been battling for all this time and just didn't know. I want to know the root cause. This is high considering 2023 on TRT it was 124 but not too high overall, from what I've read, also given Iron not over the range fwiw. I'll call in tomorrow to see if another random one can see me and go from there. I'll cut all iron going forward and cut the beef as well, as today had lots of it before even knowing all this shit smh Will read about IP6 now and see if I can get it quickly. But thats weird, isn't it mate? Maybe I have hereditary hemochromatosis as Ive read it usually pops up around 40 years of age mark esp for males.
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Wtf? That's crazy high. I think you need to do something to bring it down. I was taking an IP6 supplement at one point and that crashed my ferritin very quickly. You could also donate blood.
Just ordered Jarrow IP6 so should be here this week and will start taking it. Also won't do my own blood test I have here on the table now and will give it some time and then do it to see if its working, together with diet manipulation.

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