Seeker of Wisdom
I've been reading Dr. Ede's book since watching that interview. It does a great job explaining how typical diets damage mental health and the brain benefits of keto and carnivore. She convinced me to eat less fruit.Here’s an interview I watched recently where Dr Anthony Chaffee is interviewing a Boston psychiatrist that has transitioned into treating her patients mostly through diet. And mostly with a keto/ carnivore diet. But overall she just tries to help her patients eat as healthy as they can. Even if they don’t eat full carnivore or keto, eating better than they were will obv result in some positive changes. She’s not anti meds or anything. She still prescribes them. She just has seen much better results helping her patients improve their diets, than she’s seen meds do for them
Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health