"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Here’s an interview I watched recently where Dr Anthony Chaffee is interviewing a Boston psychiatrist that has transitioned into treating her patients mostly through diet. And mostly with a keto/ carnivore diet. But overall she just tries to help her patients eat as healthy as they can. Even if they don’t eat full carnivore or keto, eating better than they were will obv result in some positive changes. She’s not anti meds or anything. She still prescribes them. She just has seen much better results helping her patients improve their diets, than she’s seen meds do for them

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I've been reading Dr. Ede's book since watching that interview. It does a great job explaining how typical diets damage mental health and the brain benefits of keto and carnivore. She convinced me to eat less fruit.

Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health
I've been reading Dr. Ede's book since watching that interview. It does a great job explaining how typical diets damage mental health and the brain benefits of keto and carnivore. She convinced me to eat less fruit.

Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: A Powerful Plan to Improve Mood, Overcome Anxiety, and Protect Memory for a Lifetime of Optimal Mental Health

Ya I don’t think there’s any question that the brain runs much better on mainly ketones than it does mainly sugar. Ketones are like steroids for the brain

So what did she say about fruits that make u want to decrease ur consumption of them?

Just watched this earlier today, and it makes me a bit more weary about fruit than I was previously. Long story short there’s just more pesticides in our fruit than we realize, and these pesticides are most likely doing more damage to our bodies than we realize

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Ya I don’t think there’s any question that the brain runs much better on mainly ketones than it does mainly sugar. Ketones are like steroids for the brain

So what did she say about fruits that make u want to decrease ur consumption of them?

Just watched this earlier today, and it makes me a bit more weary about fruit than I was previously. Long story short there’s just more pesticides in our fruit than we realize, and these pesticides are most likely doing more damage to our bodies than we realize

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It wasn't so much negative on fruit, it was just the fact that the brain runs so much better on ketones, and the only way I can experience that more consistently is by eating less fruit. I think I am already in ketosis much of the time, except when I do eat a big serving of fruit, and it's like I can feel the energy supply being shut off afterward. My mood dips, my brain is foggier and I feel physically colder.
Have u ever tried going full carnivore? Seems like u’ve been through the wringer, and tried almost everything u could over the years, and are getting to ur wits end, as far as options go. So u really have nothing to lose at this point. I’ve just seen hundreds and hundreds of anecdotes, at this point, of people curing life long mental illnesses, including bipolar disorder, by going full carnivore. And what’s crazy, is some people notice changes within a week or two. It sometimes doesn’t take long to see symptom resolution, when u simply give the body everything it needs, without giving it one thing that messes with it. I’ve literally seen an anecdote where the difference between a woman’s autoimmune disorder being in remission or not was her putting herbs/ seasonings on her steak. She was fully carnivore otherwise. So we just don’t know what’s actually messing with us most of the time, or to what degree something is messing with us. I’ve lost count at this point how many people on keto didn’t have their issues revolve until they cut out salads. Most people would never in a million years think that salads were causing them any issues/ be the thing that was standing between them and resolving their health issues.

Here’s an interview I watched recently where Dr Anthony Chaffee is interviewing a Boston psychiatrist that has transitioned into treating her patients mostly through diet. And mostly with a keto/ carnivore diet. But overall she just tries to help her patients eat as healthy as they can. Even if they don’t eat full carnivore or keto, eating better than they were will obv result in some positive changes. She’s not anti meds or anything. She still prescribes them. She just has seen much better results helping her patients improve their diets, than she’s seen meds do for them

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Call me a wimp but my wife is a committed vegan and has Alzheimer's. I don't need her melting down on me bringing home meat. She's already becoming difficult to deal with.
I recall you suggesting a carnivore diet in regards to my illness. Dr. Emily Deans and Dr. Judy Tsafrir are the other two psychiatrists in Boston recommending a keto or carnivore diet. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist in a few weeks. I want to work this into our session and have her to tell my wife that I need to try this since nothing else works for me. Might sound crazy from a grown man but my wife keeps having meltdowns and they trigger me. I need some cover.
It wasn't so much negative on fruit, it was just the fact that the brain runs so much better on ketones, and the only way I can experience that more consistently is by eating less fruit. I think I am already in ketosis much of the time, except when I do eat a big serving of fruit, and it's like I can feel the energy supply being shut off afterward. My mood dips, my brain is foggier and I feel physically colder.

Ya I wish I didn’t value gym performance and muscle so much. If I didn’t care about that stuff I would be full carnivore. I’m well aware that I would feel much better energy wise and cognitively if I didn’t eat all the white rice, fruit and honey that I do. I can see myself being full carnivore at some point tho. It’s always in the back of my mind
@Gman86 /After our exchange, yesterday, my mind went back in time to the 1980s. In orthomolecular psychiatry, as well as what we'd now call 'functional medicine', doctors were using therapeutic fasting to treat or manage both mental and physical illnesses. My father, who'd been dealing with severe rheumatoid arthritis in his knees and feet, bought a book about that was about the many benefits of fasting, written by a medical journalist, IIRC. Prevention Magazine was a big proponent of the fasting protocol.

I found the book fascinating. Regarding mental illness, therapeutic fasting, along with an elimination diet, was being used in the Soviet Union to treat schizophrenia. James Earl Jones father, the actor Robert Earl Jones detailed how fasting cured his severe arthritis, which allowed him to resume his acting career, pointing out that in 'The Sting', playing Luther, he, not a stunt double, was hot footing it down the alley. Unfortunately, fasting didn't help my father.

My point is that for the past few years the keto diet, and now the carnivore diet, are being promoted as an answer or even 'the' answer to physical and/or psychiatric conditions. I don't doubt that for some people, it works; that, for those people, it is the answer. I'm not being critical. Even in the context of TRT, for many men, it's been a total game changer but for others, so so or, not at all.

Every time I thought something was the 'it' I was seeking to improve my health and function, it wasn't. I'm not discouraged, but neither am I going to immediately do a 180. A few years ago, on Mark's Daily Apple, on a thread about gluten, one man posted a story about a friend who, like him, had been a Rhodes Scholar. His friend had researched various diets and found that eating wheat berries, wheat grass and drinking mineral water provided him with excellent health, vitality and sexual vigor. He was an older guy on a shoe string budget and lived with two young women. Gee, that's my dream! And, for many of us, the journey continues.
@Gman86 /After our exchange, yesterday, my mind went back in time to the 1980s. In orthomolecular psychiatry, as well as what we'd now call 'functional medicine', doctors were using therapeutic fasting to treat or manage both mental and physical illnesses. My father, who'd been dealing with severe rheumatoid arthritis in his knees and feet, bought a book about that was about the many benefits of fasting, written by a medical journalist, IIRC. Prevention Magazine was a big proponent of the fasting protocol.

I found the book fascinating. Regarding mental illness, therapeutic fasting, along with an elimination diet, was being used in the Soviet Union to treat schizophrenia. James Earl Jones father, the actor Robert Earl Jones detailed how fasting cured his severe arthritis, which allowed him to resume his acting career, pointing out that in 'The Sting', playing Luther, he, not a stunt double, was hot footing it down the alley. Unfortunately, fasting didn't help my father.

My point is that for the past few years the keto diet, and now the carnivore diet, are being promoted as an answer or even 'the' answer to physical and/or psychiatric conditions. I don't doubt that for some people, it works; that, for those people, it is the answer. I'm not being critical. Even in the context of TRT, for many men, it's been a total game changer but for others, so so or, not at all.

Every time I thought something was the 'it' I was seeking to improve my health and function, it wasn't. I'm not discouraged, but neither am I going to immediately do a 180. A few years ago, on Mark's Daily Apple, on a thread about gluten, one man posted a story about a friend who, like him, had been a Rhodes Scholar. His friend had researched various diets and found that eating wheat berries, wheat grass and drinking mineral water provided him with excellent health, vitality and sexual vigor. He was an older guy on a shoe string budget and lived with two young women. Gee, that's my dream! And, for many of us, the journey continues.

Ur clearly a very intelligent and open minded person, so I’m confident that u’ll be able to recognize what advise is worth implementing, and what isnt. I’ve been heavily researching health and the human body since I can remember. Like 13. I’ll be 38 this year. And for years I researched like a madman. Talking like 6-8 hours a day between podcasts, YouTube vids, forums, etc. I did home care nursing for around 5 years, and most of my day during that time was used to research. Anytime I was driving or home by myself I’d be listening to something health related. Mostly diet related. And I have no dogs in the game. I’m as unbiased as it gets. I know that carnivore is the most optimal diet that a human can eat, but I’m subscribed to vegan channels on YouTube, vegetarian channels, even fruitarian channels. All I care about is what’s correct/ optimal. Idc what that ends up being. All my research has just clearly lead to the carnivore diet clearly the diet that’s optimal for all humans. It ends up being extremely obvious once u’ve researched diet for as long as I have. Only diet that comes close is carnivore with some healthy carb sources, like fruit and raw honey.

So the reason that guy ur referring to that ate wheat berries felt so good is the same reason that vegans/ vegetarians/ fruitarians can also feel amazing. It’s simply because they all cut out all the foods that mess with the human body. It’s the same reason therapeutic fasting can do so much healing. It’s because while ur fasting, ur giving ur body a break from the usual foods that mess with it that most people are consuming regularly. The other benefit of fasting is that whenever ur body isn’t focusing its resources/ energy on digestion, it can allocate those resources/ energy to healing. Fasting is definitely a beneficial practice. But based on my research over the years, the best way to implement fasting is most likely to intermittent fast every single day. Consume all ur calories for the day in as short of a window as u can, while not feeling like ur going to throw up from being so full every time u eat, due to having to fit so many calories into a small feeding window. And then ur body can allocate resources/ energy to healing the rest of the day.

So ya, pretty much anyone that goes from eating a diet that includes processed foods, and other foods that mess with the body, are going to feel infinitely better when they cut out most of that stuff. But I promise u that if u took any vegetarian/ vegan/ fruitarian, and had them eat a carnivore diet for a month, they would feel even better. Not to mention that they would do so much better long term, health wise.

The best way to heal and feel optimal, in all aspects, as far as diet goes, is to eat a carnivore diet, and again practice intermittent fasting everyday. U do that and I promise u that u will start to see improvements in the areas that ur struggling with. I literally guarantee it.

But diet is only one piece of the puzzle, when it comes to feeling optimal, and resolving any issues a person may be experiencing. It’s a huge piece, but just one piece nonetheless. The body works as a whole. This is why for some men trt isn’t the magic bullet they thought it would be. Or trt didn’t even help matters. It’s because u have to address the body as a whole. U can’t just pick and choose what u want to try and resolve. This can obv work at times, but it’s an extremely poor strategy. U still need to try and optimize sleep, decrease stress the best u can, stay hydrated as good as u can, maintain ur status/ value in life the best that u can, exercise regularly (specifically with weights), and maintain as many healthy and important relationships as u can, to name a few examples.
Ur clearly a very intelligent and open minded person, so I’m confident that u’ll be able to recognize what advise is worth implementing, and what isnt. I’ve been heavily researching health and the human body since I can remember. Like 13. I’ll be 38 this year. And for years I researched like a madman. Talking like 6-8 hours a day between podcasts, YouTube vids, forums, etc. I did home care nursing for around 5 years, and most of my day during that time was used to research. Anytime I was driving or home by myself I’d be listening to something health related. Mostly diet related. And I have no dogs in the game. I’m as unbiased as it gets. I know that carnivore is the most optimal diet that a human can eat, but I’m subscribed to vegan channels on YouTube, vegetarian channels, even fruitarian channels. All I care about is what’s correct/ optimal. Idc what that ends up being. All my research has just clearly lead to the carnivore diet clearly the diet that’s optimal for all humans. It ends up being extremely obvious once u’ve researched diet for as long as I have. Only diet that comes close is carnivore with some healthy carb sources, like fruit and raw honey.

So the reason that guy ur referring to that ate wheat berries felt so good is the same reason that vegans/ vegetarians/ fruitarians can also feel amazing. It’s simply because they all cut out all the foods that mess with the human body. It’s the same reason therapeutic fasting can do so much healing. It’s because while ur fasting, ur giving ur body a break from the usual foods that mess with it that most people are consuming regularly. The other benefit of fasting is that whenever ur body isn’t focusing its resources/ energy on digestion, it can allocate those resources/ energy to healing. Fasting is definitely a beneficial practice. But based on my research over the years, the best way to implement fasting is most likely to intermittent fast every single day. Consume all ur calories for the day in as short of a window as u can, while not feeling like ur going to throw up from being so full every time u eat, due to having to fit so many calories into a small feeding window. And then ur body can allocate resources/ energy to healing the rest of the day.

So ya, pretty much anyone that goes from eating a diet that includes processed foods, and other foods that mess with the body, are going to feel infinitely better when they cut out most of that stuff. But I promise u that if u took any vegetarian/ vegan/ fruitarian, and had them eat a carnivore diet for a month, they would feel even better. Not to mention that they would do so much better long term, health wise.

The best way to heal and feel optimal, in all aspects, as far as diet goes, is to eat a carnivore diet, and again practice intermittent fasting everyday. U do that and I promise u that u will start to see improvements in the areas that ur struggling with. I literally guarantee it.

But diet is only one piece of the puzzle, when it comes to feeling optimal, and resolving any issues a person may be experiencing. It’s a huge piece, but just one piece nonetheless. The body works as a whole. This is why for some men trt isn’t the magic bullet they thought it would be. Or trt didn’t even help matters. It’s because u have to address the body as a whole. U can’t just pick and choose what u want to try and resolve. This can obv work at times, but it’s an extremely poor strategy. U still need to try and optimize sleep, decrease stress the best u can, stay hydrated as good as u can, maintain ur status/ value in life the best that u can, exercise regularly (specifically with weights), and maintain as many healthy and important relationships as u can, to name a few examples.
From our many conversations, I know you're plugged in to many sources of information and can discern what's legit and what's jive. I'm certainly keeping an open mind. Fast forwarding, my stress isn't going to be reduced. As my wife declines, I'll have a heavier load to carry. I know it's not possible to care for her indefinitely and even if it was, my emotional and physical health would continue to be compromised. She could live into her 90s and I'd be dead. It's the worst of the worst. Me with untreatable bipolar, her with rapidly progressing Alzheimer's. I always go back to the words of Robert Louis Stevenson: "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well." He was sick from childhood and kept looking for a place he could comfortably live with his compromised health. A kindred spirit.
The best way to heal and feel optimal, in all aspects, as far as diet goes, is to eat a carnivore diet, and again practice intermittent fasting everyday. U do that and I promise u that u will start to see improvements in the areas that ur struggling with. I literally guarantee it.

But diet is only one piece of the puzzle, when it comes to feeling optimal, and resolving any issues a person may be experiencing. It’s a huge piece, but just one piece nonetheless.
Diet is a massive piece. Dr. Ede estimates diet is a major causative factor in 80-90% of mental illness. She recommends people start with a low carb version of paleo that eliminates nuts/seeds/nightshades. If that is enough to put your symptoms into remission you can stay there, or if more improvement is needed, ease your way into keto. You give that something like 6-8 weeks, assess, and stay there if sufficiently improved or move onto carnivore if necessary, as carnivore is the most optimal possible diet for mental health. About the impact of carnivore:

carnivore diet.webp

She includes the disclaimers there about the limitations of the survey but still, wow. Out of 479 people with psychiatric problems, 96% reported improvement on the carnivore diet. Incredible.
Ok guys thank you but no more Carnivore here lol as nobody on earth knows what diet is proper FOR YOU. It's called individuallity. I don't care what you eat as long as you feel great, can digest without issues and it helps with your fitness/other goals. There are some very smart people who are against Carnivore and there are as well smart people who are against other diets and thats ok. Because nobody from them knows what will work for you and your genetics, so please lets just stop this "mantra"- that this is the best diet. You just have no fucking idea which foods work for others and what is sustainable. Fuck all the new fads. We all gonna die at the end and you ain't living to 120 even eating Carnivore lol So just lets say we have no idea what diet is the best diet for him or her. And please no more clowns mentioned in my blog as well like Saladino, etc and all those other quacks. Just make sure you enjoy your life, the ride and don't limit yourself of foods you like because we only live once and better learn to incorporate them into your lifestyle so that they do minimal harm whatsoever, this way you can enjoy your food and life as well.

Anyway its been 12 weeks I'm off TRT cold turkey. Just finished a light workout and some mandatory cardio. Had a meal of white rice and 99% pork sausages with 0.8g of Celtic sea salt. Enjoyed it. No pain yet so life is good. Now getting ready to go out for a 20-30min walk to digest.

Also started tolerating Magnesium so taking 2g Mag Bisglycinate before bed everyday for the last 8 days and so far so good. Now since 3 days ago also started taking 2g just after workout with Ashwaghanda together. So looks like finally after all these years I'm able to tolerate 400mg/day Mag from Bisglycinate. Also finishing Dr. Ohhira Standart Japan probiotics which are well different from others and were highely recommended by serious people. Also taking Bio-Kult S. Boulaardii and started Pure Encapsulations ProFlora G.I. since yesterday. Also taking the usual VitD, Curcumin, CoQ10 and some Arginine. And having said that I'm off to buy 3l of Kefir ;)

Hope you guys are doing good and enjoy whats left from the weekend.

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Hi guys.

Been a minute, hope ya'll doing alright.

My sisters husband done some blood tests at 44 years of age. Always eats good, workouts and looks after himself since forever. No serious bad habits, non smoker as well. Does a bit of wine or tequila on the weekends but not consistently so I thoughts it be interesting to see his blood test results. He said hes feeling some moodyness and also feels some memory/cognitive issues on some days. His Testosterone and Free Calc Testosterone looks pretty good I'd say? I wonder what you guys think about his Thryroid and also low WBC for a long time. But since hes taking something for nose issues, think he has autoimmune issue or something, so I've read those meds can fuck with the WBC so maybe thats that. He's in good shape, never overweight, yet his Lipids are high af considering how he eats and overall. Def genetics play a part as well but we will try to work on that and see if we manage to control them a bit, yet I envy his high HDL, with mine always <1 and nothing helped throughout the years.

Anyway if you have a few minutes we would def appreciate a second opinion.

p.s. we will increase his VitD intake, also add cardio and try minimizing the not so healthy carbs but since his SHBG is elevated he still needs to eat them IMO.

Best regards,


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15 weeks off TRT and counting. So much happened but won't go into that. Got sick badly with flu or whatever the fuck that was and lost massive weight as couldn't eat. Went to GP, had a really interesting person in the chair, had a long, good talk and guess what decided to give Zolot a fucking trial lol So tried to take 25mg/day for 5-6 days but couldn't do it as was dizzy af from the waking till going to sleep. That shit was terrible and main thing was that it killed my apetite completely so couldn't fucking eat again. Lost probably 5-7kg in that time window. The damn scale showed numbers not seen in pretty much 2 decades when I started training...laugh and cry...so thrown that shit into the bin.

So now I'm well under the radar, light as a fucking feather. This hasn't helped my libido and sex drive,etc, of course and now I have them crashed. Need to gain weight to start feeling better downstairs and overall. First ever morning wood was this morning but I had a mini can(125 or 150ml) of coca-cola with sugar at night when going to wc, so maybe that helped a bit, or I'm recovering just now post getting off TRT cold turkey.

Getting off TRT didn't improve my digestion and chest pains I was having. Still have to eat very very careful with only selected few products and then it feels pretty much more or less OK. I also have found out that there is a condition from smoking weed chronically that effects gut motility and gastric emptying but NHS never mentioned it to me even though its right there on their fucking website. We have to do all the job for us and then go in and just ask for meds SMH. There is a study done on that and as far as I've read chronic smokers have their gut motility and/or gastric emptying slower up to 4x then a non-smoker. That is crazy af if its true.

Anyway got a lot of blood tests coming as GP ordered and also will see gastro team here and try to discuss with them what do they think of my issue. After taking more then 120g of Antibiotics for 2 weeks as my 3rd round of treatment the pain was gone for a month or more. I left for holidays, had some alcohol and shared a joint with some folks. So perhaps I got reinfected I have no idea but this is exactly what happened after the 1st round of Antibiotics. Pain was gone for a month or a few and then boom and came back. But I was still smoking and sharing joints so might have reinfected as well. But to be fair to me its a bit strange that from probably hundreds of people I talked about this nobody has ever been in such situation even though most of them do smoke weed on the daily basis for decades. I'm pretty sure they would fall into issues as well if they stopped smoking because if I smoke I can eat without any problems at all. I stop smoking and then shit starts hitting the fan. So its all connected and I'm not stopping till I figure this shit out.

Hope you guys are doing better and reaping those TRT/HRT benefits!

You can do another stool test for H. Pylori to see if it's eradicated. This is usually done at least 1 month after the last antibiotic pill, to give it time to proliferate and be detected by the test.

The fact you pain is gone for a month after antibiotics, suggests infectious origin. It may be H. Pylori or another bacteria killed by the antibiotics.

If your gastro doctors don't suggest anything, you may want to try a long course of Rifaximin. It is an anti-inflammatory antibiotic which kills intestinal bacteria selectively. It will reduce the inflammation pain, at least while taking it, and may rebalance the intestinal flora with less pathogenic bacteria.
You can do another stool test for H. Pylori to see if it's eradicated. This is usually done at least 1 month after the last antibiotic pill, to give it time to proliferate and be detected by the test.

The fact you pain is gone for a month after antibiotics, suggests infectious origin. It may be H. Pylori or another bacteria killed by the antibiotics.

If your gastro doctors don't suggest anything, you may want to try a long course of Rifaximin. It is an anti-inflammatory antibiotic which kills intestinal bacteria selectively. It will reduce the inflammation pain, at least while taking it, and may rebalance the intestinal flora with less pathogenic bacteria.
Well, fuck knows if I want to go this route, because we are leaning towards the heavy chronic stress, because serious financial issues, that are threatening. I won't go into details as its not the place. If you can't earn, you can't live, then you live in debt. Debt piles up and up and up and then you kill yourself once you can't take it no more, as your own project that you have been working for years is not producing the results it should and everything is turning to shit. I have talked with some seriously smart people and since I have tried tons and tons of things during all these years I've been battling this issue, the logic is leaning towards the high stress environment 24/7 which creates havoc on the body and mind and if I won't change/fix this nothing will work. The gut protocols will work for a month or two and then revert back to the mean feeling like shit again. I see a lot of really smart people now talking about this as nothing works for years if a person is under huge stress 24/7. I know you a smart guy as well so what do you think about this theory? Because I can't go on banging 100s of grams of antibiotics, supps, diet changes, which all work fuck all. Not sure when my gastro appoitment will be but will see what they have to tell. I don't expect much at all but will see what happens.

P.s. once I finished antibiotics, had a month or so here in the UK, then I left for holiday back home to my country. I was pain free, could eat whatever I want and happy days. My holiday was 2 weeks, 14 days. On the 13th day, last day of my stay, when visiting sister, we had some tequila with her husband and boom the pain came back with a fucking vengeance. Next day was my flight and I had to leave my family again. Coincidence? Or its all stress related, exactly the way I think.
Stress can provoke ulcers but is unavoidable response to financial difficulties. It won't stop until you find a job with more financial security.

Don't forget you can try intestinal anti-inflammatories like Smecta or Pepto-Bismol. The antibiotic Rifaximin that I suggested is unique because it's anti-inflammatory, so it is worth a try to give you break from the intestinal problem. They use it often for SIBO.
Well, fuck knows if I want to go this route, because we are leaning towards the heavy chronic stress, because serious financial issues, that are threatening. I won't go into details as its not the place. If you can't earn, you can't live, then you live in debt. Debt piles up and up and up and then you kill yourself once you can't take it no more, as your own project that you have been working for years is not producing the results it should and everything is turning to shit. I have talked with some seriously smart people and since I have tried tons and tons of things during all these years I've been battling this issue, the logic is leaning towards the high stress environment 24/7 which creates havoc on the body and mind and if I won't change/fix this nothing will work. The gut protocols will work for a month or two and then revert back to the mean feeling like shit again. I see a lot of really smart people now talking about this as nothing works for years if a person is under huge stress 24/7. I know you a smart guy as well so what do you think about this theory? Because I can't go on banging 100s of grams of antibiotics, supps, diet changes, which all work fuck all. Not sure when my gastro appoitment will be but will see what they have to tell. I don't expect much at all but will see what happens.

P.s. once I finished antibiotics, had a month or so here in the UK, then I left for holiday back home to my country. I was pain free, could eat whatever I want and happy days. My holiday was 2 weeks, 14 days. On the 13th day, last day of my stay, when visiting sister, we had some tequila with her husband and boom the pain came back with a fucking vengeance. Next day was my flight and I had to leave my family again. Coincidence? Or its all stress related, exactly the way I think.
I've heard multiple doctors report ( I think Dr Gundry was one of them) that they have seen people here in the US who cannot tolerate what products who then go to Europe (Italy specifically I think) and eat wheat products with no problem, so that may be an important clue for you that something in your diet is the issue.
So its been like 3+ months since my girl started HRT. Doing first blood tests EOM and very eager to see whats happening under the hood.

Helped her with stamina, energy, fatigue, she got stronger and also lifted her brain fog(dont recall if all or partial, will update).

She is on- 10mg of TE per week injected Sub-Q. Also 3 pumps of OestroGel 750mcg per pump. And also cycles her Utrogestan Progesterone days 15-26 as recommended by doctor.

Now the interesting thing- it has done absolutely fuck all for her libido and sex drive. It sucks but IIWII until we get bloods and see whats happening. She never ever had sex drive and libido in her life. Because she had a lot of trauma when growing up, lost both her parents in her 20s, then had a toxic husband for many years. Probably all this is connected and a part of the puzzle.

Also we will test her Iron panel as well to see whats happening there, as she had low ferritin as she is anemic since the birth. We managed to increase her Ferritin into the 125+ level in some months of supplementaion of good, working, Iron products. She is still taking 54mg of Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate daily. So I wonder if thats not too much now and if her Iron stores and transportation is not fully loaded or even overloaded as that is toxic and unhealthy.

She is under huge stress at work as well and also does graveyard shifts which are fucking unhealthy for anyone 40+. But we will change that, step by step. Her diet is really good, water intake on point, salt intake on point, minerals, vitamins, etc also there, but they never made pretty much any effect at all. BP great. Glucose a bit higher then I would like given the fact that she vapes and was a smoker for like 20+ yrs. Her Thyroid is good and everything else more or less was good last time we checked before starting HRT.

So will be really interesting to see how her bloods look going forward and what changed we see from HRT. A bit weird that T hasnt given her any libido/sex drive boost so maybe just maybe she aint responding well to Sub-Q? Will see and I will post the complete tests once we do em EOM.

If anyone have any ideas- please drop a post and just know that I value and appreciate everyone sharing their opinions and experience.

Much love fam. Hope ya'll are killing it!

Chat soon.

So its been like 3+ months since my girl started HRT. Doing first blood tests EOM and very eager to see whats happening under the hood.

Helped her with stamina, energy, fatigue, she got stronger and also lifted her brain fog(dont recall if all or partial, will update).

She is on- 10mg of TE per week injected Sub-Q. Also 3 pumps of OestroGel 750mcg per pump. And also cycles her Utrogestan Progesterone days 15-26 as recommended by doctor.

Now the interesting thing- it has done absolutely fuck all for her libido and sex drive. It sucks but IIWII until we get bloods and see whats happening. She never ever had sex drive and libido in her life. Because she had a lot of trauma when growing up, lost both her parents in her 20s, then had a toxic husband for many years. Probably all this is connected and a part of the puzzle.

Also we will test her Iron panel as well to see whats happening there, as she had low ferritin as she is anemic since the birth. We managed to increase her Ferritin into the 125+ level in some months of supplementaion of good, working, Iron products. She is still taking 54mg of Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate daily. So I wonder if thats not too much now and if her Iron stores and transportation is not fully loaded or even overloaded as that is toxic and unhealthy.

She is under huge stress at work as well and also does graveyard shifts which are fucking unhealthy for anyone 40+. But we will change that, step by step. Her diet is really good, water intake on point, salt intake on point, minerals, vitamins, etc also there, but they never made pretty much any effect at all. BP great. Glucose a bit higher then I would like given the fact that she vapes and was a smoker for like 20+ yrs. Her Thyroid is good and everything else more or less was good last time we checked before starting HRT.

So will be really interesting to see how her bloods look going forward and what changed we see from HRT. A bit weird that T hasnt given her any libido/sex drive boost so maybe just maybe she aint responding well to Sub-Q? Will see and I will post the complete tests once we do em EOM.

If anyone have any ideas- please drop a post and just know that I value and appreciate everyone sharing their opinions and experience.

Much love fam. Hope ya'll are killing it!

Chat soon.

My immediate reaction is that stress/nightwork is such a libido killer, likely due to the cortisol/adrenalin/circadian disruption that almost nothing is likely to over-ride that. I have heard of women getting benefit from DHEA and PT-141, in addition to T, however only when there are no major over-riding factors. I am not as negative on nicotine as some people and I have heard of it being a libido booster, but I would guess it also creates a sympathetic nervous system response and could therefore make a stress response worse. Also, I see more and more forward-thinking clinicians coming to the realization that unresolved emotional trauma will stand in the way of healing, and medical interventions are unlikely to fully resolve the issue until the emotional trauma is resolved. There are various views and approaches on this. There is something called the Emotional Freedom Technique, although I prefer a more spiritual approach, but addressing that is some way is likely to be necessary for complete healing. Just some ideas. Good luck with it.
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regarding the diet talk, if anyone is looking for another rabbit hole to dive in, take a look at mycotoxins in food and feed, there is a lot of data on it, but it is less discussed, it has well been recognized as a problem. The moldy feeds with toxins can lead to animal produce containing mycotoxins as well. If someone was exposed to mold toxins in a living environment, they might be more sensitive to them through eating. The list is too fucking long for things that contain them, but grains, nuts, dried stuff in general for one, also coffee, beer wine.
So its been like 3+ months since my girl started HRT. Doing first blood tests EOM and very eager to see whats happening under the hood.

Helped her with stamina, energy, fatigue, she got stronger and also lifted her brain fog(dont recall if all or partial, will update).

She is on- 10mg of TE per week injected Sub-Q. Also 3 pumps of OestroGel 750mcg per pump. And also cycles her Utrogestan Progesterone days 15-26 as recommended by doctor.

Now the interesting thing- it has done absolutely fuck all for her libido and sex drive. It sucks but IIWII until we get bloods and see whats happening. She never ever had sex drive and libido in her life. Because she had a lot of trauma when growing up, lost both her parents in her 20s, then had a toxic husband for many years. Probably all this is connected and a part of the puzzle.

Also we will test her Iron panel as well to see whats happening there, as she had low ferritin as she is anemic since the birth. We managed to increase her Ferritin into the 125+ level in some months of supplementaion of good, working, Iron products. She is still taking 54mg of Ferrous Bisglycinate Chelate daily. So I wonder if thats not too much now and if her Iron stores and transportation is not fully loaded or even overloaded as that is toxic and unhealthy.

She is under huge stress at work as well and also does graveyard shifts which are fucking unhealthy for anyone 40+. But we will change that, step by step. Her diet is really good, water intake on point, salt intake on point, minerals, vitamins, etc also there, but they never made pretty much any effect at all. BP great. Glucose a bit higher then I would like given the fact that she vapes and was a smoker for like 20+ yrs. Her Thyroid is good and everything else more or less was good last time we checked before starting HRT.

So will be really interesting to see how her bloods look going forward and what changed we see from HRT. A bit weird that T hasnt given her any libido/sex drive boost so maybe just maybe she aint responding well to Sub-Q? Will see and I will post the complete tests once we do em EOM.

If anyone have any ideas- please drop a post and just know that I value and appreciate everyone sharing their opinions and experience.

Much love fam. Hope ya'll are killing it!

Chat soon.


Hey is she still using the nicotine patches?

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