"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

So a little update so far 10 months on TRT at +- 100mg/week. Currently on E5D protocol FWIW.

Energy seems limitless.
Libido/Sex drive sweet as well = same as before TRT.
Erections proper= same as before TRT.
Body composition def improved.
Muscles look way more alive and full even on low bf%.
Sleep no problems = same as before TRT.

Noticed losing hair density and a lot from top of the head.
Elevated BP and RHR.
Likely more GERD pain but still questionable as haven't cured H-Pylori

I might have missed something here and there but these are probable the most important ones for me. I have started my TRT with TT 470 and cFT 5.7 FWIW to see if raising FT will help me feel and perform better. So far I think that with all the work and time I've put in it- it's not worth the hustle. Seems like at the current point in time TRT using Test only is not something my body agrees with. If my BP would be good and RHR wouldn't be elevated I would still think about going bald and sacrificing my hair for them gainz but now- nah, fuck that. I still have a lot of medication/vitamins/supps coming to see and will start curing H-Pylori with tons of antibiotics, etc, but I'm thinking that for now Testosterone based TRT is just out of the window for me. I'm well more cool, calm and collected staying 100% natural, maintaining a good diet, as always the last 2 decades, working out, optimizing my sleep and stress levels. I will give BP medications a go once they arrive soon but TBH I don't want to be on any medication for the sake of gym gains, at least now, as I'm only 40 years old, and would still prefer to keep my hair, for fucks sake lol

So thats that. Will see how my BP looks once after the antibiotic treatment. Will log it, follow it and then decide what to do. Dose reduction doesn't do shit for my BP so it seems like a systematic elevation FWIW. Might be the E2, might be more DHT, might be a combination, or another 100 million things. So given my complicated situation in life, I'm not down to experiment going into next year. Will give it till this years end and then hang the gloves. It's been an interesting experiment so far but more or less I'm leaning towards staying natural at least for now or looking for other ways to TRT to try and reduce the BP without BP meds and 100 gazzilions of supplements. Mind you diet and salt manipulations does't work either. Although I still haven't tried to minimise sodium intake say to 1500mg/day and see what happens or even go without salt for the sake of experiment and take notes. So might do that, but for now I need to ingest more Potassium to reach the daily 4500mg threashold and more magnesium even though its doing fuck all for it LOL

Some guys are lucky and can run 2-3g of test without any side effects and some, like me, will have a BP elevation even at 100mg LMAO Probably boils down to my history and all the shit that I've done and taken when was young and also genetics. In 10-20 years we should have a lot more data on how to navigate these muddy waters and then I will def be looking to do it all again just better and more prepared and hopefully more in peace with life as now the stress levels are through the roof on the constant basis and been like that for years. Ain't cool but IIWII. Gotta man da fuck up and push though and never ever give up!

That is a Manly post Brother. Keep it going and I wish you the best in your quest!
@Belekas So u wouldn’t try nandrolone solo or a nandrolone base with a tiny bit of test before quitting all together? U would’t have to worry about ur hair on those protocols. There’s guys that have actually reported improvements in hair loss/ thinning when going from natty to nandrolone solo, due to having no DHT in their system, and just DHN, which is much weaker than DHT at the receptor level
They say you either win or you learn. When it comes to TRT, I guess we're both in learn club! One of the benefits is a newfound appreciation for your automatically functioning HPTA that you don't have to give a second thought to. Another perk should be a substantial savings of time and headspace when you reclaim everything you were dedicating to TRT research and management. I haven't realized that one yet though because I'm still hanging around for some reason. I think I'm holding out hope that I will find a way to make it work at some point.

Natty life isn't so bad though, unless your baseline is seriously and officially hypogonadal. If you want to push the science on this forward, you should try to find some good cognitive tests online to perform before and after you come off. My bet is your performance goes way up once you're off. And then the hair gains -- some guys are flying to foreign countries trying to get hair transplants to match what is going to naturally grow back for you once you quit. The future is still bright my friend.
I guess we both are mate. I've been involved with this for a long long time as far as I can remember but will put all on hold and just try to empty my headspace going forward. I hope you do too and enjoy the peace and harmony. We have a saying where I'm from- hope is the mother of fools and mother never leaves her kids.

Yeah can't be bothered with all the sides that I'm getting while doing 95% more then all the others and yet it doesn't work the way it should. I've just checked my last years photo of around 12 months before and oh man I had so much hair and thick af and compared to now basically I can see my fucking scalp lol smh. I hope the hair grows back. Thanks for encouragement mate so lets see what the future holds for us!

@Belekas So u wouldn’t try nandrolone solo or a nandrolone base with a tiny bit of test before quitting all together? U would’t have to worry about ur hair on those protocols. There’s guys that have actually reported improvements in hair loss/ thinning when going from natty to nandrolone solo, due to having no DHT in their system, and just DHN, which is much weaker than DHT at the receptor level
Nah, I will give it a go because I have already bought Deca but slow acting not the NPP one. I should be getting in in around 1-2 weeks time. If it makes me feel myself again and normalizes my BP(doubt that), feeling hot all the time, and makes me cool, calm and collected without the hair shedding, etc- then I will seriously give it a good thought.

That being said, how would you approach it from my current 100mg E5D T only protocol? I have bought only 10ml vial but theres also good lab/labs here in the UK that is said to produce top quallity UGL and supplies to the UK IFBB PROS so getting some shouldn't be a problem. Sucks that I can't get Pharma grade but IIWII. And like I said I also bought some Pharma grade 10ml of Test-E as well lol

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For BP I'll try a good multispectrum Vitamin-E next month with a big dose of Magnesium which I currently take. Probably won't be able to do the big doses of sunflower and hemp seeds like TC suggests as I won't digest that much now thats for sure. Anyway will see and I'll post the plan when I get my big med/supp shippment from back home which is done and just waiting for shippment.
Nah, I will give it a go because I have already bought Deca but slow acting not the NPP one. I should be getting in in around 1-2 weeks time. If it makes me feel myself again and normalizes my BP(doubt that), feeling hot all the time, and makes me cool, calm and collected without the hair shedding, etc- then I will seriously give it a good thought.

That being said, how would you approach it from my current 100mg E5D T only protocol? I have bought only 10ml vial but theres also good lab/labs here in the UK that is said to produce top quallity UGL and supplies to the UK IFBB PROS so getting some shouldn't be a problem. Sucks that I can't get Pharma grade but IIWII. And like I said I also bought some Pharma grade 10ml of Test-E as well lol

Ya give it a shot man. Most guys I know that have tried a nandrolone base have loved it. And u usually don’t have to worry about androgenic sides like acne and hair loss, which is obv an awesome bonus. And it’s really nice for a lot of guys to be able to increase their androgens, without needing to even think about controlling/ decreasing downstream metabolites like DHT, E2 and/ or prolactin.

Hmmm, transitioning to different compounds and/ or esters is tough. It’s hard to do it perfectly. I would honestly just keep it simple and start the deca at whatever dose u plan on running it at. So if u plan on using 200mg/ week, and want to continue injecting E5D, I would just start taking 143mg once E5D. And once u start that, I would drop ur test down to around 20-40mg/ week. Let’s say 30mg. So once u start the nandrolone, I would just lower ur test dose at the same time down to 30mg/ week, which would mean u need to inject 22mg of test E5D. So basically once u get ur nandrolone in, I would just start injecting 143mg of deca, and 22mg of test E5D, for a total of 200mg deca and 30mg test per week total. That’s assuming u want to use 200mg of deca as ur base. U can obv use less if u’d like. That’s just the dose I took of deca the entire time I was using it as my base.

The key is to not give up as ur hormones stabilize on this protocol. It’s gonna take a little time for the extra test to get out of ur system, and for the deca to build up. U might feel pretty crappy while that’s all happening. But just at least stick things out until ur hormones all stabilize, and see how u feel and what u think of the deca base

I had to go through something similar not too long ago. I was using test prop and NPP, and I wanted to transition to test E and deca. Same dosages in both protocols. I didn’t feel the best during the transition, but it wasn’t horrible. Definitely felt better once everything stabilized
Ya give it a shot man. Most guys I know that have tried a nandrolone base have loved it. And u usually don’t have to worry about androgenic sides like acne and hair loss, which is obv an awesome bonus. And it’s really nice for a lot of guys to be able to increase their androgens, without needing to even think about controlling/ decreasing downstream metabolites like DHT, E2 and/ or prolactin.
I will as I'm already 10 months deep in this experiment of mine. I never ever had any acne in the last 20 years I've been dabbling in AAS but the hair loss thing is real I believe, as I compared my picture to before TRT last year and def I see my damn scalp shining now trough all the thin hair thats left lol. And my hair is thick and strong like my pops and zero bald guys in my family fwiw. I don't believe I started losing hair like crazy just because I turned 40 this year. Seriously believe its the TRT thats causing that. I guess we will see what happens on the deca base. Not having to worry about androgenic sides is def a bonus.
Hmmm, transitioning to different compounds and/ or esters is tough. It’s hard to do it perfectly. I would honestly just keep it simple and start the deca at whatever dose u plan on running it at. So if u plan on using 200mg/ week, and want to continue injecting E5D, I would just start taking 143mg once E5D. And once u start that, I would drop ur test down to around 20-40mg/ week. Let’s say 30mg. So once u start the nandrolone, I would just lower ur test dose at the same time down to 30mg/ week, which would mean u need to inject 22mg of test E5D. So basically once u get ur nandrolone in, I would just start injecting 143mg of deca, and 22mg of test E5D, for a total of 200mg deca and 30mg test per week total. That’s assuming u want to use 200mg of deca as ur base. U can obv use less if u’d like. That’s just the dose I took of deca the entire time I was using it as my base.
Yes that makes sense and will be easy for me to do. I can pin 2x week as well, see no problem in that. Can pin E5D, whatever works. My deca will be 250mg/ml so 0.8ml per week of deca and if Test-E will be 250mg/ml as well then might even do 0.1ml/week for 25mg of test only. TBF I have no idea what amount of deca to start as a base, can go lower but also can go higher and just do 1ml 250mg/week so I get 10:1 ratio to test fwiw. But since I'm a conservative guy maybe its better to roll with 200mg of deca per week and then take it from there. Even though being conservative with my TRT these last 10 months hasn't taken me anywhere cool LMAO just learned a few things along the way.
The key is to not give up as ur hormones stabilize on this protocol. It’s gonna take a little time for the extra test to get out of ur system, and for the deca to build up. U might feel pretty crappy while that’s all happening. But just at least stick things out until ur hormones all stabilize, and see how u feel and what u think of the deca base

I had to go through something similar not too long ago. I was using test prop and NPP, and I wanted to transition to test E and deca. Same dosages in both protocols. I didn’t feel the best during the transition, but it wasn’t horrible. Definitely felt better once everything stabilized
How long do you think the transition period takes, somewhere around 4-8 weeks? I'm down to whatever it takes as I'm already a guinea pig lol

I wish I could get my BP under control without the medication but seems that I'm very sensitive to testosterone and that wont happen even when doing all the required stuff, taking supplements, eating right, doing cardio, getting in the daily steps, etc etc. And going leaner it just doesn't make sense as i'm lightweight baby lol Would be very cool that once transitiotning to the deca base the BP would drop but not sure if thats reasonable to even think about it. Anyway one way or another I have AnabolicDoc's recommended BP medication stack coming in so will get that under control.

Remind me what is your current protocol mate and I assume you feel great on it? Thanks for taking your time to reply. Appreciate it big time!

I will as I'm already 10 months deep in this experiment of mine. I never ever had any acne in the last 20 years I've been dabbling in AAS but the hair loss thing is real I believe, as I compared my picture to before TRT last year and def I see my damn scalp shining now trough all the thin hair thats left lol. And my hair is thick and strong like my pops and zero bald guys in my family fwiw. I don't believe I started losing hair like crazy just because I turned 40 this year. Seriously believe its the TRT thats causing that. I guess we will see what happens on the deca base. Not having to worry about androgenic sides is def a bonus.

Yes that makes sense and will be easy for me to do. I can pin 2x week as well, see no problem in that. Can pin E5D, whatever works. My deca will be 250mg/ml so 0.8ml per week of deca and if Test-E will be 250mg/ml as well then might even do 0.1ml/week for 25mg of test only. TBF I have no idea what amount of deca to start as a base, can go lower but also can go higher and just do 1ml 250mg/week so I get 10:1 ratio to test fwiw. But since I'm a conservative guy maybe its better to roll with 200mg of deca per week and then take it from there. Even though being conservative with my TRT these last 10 months hasn't taken me anywhere cool LMAO just learned a few things along the way.

How long do you think the transition period takes, somewhere around 4-8 weeks? I'm down to whatever it takes as I'm already a guinea pig lol

I wish I could get my BP under control without the medication but seems that I'm very sensitive to testosterone and that wont happen even when doing all the required stuff, taking supplements, eating right, doing cardio, getting in the daily steps, etc etc. And going leaner it just doesn't make sense as i'm lightweight baby lol Would be very cool that once transitiotning to the deca base the BP would drop but not sure if thats reasonable to even think about it. Anyway one way or another I have AnabolicDoc's recommended BP medication stack coming in so will get that under control.

Remind me what is your current protocol mate and I assume you feel great on it? Thanks for taking your time to reply. Appreciate it big time!

Ya u never know man, the deca base might have ur BP in a better place. The body can heal in amazing ways tho. Don’t ever give up on getting ur blood pressure in range without meds. As long as u continue to live as healthy as u can, and there’s not permanent damage done to ur kidneys, u can eventually get ur BP in range without meds. The thing that might be really hurting u is stress. I think u mentioned ur very stressed atm. Might be hard to have a consistently good BP if ur in a state of stress often. So hopefully that’s something u can work on and improve upon

Ya I think the transition period will feel like it’s mostly over after a month, or alright before that. Let’s say a month to be on the safe side tho. People think compounds like deca take a really long time to stabilize and reach steady state, but they‘re thinking about complete steady state. A man will reach close to full steady state weeks prior to that. The majority of a person‘s level of a compound like test cyp or even deca will be pretty close to steady state quite a bit earlier than they think. The majority of the intended total dosage is in the system after 2-3 weeks, with deca, and then it takes another 2-3 weeks for the remainder of the total dosage to trickle into the body. But a good hefty percentage is in the system relatively quick. That’s why guys using deca can feel and see differences with it after only 2-3 weeks, when full steady state is achieved in more like 5 to 5 1/2 weeks.

im currently on test E, deca, primo, and Oxandrolone sublingually preworkout 3x/ week. Hit me up in our PM thread for details on dosages

and most of the guys I know using a nandrolone base and feeling really good are using 200-300mg of nandrolone per week. So I would personally use 150-200mg of nandrolone as ur base, if I were u. Well who am I kidding, if I were u I would use at least 200mg of nandrolone as my base lol. But I know ur more focused on health atm, so maybe stick to 200mg. Can’t really go wrong with that dosage, imo. Good middle ground dosage between health, feeling good and gains. A nandrolone base can definitely work with less than 200mg of nandrolone tho. I’ve said it before, but ever since I brought up the idea of a nandrolone based protocol to the PA that I do my consults with, he chose to try it himself, and has been on it ever since. He said he prefers it to a test based protocol. He uses 140mg of deca and 35mg of test cyp per week. He does daily subQ injections with both. He said if he doesn’t wakeup with morning wood, he skips his test injection, let’s his E2 come down slightly, and he said that usually brings the morning wood right back
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Looking to order a lot of supplements and magnesium and calcium are a few of them. Looking into pharma grade chloride versions of both and will add Potassium Chloride as well as have that already. Was thinking getting Magnesium Bisglycinate powder, pharma grade, but I think I'll roll with Chloride for now and see if I can tolerate that without upset stumach or any other side effects. Also about to get my shippment from home with lots of meds, supps, etc, so will make a post when they arrive as well so you guys know what I will be taking, etc.

Also looking to get Lugol Iodine Solution and add some of that to the regiment as well. All these pharma grade from amazon. Picked esp these as they claim to be pharma grade. Hard to know which ones are working which ones fugazzi if the company is not well known.

It's been long sourcing meds, suppls, vitamins, etc and shipping them from back home to the UK but it should be with me early next week FWIW. Patience is a virtue, but it's time to start healing and moving forward. Fingers crossed and hope the package reaches me without any delays or issues.

Started reading this page about Magnesium today:

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Looking to order a lot of supplements and magnesium and calcium are a few of them. Looking into pharma grade chloride versions of both and will add Potassium Chloride as well as have that already. Was thinking getting Magnesium Bisglycinate powder, pharma grade, but I think I'll roll with Chloride for now and see if I can tolerate that without upset stumach or any other side effects. Also about to get my shippment from home with lots of meds, supps, etc, so will make a post when they arrive as well so you guys know what I will be taking, etc.

Also looking to get Lugol Iodine Solution and add some of that to the regiment as well. All these pharma grade from amazon. Picked esp these as they claim to be pharma grade. Hard to know which ones are working which ones fugazzi if the company is not well known.

It's been long sourcing meds, suppls, vitamins, etc and shipping them from back home to the UK but it should be with me early next week FWIW. Patience is a virtue, but it's time to start healing and moving forward. Fingers crossed and hope the package reaches me without any delays or issues.

Started reading this page about Magnesium today:

This is the lugols brand I always use. It’s cheap, effective, and the bottle will basically last u forever lol. Hopefully they ship to where u are


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